Morning, the Heir

Chapter 309: The phone is turned off


The house is very lively today, everyone is surrounded by the old birthday star, Leng Shaoyang sneaked up to Leng Yihuang's side while others were not paying attention, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, what's going on, where is my sister-in-law?"

Leng Yihuang sat on the sofa, slowly sipping red wine in his hand: "She's on a business trip."

"Then, are you two okay?" Leng Shaoyang said while patting his chest: "I was shocked when I saw you bring Xiaoxin in just now."

Leng Shaoyang was sitting on the armrest of the sofa, Leng Yihuang gave him a blank look, and kicked him off, he fell to the ground with one heel, and made the whole family laugh with an "Ouch".


Lin Xiaomi didn't feel well today. She was top-heavy all day and felt like she was going to pass out.

Moreover, the temperature in Shuncheng is extremely high today, and everything she sees is a little white.

Later, she couldn't hold on any longer, and told Hu Yue that she had to go back to the hotel first. Seeing that her face was so pale and frightening, her colleagues all told her to take a good rest, and they had them at work.

After getting into the taxi, Lin Xiaomi took out his wallet, and after a while, he couldn't even tell the amount of money.

Her body was so hot that she raised her hand and touched her forehead, as if she had a fever.

When the car arrived at the hotel, she staggered out of the car and walked into the hotel.

Her head seemed to explode in half, and the world suddenly spun before her eyes, and she fell to the ground, and then she didn't know anything.

A lot of people immediately surrounded him. Xue Haolin had a dinner party at night, and when he stepped out of the elevator, he saw the noise in the lobby, saying that a woman had fainted.

For some reason, he changed his direction and walked over to have a look. When he saw Lin Xiaomi lying on the ground, he was flustered. He pushed aside the crowd and squeezed past.

"Xiaomi? Xiaomi!"


In the hospital, Xue Haolin sat by the bed and looked at the pale woman. In just a few days, her small face seemed to have lost weight twice.

Such a grown-up person, so unable to take care of himself, suffers from heat stroke and fever.

Thinking of the scene where she fell to the ground in the hotel, Xue Haolin felt that his heart was about to stop.

He once thought that he could forget her. Ever since she and Leng Yihuang left Liancheng for the capital, he used work to numb himself, using himself as a robot, and every day besides work was entertainment.

He is very satisfied with this kind of life, and his business has improved to a higher level, and he has no time to think about her anymore.

Just like that, he thought he had forgotten her, but when he saw her again in Shuncheng, he realized that he was really too naive.

He just hid her in the deepest part of his heart.

He just didn't dare to touch it.

He still couldn't forgive himself for mistaking her, couldn't accept the fact that they were no longer possible.

Looking at the sweet sleeping face of the woman when she was asleep, Xue Haolin couldn't restrain the longing in his heart, and raised his hand to gently rub her delicate cheeks.

Looking at her dry lips, he couldn't help leaning over, wanting to kiss Xiangze.

He knew that if she was awake, he would never have this chance.

The two lips were so close, he still didn't kiss her in the end, but placed a light kiss on her forehead.

The thick long eyelashes blinked slightly, Lin Xiaomi opened his eyes weakly, and what caught his eyes was the white ceiling.

I didn't have any strength in my body, my stomach was overwhelmed, and I felt nauseated.

"Xiaomi, are you awake?"

A slightly surprised male voice came from next to her ear, appearing in front of her through Xue Haolin's face.

Lin Xiaomi looked at him in surprise: "It's you? Why am I here? Is this... a hospital?"

Xue Haolin stretched out his hand to help her up, and put a pillow behind her: "You fainted in the hotel lobby, I happened to pass by and sent you to the hospital, you suffered from heatstroke and fever, why are you so incapable of taking care of yourself? What if you fainted on the street?"

Lin Xiaomi was not used to being cared for so tenderly by him, she subconsciously looked out the window, only to realize that it was dark outside.

Xue Haolin has been here to guard her: "Thank you."

"Xiaomi." Xue Haolin wrapped her name around her tongue, locked her pale but beautiful face deeply, her heart hurt like a needle, and said pleadingly: "Can you stop being so polite to me?" ?”

Lin Xiaomi didn't dare to look at the friendship in his eyes, she lowered her eyes slightly and said, "You sent me to the hospital and guarded me for such a long time, I should thank you, and also, last time in Liancheng You saved me, and I didn't thank you properly."

Having such a distant conversation with her, Xue Haolin's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by her soft little hands, and he could hardly breathe due to the pain.

But he couldn't bear to force her.

"Okay, but what you say is not sincere enough. When you get better, you can treat me to a meal, right?"

"Of course."

"Are you hungry? You must not have eaten well these days. You are so skinny. I'll go downstairs and buy you some porridge. You wait here obediently." Xue Haolin poured her a glass of water before leaving go out.

In fact, Lin Xiaomi was really hungry. She had no strength at all and felt dizzy all the time. She felt a little nauseous even after drinking warm water.

The whole person seemed to be motion sick. She couldn't help retching a few times, but she couldn't vomit anything.

It was so uncomfortable that I couldn't help but cry.

Her mobile phone was placed on the table, and she couldn't help but take it over. It was already dark outside, but there was no missed call on it.

Leng Yihuang didn't call her today.

Is it inconvenient to still be in the presidential palace

But now she really wanted to hear his voice.

Lin Xiaomi sent him a text message: Where are you

The text message seemed to disappear, and the phone remained silent for a long time.

After waiting for more than twenty minutes, Lin Xiaomi hesitated and called him anyway.

From the mobile phone, a mechanical female voice came: "Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off, please call again later..."

Shut down!

Lin Xiaomi frowned slightly, a little angry and helpless, sighed softly, and put the phone back on the table.

The next moment, the phone rang suddenly, and Lin Xiaomi was overjoyed, and quickly picked it up, complaining slightly: "Why did you turn off the phone!"

There was a pause on the opposite side: "When did I shut down?"

It wasn't Leng Yihuang, it was Wen Xiaoxiao!

Lin Xiaomi sighed in disappointment. She was too anxious just now, so she didn't look at the name: "It's okay, why did you remember to call me? Did you miss me?"

Wen Xiaoxiao's voice was a little nervous: "Xiaomi, I think Shengdong's grandma seems to be suspicious."

Lin Xiaomi was too dizzy to react, and asked, "What do you suspect?"

"Suspect that I'm pregnant! She comes to the kindergarten to look for me at noon every day these days."