Morning, the Heir

Chapter 202: What are you doing!


Hearing this, Lin Xiaomi really didn't care about her, and went to pick and choose in the store.

Seeing that she was ignoring her, Bai Ruoxin pursed her mouth slightly. Looking left and right, she couldn't tell that Lin Xiaomi was such a cruel woman.

Lin Xiaomi wandered between two inkstones, both of which were recommended to her by the clerk, one was relatively expensive and best for gifting, and the other was more practical and inexpensive.

Lin Xiaomi actually prefers the practical one, but he gave it to the president...

"Vanity! Grandpa President hates extravagance the most, he advocates frugality." Bai Ruoxin snorted sarcastically in her ear.

Lin Xiaomi frowned slightly, and looked at her in surprise, not understanding why she wanted to help her, but Lin Xiaomi finally bought that practical inkstone.

"Thank you." Walking out of the store, Lin Xiaomi said with a smile.

Bai Ruoxin was a little awkward: "Thank me for what, I didn't want to help you, I just watched you pick and choose and get annoyed."

Lin Xiaomi thought that the eldest lady might be spoiled and not used to shopping alone, so she said, "Let's go, let's go shopping for special products."

When they came out of the specialty store, the bodyguards including Ah Xing already had a lot of packages in their hands. Lin Xiaomi wondered why she didn't just take over the store.

"Go to the men's clothing store! I want to buy Brother Yi a tie." Bai Ruoxin deliberately told Lin Xiaomi.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. As soon as Bai Ruoxin walked forward, a man jumped out from her side, grabbed her bag and ran away.

Bai Ruoxin was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly chased after him: "Thief! Give me back the bag."

There were so many people in the mall, Lin Xiaomi was afraid that she would get lost by accident, how would she explain to Leng Yihuang if something happened.

"Ah Xing, stop her quickly."

Bai Ruoxin was stopped, and jumped anxiously: "Catch him back, you all go and get him back! There are my very important things inside, if you can't get them back, don't bring them back to me!!"

Bai Ruoxin was really anxious, her eyes were red.

Lin Xiaomi thought it must be something very important: "Ah Xing, you all go and help her find it. If it can't be found, we don't want to stop."

Ah Xing hesitated: "But, I can't leave Young Madam's side."

Lin Xiaomi waved his hand: "It's okay, so many people here will be fine, we won't go anywhere, just wait here for you to come back."

Ah Xing hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Then young lady, you must not leave, I will be right back."

Seeing her hopping anxiously, Lin Xiaomi couldn't help asking: "Ah Xing has already gone after her, and I'm sure I can get it back for you. What is it that makes you so anxious?"

Bai Ruoxin yelled: "It's a birthday present that Brother Yi gave me before! I always keep it close to my body."

Lin Xiaomi: "..." She regretted it, can she call Ah Xing back now, so she doesn't have to chase after her.

"I'm going to the bathroom, don't wander around here." Lin Xiaomi ordered.

Bai Ruoxin looked around anxiously, wondering if she heard her words.

Lin Xiaomi went into the bathroom, feeling so depressed that she actually had someone chase after her husband's birthday present for another woman.

Enough is enough!

Taking out her mobile phone, she couldn't help but want to trouble Master Leng, why did she give the little girl a birthday present

Before she sent the text message, she felt a strange sound coming from outside.

Open the door of the cubicle, and there is no one in the bathroom.

But the sound of the wheels rolling on the ground can be heard.

She suddenly jumped up in fright, held the phone tightly in her hand, and bravely walked outside.

An aunt in clean clothes was hunched over looking for things in the cleaning cart.

It turned out to be the cleaning staff of the mall.

Lin Xiaomi couldn't help stroking her heart with her hand, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

What's wrong with her

The ones trained by Master Leng are both self-defense and marksmanship, which makes her almost paranoid when she goes out now.

Lin Xiaomi shook his head, if he told Leng Yihuang about this, he would definitely laugh at him for a while.

She was just about to turn around and go to the sink to wash her hands when there was a sudden noise behind her. Before she could turn around, a handkerchief full of ether was pressed against her nose.

Lin Xiaomi took a deep breath, and suddenly felt weak all over, and fell limply to the ground.

The whole world was spinning, and her consciousness was becoming weaker. In a daze, she saw two people in clean clothes lift her up and put her into a cleaning bucket.

One side of the world was dark, before completely losing consciousness, Lin Xiaomi thought, this is really the end!

Who the hell wants to kill her!


Bai Ruoxin waited outside and jumped around. Ah Xing and the others didn't come back and didn't know if they had recovered her bag. Lin Xiaomi didn't come back after going to the toilet, so she was about to fall in

She turned around anxiously, and saw two cleaners coming out of the bathroom pushing a cart.

When did they go to the bathroom? Why didn't she seem to see it

do not care.

"Hey! You two..." Bai Ruoxin wanted to ask them if they saw Lin Xiaomi, whether she was in the bathroom, or if they left her here on purpose when she wasn't paying attention.

But before she finished speaking, the two cleaning staff pushed the car and quickly turned into the safe passage next to it.

The panicked look immediately made Bai Ruoxin suspicious, and she hurriedly chased after her. When she pushed open the door of the safe passage, she saw the two cleaning staff dragged the unconscious Lin Xiaomi out of the bucket and was carrying her on her back. run downstairs.

"What are you doing! Stop!" Bai Ruoxin panicked, grabbed Lin Xiaomi's hand and dragged her down.

Seeing that they were exposed, the two cleaning staff immediately fought with Bai Ruoxin.

Although Bai Ruoxin had also learned some fighting skills, she couldn't beat two big men who had undergone professional training.

After a few strokes, he was slashed on the back of the head with a hand knife and passed out.

"Take them all."


When Lin Xiaomi woke up, she was extremely weak. Looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of her, she moved subconsciously, and found that her hands and feet had been tied up. Only then did she remember that she was tied up in the bathroom.

She looked around in a panic, as if she was in an empty factory.

Bai Ruoxin's hands and feet were also tied up, and she lay beside her.

"Hey, Bai Ruoxin, wake up." Lin Xiaomi didn't dare to make too much noise, so she could only move her body over and kick her with her feet.

Bai Ruoxin groaned, her head hurt badly, seeing Lin Xiaomi, she asked ignorantly, "Where are we? My head hurts."

"Keep your voice down. We have been kidnapped. Although we don't know their purpose, we must find a way to get out first."

Bai Ruoxin also remembered this: "It's all your fault, the person they want to kidnap is you."

Lin Xiaomi was a little speechless: "Now is not the time to talk nonsense. Turn around and let me see if I can bite the rope off your hand."