Morning, the Heir

Chapter 265: Wife dear


"What?" Lin Xiaomi couldn't believe her ears.

"They have already found me, beat me up today, and warned me that if I don't get 30 million within three days, I won't get paid, just die!"

Jiang Hui cried and begged: "Daughter, daughter, you must save Mom, Mom is really desperate this time, you can't just watch me die.

Lin Xiaomi's temples throbbed, feeling both funny and angry: "Where can I get you 30 million, how dare you say that!"

Thirty million, not three thousand yuan, how could she say it so easily.

"You don't have it, but your son-in-law does. Three thousand yuan is nothing to him." Jiang Hui urged.

Lin Xiaomi closed her eyes, and couldn't stand her: "Don't even think about it, don't say I won't talk to him, even if he is willing to give it to me, I won't agree, you solve the trouble yourself, don't Call me again!"

"Daughter? Daughter!" Jiang Hui yelled into the phone, but there was only a series of busy tones on the other side.

She called back again, and this time there was only the beep of shutting down the phone.

"Little bastard! How dare you turn off the phone? If I knew you were so heartless, I should have strangled you to death!" Jiang Hui threw the phone aside, trembling slightly, thinking of those vicious debt collectors, she I couldn't stop shaking.

His gaze inadvertently fell on the crumpled paper on the table, with a phone number written on it.

Wen Yun gave it to her.

She knew what Wen Yun meant, and wanted to buy her with money, so that she would agree never to let Lin Xiaomi associate with Leng Yihuang again.

Wen Yun wanted to marry Bai Ruoxin into the presidential palace.

Jiang Hui squeezed the crumpled paper in her palm, and a crazy and cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't blame me for being unkind."

They couldn't see her well and wanted to watch her die.

Then she won't let them have a good life.

They all want to marry into the presidential palace, don't they

Alright, she wants to see how Lin Xiaomi and Bai Ruoxin can fight!


Lin Xiaomi hung up Jiang Hui's call, out of breath.

She didn't believe Jiang Hui's words at all.

thirty million! !

Jiang Hui just asked her out for dinner, but later told her that she owed 30 million yuan. Is this possible

In Lin Xiaomi's mind, Jiang Hui had long since lost her credibility, and she was more inclined to be suspicious. Jiang Hui knew that she could not take advantage of her, and wanted to get a big sum of money at once, so she told such a lie.

She really didn't know how long Jiang Hui would stop making trouble, let her go, and let her live a few days in peace.

Lin Xiaomi is now staying at home every day, with injuries on her body and unable to go out. When she received a call from Jiang Hui, she became even more upset.

When Leng Yihuang came home at night, he could tell something was wrong with her.

"What's the matter? You look sullen." He went out to socialize tonight and came back very late. When he came back, he saw her leaning on the bed with her notebook in her arms and her head in a daze.

Lin Xiaomi was taken aback by his sudden embrace, and only then did she know that he was back.

"Are you back? Have supper?" She was about to get out of bed subconsciously, her waist tightened, but he pulled her over again, pressed her on the bed and kissed her.

The taste of alcohol in his mouth was rather strong, and a pair of deep eyes sparkled looking at her.

She pushed his shoulder, a little out of breath under his pressure.

As soon as she struggled, he hugged her even tighter: "wife, kiss."

"..." Only then did Lin Xiaomi realize that he seemed a little drunk.

"Why did you drink so much wine?" Lin Xiaomi gently pushed him away, unbuttoned his collar, and suddenly smelled a woman's fragrance on his body.

The taste is not heavy.

She knows that men usually go to some places for social gatherings, and find some ladies to entertain them. She can smell whether this smell touches them, but she is not happy today.

He reached out and pinched hard on his chest.

Leng Yihuang frowned, pressed his chest and screamed for pain.

Lin Xiaomi had never seen Leng Yihuang like this before, he was no longer cold or evil.

Poor, with shining eyes, she suddenly remembered the guinea pig she raised back then.

My heart suddenly softened.

Reach out and rub the place where you pinched it just now: "Is it all right now?"

"Wife, are you unhappy?"

"No, go take a shower, it stinks to death."

"You wash for me." He got up and pulled her up at the same time, almost dragged her into the bathroom, pushed her against the sink without closing the door, and kissed her fiercely to her.

Leng Yihuang took two steps back, staring at her with bright eyes.

Lin Xiaomi was numb from his look. He didn't touch her, but she felt as if she was naked, and he looked at her thoroughly from the inside out.

"You wash it yourself, I'll go out first." Lin Xiaomi raised his hand and fanned the wind, feeling that if he stayed any longer, he might be cooked.

Just as she was about to leave, when her waist tightened, she was stopped by him. His shirt had already been taken off, and within her reach was his muscular chest.

At this time, there was still a red mark on her chest, which was pinched by her just now.

"Wife, wash with me." Although he said it in a questioning tone, he didn't mean to ask her, and he stripped her naked in two or three strokes.

Lin Xiaomi didn't expect a drunk person to be so scary, and he almost beat him to death. The more she disagreed, the more motivated he was.

He didn't stop until he made her cry.

She had no choice but to press her shoulder, crying and crying for pain.

He tilted his head and thought for a while, then quickly picked her up, wiped her body, and then carefully put her on the bed.

Lin Xiaomi was so exhausted that she looked up to meet his eyes, snorted, and turned her back to him.

After a while, there was no sound behind him.

She turned around curiously, only to find that he had fallen asleep lying on the bedside.

Looking at his tired face, she couldn't help reaching out to touch the center of his frowning brows.

He must be very tired.

Lin Xiaomi sighed softly, fortunately she didn't tell him about Jiang Hui.

He worked so hard, so don't let messy things bother her anymore.


Wen Yun didn't find it strange at all when she received Jiang Hui's call. She packed up and was about to go to the appointment.

Just as she left the room, she saw Bai Ruoxin who was looking for her.

"Mom, where are you going? Take me with you."

"I have something to do today, so I won't take you with me. You stay at home honestly." Wen Yun was in a good mood, and pinched her cheek, and turned to look at her after walking two steps: "By the way, yesterday my friend Lin Xiaomi You didn't tell your dad about your mother, did you?"

"No, Dad came back so late last night, I didn't even see him, okay?"

Wen Yun nodded in satisfaction, and instructed: "Then don't tell him such trivial matters."