Mother of Insects

Chapter 20


When Lin Xi pushed open the door of the medical room, Bryce was fiddling with the new auxiliary system.

It was a whole panoramic virtual wall that could be connected to the probe on the Apollo, simulating the real-time scenery outside the cabin. It was said that this virtual empty scene could effectively relieve the depression of non-field crew members in a long-term closed environment. However, from the actual situation that Lin Xi saw, the scenery that was projected was not really beautiful - it looked more like a plus version of real-time surveillance video outside the cabin. The colorful "plants" on this unknown asteroid that would occasionally wriggle seemed to be a special type of mental pollution rather than a relaxing mood.

"Wow, what the hell is this?"

Lin Xi was caught off guard by the horrible scene. He stared at the virtual wall and gasped. It took him a while to realize what it was. Bryce would occasionally use this to try to relieve his space sickness when he went to Sunu Star. (Of course, these attempts all failed in the end.)

"Lin Xi? Why are you here?"

When Bryce turned around and found that the person coming was Lin Xi, he widened his eyes in surprise.

It can be seen that he was very surprised by Lin Xi's arrival. Then he threw away the virtual wall editor in his hand and rushed straight towards Lin Xi.

"What happened?"

He grabbed Lin Xi's wrist and asked, his voice tense.

This time, it was Lin Xi who was startled. He shook his head in surprise: "Nothing... Well, although there is something wrong, I'm fine, I'm fine... God, why do I feel like you are scared by me? Am I so scary?"

After a brief moment of daze, Lin Xi couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Bryce was slightly startled, and seemed to notice that his reaction was a bit excessive. He quickly let go of Lin Xi and took a step back.

"If there is nothing serious going on, I don't think my dear brother would come to me on his own initiative - after all, he always hates my nagging."

Bryce muttered in a half-joking tone.

He seemed to be a little relaxed, but he couldn't say that he had completely let down his guard. Lin Xi could feel that he was still observing him in secret. Then, he saw Bryce wrinkled his nose and silently took a few steps back.

"Wait, what's that smell on you? Jesus, what on earth did you do? You smell like you just crawled out of a manure disposal room..."

Bryce asked with unusual disgust.

"Well, actually, that's what I was going to tell you."

Lin Xi raised his arm, sniffed his clothes, and was also shocked by the stench. He was sure that this must be the smell he had been exposed to when he stayed in the Ando couple's room.

"It's about Liz... To be honest, I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but I need your advice. Of course, the premise is that you have to swear not to tell Alyssa what I'm going to say next."

"Liz? Mrs. Ando?"

As soon as Liz was mentioned, Bryce's expression, which had just relaxed a little, instantly returned to seriousness.

He stared at Lin Xi with unusual severity, and there seemed to be a subtle hint of panic in his questioning voice.

Lin Xi frowned slightly. Bryce's reaction seemed to indicate that the latter also knew something.

"Yes, it's her. In fact, this matter was originally related to Professor Ando. He came to me before—

Just as Lin Xi was about to continue explaining, a dark shadow suddenly passed by the corner of his eyes.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked to the side.

It is the virtual wall. All images come from the spacecraft's detectors, so it is a virtual wall of the scenery outside the cabin that is transmitted in real time.

But now, on that virtual wall, there are countless dark shadows flying wildly.

"what is that?"

For a moment, Lin Xi completely forgot what he wanted to say before. He pointed at the virtual wall and muttered.

Bryce looked in the direction of his fingertips toward the virtual wall, and was also stunned.

"This is… "

He took a few steps toward the virtual wall and then stopped.

"Is it a bug?"

He said in shock with an incredible tone.

Lin Xi actually saw the appearance of those shadows clearly, but the scene was so beyond common sense that it was hard to believe that it was really happening.

Those black shadows are all bugs.

From tiny sizes acceptable to earthlings to incredibly huge monsters, the strange-looking insects swarmed towards the spaceship like crazy.

In just a short moment, the previous scenery was covered by swarms of insects.

Dense tentacles, limbs, and wings covered the detector's lens. It seemed as if they would rush through the lens and directly into the spacecraft in the next second. Although I knew that what I saw was just an image projected on the virtual wall through a pipeline, this scene still made my scalp tingle and my whole body tremble.

Maybe there was an error in the virtual wall program, a voice in Lin Xi's mind whispered.

The surface of the Apollo has always had a plasma protection layer turned on. Although it is inconspicuous, it is enough to isolate most living things (whether on Earth or on other planets) outside the spacecraft.

In fact, during the time that the Apollo was stranded, the plasma protection was always turned on even when the fuel was tight, which is why those annoying, fragile little bugs only caused particular trouble to the members of the exploration team. They never disturbed the crew on the spacecraft - the moment they touched the hull, they were burned to ashes by the plasma protection layer.

But now the situation has undergone a terrifying change.

The plasma protection that had made them feel particularly reassured during the past period of time seemed to have lost its effect. Even though they knew that the entire hull of the spacecraft would be destroyed if it was hit, those little bugs still swarmed towards the Apollo like moths to a flame.


With a slight sound, the entire virtual wall suddenly flashed, the scenery outside disappeared, and the virtual wall suddenly turned gray in an unactivated state.

Lin Xi and Bryce looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes.

This is bad...

"There are too many of them, and the ashes of the bugs will accumulate at the bottom of the spacecraft, just blocking the launch port," Bryce said grimly. "If this continues, the plasma generator on the ship will be overloaded."

Lin Xi stared at Bryce's lips moving.

The other party's voice could be clearly transmitted to his ears, but Lin Xi found that he had no way to give any response to the other party.

His soul seemed to be suddenly pulled out of his shell by someone. Everything around him was so real, but at the same time, so unreal.




Countless tiny voices... No, they were not voices, but some kind of thoughts, which began to gather little by little, and then slowly eroded Lin Xi's mind.