Mortal Desires

Chapter 60: Kiss you


After Xu Ruoxing agreed, she realized that she had spoken too quickly. It felt a bit redundant to ask why now, but it would be awkward if she didn't ask. She was cold. Su Yi touched her pillow and was shocked by the joy. She didn't notice Xu Ruoxing's abnormality. She said, "Then I will sleep in the study tonight."

The sound sounded stickier than usual.

I don’t know if it was Xu Ruoxing’s illusion, but her ears felt hot and she said, “Yeah, okay.”

Su Yi held the phone tightly, waiting for a long time but she didn't ask why. Did he not care, or did he acquiesce to her getting closer? Su Yi was nervous, not sure what Xu Ruoxing meant. Without seeing her, she couldn't even guess her expression.

Xu Ruoxing's voice came from the other end, and Su Yi asked: "Are you still working?"

"I have to go see Mr. Qi from Ruian later." Xu Ruoxing said, "Then I'll hang up first."

Su Yi said: "Okay."

Putting down the phone, Su Yi's palms felt warm. She lifted the quilt and wanted to get in, but then she remembered that she hadn't taken a shower yet. In the end, she just buried herself in the pillow for a while and went to the bathroom.

Xu Ruoxing just hung up the phone with Su Yi when she received a message from Li Chen: [I got the key.]

She replied briefly: [Yes.]

Li Chen was sitting in the car. Su Yuran had been getting off work very late recently. She had been following a report on an explosion. The cause of the explosion was still under investigation. However, because the accident involved some economic disputes, some people had been suppressing the matter. Su Yuran had also been harassed a lot for insisting on reporting, which was also the reason why she decided to move.

Li Chen was very worried about her, and came to see Su Yuran whenever he had time.

Although Su Yuran didn't want to see her.

Sure enough, Su Yuran walked out of the broadcasting building and saw the car outside and paused. Her colleague beside her said, "Sister Ran, see you tomorrow."

Su Yuran smiled: "See you tomorrow."

A colleague came up from behind and said, "Sister Ran, isn't that your child?"

Su Yuran was somewhat helpless, but still smiled politely: "Yeah." She walked to Li Chen's car, her expression slightly unhappy: "Why are you here?"

Her brows were slightly furrowed and her eyes were serious. Although she had already got off work, she always maintained her image. Her hair was neatly tied behind her ears, meticulously done. The black professional suit made her look more capable. She wore light makeup and took good care of herself. In order to look good on camera, she set high demands on herself. Standing next to Li Chen, she seemed more intellectual and mature, and there was not much age difference between them. Li Chen remembered that once she went on a trip with Su Yuran, and the tour guide, who was in her early twenties, kept calling Su Yuran "sister", which made her so angry that she didn't eat for several days. Later, she took Su Yuran home directly.

It happened not long ago, but now it seems like a lifetime ago.

At that time, Su Yuran was willing to let her get close, but now he didn't want to see her at all. Li Chen gathered his thoughts and said, "I'll take you to the house."

Su Yuran asked: "What house?"

Li Chen said: "I heard from my younger sister that you are looking for a house. There is an empty one in Ruoxing. The security there is pretty good. Would you like to go and take a look?"

Su Yuran said with a stern face: "I will take care of the house."

"What are you going to do?" Li Chen said, "You are so busy every day, either on the set or in the radio building, how can you have time to look at houses?" Realizing that his tone was a bit harsh, Li Chen calmed down, "I have already discussed the house with Ruoxing, and we will move in directly. She lives with her wife recently, so I won't bother her."