Morning, the Heir

Chapter 247: Met Bai Chen


He pointed to the gap under the desk, and bewitched, "Go in and hide for a while."

He really took her for an idiot! !

Lin Xiaomi wanted to take off her high heels and hit him in the face.

Why is this person becoming more and more... shameless!

Who told her that he was cold and aloof, and it was always written on his face that strangers should not get close to him

Anyway, she also went to college, well, many romances that were popular at that time had such plots.

There will definitely be a lounge in the president's office.

Lin Xiaomi grabbed her clothes and got up from the ground limply, almost falling down again.

She looked at his office, and found a door in the corner that was almost integrated with the wall. When she opened it, there was indeed a lounge inside, complete with furniture and daily necessities, and a separate bathroom.

She turned her head and glared fiercely at the man sitting on the executive chair who was eating his tofu with her eyes, and then slammed the door of the lounge!

Lin Xiaomi took a shower before coming out.

The shirt was already wrinkled, but fortunately there was still a coat, so it couldn't be seen clearly under it.

However, standing in front of the mirror and looking at the woman with bright eyebrows inside, one can tell at a glance that she has just done something bad!

Knowing that he still had some work to do, she simply didn't go out after taking a shower.

Staying in his lounge, looking around, especially the oversized bed, she checked carefully, there was no woman's hair on it, and then she lay on it.

After finishing his work, Leng Yihuang saw that it was almost time to get off work, so he pushed open the door of the lounge.

She lay quietly on the bed, with her black hair spread out on the bed. As the sun set, the dim sunlight shone on her through the window, giving her a feeling of tranquility.

Lin Xiaomi felt in a daze as if she had fallen asleep again. Recently, she was tossed by him and was always sleepy, and she was about to catch up with the pig.

Feeling the place beside her sink, someone stroked her face, and when she opened her eyes, she met his smiling gaze.

He leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth lightly: "Asleep?"

She was sleepy, yawned delicately, stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, Leng Yihuang's heart softened at the sight of her cute and delicate appearance, and she couldn't help but want to hug her into his arms and kiss her Kiss again.

"Are you done with work?"

"Well, do you want to sleep again, are you tired today?" He deliberately bit the word "tired", with a smug smile on his lips.

Thinking of how bad he was before, she grabbed his neck and bit him hard!

"Hey, you want to get angry again, don't you? Don't want to go home today?"

Sensing the danger in his words, Lin Xiaomi hastily let him go.

Leaving the office, Leng Yihuang took her hand as if no one was there, and the entire secretary's office immediately started to pay attention to Lin Xiaomi.

All the way down the stairs in the elevator, Lin Xiaomi lowered her eyes and looked at the two hands holding each other, feeling sweet in her heart.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you." After getting into the car, Lin Xiaomi took the initiative to wrap his arms around him: "Just take it as a thank you for finding me a good job."

Leng Yihuang started the car, and said, "Full Han banquet, abalone with wings."

Lin Xiaomi immediately let go of his arm, hugged the purse tightly, and looked at him like a miser: "I can't afford it!"


"Go to a place first."

"Where are you going?" Lin Xiaomi asked curiously.

But he started to keep things secret, and he didn't say anything when asked.

She didn't ask any more, anyway, she wasn't afraid that he would sell her out.

What Lin Xiaomi didn't expect was that he would bring her to the church.

This is the largest church in Kyoto, and many couples got married under the witness of the priest.

Lin Xiaomi looked at the cross under the lights, imagining her close lover who used to be here, and felt a little envious in her heart.

She knelt on the mat, put her hands together, and prayed silently, hoping that she and Leng Yihuang would be together forever, and that they would welcome their first baby soon.

Thinking of this, she covered her lower abdomen with her hands, thinking that Cheng Jie said that her palace was cold and difficult to conceive, she was really afraid that she would not be able to give him a child.

Let alone his noble status, even an ordinary person needs a child to complete his family.

"What wish did you make?" Leng Yihuang knelt down beside her, looking at her tenderly.

He doesn't have any beliefs, nor does he believe in gods. He only believes that everything depends on man's efforts, and man will conquer nature.

"If I don't tell you, it won't work if I say it."

Leng Yihuang looked at her with a smile. In fact, he knew what she wished for. He knew it when he saw her stroking her belly just now.

His slender and powerful hand took her tender little hand, and gently stroked the dazzling diamond ring on her ring finger. He solemnly kissed it, looked at her and said seriously: "I always remember that I still owe you a wedding, actually It can be done now, but I think, you must hope to be blessed by my family, right? Wife."

Lin Xiaomi didn't know why, but when she saw his solemn kiss, her nose suddenly became sour, and her eyes were slightly astringent.

She nodded gently, he always knew what was on her mind.

The two stayed in the church for a while before Leng Yihuang took her to dinner.

Fumanlou is very famous in Kyoto, and Lin Xiaomi knew that if the grandson of the emperor like him chose the place, her wallet would definitely go bankrupt.

In the private room, after Leng Yihuang ordered the meal, he saw Lin Xiaomi's small mouth was pursed, with a purse in his hand looking painful.

When paying just now, he actually made a gesture to the waiter to look at her. This man is too shameless, he really eats his wife's soft food.

Leng Yihuang pinched her cheek funny, he hadn't ordered any wine yet, otherwise, she probably would have cried.

The waiter came in with the machine to swipe the card. When he went out, when he opened the door, three people happened to pass by outside.

When Bai Ruoxin saw Leng Yihuang, she subconsciously called out, "Brother Yi!"

After yelling, he saw Lin Xiaomi who was sitting diagonally across from him, and quickly shut his mouth tightly.

It's a pity that she was too loud just now, Bai Chen and Wen Yun had heard it a long time ago, so they subconsciously looked into the box.

Leng Yihuang also saw them, he couldn't just ignore them out of politeness, but he didn't invite them to join him, he just nodded politely.

Lin Xiaomi felt as if she had heard Bai Ruoxin's voice just now, and now she saw Leng Yihuang nodding to someone, subconsciously turned her head, and faced the three people in the corridor.

Seeing Lin Xiaomi's eyes shrink, Wen Yun quickly looked at Bai Chen.

A flash of astonishment flashed in Bai Chen's eyes, and he looked at the young and beautiful woman in the box in disbelief.

Just now when she suddenly looked back, that casual side face made him mistakenly think that he had returned to the time when he was enjoying life and feasting. The gate of memory was pushed open without warning, and the feelings that had been buried for more than twenty years surged out in an instant.