Morning, the Heir

Chapter 209: Living is the most painful


"But don't worry, even if Xue Haolin is not willing to deal with her, if she dares to kidnap you, I will make her regret coming to this world." Leng Yihuang continued to slander Xue Haolin.

There was no smile on Lin Xiaomi's face, and it was rare to be serious: "I think this incident may not have been designed by Lin Xiner, or in other words, it was not just her design, there must be someone else behind her."

Lin Xiner had been waiting for the call, as if someone was telling her what to do next.

Leng Yihuang's brows turned cold, and he laughed lowly: "With Lin Xiner's little ability, of course she can't be the mastermind."

"Who could it be? I think that person's real purpose seems to be to kill you." Lin Xiaomi became nervous as he spoke, with a small bracelet around his waist, feeling for the first time that he was really in danger among.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"By the way!" Lin Xiaomi suddenly remembered: "That person also knew that you installed a positioning system in my mobile phone, and deliberately put my mobile phone in another place to lead you there. How could that person know? He Seems to know us well."

"There is a traitor by my side, or..." Leng Yihuang's eyes turned cold, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more evil: "He was always by my side."

"Who is it? Do you know who this person is? And the explosion of your yacht before, was it the same person who did it?"

Leng Yihuang felt her fear and didn't want to talk to her, so he kissed her on the forehead: "Okay, okay, I will take care of this, your main task now is to rest well, and when you recover almost , let's go back to Kyoto."

Lin Xiaomi opened her mouth. She was really worried about him, but seeing that he didn't want to talk, she didn't ask any more questions.

He must know it in his heart, she can't help him anyway, the only thing she can do is to stay by his side and recover as soon as possible so that he won't worry.

Thinking of this, she nodded and buried her face in his chest. As soon as she closed her eyes, fatigue invaded her consciousness.

Suddenly, she raised her head again: "By the way, how is Bai Ruoxin?"

Leng Yihuang pressed her head into his arms: "Worry about your life, go to sleep!"

"Oh." Lin Xiaomi curled her lips, closed her eyes again, and soon fell asleep.


in the ward.

Lin Xiner was lying on the bed and breathing in pain.

The bullets on her wrists and knees were not taken out at all, and there was no anesthetic on her body. Waves of pain invaded her limbs and bones. The pain made her want to die immediately.

The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, she looked over with hatred, and saw Xue Haolin walking in.

"How do you feel?" Xue Haolin asked expressionlessly standing on the head of the bed.

Lin Xiner lost too much blood before, and her heart was too heavy, she passed out and almost died.

It was he who personally found experts to rescue her and save her life.

"Don't worry, you won't die, and I will never let you die." Xue Haolin said in a low voice, pulled out a chair, sat on it, and looked at her without mercy.

To her, death is too easy and too cheap for her. Only by living can she suffer and experience her own sins.

Lin Xiner stared fiercely at the man in front of her. She used to whisper soft words in her ears. She never thought that he could really be so cruel to her.

"Xue Haolin, you bastard!! Kill me if you have the ability. Even if you kill me, you will never get the person you want in your life. You are destined to be lonely like me all your life! But you deserve it !you deserve it!!"

How could she not see that he didn't really want to save her at all, he was torturing her.

She was rescued again and again, but the bullets on her wrist and knee were not taken out, and no one even treated her wound carefully, only simple hemostasis treatment was done.

The tweezers were stained with gauze and poked hard at her wound. No one could understand the feeling of pain.

She wished she could die immediately!

But this is a hospital, she has no chance of dying at all, even if she does, she will be rescued immediately.

Xue Haolin just wanted to torture her, he wanted to torture her!

"You deserve it! You deserve it!!! You bastard, the devil!!" Lin Xiner was going crazy from the pain, and she could only vent her pain by yelling and cursing.

"I am sincere to you, why do you treat me like this! Why! How can I not compare to Lin Xiaomi, that bitch! She is already a ruined flower, and you still think about her, you are a bitch! Xue Haolin! You are a bitch!!"

Lin Xiner's voice was hoarse, and she could hear the pain inside every word she uttered.

Xue Haolin looked at her indifferently, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Don't tell me your sincerity, I'll be disgusted! To a woman like you, how can you talk about sincerity, you only have a perverted possessive desire."

Xue Haolin was too lazy to talk nonsense with her: "Tell me, who is the person behind your back? Who asked you to kidnap Lin Xiaomi to deal with Leng Yihuang?"

"If I say so, can you let me go?" Lin Xiner asked angrily, her face pale like a ghost.

"Can consider it."

"Then let me tell you..." Lin Xiner stared at him blankly, and said in a word: "I tell you, no one ordered me, it was me! I was the only one who wanted them to die! I just wanted to kill them!" I want Lin Xiaomi to die! I can't get happiness, why should she get it!"

"Really? No one ordered you, so who is the call in your mobile phone for?"

"Well, guess?" Lin Xiner laughed triumphantly, she finally found a way to fight back: "Guess, you guessed it, I'll tell you."

Xue Haolin's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to grab her neck: "If you want to die, you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise, I have plenty of ways to make your life worse than death."

Her breath was choked, but Lin Xiner laughed out loud: "You can strangle me, strangle me to death, even if you strangle me, I won't tell you who that person is! I know you are worried about Lin Xiaomi, right? ? You are worried that Lin Xiaomi will be implicated again sooner or later if she stays by Leng Yihuang's side, but I won't tell you! That person will hover around them like a ghost, and will kill them sooner or later."

Xue Haolin's face changed, and his big hands tightened suddenly!

Lin Xiner panted in pain, a crazy light flashed in her eyes.

It's not that she doesn't say anything, it's that she doesn't know anything at all, except for a phone number, she doesn't know anything.

But she just wants them to care about her and fear her! She knew she couldn't escape, no matter what she said, she couldn't escape, so let them go to hell together.


Lin Xiaomi fell asleep, and Leng Yihuang got up quietly. As soon as he left the ward, he saw Jiang Hui standing outside with an anxious face...