Mother of Insects

Chapter 13


Maybe there was something wrong with those calming gel sticks.

Lin Xi couldn't help but think.

This handy thing is actually a medical supply. Everyone on the ship has their own fixed quota. Obviously, Lin Xi's quota was used up a long time ago (Bryce was of course very angry about this).

The calming gel sticks that Bryce found in his room were won by him when he played cards with other people on the ship. It took a long time for those unlucky guys to understand that an assistant professor of botany at the Earth-Moon Union University might look like a fat sheep, but since he was so keen to participate in the card games of these low-level personnel on the spacecraft, it proved that he still had something to rely on...

Lin Xi was secretly thinking in his heart that he would go find those people to ask about the source of the calming glue sticks, but the most urgent priority was to overcome the current difficulties first.

"I'm so sorry, Bryce, I really didn't expect such a big problem. I think it might be because I was under too much pressure during this period, so I accidentally made such a mistake... I will never make such a mistake again in the future, I can swear to you."

Lin Xi looked up at Bryce and spoke softly.

He was a very good-looking man, no one could deny that.

Once he shows this weak and harmless expression like he is now, it's like a naughty cat looking at someone seriously with eyes wide open. Even though people know that this guy is just pretending to be pitiful, few people can be cruel to him.

Unfortunately, Bryce seemed to be really mad at this moment, and the tricks that always worked well in the past didn't work this time.

"Don't play that in front of me. Don't I know what you're thinking? You've promised me so many times. When have you ever really behaved yourself? This time we discovered the alarm in time, so we rushed over to rescue you. What about next time? We are not in a safe channel, nor on Earth. How long are you going to keep messing around..."


Lin Xi slumped his shoulders, lowered his head, and then whispered painfully in his heart.

Bryce's roar was certainly terrifying, but not as terrifying as his nagging.

And now, it is obvious that the devil switch in Bryce has been turned on.

“Maybe I should be the one to apologize.”

Just as Lin Xi was desperately preparing to face Bryce's long and trivial muttering, a voice suddenly sounded and interrupted Bryce's rant.

"Professor Ando?"

Bryce stopped talking in astonishment and looked at the person who spoke.

Shizuo Ando had an apologetic smile on his face. He nodded at Bryce and said, "I have asked Dr. Lin Xi to help me complete many experiments recently, many of which are beyond his scope of work... The exploration team has found too many things on this planet recently, and the laboratory on the ship is really a bit overwhelmed." Shizuo Ando sighed, "... I'm really sorry, I was completely immersed in the new discovery and didn't realize that Dr. Lin Xi had been overloaded for a while."

Having said that, Ando looked at Lin Xi.

"I think this is probably why Dr. Lin Xi has accumulated so much pressure, and then today's accident happened."

Although Lin Xi had no idea why Ando Shizuo suddenly came to his rescue, he still responded to his words with great gratitude.

"I'll find better ways to handle stress in the future, I promise!"

Only God knew that Lin Xi only needed to take care of the Sunu plants occasionally during this period - and this job was actually so leisurely that he had plenty of time to sneak away to other places to play cards and have fun.

"Well, like this..."

He didn't know what the real situation was, but Ando Shizuo's words did make Bryce lose the position to continue nagging Lin Xi.

The medical officer, who was occasionally a little too maternal, coughed lightly.

“… but abusing the Calming Gel Stick is still a bad habit.”

Bryce's voice became softer. He glared at Lin Xi but didn't say anything else.

The medical room fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little tense.

Lin Xi desperately sent laser beams towards An Teng Jingxiong, but the latter seemed to have not yet recovered from the embarrassment of lying. His eyes were evasive and his face was a little red.


Just at this moment, a clear prompt sound from another treatment chamber eased the sudden embarrassment in the medical room.

The originally yellow cover of the treatment chamber gradually turned transparent and then slowly rose up, and a young woman slowly sat up from the instrument.

Oh, I see.

The moment he saw that woman, Lin Xi came to his senses and wondered why Shizuo Ando had been staying in the medical room.

Because Liz is here too.

"How are you feeling now, honey? Are you feeling better?"

As soon as Liz appeared, Shizuo Ando completely ignored the other two people in the field.

He rushed to the treatment device as if no one was around and hugged the woman who still looked a little weak.

"I'm much better..." Liz exchanged a kiss with Ando, and then she looked at Bryce, "Thank you for your treatment, Dr. Bryce."

There was a subtle, odd tone to the woman's accent when she spoke.

That was a fairly typical Sonu accent.

Considering that she is a hybrid of Sunu and Earthlings, it is normal for her to have such an accent, so neither Bryce nor Shizuo Ando cared about it at all.

Only Lin Xi - when he heard that Sunu accent, he felt as if he was thrown into ice water out of thin air.

A completely inexplicable fear instantly spread in his heart, and even his body was trembling slightly.

Lin Xi frowned.

He clenched his teeth and forced down the strange feeling of fear—he thought he was just frightened by Liz's current state.

Yes, Liz did look a little scary now.

Lin Xi had never thought that pregnancy was such a terrible thing for a Sunu mixed-race woman.

In his memory, Liz might not be a very pretty woman (after all, all the features of the Sunu people, pale skin, deep eye sockets and overly slender limbs do not conform to Lin Xi's aesthetics), but she is definitely not the terrible appearance she is now - the woman's body seems to be completely absorbed by the huge and swollen flesh sac in the abdomen. The pale skin is almost translucent, and it is wrinkled and wrapped around the slender skeleton of the Sunu people. Her hair has almost fallen out, and it is sparse and greasy. Hanging on her scalp. And her eyes have completely sunk into the eye sockets, the pupils are dilated, and there is no white in the eyes, which makes her eyes look like the eyes of some deep-sea fish, dark and lifeless.

In sharp contrast to her lifeless body was her abdomen, which was swollen to a frightening size. Lin Xi didn't even dare to look at it any longer. He had an illusion that even the pressure from her sight could cause Liz's abdomen to explode.

Even though we already knew that Liz was pregnant, her condition looked...

"This is what I should do. Your body condition is different from others, so I'm afraid this pregnancy will be a little difficult."

While Lin Xi's hands and feet became weak and he was completely unable to move because of the inexplicable fear, Bryce showed everything that a qualified medical officer should show.

He showed no signs of being out of place; instead, he appeared professional, controlled, gentle, and concerned.

While comforting Liz, he was also carefully looking at the information coming from the treatment device.

"… Your child is healthy, ma'am, but you yourself require more nutritional support and additional medical care," Bryce said.

Lin Xi felt that what he said was too euphemistic.

Liz's child was almost completely draining the woman dry - anyone could see that without the help of any equipment.

But Liz herself looked like she didn't care at all.

Liz stroked her huge belly and smiled a happy smile that made Lin Xi's scalp tingle.

"This is really the best news. As long as he is healthy, I have nothing else to ask for..." At this point, Liz suddenly cast her dark eyes at Bryce, "But, doctor, I'm still worried. The spaceship is too noisy. Sometimes I can feel that my child is about to be unable to rest because of the noise. I'm very worried that the noise will cause harm to him..."

Lin Xi noticed very keenly that Bryce frowned slightly at Liz's muttering.

He vaguely felt that something was not right with Liz.

But he didn't think too much about it.

It was the next day that he discovered that this matter was actually related to him.

At that time, he was still trapped in his room and was ordered by Bryce to rest seriously for a day.

Shizuo Ando knocked on the door, and after getting permission, he walked in quietly.

"Dr. Lin Xi, are you free? I think I have something to discuss with you."

Ando said.

He looked a little uneasy.

Lin Xi raised an eyebrow.

"whats the matter?"

"It's about... the egg case of the star butterfly. Dr. Lin Xi, can you take care of the egg case for me for a while?"

"The egg case of the star butterfly? Let me take care of it? What happened?"

Lin Xi knew that Ando was obsessed with the star butterfly egg case, but he never imagined that in such a short period of time, Ando Shizuo actually planned to transfer the egg case to someone else.

Ando rubbed his temple and looked very unhappy.

"Some minor problems... Liz... has become very sensitive to everything around her since she got pregnant."

As he spoke, Ando became more depressed.

"She always complains that the surroundings are too noisy, especially the egg case. She can't stand the noise of the egg case's life support device..."

"That thing makes noise?"

Lin Xi asked dully.

If his guess was correct, those life-support devices were usually as quiet as stones, except for the occasional slight electrical noise.

In any case, the noise they made could not be considered noisy.

"It's not because of those machines. Liz... her ears are different from ours on Earth. She can hear more and noisier things than we can." Ando tried to defend himself.