Mother of Insects

Chapter 3


But then again, even when Taran Ida didn't reveal anything was wrong with him, the relationship between Lin Xi and him was quite bad.

Regarding this "scientific research project", this tall, thin, pale man showed a paranoia and desire for control that is difficult for normal people to understand.

Lin Xi had no doubt that if possible, Taran would even number every plastic bolt on the Helios, and then count them back and forth every night.

However, in front of such a captain, Lin Xi could not be as "obedient and obedient" as the well-trained professional crew members on the Helios. In fact, even at the Earth-Moon United University, Lin Xi was known for being free and undisciplined. Otherwise, the bald dean would not have been so eager to expel him from the university or even the earth.

Taran would simply hate Lin Xi like this, if it weren't for the fact that this time the goods that the earth people raided from the Sunu planet contained dozens of very delicate Sunu plants, and these cute little things must be grown by professionals ( "Ha, that's right, it's me!" -Lin Xi) came to take care of her. I'm afraid that Lin Xi had already been solved by Taran at the beginning of the voyage.

However, considering that Bryce Drake was his brother and the medical officer of the Helios, the conflict between Taran and Lin Xi was finally suppressed within a controllable range. Later in the voyage, as Taran's neurosis worsened, Lin Xi also spent more time in the breeding laboratory to avoid Taran.

Lin Xi originally thought that the days when he and Talan were disgusted with each other would soon be over, but looking at the current situation, his beautiful expectations were visibly disappointed.

Taran was still looking at him, his eyes hateful.


Bryce saw Taran looking at Lin Xi with an increasingly sharp and strange look, and couldn't help but speak in a low voice, and then took a step forward intentionally or unintentionally, blocking Lin Xi's face.

"Dr. Lin Xi, you look fine."

Taran finally spoke quietly, as if he didn't see Bryce at all, his attention was focused on Lin Xi from beginning to end.

"The sequelae of concussion don't seem to be causing you any trouble. I think this probably has nothing to do with Medical Officer Bryce? But I heard that he brought a few extra potions on board before... just because he has a vulnerability , the delicate scholar brother, oh, by the way, his brother is said to have a particularly serious case of space vertigo.”

Taran whispered sinisterly.

Lin Xi's space vertigo is indeed very serious. In the past two years, if it weren't for the medicines Bryce prepared for him in advance, he would probably wake up with endless nightmares and auditory hallucinations every night.

Next to the broken sleeping cabin, Bryce injected Lin Xi with the last potion.

However, it was obviously a normal thing, but when Taran said it in such a way, it had a different kind of weird meaning.

Alyssa and Bryce both frowned involuntarily.

"Those are approved—"

"I just heard you were worried about the situation of the goods in the warehouse."

Before Bryce tried to explain, Lin Xi spoke first.

"Ah… "

As expected, upon hearing Lin Xi's response, a smile appeared on Taran's lips.

This piece of shit man really did it on purpose, Lin Xi thought silently. He put his hand behind his back and raised his middle finger at Taran.

"Yes, I'm worried, very, very worried," Taran whispered softly. He reached out a hand and pressed it on his chest. Then, his strange and sticky eyes shifted away. , scanning the face of Alyssa who had confronted him before, "But some people have been worried about the condition of the crew, especially the sequelae of the jump and interrupted sleep. However, Dr. Lin Xi does not seem to have this problem. troubled.”

In fact, Lin Xi's head hurt like crazy and he wanted to vomit all the time - he really wished he could vomit directly on Taran's perverted face.

However, this is different from the past.

This is not the boring, smooth and boring normal flight time, but now the shitty moment of failed jump, forced landing and unable to find their own coordinates - at this time, Lin Xi doesn't want Bryce and Alyssa to waste them anymore. Use precious energy to deal with Taran, or to regulate the secret battle between him and that madman.

So Lin Xi accepted the task sent by Talan quite directly.

Of course Bryce and Alyssa resisted this in every possible way. However, just as Lin Xi was worried about, when you have a spaceship that fails to jump and has to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet, a group of people are in extremely bad conditions. If you have an incompetent crew and a particularly unreasonable captain, then many of your worries and resistance can only be discussed later.

Ten minutes later, Lin Xi was already standing at the passage leading to the lower warehouse. He obtained a piece of Slavic exoskeleton light armor as equipment for exploring the lower warehouse.

This piece of armor is thick, highly maneuverable and equipped with an independent survival system. It is even enough for Lin Xi to wear it for direct extravessel activities. The only problem is probably that it is a bit too much for the interior of a spacecraft like the Helios. bulky.

Lin Xi reluctantly allowed himself to control the light armor and squeeze down from the gangway into the dimly lit lower space.

"...Due to the impact, we have completely lost the power support and communication from floors B-1 to C-12. I think the system settings should have been stuck in the violent vibration - Hi, Lin Xi, don't worry about the tower That guy Lan, you have to know that your safety is always the most important thing.”

Alyssa's soft voice came from the other end of the communication system.

Lin Xi inserted the mechanical claw into the wall of the ventilation duct and slowly bypassed a pile of deformed support structure fragments.

He was slowly descending.

Even the emergency lighting failed, and the place was as dark as the bottom of the sea.

"Of course, but if it's for you, I'm still willing to work hard to repair those damn system settings." Lin Xi started to pant involuntarily while manipulating the Slavic light armor, and he muttered to Alyssa.

Lin Xi believed that her sweat must have completely soaked the lining of her bodysuit.

He had to hypnotize himself, and the clumsy metal covering his body somehow represented the love from Bryce so that he would not curse directly.

"I know you're cursing me, honey."

Just when that thought flashed through Lin Xi's mind, Bryce's voice was also transmitted.

"I'm just in case. No one knows whether the storage facilities of the goods are still powered on. If the emergency equipment also crashes, there will definitely be problems with the sealing and isolation of those things. I don't want you to Taking the risk of coming into contact with something you shouldn’t come into contact with…”

Even in the communication, Bryce seemed extremely nagging.

Lin Xi's feet had already stepped on a solid ground, and the screen inside the armor showed that he had arrived at the location of the first-floor warehouse.

Taking advantage of the dark environment, Lin Xi rolled his eyes happily in the light armor.

"Please, those are just some Sunu specialties. When we were young, we went to several Sunu civilization special exhibitions. I even touched those extremely beautiful Sunu star butterflies with my own hands... Oh, yes, I remember You were so jealous that you almost cried in the museum... If those Sonu gadgets really had any alien virus you imagined, you and I would have died countless times—"

"Hey, Bryce, are you still listening?"

An unpleasant hissing sound came from the honeycomb communicator. Lin Xi squinted at the screen. The communication symbol had changed from cute green to red.


Lin Xi cursed.

He knew that these antiques left over from the Age of Exploration were prone to malfunctions of one kind or another...

However, apart from being in a somewhat bad mood, Lin Xi's actions were not affected in any way by the sudden interruption of communication.

He quickly checked the warehouses between c12 and b-7.

The closer to the lower warehouse, the more serious the damage is. The only good thing is that for now, the goods Lin Xi checked are basically in good condition -

Except for the valuables storage area in b-3.

Yes, it was the location of the fossil that made Taran particularly irritable and sensitive.

Lin Xi skillfully used the armored robotic arm to lift off a thick steel plate, and then with the help of the searchlight, he saw clearly the situation in Area B-3.

"Oh, this is really bad."

Lin Xi sighed and felt that his headache seemed to be getting worse again.

The solid and hard protective layer in the valuables storage area had the opposite effect in this accident. Those heavy alloys directly crushed the storage container wrapped in the fossil sculpture during the squeeze caused by the emergency landing.

The situation now is like letting a three-year-old run into a crystal craft supply store and play peek-a-boo. There are fragments of hard composite resin and spilled gel everywhere.

The Sunu sacred sculpture had slipped out of the container and fell wet to the ground.

Under the strong light of the searchlight, it took on a strange bluish-white color.

This sculpture was carved directly from fossils, but everyone can see that the Sunu craftsmen did not actually leave many traces of carving on it. To a large extent, it still retains the texture of the fossils. In its original appearance, it was an irregular and smooth pupa-like object.

Only at the very top of the fossil are countless complex and detailed lines carved, which suddenly look a bit like the face of a human being on the verge of death. Lin Xi took a step forward and realized that the so-called "face" was just an illusion under the light.

That thing was actually more like the mouthparts of some particularly huge insect. Lin Xi could even see the sharp and ferocious teeth and slender tongue.

"This thing is really disgusting."

Even though he knew that communication had been interrupted, Lin Xi still muttered to himself involuntarily after seeing the fossil sculpture clearly. Considering that its innermost part still retains biological activity, and it can also secrete the secretion called "earth milk", Lin Xi increasingly felt that what he was facing was the corpse of some kind of animal rather than a fossil.

It looked... almost as if it could start squirming again in the next second.