Morning, the Heir

Chapter 119: delete permanently


After Lin Xiaomi had a nightmare in the middle of the night and was awakened, she couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Originally, he wanted to get up and get a glass of water, but seeing Wen Jing lying on the sofa sound asleep, he didn't want to wake her up.

Lin Xiaomi kept his eyes open until dawn.

She asked Wen Jing to go to the magazine office to ask for a few days off for her. She still has some things to deal with.

She first went to the police station to file a case, but to her surprise, the police station refused to accept her at all.

The reason was that the police had been dispatched that day, but nothing had been gained, and the person from the Lin family had been invited to come back and record a statement, and there was no problem.

Lin Xiaomi actually thought about this point before.

It is impossible for the Lin family to leave any clues waiting for her to investigate, but she never thought that the police station did not even record the transcript for her.

Lin Xiaomi left the police station and went directly to a lawyer.

But the lawyer's answer was: "This matter is very difficult. First of all, you don't have any evidence. You can't believe it based on one-sided words. What's more, what you said is simply unimaginable. Maybe the other party will accuse you of false accusation. , sorry, I can't help you."

Lin Xiaomi really didn't expect that the police refused to accept her, and even the lawyers were unwilling to help her.

She didn't believe it, and went to many lawyers, until an older female lawyer told her from the side: "The Lin family and the Li family are involved in this matter, and there is no real evidence. Where should such a case be placed?" In a law firm, people won't pick you up unless they don't want to hang out in Liancheng anymore. Ms. Lin, I sympathize with your experience, but sometimes, people have to learn to bow to reality, or wait for you to have new evidence before coming back. Find me, and I'll see if I can help you."

Lin Xiaomi left the lawyer's office and walked slowly on the road.

Looking at all kinds of people coming and going.

For the first time, I felt that she really didn't know this society before.

She is full of confidence and wants to make them pay the price. She thinks that in this society, the rich cannot cover the sky with one hand. She believes that at least there is justice in this world.

But in the past few days, she has run into walls everywhere, and now she knows how naive she was before.

When Lin Xiaomi returned home and looked at the familiar apartment, she realized that she was about to lose control of how she missed him.

She is so tired and wronged.

She found that she was much more fragile now than in the past. It turned out that she was used to relying on him. When he was by his side, she didn't seem to be afraid of anything.

With him by his side, there seems to be no difficulty in this world.

In her opinion, things that are difficult to achieve, he can solve them with just a few fingers.

Lin Xiaomi couldn't help thinking, what would he do if he was still alive and by her side at this time

Lin Xiaomi lay in bed all day, and at night, she called Sun Ru and asked him to meet.

"Brother, this is how things are. My grandmother is dead, and Lin Hai is dead. I have thought about everything I can think of, but I can't shake them at all. Our magazine is not always upholding justice and daring to expose others. Don’t dare to expose it? I want to publish this matter in a magazine, hoping to use the pressure of public opinion to make the society pay attention to this matter, so as to give justice to the dead.”

Lin Xiaomi looked at Sun Ru's face, thought about what the lawyer had said, and said with some difficulty: "Brother, I know that if this matter is reported, the magazine will definitely offend the Lin family, the Li family and even the Xue family, but I really… "

Sun Ru raised her hand and interrupted her: "You don't have to worry about this. When the editor-in-chief founded this magazine, his intention was to dare to expose and speak up. I agreed on behalf of the editor-in-chief. You should compile the manuscript as soon as possible and strive to be published. In this issue of the magazine, I will reserve a good place for you."

Tears welled up in Lin Xiaomi's eyes, she didn't know what to say, and finally said, "Thank you, brother."

Sun Ru's always serious face showed a rare bit of pity at this time, and patted her on the shoulder: "Be strong, there are too many unfair things in this world, we can't completely ban them, but we must If you have the courage to fight, you have to remember that even if the whole world abandons you, you can’t abandon yourself, you know?”

Lin Xiaomi sniffed and nodded vigorously.

Yes, she never gives up!

Lin Xiaomi returned to the apartment and immediately took out her notebook to write.

But looking at the notebook, a lot of memories suddenly flooded into her mind.

Memories of snatching the computer from him, memories of him cracking her password, memories of him complacently making money by investing in stocks.


In this notebook, she kept her memories of saving Xue Haolin's photos.

Lin Xiaomi found the folder with ease, but the name of the folder in the original memory was changed at this time—ugly!


If you think about it with your toes, this must be something bad he did.

She could even see in front of her eyes that he changed his name while curling his lips, and then looked at his masterpiece with a smug expression on his face.

Lin Xiaomi didn't open that folder again, but directly deleted it permanently.

When Wen Jing came, she was sitting on the sofa writing a manuscript.

"What are you doing? Don't work now, let's go to bed early." Wen Jing frowned as she watched her holding a notebook and typing.

Lin Xiaomi shook his head: "I want to make their crimes known to the world, and let everyone know their despicable behavior! Brother has already promised me that I will publish this manuscript in a magazine."

Wen Jing's eyes flashed: "Really? That's great! You haven't eaten yet, I'll make you something to eat. With food in your stomach, you have the strength to continue fighting."

Lin Xiaomi paused with her fingertips, looked at her friend and said gratefully: "Thank you, Wen Jing, at this time, only you are worried about my body and are willing to stay by my side."

"What are you talking about, we are friends."


The next day, Lin Xiaomi went to the magazine office in person and handed over the manuscript to Sun Ru. Sun Ru read it, frowned and nodded in satisfaction, and took her directly into the editor's office. I made a little revision and decided to publish it in this issue of the magazine.

Lin Xiaomi has even seen hope, the dawn of justice.

But the next day, the day of publication, Lin Xiaomi came to the magazine office, and Sun Ru led her into the corridor.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to publish the manuscript."

Lin Xiaomi froze for a moment, and a faint smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Brother, stop joking, didn't we all discuss it yesterday? Is there something wrong with the manuscript? It doesn't matter, you tell me, I will go immediately change."