Morning, the Heir

Chapter 205: There are bombs


"Run, why don't you run away!" The two men chased after them. The tattooed man thought he was being tricked, so he kicked Lin Xiaomi's body, and was being played around by a woman, almost ruining his business. Get out, do they still want to hang out on the road!

Lin Xiaomi's body was already covered with scars from Lin Xiner, and now she was being kicked by the tattooed man, she let out a muffled grunt, and suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, and slid down with Bai Ruoxin!


"Ah!" The two screamed, holding hands tightly together.

"Hurry up and drag them up, now is not the time to let them die, be careful that your work will be wasted, and you won't even receive the money!" The tall and thin man reminded.

The two quickly grabbed Lin Xiaomi's leg and rescued them.

Snatching the car keys from Lin Xiaomi's hand, the tattooed man turned his hand and slapped Lin Xiaomi's face fiercely: "Bitch! If you dare to mess around again, I'll cut off your leg first!"

Her delicate face immediately swelled up, her mouth was filled with the smell of blood, and her body hurt so badly that it seemed that even breathing became painful.

Husband, why don't you come...

Immediately, Lin Xiaomi's eyes became wet. The danger she once thought existed in the illusion, but it turned out that it was really scary and painful.

Lin Xiner ran out, saw that they had been arrested, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Bring me those two bitches!"

Lin Xiaomi was on the verge of falling, her legs were bloody and bloody from being stepped on by Lin Xiner, and she couldn't stand still at all. Bai Ruoxin cried and hugged her waist, trying to open her mouth to say something, but her voice stuck in her throat. Unable to speak.

I could only turn to look at the two men: "Don't hurt us anymore, don't you just want money? We will give you whatever you want, and I will give you ten times as much as Lin Xiner will give you! As long as you are willing to let go us."

Lin Xiner heard her words, pulled her hair, gave her a slap in the face, then looked at the two men, and smiled coldly: "Ten times the money is not so easy to get, you think you let it go?" They, can you still spend money with your life?"

Kicking them on the ground, the tattooed man nodded: "These two women are too cunning, of course you can't believe their words, what do you think we should do now, Ms. Lin?"

At this moment, Lin Xiner's cell phone rang suddenly. She took it out and looked at it, her expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly walked aside to pick it up.

The shortest man slowed down slightly at this time, looked down at his penis, but there was no response at all, he stepped forward bitterly and took out the knife in his arms to kill Lin Xiaomi: "You bitch people!"

Bai Ruoxin hugged Lin Xiaomi and shrank back in fright, her voice trembling: "What are you doing, don't come here!"

The tattooed man saw that he was really intent on killing, so he immediately stopped in front of him: "I can't kill her now, if you dare to kill her and we can't get the money, I'll kill you first."

The thin and tall man spoke to comfort him at the right time: "When we get the money, this woman will be handed over to you. You can torture him however you want."

After the words were finished, Lin Xiner had already hung up the phone and came back: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and get down to business!"

Lin Xiner walked over and threw the phone on Lin Xiaomi: "Call Leng Yihuang and ask him to rescue you."

Seeing the phone, Lin Xiaomi suddenly remembered something!

Her mobile phone has always had a positioning system installed by Leng Yihuang. As long as she holds the mobile phone, her location can be tracked even if it is not turned on.

She looked at Lin Xiner and said, "I can't remember his number. The number is in my phone, and he usually won't answer unfamiliar numbers. Give me my phone and I'll call him."

The place is deserted and uninhabited. It looks like a broken factory in the suburbs. It took such a long time to get here from the urban area. Ah Xing couldn't find them when he went back. He must know that something happened to them. At this time, Leng Yihuang should have told her They have been positioned and will come to rescue them soon.

Lin Xiner's expression suddenly became very subtle. She walked over slowly, looked at her mockingly, and squeezed Lin Xiaomi's chin.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I heard that you have a positioning system in your mobile phone. It seems to be true? Are you still waiting for Leng Yihuang to rescue you? Then I can tell you that he is in danger."

Lin Xiaomi's heart sank!

How did Lin Xiner know about the positioning system

She thought of the call Lin Xiner received just now. Who would call Lin Xiner at this time? Does she have any accomplices

"As for your mobile phone, it has already been placed in another place. Leng Yihuang is smart enough to locate it. We will call him later and let him go in alone. As long as he opens the door..."

"Boom—it's going to explode! There should be so many bombs that it's hard to find even his fragments." Lin Xiner laughed wildly imagining that scene.

If she can't get it, Lin Xiaomi can't get it either!

Lin Xiaomi's face turned pale, she never thought that Lin Xiner's target was Leng Yihuang

"Are you crazy! Lin Xiner, don't forget what kind of identity Leng Yihuang is. If something happens to him in Liancheng, you will not be able to escape sooner or later. The President will not let you go. Just digging Three feet from the ground, will also dig you out!!"

Lin Xiaomi was terrified.

She believed that Leng Yihuang must have located her cell phone, and she didn't dare to think about what would happen if he had already passed by.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and the neck seemed to be choked by an invisible hand! She was so frightened that she couldn't breathe.

Bai Ruoxin also yelled at her in disbelief: "You are simply crazy. If you dare to kill Brother Yi, you will not end well. Grandpa President will not let you go! You better stop now, otherwise You will never end well."

"Brother Yi? You're so sweet!" Lin Xiner stared at her mockingly.

The phone beeped, and she smiled slightly: "Here, we already have Leng Yihuang's number. Now, I'll call him and see where he is."

Lin Xiner admired Lin Xiaomi's pale face, pressed the dial button, it rang once, and the other person picked it up.

"I'm Leng Yihuang, what do you want?" Leng Yihuang's deep and steady voice came from the other end of the phone, with that superior aura, as if he wasn't the one being threatened at this time.

This is the most charming moment for a man, when Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face.

Lin Xiner imagined Leng Yihuang's arrogant and handsome face, it was a man who made women crazy about him.

It's just a pity...

But I like Lin Xiaomi, a bitch!

"The aloof young master Leng is finally willing to talk to me? It's really my honor."