Morning, the Heir

Chapter 172: He is not willing


"The course I'm talking about is physical training. If you practice self-defense well, you will be able to protect yourself when you meet one or two bad guys when you go out, right?"

Leng Yihuang's words sounded like nonsense to Lin Xiaomi: "What kind of bad guy can I meet, I need to be beaten up like this! There is no law in broad daylight?"

Lin Xiaomi's words were full of momentum. After she finished speaking, she curled her lips and added a little embarrassedly: "And don't you still have you? What does your husband do for food? Don't you know how to protect me?"

As far as his skill is concerned, she has already been amazed. With him around, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Let alone one or two bad guys, she is not afraid of ten or twenty bad guys.

Hearing this, Leng Yihuang suddenly fell silent.

The rough fingertips gently rubbed against her delicate face, her eyes were secretive.

After a while, he spoke again, with a low and hoarse voice: "I'm just a human being, not a god, and I'm not omnipotent."

The thin eagle lips were pursed into a straight line: "Even if I tried my best, that day... No, I still couldn't save you, and let you be taken away by Lin Qingtian?"

Leng Yihuang spoke expressionlessly, even without any ups and downs in his voice.

But Lin Xiaomi suddenly seemed to feel the restlessness in his heart.

That day, he held a knife and was surrounded by men in black. He was covered in blood and even got a gunshot wound on his leg, but he still refused to fall down.

The reason is to save her.

But he still couldn't save her.

After all, a person's ability is limited.

And he really didn't want that to happen again.

He can't take it.

Therefore, instead of making him helpless and unable to save her, it is better to let her be able to protect herself, at least... to be able to escape.

Lin Xiaomi's brain seemed to suddenly light up, and he felt his intention in an instant.

"But... But didn't you have no memory at that time? But now you have recovered your identity? You are fully capable of protecting me, aren't you?"

He is the eldest grandson of the President!

He is the one who stands at the center of power. Isn't it easy to protect her

Leng Yihuang smiled sarcastically: "It is because I regained my identity and you married me that I have to train you, otherwise you will be very dangerous."

Lin Xiaomi lost her mind again: "What do you mean? Is it dangerous to marry you?"

Leng Yihuang nodded lightly: "Unfortunately, baby, you are right, remember what I said at the time? Marrying me may not be a good thing, maybe it opened Pandora's box, those who want Those who deal with me may have difficulty in attacking me, so the next best thing is to choose you, and you are my weakness, as long as they catch you, I will give you whatever they want, but sometimes, Maybe they don't want anything, they just want your life, I absolutely can't allow that kind of thing to happen! So, you need to be strong, you don't need to be able to protect anyone, and you don't need to be able to defeat the enemy, as long as you When you are in danger, you can escape."

Lin Xiaomi's tears had stopped unconsciously. She was hugged by him on his lap, leaning softly in his arms, thinking over and over again what he said with her poor brain cells.

"But you are the eldest grandson of the President, how can anyone dare to harm you?"

Leng Yihuang pinched her nose: "If no one dares, then why do you think I lost my memory and was picked up by you?"

Only then did Lin Xiaomi realize: "That's right, why did you lose your memory?"

She suddenly remembered that the clothes on his body were stained with blood at that time, hanging on his body like pieces of rags. At that time, she was still a little bit emotional, could a car crash hit a person's clothes like that? That's too miserable!

Sure enough, she didn't hit it! And the injuries on his body, even the loss of memory, have nothing to do with her, right? !

He also put all the responsibility on her, enslaved her all day long, and asked her to be his nurse! Be a nanny! Be a maid!


Leng Yihuang didn't notice the change in her eyes, and replied: "I was out at sea and met an assassin. Although I caught him, I didn't expect that the bomb they planted on my yacht would be too late for inspection. …”

Leng Yihuang paused as he spoke, and didn't dare to go into too much detail, for fear that she would be scared, but when he lowered his head, the woman in his arms suddenly looked at him with that kind of hatred.

"What's wrong?"

"I just said that I didn't hit you, how could my little broken car hit you so badly!" Lin Xiaomi was indignant: "You still rely on me, you, you are obviously the one who hit you! Who Picked you up and brought you home, it is clear that you are the one who insisted on me!"

Lin Xiaomi was so angry that she couldn't help reaching out to grab his ear: "You still enslave me!!"

Leng Yihuang was amused by her, and took off her little hand: "Okay, okay, if you pull the ear again, it will be pulled off."


"There should be moles around me. Otherwise, my whereabouts have been kept secret. How did they know that I would use a yacht to go to sea, even planted a bomb in advance, and deceived the bodyguard's inspection? Sometimes, it is easy to hide a hidden arrow. "

Lin Xiaomi let out a heavy breath: "I understand."

"What do you unserstand?"

"Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch. I originally wanted to eat and drink with you, but who knows, marrying you is even more dangerous. Maybe my life will be over at some point."

Leng Yihuang smiled and listened to her serious talk, and asked, "Well, what's the matter, do you regret it?"

Lin Xiaomi couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "You liar! Back then, you purposely put on a broken mask to deceive me. You were simply cheating on the marriage! You cheated on the marriage!"

"Then do you regret it?"

Lin Xiaomi pouted her lips unhappily, and moaned, regretting that there was no more.

"Then do I have to continue to be beaten tomorrow?" Lin Xiaomi really wanted to cry when she mentioned this. It hurt so much that she had no strength to fight back.

"If you want to avoid being beaten, you have to find a way to knock him down."

"It's easy for you to say!" Lin Xiaomi suddenly became anxious: "He is so powerful, how could I knock him down."

"No matter how powerful a person is, they also have weaknesses, don't they? What's more, sometimes it doesn't have to be head-to-head. After being beaten up by him for a whole afternoon, you should have figured out some of his routines, right?"

"I don't want him to teach, you look better than him, why don't you teach me? I want you to teach me!" She clearly saw him, and he kicked the coach away in two or three times, and he taught her Isn't it better

"No." Leng Yihuang flatly refused.

"why not!?"

"I don't want to."

Let him beat her? How could he be willing!