Morning, the Heir

Chapter 210: Let the law punish her


Seeing Leng Yihuang coming out, Jiang Hui eagerly greeted her: "Master Leng, how is Xiaomi?"

"Fell asleep."

"I can go in and see her now." Jiang Hui asked weakly.

"I said, she's asleep." It means that no one is allowed to disturb her.

Leng Yihuang's merciless refusal made Jiang Hui lose face, but she didn't dare to show the slightest displeasure, and smiled: "Yes, I don't worry that Xiaomi is fine, she must be terrified, since If she falls asleep, let her sleep for a while, it won't be good if I go in and wake her up."

Jiang Hui said flatteringly.

"How do you know that Lin Xiner is going to harm Xiaomi?" The reason why Leng Yihuang allowed her to stand outside the ward was because he had something to ask her.

When Xiaomi was kidnapped before, Jiang Hui called him and said that she couldn't get through to Xiaomi's phone number, and Lin Xiner would do her harm.

Although she was calling late, he still wanted to ask.

"I eavesdropped on Lin Xiner's call to contact someone, saying that she was going to do something in the mall. I didn't hear it very clearly, and I always had doubts in my heart. Today, Lin Xiner went out suddenly. In my heart I was always a little uneasy, I thought of Xiaomi, and called her, but she couldn't get through, I was afraid that something might happen to her, so I had to call you, but I didn't expect it to be too late."

Leng Yihuang looked at Jiang Hui's sad and self-blaming expression with a blank face, and said lightly: "I really didn't realize that you have something to do with Xiaomi."

"It's my daughter after all. I'm actually very worried about her."

When Jiang Hui finished speaking, Leng Yihuang let out a light snort without any concealment, which was full of irony. Jiang Hui's face turned red and turned pale, and she couldn't hold back her face.

He lowered his head and was too ashamed to look at him: "Yes, I admit that I have done and missed many things before, I am not a thing, but after so many things, I really know that I have done wrong, and money is outside the body. In the end, the ones who can stay with me are the flesh and blood connected by my blood, and it was me who was sorry for Xiaomi in the past."

As Jiang Hui said, she covered her face and cried, tears fell to the ground through her fingers.

Leng Yihuang looked at her indifferently, passed her and left directly.

There were bodyguards guarding the outside of the ward, and Jiang Hui couldn't get in even if she wanted to.

She cried for a long time, but she didn't hear any response, but when she looked up, there was only the bodyguard who was expressionless like a dummy, and Leng Yihuang had long since disappeared.

Pursing her lips slightly, Jiang Hui wiped away her tears, then went back to the chair in the corridor and sat down...


Before meeting Xue Haolin, Leng Yihuang had already heard Ah Xing's report. There were no clues about the mysterious person left at the two scenes. The other party's methods were very clean and he had prepared early in the morning. All the clues that could be traced were only one-way. It was obvious that the mastermind of this kidnapping was Lin Xiner alone.

But everyone knew that Lin Xiner couldn't think of such a roundabout way.

Moreover, according to what Bai Ruoxin said, the people who fought in the shopping mall were not among the three big men caught on the spot, but those two people had already disappeared without a trace.

It seemed that the other party had already made preparations. After capturing Lin Xiaomi, he retreated with his whole body, leaving Lin Xiner to do the rest.

Even if he failed or was caught, the culprit was only Lin Xiner, but the other party disappeared without a trace.

"Lin Xiner refuses to say anything. She probably knows that even if she tells herself, there will be no good results. She did all these things by herself. I didn't ask anything else. Do you want to see me? See her?" Xue Haolin said lightly after seeing Leng Yihuang.

He looked at the man in front of him calmly, and had to admit that even from his point of view, Leng Yihuang was a perfect existence.

Extraordinary temperament, overwhelming nobleness, noble status, and handsome face, even if he didn't say or do anything, just sitting there lazily like this, raising his eyes lightly, he has the feeling of looking down on everything. momentum.

He is different from Lin Hai, at this time Leng Yihuang already has the aura of "Emperor's eldest grandson".

Only by following him will Lin Xiaomi get the best happiness.

Xue Haolin lowered his eyes faintly, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

"No need, you won't be able to find out even if you ask, and I have the same result when I ask, and I'm afraid she doesn't actually have any information that is beneficial to us. Judging by the other party's clean and neat way of doing things, she is not so stupid as to put some key I'd confided sexual information to an idiot like Lin Xiner, if she said something, I wouldn't believe it."

Xue Haolin nodded in agreement: "Then what are you going to do with her?"

Leng Yihuang sneered coldly: "You can deal with it as you like. I don't even bother to abuse a woman by lynching and call the police to arrest her. The law will naturally give her the punishment she deserves."

Xue Haolin understood that once Leng Yihuang's words came out, Lin Xiner's life was saved, but she would never want to get out of prison for the rest of her life. For a woman like Lin Xiner, living was more uncomfortable than dying.

"That...Xiaomi, should you wake up?" Xue Haolin's voice was very soft: "Can I go and see her?"

"At the end of the day, she has suffered so much. I have an unshirkable responsibility. I have no other intentions. I just want to go and see her. I know her... Now it's Mrs. Leng."

Leng Yihuang didn't look at him, but gestured to Ah Xing who was standing beside him, and Ah Xing immediately took out a document and handed it to Xue Haolin.

"This is 5% of Shengshi's shares, which have been transferred to Mr. Xue's name." A Xing said.

Xue Haolin was a little surprised, and when he opened it, it turned out that it was Shengshi's shares.

"It was not so easy for me to let go of the previous things, but since I have accepted your love this time, I will not pursue the past things. We are not in debt." The slender fingers lazily fiddled with the wrist. Leng Yihuang stood up and looked at him condescendingly: "People, you have self-knowledge, and you should never expect extravagantly. This is my advice to you, Mr. Xue, so do it yourself."

Hearing this, Xue Haolin's face suddenly changed.

Leng Yihuang passed by him, raised his head and patted his shoulder, and walked out of the room.

The room was silent, Xue Haolin raised his head and pressed the shoulder that was patted by Leng Yihuang just now, his whole arm was so numb and sore that he couldn't move for a while.

When did Leng Yihuang acquire Shengshi's shares, he didn't even know about it!

He was surprised before that Leng Yihuang dealt with the Lin family and the Li family, but did not come to deal with Shengshi. It turned out that he was too whimsical.

He heard Leng Yihuang's warning very clearly, Lin Xiaomi, he is not qualified to covet, not even to meet him once.