Morning, the Heir

Chapter 260: It's too skinny to hold and doesn't feel fleshy


Never met his biological father.

These seven people were like a heavy hammer, hitting Bai Chen's heart heavily.

If there was a moment before that was his wishful thinking, then these seven words seemed to give him a good reason for his wishful thinking.

Are there really so many coincidences

Such a similar face, in Liancheng, without a father.

Bai Chen thought he must be crazy.

Lin Xiaomi actually doesn't like to mention her father to the outside world, because she has no impression of him at all, and father is just a word to her.

Bai Chen looked at the well-behaved daughter in front of him, his heart was about to move, and he blurted out: "If your father knows that you have such a beautiful, kind and sensible daughter, he will definitely be very proud."

Lin Xiaomi was startled, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Will you be proud of her

Jiang Hui said that because she gave birth to a daughter, her father abandoned his wife and daughter and never came back.

He didn't want her as a daughter at all.

But Lin Xiaomi won't tell outsiders about this, because she doesn't want to see other people's sympathetic eyes.

Because she had friends and this was the presidential palace, Bai Chen couldn't stay for too long, so he left after sitting for a while. Before leaving, he also told her to rest at home and go to work after she fully recovered.

Lin Xiaomi sent him out, and when she came back, she saw Wen Xiaoxiao sitting on the sofa with her arms folded, tilting her head and looking at her.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at, what are you looking at!"

Wen Xiaoxiao tilted his head and thought for a while: "This Minister Bai really cares about you. To be honest, when he looks at you, his eyes seem to be shining. How should I put it, it's not the kind of light that looks at women, but It's like looking at your own daughter."

Lin Xiaomi couldn't stand her friend's imagination that day, so she slapped her head aside, and asked speechlessly, "Do you know whose father this minister is?"

"Whose? Yours?" Wen Xiaoxiao asked jokingly.

"He is Bai Ruoxin's father."

She mentioned it to Wen Xiaoxiao before, and she heard Wen Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "Young Master Leng's fiancée?"

Seeing Lin Xiaomi nodding, Wen Xiaoxiao frowned and shook her head heavily: "This relationship is simply too complicated, then you and his daughter should be rivals in love, but even if you saved him, he was too kind to you a bit."

Lin Xiaomi didn't take it seriously, and felt that it wasn't that she was special to her, but that Bai Chen himself was very decent.

And one possible reason is that he said that she looks very similar to an old friend of his.

But this Lin Xiaomi didn't tell Wen Xiaoxiao, it was his privacy after all.

The two chatted in the villa all afternoon, as if they were back in school, when they were tired of talking about everything every day.

In the evening, Leng Yihuang came back early, and Lin Xiaomi asked her to eat, but she insisted on leaving.

"I won't disturb the world between you two." Wen Xiaoxiao winked at Lin Xiaomi, and then looked at Leng Yihuang. Although he was so handsome that both gods and gods outraged him, she was a little scared by the indifference and extravagance surrounding him.

If she wanted to eat at the same table with Master Leng, she was really afraid that she would suffer from indigestion.

Reluctantly, Lin Xiaomi personally sent her to the door, and Ah Xing sent her back.

It wasn't until the car drove away that Lin Xiaomi reluctantly looked away and returned to the villa. Leng Yihuang was not downstairs, but his coat was still on the sofa.

Lin Xiaomi searched around, and finally found Leng Yihuang in the kitchen pouring water to drink.

He said to him: "Minister Bai came over this afternoon and sent a lot of supplements."

Leng Yihuang just said "Yes" and didn't ask any more questions.

He raised his hand to pull her into his arms, and squeezed her arm with his big hand: "Then you eat, I hope it can make you fatter."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and that expression immediately gave her a bad feeling. Sure enough, she heard him say again in the next moment: "It's a bit sensual to hold you like this. Seeing that you are so thin now, it hurts your bones when you hold it in your arms."

"..." No woman can hear her husband's tone of disgust towards her.

Lin Xiaomi swung his arms and pushed him away: "Then don't hug him."

If he thinks she's sick, then why does he have to hug her to sleep every night, if he has the ability to hug her, he'll be fine.

She also poured herself a glass of water, turned around and walked out. Leng Yihuang paused, chased after her, and looked down at her: "Have you noticed recently that your temper is getting worse?"

Lin Xiaomi choked and was so angry that she hated her just now, but now she hates her tigress again. The more you look at her, the more unpleasant she is, right

Lin Xiaomi didn't bother to talk to him, turned around and went upstairs, leaving only his back.

Leng Yihuang was a little speechless, and followed him: "Why did I recruit you?"

She still can't use her injured arm, and it's not her turn to do cooking and housework. Back in the room, she leans on the sofa and reads magazines.

Seeing that she ignored him, Leng Yihuang went to take a shower, changed his clothes and came out, sat beside her, raised his hand and put his arm on the sofa behind her, so that it looked like he was half hugging her Generally in the arms.

When he lowered his eyes, he could see the smooth and delicate profile of the woman.

She looks really small, at such a close distance, not even a single pore can be seen on her face, her slender neck is exposed by her bowed posture, from his angle, she can vaguely see her collar The bottom can barely cover the traces of deep purple.

"Xiaoxiao came here today, you two had a good chat? Then let her come over to relieve you if you have nothing to do in the future."

Listening to his flattering voice, Lin Xiaomi rolled her eyes secretly.

His hot breath was in his ears: "No matter how beautiful a woman rolls her eyes, it's also unattractive."

Dislike her again!

Lin Xiaomi felt a little depressed, threw the magazine in her hand on the sofa, and turned her head to stare at him.

There was nothing in front of her, and he tilted his body and fell directly on her lap, with one arm around her waist, and buried his face in it.

"..." Lin Xiaomi shook her legs, unwilling to use him as a pillow: "Get up."

He reached out and poked the soft flesh around her waist: "You still have a lot of flesh."

"..." Lin Xiaomi closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and tried to calm himself down. Don't be impulsive and throw the magazine on his face.

This stinky man who can't chat! ! !


Lin Xiaomi didn't want to talk to him, but he was thick-skinned and couldn't get up on her lap.

She read the magazine for a while, then looked down at him, he breathed evenly, and his brows frowned again.

It is asleep.

I don't know how many troubles he has, and every time he sleeps, he frowns.

He must be very busy. After all, in such a big company, some decisions must be made by him. Because she was injured two days ago, he stayed with her in the hospital for a day and a night. It must have delayed work.