Morning, the Heir

Chapter 192: Erasing their relationship is a breeze


How could brother Yi treat her like this, shouldn't he marry her

Everyone has told her that since she was a child.

Said that she would only become Brother Yi's bride.

When she heard the news of Brother Yi's death, she was so sad that she was about to die, thinking that she was going to be a widow, but after finally finding out that Brother Yi was not dead, he actually married another woman.

Moreover, he was really kind to that Lin Xiaomi.

Bai Ruoxin cried angrily: "Brother Yi married someone else, don't I even have the right to cry? I want you to control me! Get out!"

Cheng Min looked at Bai Ruoxin like an idiot, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then explained: "Miss Bai, you misunderstood me, I mean, crying can't solve the problem, the young master married her has become a fact, But don't you want to snatch the young master back?"

"Get it back?" Bai Ruoxin looked at Cheng Min in surprise, she even forgot to cry, are they married? How can I grab it

"Yes, that woman has not been approved by the President, and it is impossible for him to be approved by the President. You are the granddaughter-in-law recognized by the President. You still have a chance."

Bai Ruoxin looked at her puzzled: "Why are you telling me this? Cheng Min, don't you also like Brother Yi?"

She has disliked this Cheng Min since before, always showing off how close she and Brother Yi are to her in front of her, it is annoying to watch.

Bai Ruoxin always thought that Cheng Min was going to rob Brother Yi, but why would she say these things to her now

Very puzzling!

Embarrassment flashed across Cheng Min's face, and he chuckled lightly: "I don't understand what Miss Bai is talking about, the young master is the young master, how dare I like the young master."

Bai Ruoxin snorted coldly, and pointed at her: "You don't have to deny it, you can't lie to me at all!"

She stood up suddenly, and looked at Cheng Min coldly: "Brother Yi is married, and the bride is not me. I am indeed very sad, but no matter how bad I am, Bai Ruoxin, I will never be someone else's third party, but you! You Telling me these words is obviously uneasy and kind! I want to tell brother Yi!"

Cheng Min's eyes sharpened, and he stepped in front of her: "Miss Bai, you really misunderstood me!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Miss Bai, listen to my explanation. You really misunderstood me. I admit that I am to the young master... but I know myself. My identity is not worthy of the young master. I have always known that you are the young master's destined wife." , Therefore, I never dare to have unreasonable thoughts!"

"As you said, the young master is already married to her. We shouldn't be doing anything, but that woman is not worthy of the young master at all! She has a vicious mind and unpredictable temperament, and she doesn't love the young master at all! Young master To her, it's just gratitude, you don't know, the young master was injured and lost his memory before, that is, during that time, Lin Xiaomi followed the young master to sneak in, the young master has always been very grateful to her, that's why he told her marry."

"What do you mean she has a vicious mind?" Bai Ruoxin looked at her coldly with folded arms.

Cheng Min looked angrily: "Before she had some conflicts with the young master, the young master's old injury was not healed, and the high fever persisted, but she knew that the young master was allergic to mangoes because of her petty temper, and deliberately gave the young master some mango bath milk, so that the young master would not let him go. The young master's condition worsened and he fell into a coma! He almost got pneumonia, if it wasn't for Chengjie, I dare not imagine the consequences!"

"There may be some conflicts between her and her stepfather's family. Because of the presence of the young master, she sent her stepfather to prison, and deliberately exposed her stepfather's scandal on the Internet. It is the Lin family in Liancheng. Now I can find that information on the Internet. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself, the two big families of Lin family and Li family have been ruined by her like this, and she doesn't even recognize her own biological mother, her various behaviors are beyond words!"

Cheng Min looked at Bai Ruoxin and frowned, and said persistently: "You should know that the young master is the most protective person, and he is grateful to that woman. Whatever the woman wants, the young master will give her. If the young master just It may not matter if you are a simple rich boy, but what is the identity of the young master, he is the one who may inherit the throne in the future, if that kind of woman becomes the future wife of the president, the country will be ruined!"

"I'm soft-spoken, and I can't compete with that woman at all. Now that I'm in this villa, I don't even have the right to speak, so I can only come and tell you, Miss Bai. If you think what I said is false, you can I don't believe it, but those things are all on the Internet, you can check it yourself and see how the Lin family and Li family were made miserable by her in a short period of time. The President will never agree with a woman like her The young master is with her. You know the young master's temper. When the time comes, he will definitely quarrel with the president. I am really worried about the young master... "

Of course, Bai Ruoxin would not simply listen to Cheng Min's one-sided words, she immediately took out her mobile phone to check online, and now the Internet is full of news from the Lin family and the Li family.

Cheng Min spoke at the right time: "Old lady Li was so angry that she had a stroke and was hospitalized. A poor seventy-year-old lady who has spent her entire life in shopping malls has ended up like this."

Bai Ruoxin couldn't believe it: "It was really Lin Xiaomi who did it?"

"Miss Bai, think about it carefully. I have no reason to lie to you. Whether it's you or her, I won't be the one who is with the young master anyway. There's no need for me to do anything extra. I'm just worried that the young master will be implicated by her sooner or later. Miss Bai, you are sincere to the young master, you shouldn't just sit around and see such a woman beside him, right?"

Although Bai Ruoxin came from a big family, she has been well protected since she was a child. She has never seen such a rich family fighting among themselves.

She also doesn't understand Cheng Min's mentality of "If she can't get it, she won't let others get it".

She was just shocked, she never thought that Brother Yi would marry such a woman.

If these news are known by the president's grandfather, he will definitely be very angry!

What Cheng Min said was right, Brother Yi would definitely quarrel with the president's grandfather, and it would be Brother Yi who would suffer at that time!

Moreover, she was very worried about putting such a vicious woman next to Brother Yi.

"Miss Bai, the young master has been completely bewitched by her now, and he doesn't listen to anyone, but your identity is different. You are the granddaughter-in-law recognized by the President. You can even destroy their original legal relationship with just one sentence." Wucun, it's a breeze to erase their relationship."

Bai Ruoxin looked at her indifferently: "I don't need you to teach me what I want to do, Cheng Min, you'd better do your part. If you let me know what evil thoughts you have, I will definitely tell Yi Yi immediately. Brother, get out!"