Morning, the Heir

Chapter 222: let her go


With his waist tightly hugged, Leng Yihuang's arms were warm and soft, and he immediately felt the woman's attachment to him.

When he was with Lin Xiaomi, most of the time he brushed past them cheekily, and she rarely took the initiative like this.

Leng Yihuang immediately thought of teasing her, wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her into his arms: "Why are you hugging her so tightly, do you want it?"

Lin Xiaomi's ears turned red, and she couldn't help reaching out to pinch his waist, but the muscles were so tight that she couldn't pinch him for a long time, but it made her fingers ache.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Where is the nonsense, why do you throw yourself into your arms if you don't want to, don't you know that your husband and I have always had poor self-control?"

The ears were burned by his hot breath, and he couldn't avoid the kiss he chased after even dodging.

Because she had already messed around once during the day before, and she was very tired, so she didn't want to let him torment her anymore.

"Stop making trouble! Can you take a bath? I'll put water for you."

"Wash together." Leng Yihuang's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Lin Xiaomi immediately refused, joking, if she washes with him, can she come out safe and sound

"don't want?"

"Why not? My husband will serve you, okay? I promise to wash you clean without leaving a single gap."

He raised his eyebrows maliciously, and Lin Xiaomi's face turned red!

After getting along with him for a long time, she can understand all the indecent words he said.

Blushing like a big apple, crystal clear, plump and juicy, Leng Yihuang couldn't help but pounce on it.

The two lay on the bed for a while, when there was a knock on the door.

"Young master, the loyal housekeeper is here." It was Ah Xing's voice.

Only then did Leng Yihuang let her go, lowered his head and asked her, "Where are the things you bought for grandparents?"

"In the trunk."

"Go get it out."

Lin Xiaomi hesitated: "Is it better for me to give these things to the elders in person?"

"No, they won't appreciate it anyway." Why let her see their faces.

Leng Yihuang asked Ah Xing to take the things out and hand them over to Chen Zhong, saying that Lin Xiaomi gave them to his grandparents.

He'd mentioned it before, but he figured they wouldn't use it either.

When I went back to the room, I saw Lin Xiaomi sitting cross-legged on the bed and sighing.

"Sigh, you've become a resentful woman after my husband went out for two minutes." Leng Yihuang climbed onto the bed, lay directly on her lap, turned over lazily, and buried her face in her soft belly. Instantly felt sleepy.

Lin Xiaomi was not in the mood to joke with him: she remembered something, and suddenly asked, "By the way, is your relationship with your second uncle's family not so good?"

Leng Yihuang's face suddenly darkened.

Lin Xiaomi knew immediately that Leng Yihuang really hated his second uncle's family. This was the first time that just mentioning his name made him change his face.

"Can I know why?" She asked cautiously.

Leng Yihuang didn't hide it from her either: "I suspect that the yacht explosion may have something to do with him."


South Building

As soon as Leng Jiaojiao went back, she went upstairs and entered the room. Lan Xinyue sat on the sofa and yelled for the servant to pour her a glass of water: "I didn't expect him to come back alive. Didn't it mean that the yacht was blown to pieces? What a fate!"

When Leng Yihuang was mentioned, she became angry: "As soon as he came back, he challenged me, how can he talk to his elders like that! But father and mother still protect him."

Leng Xingye smiled indifferently: "Isn't he always like this?"

Lan Xinyue saw that her husband had been silent, so she pushed him: "What are you thinking?"

Leng Bai's expression was a little heavy: "Looking at father's attitude today, he still values Leng Yihuang. He thought that Leng Yihuang was gone, and this great person would definitely be available, but now that he's back..."

"I don't think you need to worry too much. He seems to be out of his mind when he comes back this time. He doesn't want to forget such a good marriage with the Bai family. He even married a woman from a small family. He openly talked to his father because of Lin Xiaomi. Mother choked, and didn't know what the hell he was doing."

When it came to the Bai family, Lan Xinyue complained again: "Father is really eccentric, thinking about Leng Yihuang in everything, we are worse than him in every way, you said that the Bai family is such a good marriage , It would be great if it fell on us Xingye."

As she spoke, her eyes lit up, and she pushed Leng Bai: "You said that since Leng Yihuang won't marry Bai Ruoxin, can we marry?"

Leng Xingye, who was originally sitting on the sidelines bored, changed his face and directly refused: "I won't marry!"

Saying that, without giving them any time to react, he got up and went upstairs directly.

"This child." Lan Xinyue frowned displeasedly, then looked at Leng Bai again: "Can it work?"

Leng Bai shook his head: "I know my father's temper best. This marriage cannot be decided by Leng Yihuang. Bai Ruoxin will have to marry him sooner or later, so don't think about it."


The next day, Leng Yihuang took Lin Xiaomi to look around the presidential palace, and was going to take her out to play in the afternoon.

"Let's go, my husband will take you out to see the world." His tone was like she was a bumpkin.

Lin Xiaomi gave him a dark look, but they were stopped by Chen Zhong before they got into the car.


Leng Yihuang opened the car door and stuffed Lin Xiaomi in first, then turned to look at him: "What's the matter?"

"The President asked me to remind you that he is hosting a banquet for Minister Bai's family tonight. Please come back early when you go out."

"Understood." Leng Yihuang replied coldly, and got into the car directly.

As the car drove out of the presidential palace, Lin Xiaomi lowered her eyes all the way. She heard what Chen Zhong said just now.

Bai Ruoxin's family is coming to the Presidential Palace for dinner, and the President specially asked Chen Zhong to remind him, so he will also attend

She is not so stupid that she doesn't know the purpose of the President to entertain the Bai family at this time.

Thinking of him having dinner with Bai Ruoxin's family, Lin Xiaomi's heart suddenly felt sour.

The President must like Bai Ruoxin very much. Compared with Bai Ruoxin's status, she is a world apart.

He should have known that the Bai family was coming to the presidential palace for dinner, right? Then why didn't you tell her

Lin Xiaomi couldn't help thinking, so is he taking her out now to distract her

After a while, is he going to send himself to a certain place, and then come back by himself

It's not that Lin Xiaomi is pessimistic, she is really not sure whether he will waver in the face of the President's opposition.

Leng Yihuang could see that she was in a bad mood: "What's the matter? Are you unhappy? You are not happy when my young master brought bumpkins to visit the city?"

At this time, Lin Xiaomi was in no mood to chat with him, and closed his eyes slightly: "No, I seem to be a little sleepy."

Hearing this, Leng Yihuang reached out and pulled her into his arms, pointed at the tip of her nose with his fingertips and scolded with a smile: "Little pig!"