Mother of Insects

Chapter 101: Chapter 118


"Who's there? What do you want to do?"

A strong feeling of self-loathing surged into Lin Xi's heart—

He stepped into a trap.

Whether it's the kind of attraction that comes from deep within the body that he thinks is instinctive, or those embryo-like monsters that suddenly appear... I'm afraid it's all the fault of the guy who was hiding in the electronic brain before.

Oh my God, he actually thought that guy didn't have any malicious intentions, and he allowed himself to follow that person's conspiracy step by step and get here.

He should be more vigilant. Looking at the current situation, Lin Xi felt like he was like a stupid rabbit that had eaten enough and jumped directly into the trap.

But now, he was separated from Xavier and Arthur, and then was trapped in this biological laboratory alone and helpless.

"who are you?!"

Lin Xi shouted again.

However, after he finished speaking, there was still only silence around him.

Obviously, this time is the same as before...

No one responded to him, at least, that "person" didn't intend to respond to him now.

Lin Xi listened to her voice echoing continuously in the deserted biological laboratory and long corridors, forming a lingering sound similar to an echo.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Lin Xi could hear a hint of fear and panic in her voice.

Lin Xi took out the old-fashioned electronic pulse gun that he had been carrying on his back, and then held the thing tightly in his hand.

"Fuck-you brought me here, you gotta tell me what the hell do you want to do?"

Lin Xi's voice was deep, and he shouted through gritted teeth.

At the same time, he couldn't help but stare at everything similar to electronic instruments within his field of vision. He always felt that in the next second, a strange ghost from 300 years ago would appear on those electronic products and talk to him.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing in front of him changed at all.

Even those little things that were like embryos before have no sound.

It's so quiet here, it's like being at the bottom of the deep sea or in a coffin.

Lin Xi secretly cursed again.

He suddenly turned his head and walked towards the outside of the biology laboratory.

He had no intention of continuing his stalemate with the person who had led him here. However, just as Lin Xi stepped out of the already damaged biological laboratory door, two extremely solid isolation doors suddenly fell down at both ends of the passage connecting the biological laboratory.

Lin Xi's steps suddenly stopped.

The metal door hit the ground heavily, making an unusually heavy sound.

Lin Xi just stood at the door and stared dumbfounded. The two metal isolation doors with black and yellow edges blocked all his ways.

Even if he didn't step forward to inspect it carefully, Lin Xi could see that the two metal doors were quite thick and solid, and the only weapon in Lin Xi's hand now was an old-fashioned pulse gun (the energy could only be used by Lin Xi for one shot) Twice), there was no way he could open those two doors directly.

At this moment, the intention of the person hidden behind that electronic brain has become very obvious.

He hoped that Lin Xi would stay here, in this extremely uncomfortable biological laboratory.

"Okay... you like to communicate with me this way, right?"

Lin Xi's face turned pale, and then he gritted his teeth and said.

However, since the two isolation doors fell and trapped Lin Xi, there has been no movement from the mysterious man.

Lin Xi could feel his temples pounding, but he finally forced himself to calm down.

The matter has come to this, and it seems that if he doesn't do what that "person" wants, the two of them will just be stuck here. Considering that there was very little energy left in this underground facility, Lin Xi didn't think that a stalemate would be a good idea.

Under such circumstances, Lin Xi could only tighten his nerves, carefully return to the biology laboratory step by step, and patrol the completely sealed room.

Before that, Lin Xi was a little flustered because of being separated from Xavier and Arthur. He didn't pay too much attention to the information scattered on the ground. In his opinion, it was just a series of biological experiments, which included the capture and transformation of native organisms on planet AS192. Some of the experiments appear to involve cloning...

…The adult characteristics of the clones have deviated far beyond expectations, and their brains have been severely atrophied, making them almost completely unable to obey the orders of the special experimental subjects…

The desire to reproduce is 325 times the normal level, so they have evolved to be more...

Applying for the third batch of production of special experimental subjects s. The special reproductive tendencies shown by the clones have caused irreversible damage to special experimental subjects s...

Lin Xi's eyes swept over the reports and application forms.

He had a vague concept in his mind, but at this time, Lin Xi didn't realize that these records would have something to do with him...

Just some experiments with clones.

Lin Xi thought.

Of course these experiments are illegal on earth, but this is AS192 after all. Lin Xi knows very well that in a behemoth like the Providence Project, there will always be some dark corners that cannot be touched by law and ethics.

Not to mention, these experiments were permanently terminated for some special reasons three hundred years ago - the humans who conducted the experiments and the experimental subjects they produced had long since turned into humans and were lying in the corridor outside the door. superior.

But now, since something has detained Lin Xi here in various ways, it is obviously hoping that Lin Xi will find some other information...

Under this premise, Lin Xi had to cheer up and carefully check the information again.

"...Is this too strange?"

Although he didn't care at first, after carefully studying the remaining information in the laboratory, Lin Xi immediately realized that his previous judgment was wrong.

He discovered that in this biological laboratory, the largest amount of information was not about the transformation and cloning of organisms, but...

But some archaeological data that seems to have nothing to do with biological experiments

Lin Xi found some ancient storage chips on the ground, and with the idea of giving them a try, he stuffed the dusty chips into the small control center of the biological laboratory.

At least judging from the interface, it seems that the control center can also be used as an information reader.

Lin Xi didn't even need to rack his brains to guess the password this time - the mysterious person skipped the procedure directly, and the chip reading results automatically popped up on the distorted gray-blue screen.

When Lin Xi saw the results, she couldn't help but frown in confusion.

"Analysis of the inner meaning of Char Zerg worship in Sunu culture..."

"A summary of the relationship between Star Butterfly and the Char Zerg..."

"The archaeological discovery of the third sacrificial altar in Sulu King City and the study of the history of the Xia Zerg tribe..."

Lin Xi murmured and repeated the words on the document.

What exactly is going on

Why were so many archaeological documents of Sunu found in the biological laboratory on planet AS192

What happened to the Char Zerg clan...

Lin Xi didn't even know what the so-called Char Zerg was, but three hundred years ago, so many people were studying it

Lin Xi kept looking through the information in the records with strong doubts.

He quickly read through the contents of the electronic chip. After making sure that there was no more content inside, Lin Xi quickly put the other electronic chip into the reader.

He thought he could see more information about the Char Zerg—his intuition told him that this thing had a lot to do with him.

But what Lin Xi didn't expect was that after the electronic screen shook violently for a long time, what was displayed in front of him was no longer the inexplicable archaeological data.

What is displayed on this chip is the top-secret medical examination report of the Providence's top leader, Captain Scripps.

Scripps cases mixed with archaeological data

This made Lin Xi feel a little weird, but soon Lin Xi knew why...

His eyes quickly scanned the contents at the beginning.

It can be seen that Scripps is the perfect candidate to be the captain. He is an orphan and has no extra worries, which allows him to perfectly carry out such a long and lonely mission. Moreover, his IQ is extremely high, Physically far superior to other humans...

If you just look at his physical report before the flight, you will only feel that he is too perfect to be human - whether it is mentally or physically, he is so outstanding, it is like God knows that people To carry out an important task of expanding the living space of mankind, this man named Scripps was specially created for mankind.

However... just like Andre Quinn, his perfect resume happened after the Providence's transition caused a jump gate shock and lost contact with the earth.

Captain Stripes' physical problems broke out after the entire ship landed as192.

Lin Xi's eyes kept scanning the body data marked in bright red.

According to the ship's doctor's records at the time, Captain Scripps had a very severe allergic reaction to the new immigrant vaccine used on the planet AS192, and this time the allergy even lasted for more than half a year.

As of now, Captain Scripps' physical record data is still under ordinary confidentiality.

When Lin Xi continued to read, he noticed that the confidentiality level of the document was instantly raised to the highest level...

After discovering this, Lin Xi couldn't help but look at the data reader in front of him for a long time.

"You're here, right? Is this what you want me to see?"

Lin Xi couldn't help but ask.

He was very sure that if it weren't for the help of the "ghost" who kept appearing around him with the help of electronic brains, it would have been impossible for an outsider like him to see the highest-level confidential information from 300 years ago.

This made Lin Xi feel particularly upset, and the feeling of falling into a trap became even stronger.

He even wanted to put down the record in his hand and leave, but his body seemed to be out of control, so he couldn't help but read on...

Soon, the appearance of a few pictures made him forget all the other troubles. .

When she saw those pictures, Lin Xi's pupils suddenly shrank, and she stood stiffly on the spot.

That photo comes from the Providence's captain Scripps' condition report.

The subject of the photo is naturally Scripps himself.


Lin Xi looked at the young man in the picture in shock.

He was completely different from what Lin Xi thought...

In Lin Xi's impression, he always felt that Scripps should be a disgusting guy who was as evil and gloomy as a poisonous snake. But now, what he saw in the photo was indeed a very pale but extremely beautiful face. man.

It's hard to tell whether he is an Oriental or a Westerner. Perhaps because of his mixed race, his face perfectly inherits the most beautiful features of different races. Moreover, his temperament is gentle but not weak, calm but not indifferent - just looking at his photo, a wonderful thought emerged in Lin Xi's heart.

There was no man in the world more qualified to captain the Providence than Scripps. Although, even looking at it from the perspective of three hundred years later, Lin Xi still feels that even if Scripps refuses to become the captain of an immigrant spaceship, he can still live a good and prosperous life as a star on earth - he It can even drive people on earth crazy.

However, although he looks breathtakingly beautiful in this photo, his body is...

But it's quite bad.

Because Scripps' body has undergone very obvious changes.

Lin Xi stared blankly at Scripps in the photo.

The man's upper body was still as graceful as a marble sculpture, but his lower body had transformed into another... disgusting form.

Lin Xi's breathing became extremely heavy, and he turned his head and looked at his body blankly.

Yes, Stripes is just like Lin Xi. His body has undergone serious changes and he has turned into a terrifying monster that is half human and half insect.


Lin Xi couldn't say anything else at all.

And if the information he browsed was not a joke on him...

Captain Scripps was severely infected by the Char Zerg at the beginning.

At least that's what they say in the documentation.

This is why there are so many archaeological records about the Char Zerg in this biological laboratory.

Lin Xi straightened up in shock and looked around him again.

This is not a biological laboratory... this is a private top-secret hospital specially set up by the senior officials on the Providence to cure the original Captain Scripps.

But for some reason, Captain Scripps did not continue the treatment, and the entire medical laboratory and the entire underground facility were abandoned by the USS Providence.

The treatment for Captain Scripps stopped abruptly.

Lin Xi immediately realized that he was so similar to the original Scripps. He couldn't wait to see more information, but the reader that was originally struggling to survive made an unbearable noise at this time. The weird sound of a heavy load.

Immediately afterwards, the slanted and shaking screen dimmed under Lin Xi's gaze.

"Hey, don't do that!"

Lin Xi became anxious all of a sudden. He slapped the reader hard in an attempt to get the damn machine to work again.

However, the reader completely stopped.

"Is there any mistake..."

Lin Xi couldn't believe that he would encounter such a thing. You know, he was clearly seeing the most important place.

Thinking of this, he couldn't restrain the anger in his heart and kicked the data table of the connected data reader hard.

The unexpected happened just like this...


The next second, Lin Xi suddenly heard a particularly monotonous voice coming from behind the laboratory.

Lin Xi suddenly turned around, and then he was shocked to see that what he thought was the wall was slowly sliding towards both sides.

The biting cold air turned into a layer of white mist, flowing slowly along the open metal door.

In the dim blue light, one after another cylindrical frozen petri dishes stood in the frozen warehouse as wide as a square.

In the translucent freezing liquid, the bluish-white penis floated slowly like a floating corpse due to long-term freezing.

"my God-"

Lin Xi's breathing paused for a moment.

He didn't even know how he walked into that cold storage warehouse.

It's so cold and dead here, but at the same time, there is something here that has always touched Lin Xi's heart...

The first time he walked into the freezing warehouse, Lin Xi's eyes fell on the frozen dormant petri dish closest to him.

He saw a familiar face there...

Just a few minutes ago he had seen this man's face in the photo file, a face only Scripps had.

However, the man's curled-up body was dormant in the cold cryogenic liquid. Only his face was now human, and the other parts of his body had completely turned into large lumps of flesh that looked like tumors.

Lin Xi slowly took a few steps forward. He was not surprised at all. He saw more similar things in other frozen petri dishes - the same face of Scripps, and something that could not be described in words. Disgusting body.

Lin Xi held her breath and looked at the logo under the frozen petri dish.

These frozen contents did not have their own names, but just from the changing numbers, Lin Xi could already guess that these terrifying creatures were all clones of Captain Scripps.

Special experimental questions

He suddenly remembered the words mentioned in the information he had glanced at before.

Lin Xi originally thought that after experiencing so much, his spirit was strong enough (after all, not everyone will find themselves abandoned on an alien planet after waking up, with all their companions dying tragically and turning into half human and half insect) creature), but at this moment, when he looked at the numerous clones in front of him, he still felt out of breath.

And just when Lin Xi thought this was the limit, he had already arrived at the center of the freezing warehouse, and then he saw something even more terrifying here.

If the Scripps clone only made it difficult for him to breathe, then what he saw now made his body freeze, completely unable to move.

A super-large refrigeration tank that is as deep and wide as a swimming pool stands there.

Within it, there were densely packed monsters that looked like giant insects, floating in the freezing liquid.

At the very first moment, the corpses of these monsters even reminded Lin Xi of Xavier involuntarily - the feeling was very special. Lin Xi could not point to those disgusting things and say how they were similar to Xavier.

But just looking at them, Lin Xi couldn't help but think of Xavier.

This feeling was so strange that Lin Xi couldn't help but get goosebumps all over her body.

He just wanted to run away and stop looking at these monsters, but he couldn't control his eyes.

His instinct…

"He" was screaming inside his body.

Lin Xi could feel every cell in his body staring at the monsters in front of him.

Each one of them looks completely different, and some look like outright large insects, with particularly ferocious appearances and disgusting faces. . There are also some that look more or less human. However, these human features are embedded in such bodies, which only makes them look more terrifying.

Oh, right…

Although the shapes of these monsters were different, one thing was the same in their strange bodies. Lin Xi focused his attention on the protruding pillars of different shapes on the surface of their bodies.

As a half-human, half-insect monster, Lin Xi didn't need anything else to distinguish the characteristics of those monsters.

He knew very well that those extremely huge bulges were... some kind of special organ of these monsters.

Yes, at this moment Lin Xi could clearly tell the difference between the monster in the tank and his Xavier.

The special organs of these monsters have obviously developed to an illogical degree. .

Those bulges... abnormal enlargements and bulges...

This gives these monsters a completely abnormal proportion of their bodies and strangeness.

Yes, from the perspective of humans, alien species are all monsters, but even from a monster perspective, these things look too abnormal.

Not to mention, the aura on these frozen corpses felt extremely familiar to Lin Xi.

They are not ordinary alien species, they are...

Lin Xi suddenly shuddered, and a terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind

If Scripps has the same physical mutation as him, does it mean that Scripps is also the same as him... 300 years ago, Scripps was gradually transforming into the mother of alien species

"Oh no… "

Lin Xi's face was completely drained of blood, and he couldn't help but murmured.

Everyone knows that the birth of the mother of alien species must be accompanied by the emergence of the king insect, just like Lin Xi has his Xavier.

If Scripps had been copied into so many clones, it would be difficult for his Overlord to escape a similar fate.

Lin Xi's pupils shrank to a tiny point, and he stared at the contents of the glass sink in front of him in horror.

Every monster here is a clone of a king insect...

It's just that some kind of uncontrollable mutation seems to have occurred in these clones.

Just as Lin Xi carefully looked at the long-frozen individual creatures, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he vaguely felt that one of the monsters seemed to be moving.

Lin Xi suddenly felt a little sick.

He took several steps back to put some distance between himself and the freezer tank.


It was at this time that he seemed to hear a small neighing sound.

Lin Xi's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly realized that he was not dazzled before.