Morning, the Heir

Chapter 256: I don't want you anymore


"What's going on today? I heard from Xiao Chen that you almost scared me to death when you entered the hospital."

When Bai Chen thought of this incident, he also had lingering fears: "Xiaomi saved me, it seems that the surface of the wall was broken due to years of disrepair, and it happened to fall down, and it was Xiaomi who pushed me away, but she was injured. "

Wen Yun felt a little uncomfortable: "Then I should really thank her. I didn't expect her to be very enthusiastic, but..."

She raised her eyes to look at Bai Chen, and said, "It's just, isn't it a coincidence that Xiaoxin is first and then you, why is she there every time, and she is the one who saved someone..."

Bai Chen looked at her in disbelief: "What do you mean?"

He said sternly: "Can you say such things casually? Other children saved my life, but you speculate on others like this, how can you say it!"

Bai Chen immediately yelled, the little nurse bandaged the wound, opened the door and walked out, not daring to listen.

Seeing his stern expression, Wen Yun realized what he said.

Bai Chen has always been an upright person, sometimes a little pedantic, she shouldn't be so reckless, and speak out what's on her mind in front of him.

Wen Yun hurriedly said haha: "Don't shout, I'm just joking, just treat me as nonsense, okay? Don't get angry."

She lightly touched his arm flatteringly, Bai Chen frowned, stood up, and avoided her touch.

"You're not joking, that's what you think! I didn't mention you when you asked her to get her money to send her away! What are you doing? Not only did you insult Xiaoxin Xiaomi, but even Leng Yihuang's presidential palace was destroyed. You are insulting! Have you ever thought about how other people's children feel!"

When Wen Yun heard this, the anger in his heart became even stronger: "Oh, she went to report to you? Yes, I gave her money, so what? I don't think I did anything wrong. She followed Master Leng Isn't it just for money? She likes money so much, I will give her money, if some money can bring my daughter's happiness, I am willing to give it!"

Bai Chen looked at her disappointedly, and shook his head: "I'm fine, you go back first."

Wen Yun watched him walk away without looking back, her eyes were slightly red.

They have been husband and wife for more than 20 years, and they have hardly quarreled over anything.

Today he was disappointed in Lin Xiaomi because of her.

Wen Yun chased him out, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Bai Chen say to his assistant Xiao Chen, "You take Madam back first."


When Lin Xiaomi woke up, her whole body hurt, especially her shoulders and head.

She raised her hand subconsciously, and before she touched her forehead, she was grabbed by someone.

"woke up?"

When she opened her eyes, she saw Leng Yihuang standing by the bed.

For a while, he asked in a daze: "Where is this place? My head hurts."

Leng Yihuang pressed her fidgeting hand and coaxed in a low voice: "You can't touch it, your head and shoulders are injured, and you just finished the operation."

"Surgery?" Lin Xiaomi looked at him in surprise and bewilderment.

"Don't you remember? In the nursing home, you saved Minister Bai." Looking at her pale face, Leng Yihuang was distressed and angry, and couldn't help pinching her face: "Haven't woken up yet?"

The memory began to come back, and Lin Xiaomi remembered it, her face hurt from being pinched, she frowned, and looked at him accusingly: "It hurts."

"Now I know it hurts, you are so powerful, you are so brave to save people! If the wall peeled off a little more, and the floor was higher, you don't know the pain now!" People have been crushed to death, how can you know the pain? !

Thinking that she made herself like this to save others, Leng Yihuang held his breath in his heart.

She was afraid that others would be hurt. Could it be that she was not afraid of his distress when she was hurt

"Do you know what it looks like when a watermelon falls to the ground?"

Lin Xiaomi couldn't keep up with his train of thought at first, how did the topic change from her head to watermelon, then she realized it and gave him a blank look.

Young Master Leng's poisonous tongue skill started to show up again.

Really annoying!

But when he said that, she couldn't help thinking, the watermelon fell to pieces, and the ground looked red.

If it was her head...

"Ah, am I seriously injured? Will there be a scar?" She tried her best to turn her eyes upwards, but she couldn't see how the injury on her head was. "It won't be disfigured, will it?"

Leng Yihuang looked at her mockingly: "Now you know you're afraid? Don't be a hero back then. After so many stitches, you must be disfigured."

"Ah?" Lin Xiaomi's eyes turned red suddenly, with crystal tears glistening in her eyes, and she raised her hand to touch her wound.

Leng Yihuang frowned, and his tone was a little heavy: "Didn't I tell you not to touch it!

Like any woman, Lin Xiaomi cared most about her own face. When she heard that she was disfigured, she was shocked. He was so fierce, and she immediately felt wronged.

"It must be ugly! Husband, if I really lose my appearance, will you dislike me?" Lin Xiaomi asked the question that women would ask in such a situation, and looked at him expectantly.

Leng Yihuang answered unambiguously: "I don't know about this, let's take a look after the stitches are removed. If it's too ugly then, I will have no choice but to let you go."

Lin Xiaomi looked at him in disbelief: "What did you say!!!"

At this time, shouldn't he express his determination to her? Regardless of whether it can be done or not, you should talk nicely to coax her.

For example, he loves her no matter what she looks like, and for another example, what he loves is her heart, not her appearance.

Just as she was injured, he was ready to kick her, what the hell is this!

The giant wheel of love sinks as soon as it says, she is so sad!

Leng Yihuang replied with an innocent face: "I have no choice. If you are really ugly, I will have nightmares all night if I look at you, then you can't force me to say that I don't care."

Lin Xiaomi burst into tears: "You big bastard!"

As soon as she opened her mouth to cry, he sealed it with a kiss, kissing her small mouth punitively.

Lin Xiaomi believed his words, and angrily refused to kiss him. As soon as she struggled, she stretched the wound on her shoulder, and she bared her teeth and screamed in pain.

"Bastard! Don't touch me, you hate me, why do you still kiss me!"

Leng Yihuang said with a smirk: "Isn't the wound covered with gauze? I can't see it, and I'm still reluctant to kiss."

The father can bear it, but the mother-in-law cannot.

Lin Xiaomi looked left and right, but there was nothing that could be used as a murder weapon, so he had to kick him with his feet: "Get lost! Superficial man."

"Okay, okay, be honest." Leng Yihuang pressed her leg, and patted her in warning: "If you get too bad, the family law will take care of you."

She pursed her mouth and stared at him resentfully, Leng Yihuang raised her hand to cover her eyes, after a while, took her hand away, and she continued to stare at him.

That pitiful little appearance looks like a small animal discarded by its owner.