Mother of Insects

Chapter 108: Chapter 125


"You... what do you think of my original appearance..."

Xavier stared at Lin Xi closely.

The words Lin Xi said to it before were enough to make its scarlet compound eyes shine with ecstasy.

But just after the ecstasy, Xavier's tone did not sound particularly confident.

From Lin Xi's point of view, this huge bug was almost crazy with joy, but it had been trying hard to maintain its calm mask in front of Lin Xi - the word "worried about gains and losses" could not be more appropriate to describe Xavier now. .

"Are you serious? You do like me the way I am... I heard that humans don't like insects very much... Anyway, that's what the TV series says. Well, actually, I think humans are pretty good too, Lin Xi. That’s what humans are like now, isn’t it?”

Xavier spoke incoherently, and it seemed to have a habit of chattering and stammering when it was nervous.

Moreover, from the tone, it still sounds a little unbelievable - on the one hand, it may be because of the previous interaction between Lin Xi and it, which makes it feel insecure, and of course, part of the reason comes from the things it has watched in private. Soap TV series.

In those TV shows, humans are always very good at lying.

Of course, on the other hand, Xavier’s worries are not completely unfounded—

At the same time that Xavier transformed into a alien form, Lin Xi, who rebuilt his body with it, was completely transformed into a human form.

While talking, Lin Xi lowered his head and looked at his new body.

The half-human, half-insect body was gone, and Lin Xi now had smooth skin and normal limbs.

There was no trace of insect characteristics in Lin Xi's body - he looked like a perfectly normal human being.

However, compared with real humans, Lin Xi's skin is still a little strangely pale, without any flaws, and his body...

If any scientist is here at this time and happens to have instruments to examine Lin Xi's new body, he will be very surprised to find that Lin Xi's body data is simply perfect - perfect like a large-scale A carefully calculated computer model of the human body rather than a real-life individual.

Oh no…

In fact, even a human computer would have a hard time calculating Lin Xi's beautiful, balanced and coordinated sex.

In a sense, even though Lin Xi still has a human body, some of his characteristics have been perfectly assimilated with the mother of alien species. The same is the ultimate balance, the same is the ultimate beauty, the same is the complete perfection.

Only such a mysterious, ancient and chaotic wonderful creature can transform into such a wonderful, magical expelling shell.

Lin Xi slowly raised his arm, opened his palm, and observed it for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a complicated look flashed in Lin Xi's eyes.

It's really strange. Not long ago, he was still a complete human being, but now, when he found himself back to being a human again... he actually felt a little strange.

This body is indeed beautiful, but if it really suits his fetish...

After carefully looking at his body, Lin Xi slowly raised his head. .

"I need to leave a strong mark on myself so that I will not be lost in the void... The human body is what I am most familiar with."

Lin Xi explained to Xavier seriously.

As he spoke, he slowly got up from the ground. After a period of adaptation, he was finally able to perfectly control his new body.

"...I really didn't lie to you. Now I do think you are very cute."

Lin Xi said.

Seeing Xavier's eyes looking at him become brighter and brighter, Lin Xi couldn't help but continue: "Actually, it has been like this from the beginning... When you were still pretending to be Star Butterfly, I felt that you looked like Quite beautiful... You know, from that time on, I have always seen your true appearance."

Lin Xi said softly, then raised her hand and gently touched Xavier's breastplate.

Lin Xi was particularly impressed by the extremely thick, hard and cold carapace and the terrifying power contained under the carapace.

Following Lin Xi's gentle words, Xavier's wings trembled desperately behind him. Those two pieces are as beautiful as clouds, soft as silk and full of wrinkled wings.

Yes, the beautiful wings that Xavier once cared about and was so proud of finally returned to his body again.

(Okay, Lin Xi has to admit that he still has a small selfishness when it comes to Xavier's wings. Fortunately, from an aesthetic point of view, Xavier is as fond of these beautiful wings as he is. .)

Lin Xi had already moved her eyes over Xavier the moment he fluttered his wings.

He just stared at Xavier's wings, which were shining with gold and silver light. Combined with the ever-changing magnificent colors on Xavier's body, his wings were like a miniature universe.

No matter how long she watched it, Lin Xi still found it very beautiful.

Xavier also noticed Lin Xi's gaze. Almost subconsciously, it began to shake its wings and move its body in an ambiguous way, making it look like it was dancing in front of Lin Xi.

It was because it was so happy that it took a while for Xavier to suddenly realize that Lin Xi's previous words contained an important message—

Its tentacles suddenly stood upright above its head, and the tips swayed slightly due to excessive tension.

"Xingdie? Do you remember Xingdie—Lin Xi, you remember..."

Xavier clearly remembered that before this, Lin Xi had lost most of his memory due to body reorganization. He could not remember that Xavier had transformed into a star butterfly to accompany him through an extremely difficult time.

But now he takes the initiative to talk about this past.

There is only one explanation.

"Yes, Xavier, I remembered."

Lin Xi looked directly at Xavier and said softly.

Since recovering his memory, Lin Xi has been carefully sorting out his emotions, but when he mentioned the moment when he finally recovered his memory, his voice was still filled with sobs.

He remembered everything, and how he had given up everything and just wanted to return to Xavier.

Similarly, he also thought of the unusually unwilling ending. He had obviously rushed back so hard, but in the end it was because of that damn Hal. He had to die not far from Xavier.

How sad was Xavier who had not waited for him

Even after so long, Lin Xi still feels sad.

"I have not abandoned you. I have always wanted to say this to you - I promised you that I will come back to you."

After so long, Lin Xi could finally say this to Xavier.

A moment of silence immediately enveloped Lin Xi and Savile.

Xavier, who had always been chatty, fell silent at this moment.

In fact, Xavier already knew that Lin Xi had not abandoned him.

After all, Lin Xi had assured it before that Lin Xi had a hunch that he had not abandoned Xavier.

However, the "feeling" at that time was completely different from the direct guarantee from Lin Xi now.

Xavier's tentacles swayed, and then it gently pressed the tip of its claws on the back of Lin Xi's hand, forcing Lin Xi to stay on his breastplate.

"Did you secretly make me a heart that only you humans can have?"

Xavier said to Lin Xi in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"I don't… "

"Then... why does my chest hurt so much? I am obviously super happy, super, super, super happy, but... "

As he spoke, Xavier suddenly uncontrollably spread his arms, and then hugged Lin Xi forcefully.

Its body was trembling slightly.

It was really amazing. He was almost dying of joy, but what filled Xavier's heart at this moment was the feeling of wanting to cry.

There was a dull pain in its chest, as if it had been cut by a very sharp blade covered with honey.

For a moment, Xavier really wanted to hold Lin Xi as tightly as he did now, then put his face on his neck and cry loudly.

The only regret is that it no longer has human tear glands, let alone wastes any energy and sheds useless liquid.

"Sorry, I just remembered so late."

Xavier heard Lin Xi whisper in his ear.

"...Then...then you, don't do this again in the future."

Xavier flapped his wings, and after a while, he tentatively wrapped Lin Xi with his wings.

In this case, it seems that suddenly, only he and the other person are left in the whole world.

Xavier could feel the non-existent heart in his chest really beating.

"No," Lin Xi responded seriously to Xavier. "I will always be with you from now on, and I will never leave you again."

His tone was as soft as melted chocolate.

Xavier suddenly felt dizzy.

Then, he heard Lin Xi laugh softly in his chest.

Then, Lin Xi suddenly turned his face and gently kissed Xavier, who was completely stiff for a moment.

Let us politely skip this intimate moment between Xavier and Lin Xi.

In short, when Lin Xi finally solved the knot with Xavier, it took them a while to stabilize each other's emotions.

After finally returning to normal, Lin Xi also had some rare thoughts to observe the situation around him except Xavier.

The frozen warehouse is already empty. Those tumor-like pieces of meat that once brought extreme panic and mental stimulation to Lin Xi, as well as those filthy twisted clones, have been completely destroyed by Lin Xi as early as in the previous evolution. absorbed into energy and entered his body

Now, this freezing warehouse looks like a place that has been abandoned for a long time. Even the freezing liquid in the broken freezing petri dishes has long evaporated.

The ground was covered in debris, with just a few traces of slime and blood that were difficult to detect without looking closely.

Those experimental subjects and clones with extremely twisted, filthy and painful bodies seemed to have never existed in this reality.

In fact, not only was the laboratory so silent and empty, there was no life within several kilometers surrounding this underground facility—they had all been absorbed by Lin Xi.

Apart from…

Lin Xi suddenly felt something. He suddenly raised his head and walked straight to the corner of the room.

As long as he gets a little closer, Lin Xi can see with his own eyes the life forms within his range of perception. Then he saw a broken corpse that had lost all signs of life.

Lin Xi paused involuntarily, looking at the limp white body sadly.

Thin, pale, and deformed.

Yes, that's right, before Arthur fell into coma, he had tried every means to fix himself on the base of the petri dish. Because he was worried that after losing consciousness, he would rely on his body's instinct to come to Lin Xi's side, and then be swallowed by Lin Xi.

But he didn't expect that the call emitted by the Mother of Alien Species during the mutation - and the instinct in her body would be so powerful.

Those abandoned pipelines became tighter and tighter as Arthur struggled.

Arthur did not come to Lin Xi's side—it was just that in the struggle that he was not aware of, his neck was strangled bit by bit by those pipelines.

Then it died miserably.

Some insects from outside took away part of his body, which made Arthur's body even more desolate.

Lin Xi couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pressed his chest.

Perhaps, there were fragments of Arthur in his body, and in that chaos... he ate Arthur's corpse.


Lin Xi murmured.

"I clearly told him to run away quickly."

"No Familia would be willing to stay away from their alien mother in a critical moment." Xavier's red eyes stayed on Arthur's desolate corpse, and he said dully after a while.

Even Xavier himself didn't realize that he had implicitly admitted that this unqualified and very weak deformed alien was also one of Lin Xi's dependents.

"It's so stupid..."

Then Xavier said harshly.

"Yeah, this is a little fool too."

Lin Xi sighed.

Then he knelt down next to Arthur's body. He stretched out his hand and hovered his fingers around Arthur's neck.

His nails suddenly became extremely sharp, and then Lin Xi nailed the wrist of the other hand.

Those extremely sharp nails left deep scars on his fair skin. These bone-deep wounds should have brought a lot of blood.

But... Lin Xi didn't bleed.

Because what was flowing in his body at this moment was not blood, but something even weirder.

Some dark red, viscous liquid.

They kept swarming and squirming inside Lin Xi's open wound, like a bunch of worms.

Only under the control of Lin Xi's will, a wisp of mucus reluctantly and slowly emerged from Lin Xi's wound.

The wisp of red liquid fell directly on Arthur's skin, which had lost all warmth and color. Then, they squirmed their bodies and drilled directly into the deep wound on Arthur's neck.

Almost at the same time they entered Arthur's body, the extremely hideous wound on Arthur's body was covered with a thin film at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Underneath the film, its wounds began to heal rapidly. At the same time, all the small scars on Arthur's body were healed. Fresh granulation tissue appeared on the surface of the damaged limbs, and then those granulations grew into complete...

Not long after, Arthur's bloodless body gradually began to become warm and soft, and the green color gradually receded from its corpse... Oh, no, maybe corpse can no longer be used to describe Arthur.

The reason is simple. Not long after the blood entered its body, Arthur's body trembled slightly, and then, covered with pale skin, all its body functions began to operate again.


Under Lin Xi's calm gaze, Arthur suddenly let out a heavy, hoarse gasp.

Then, it jumped up as if waking up from a nightmare.

The few pipelines that almost killed it were like rotten straw, broken section by section, and then fell from the surface of its body.

Arthur finally came back to life, but he still seemed a little unclear.

"Lin Xi, Lin Xi..."

It chirped loudly.

However, it turned its head and faced Xavier, who was looking directly at it.

The next second, Arthur screamed. It took several steps back in panic, and hit its head heavily on the metal base, making a dull sound.


Lin Xi couldn't help it and laughed.

It wasn't until this moment that Arthur finally saw Lin Xi.

The cry that originally contained deep anxiety suddenly turned into a cry of joy.

"Lin Xi!"

it shouted

"Does this guy only shout the word 'Lin Xi'?"

Seeing Lin Xi smiling with joy because of Arthur's resurrection, Xavier rubbed his forelimbs dissatisfiedly.

The beautiful colors on its wings also turned a dissatisfied purple.

Xavier stared at the resurrected Arthur coldly, and said coldly behind Lin Xi... His tone was far less warm than before.

After all... Arthur is alive now.

Judging from the current situation, Xavier seems to have completely forgotten that there was a time when he only called Lin Xi's name.

Of course, Lin Xi would not be too harsh to remind Xavier of this.

Arthur now has Lin Xi's blood in his body, which allows him to feel all the conditions of his family more vividly.

Arthur's physical condition is far better than before, and he has become much stronger than before - at least at this time, it can hardly be described as weak.

"...After everything is settled, you can undergo another transformation. This time you will definitely have a intact body."

Lin Xi assured Arthur seriously.

As soon as he heard that he was likely to become a normal mutant, Arthur was so happy that he almost jumped into Lin Xi's arms. However, just when he was about to do so, Xavier suddenly took a step forward silently. , blocking Lin Xi with his huge body.

Arthur shuddered, and it quickly took a few steps back, but the progress was that this time it finally didn't hit its head.

Well, even though I have died once, some things have not really changed.

For example, Xavier in front of it is still as scary and annoying as ever.

Seeing Xavier like a naive child, desperately releasing pheromones on Arthur to exert pressure, Lin Xi rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"Well, Xavier, you should know that Arthur is actually very well-behaved. He has no special thoughts about me."

Lin Xi said.

"I'm obetient!"

Arthur immediately began parroting.

Lin Xi didn't know why, but when he heard "very good", Xavier's aura became more condensed and colder, and Arthur was so frightened that he huddled pitifully, looking at Lin Xi secretly as if he was asking for help. .

Just when Lin Xi couldn't help but smile because of the noisy scene in front of him, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart.

He suddenly turned his head and looked directly at somewhere in the corner, where there was a very small black lens.

If Lin Xi's current perception system hadn't changed from what it used to be, it would have been difficult for him to discover that there was actually a secret surveillance system there.

But now this surveillance system has been turned on and activated unknowingly.

Someone is watching him now.

Everything was so secretive, but everything was so obvious. Lin Xi could clearly feel that the inhuman part of her body knew everything around her.

This time Lin Xi followed his instinct and blinked at the activated surveillance system camera.

He didn't know how he did it, but he was sure that at that moment... he threw something -

"Zi la...".

And at the same moment, the camera suddenly exposed a ball of dazzling sparks, and then a burst of green smoke came out.

A small string of flames flashed from the dark corner of the ceiling.

All surveillance systems inside this underground facility were completely destroyed at the same time.

"What's there?"

It was only then that Xavier and Arthur turned their heads to look in the direction of the explosion.

"It's nothing, there's a little mouse peeking at us."

Lin Xi said lightly.

He shrugged his shoulders at the two aliens in front of him.


Arthur tilted his head in confusion.

"... It's just a metaphor..."

Lin Xi said with a wry smile.

Then, he pressed his temples, as if sensing something.

After a while, he calmly put down his hand, then looked at Arthur and Xavier softly and said.

"However, the other party also gave me a reminder. Now is not the time to talk. Maybe we should leave here first before talking... After all, some guests will be coming soon."

It was as if God heard Lin Xi's voice. Not long after he finished speaking, some subtle sounds came from the end of the intricate corridor.

Xavier's eyes suddenly became extraordinarily bright, and his wings were tightly tied behind him, and they took on an unsettling scarlet color.

Xavier could never have mistaken that voice.

This is exactly the kind of noise those damn mechanical warriors would make.

Obviously, while Lin Xi directly destroyed the surveillance system, someone directly activated the defense system inside the underground facility.

As for the Providence, which carries the entire Del Company, what other defense system is cheaper, more efficient and easier to use than the ghost-type mechanical warrior produced by Del Company

Now, they're here.