Mother of Insects

Chapter 71


The room that Bryce and Alyssa broke into was very dark, and there was a very unpleasant smell in the air, but Bryce and Alyssa didn't bother to complain about the sanitary environment here at this time.

The moment he entered the room, Bryce had already jumped up. He pressed the door and locked the metal hatch from the inside. In this way, even if those damn bugs were still searching for them, the door would be more or less able to withstand them. some time.

Immediately afterwards, Bryce and Alyssa fell to the ground together. They seized every opportunity to rest hard and prepare for another escape that might be coming soon.

However, they waited with bated breath for a long time, but the "rustling" sounds belonging to the monsters outside the door did not come as closely as before.

Even though their breathing and heartbeats had gradually returned to calm, the silence outside the door was still so quiet that they felt flustered.

At this moment, the surroundings were silent. It seemed that the only sounds in the world were their heartbeats and breathing.

"I... I hope I'm not too optimistic..."

Alyssa propped herself up on her elbows and reluctantly sat up from the ground. She looked at Bryce and showed a weak smile.

"No, I'm not optimistic. I think we might have escaped this time. That guy... I mean, the 'good Samaritan' who gave us this thing." Bryce shook the hand in his hand. The personal terminal smiled bitterly, "It's probably pretty good food for those bugs."

Alyssa's figure relaxed.

But then, she pressed her hands hard on her cheeks and rubbed them to cheer herself up.

"Then let's see what's going on here, and then we're still the same as before?"

she says.

She was talking about the two of them taking turns keeping watch, one sleeping while the other was on guard, and that was how they managed to survive the past week.

But because of the crazy sensitivity of those bugs, their shelters are always quickly discovered by those monsters...

Bryce nodded.

“Hopefully this place will last a little longer this time.”

he muttered.

Then he turned on the flashlight, opened his eyes wide and carefully searched every crack and every piece of metal wall for traces that insects might have left: mucus, rust stains left by corrosion from saliva, and insects' claws on the metal surface. The deep scratches, as well as the blood and scraps of flesh wherever the bugs go...

In a week of escape, Bryce and Alyssa have become quite calm and skillful in doing this.


But this time, after seeing everything around him clearly, Bryce whistled and his mood became a little higher than before.

"It looks like this place is pretty solid."

After extremely careful exploration, neither of them found any trace of insect invasion here.

This is extremely lucky for them now.

What's even better is that the four walls here are thick, flat and smooth metallic colors - which makes Bryce feel a little at ease.

These walls are obviously new alloy walls that were replaced during the latest repair of the spacecraft, rather than the old metal walls that can be seen everywhere on the Helios, which have become fragile and mottled after three hundred years. This means they may have more time to deal with bugs if they try to break in.

There is almost no unnecessary clutter here.

Some instruments were piled haphazardly in the shadow-shrouded corner, and in the middle of the room, more than a dozen rectangular silver metal blocks were regularly placed.

Alyssa walked over and put her palm on the metal block.

Vibrations that were absolutely undetectable without careful inspection came from underneath the metal block.

Some tiny light spots would flash on the surface of the metal block from time to time.

Alyssa frowned slightly.

"This thing is still working?" she said in disbelief.

"What's this?"

Bryce walked next to her, imitating Alyssa's example and feeling the slight trembling of the metal squares with his palms.

"Supercomputer." Alyssa said, "The ones here are all... If the artificial intelligence system on the Helios has not been stripped away, these computers are its 'brain'."

She turned her head a little doubtfully and once again began to look at the room they had casually entered.

"I remember that there was no artificial intelligence on the Helios?"

Bryce asked in confusion.

"Yes, that's why this thing is strange. Those artificial intelligences consume too much energy, and they are too uncontrollable. Old-fashioned spacecraft like the Helios had all cleared their personal intelligence a long time ago, and only However, the computer component was originally embedded as a whole inside the spacecraft, so they did not remove it from the spacecraft in the end... "

"But it's still working. Someone's using it—"

The tacit understanding between the two began to work again. Needless to say, Bryce had already cautiously touched his waist.

But the only thing he touched was his empty waist, and then he remembered that his gun had been thrown away due to lack of energy.

However, this may be a good thing. After all, he doesn't really want to irritate someone - especially if the other person has a gun in his hand.

It was an extremely thin shadow. It was difficult to see his appearance clearly from Bryce's current angle, but out of the corner of his eye, Bryce could catch a glimpse of the gun in the man's hand. His movements immediately stopped.

"How did you get in..."

Even just by his voice, Bryce could tell that the man was in terrible shape now. His trembling, nervous voice sounded full of despair and panic.

Even the gun in the young man's hand was shaking because of his extremely bad mental state.


However, while Bryce was on guard, Alyssa looked directly over Bryce's shoulder and looked at him.

Then her eyes widened in shock and she called out the other person's name.


Sis Lime looked equally shocked. He stared at Alyssa blankly, and with a shake of his hand, the gun fell to the ground.

Bryce turned his head quickly, and when he saw Sith's familiar face that always looked tired, he couldn't help shouting in surprise: "You're still alive! Oh, God, this is so good - you Still alive!"

The Sith were their friends and had been on the ship responsible for comparing star maps and calculating the coordinates of the planet they were currently on.

In the early days when the jump failed and the spacecraft had to make an emergency landing, the few of them could gather together and have fun cursing Tallan and complaining about their work... However, as the situation on the ship became more and more out of control, the Sith almost Never appeared before them again.

Before this, Alyssa and Bryce had both pessimistically felt that with Sith's character, he might have died long ago under the mouthparts of the crew members who kept mutating into monsters.

After seeing Alyssa and Bryce, Sis also seemed extremely excited.

He just didn't hold his former friend and cry...

God knows how long it took Alyssa to calm down Sith, who was almost out of control.

In addition, they also learned from the Sith why the supercomputers that were originally supposed to be used by artificial intelligence continued to operate.

"Wait, you mean... that motherboard?! That motherboard does contain the star map left behind by the Providence?!"

In the dark computer room, Alyssa accidentally raised her voice.

But no one would blame him for this feeling. After all, the news obtained from Sith Lime was simply too important for them now.

The aircraft motherboard that Lin Xi had risked his life to remove from the aircraft had been thrown to the technicians on the ship for data cracking, and Sis Lem was naturally one of them.

"Everything went smoothly at the beginning, but soon... those things happened..." Sith was still trembling when mentioning the changes that occurred in the data processing room. "Joanna, Bailey... they all changed one by one... Something was very wrong, and then... Then they all turned into disgusting things that were neither human nor ghosts... "

As his colleagues left one by one, Sith was helpless and could only watch as the progress bar on the motherboard slowly climbed to 90% speed and then got stuck there. If the Sith were just an ordinary person, he would probably just give up and let what happened to his colleagues happen to him.

"I was chased by those things... and then accidentally escaped here. Then, I discovered these computers-" As he spoke, Sith looked at the metal blocks around him with longing.

"You decided to re-activate these idle electronic brains and let them help you hack the motherboard, right? Oh, Sith, you are a fucking genius! As long as we have the star map, we can go back! We can leave This is a hellish place!”

Bryce couldn't help but give Sith a big hug.

He didn't feel too strong, partly because he was on the verge of physical collapse, and partly because Sith was so thin that he almost looked like a skeleton wrapped in pale skin.

"No, no, I'm not a genius." After hearing Bryce's compliment, Sith showed a particularly bitter expression: "All the data on that motherboard has been unlocked, but... But we have no way to see inside. In order to make this motherboard usable, we overwrote our program on the motherboard when cracking it, and now... now... "

As he spoke, Sith stuttered again.

"Now the entire ship belongs to Taran. The key content on this motherboard probably needs Taran's authorization like other things on the ship before we can access it, right?"

In the end, it was Alyssa who directly told the terrible fact on behalf of Sith.


Bryce was stunned.

"Yes, it's him. We have to find a way to allow him to let us get the star map. Moreover, if we really want to leave here, we will need him to open the rescue capsule or start the engine."

As soon as Sis finished speaking, the three people fell silent instantly.

They looked at each other, and each could see a trace of despair on each other's faces.


The same despair, at the same moment, actually enveloped Lin Xi's heart.

At that moment, Lin Xi felt as if he was one with the insects in a long and narrow corridor full of hunger and bloodthirsty instincts.

He became that worm.

And that bug was really himself.

He even clearly saw the back figures of Bryce and Alyssa through heat sources and infrared rays.

Bryce, Alyssa—

At that moment, he almost screamed.

But all that came out of its throat was a grotesque and evil neighing sound.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi felt that she... seemed to be forcibly excluded from the spiritual world by something.

The feeling couldn't be worse.

Lin Xi fell directly to the ground, her body trembling continuously, and her head hurt so much that it seemed like it would explode in the next second.

Cold, hungry, and...a strong sense of emptiness was spreading throughout his body.

He longs for the source of energy and more dependents... So far, "He" still has not established the prototype of a qualified insect nest, and those disobedient people have caused the Queen of the Insects in him to fall into a trap. In extreme anxiety.

"Lin Xi."

As soon as he saw Lin Xi fall, "No. 1" quickly appeared beside him.

The insect's weird body hugged Lin Xi tightly, and a row of small holes on both sides of "No. 1"'s ribs suddenly opened, and then a charming and sweet aroma came out...

Lin Xi's body, which was so tight that it was almost convulsing, immediately relaxed a lot after smelling the fragrant breath.

Even his headache was relieved.

sense of security.

Lin Xi didn't want to admit this, but he couldn't deny his most instinctive feelings.

"No. 1" is his dependent family, his king insect.

Its embrace and scent soothed the restless Him.

Similarly, while Lin Xi's body relaxed, his consciousness also involuntarily became dull and relaxed...

He just let "No. 1" hold him tightly - it was a tight hug that he could never imagine when he was still a human.

"No. 1"'s arms trapped Lin Xi's upper body, and then silently... Two opposite arms covered with fleshy skin stretched out directly from the back of "No. 1" and from under the pair of wings. Lin Xi's waist was tightly clasped, making him completely unable to move.

For a few minutes, Lin Xi even had the illusion that he was almost being embedded directly into the latter's body by "No. 1".

But what really woke him up was not the hug, but the bulge of the eighth abdominal plate on "No. 1"'s abdomen...

There are also bony tubes that rapidly protrude from under the abdominal deck.

"Lin Xi..."

"No. 1" lowered his head and whispered sweetly into Lin Xi's ear.

This is the "Linxi" it likes, so...

The author has something to say:

Number 1: Sure, it’s my favorite insect. happy! ~You can do the things you like among the insects!

Lin Xi: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-


I always feel like this chapter is locked...


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Deep Water Torpedo]: 1 Black Cat Qing;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [grenade]: Lu who changed his mobile phone, Zhenqiang, rochuqing, _(:3ゝ∠)_, 28098169 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 5 Black Cats; 4 A-Zhuang; 2 Stars in Mian'er's Eyes, Tomato Jam, Min Yang, He Zhuo Chu, and Nebuchadnezzar; ailyar, neet, Passing by, Furniture and Shrimp You must, you, burn the small universe! , Salamander Coco, aeolides, Reminiscing about Lost Time, Diver Passerby A, Lin Shao, Wei Sheep, Qi Yuan, Yin, I was full of blood after a doodle, Xiao Xiami, icefiez, 19449648, Meatballs are very happy, aitomi, transparentのDeer, Shi Bo Bo, _(:3ゝ∠)_, Dawn Upstairs, ula, Yu Linling, Silent Stone, Master Lan Bo, Yiyidu. , Chixi, favorability +1, and so on 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

I hope not to lose 130 bottles in my life; 110 bottles of strawberry matcha ice; 100 bottles of Yueyue and Muliao; 98 bottles of dumplings; 84 bottles of Jiaye; 80 bottles of Donghu; 69 bottles of azsr; 52 bottles of Naihe; zero | night, 50 bottles of corrupted cats; 49 bottles of jeremyesther; 39 bottles of durian paste; 32 bottles of cats that don’t eat canned food; 30 bottles of Shirley, Eniyaris, Majestic Ying Ying Ying, Jia Geng, Always Cuckling; Kneeling Ask the silver boss for 25 bottles; go to bed after reading the update, Yaoyao, Nizi, the female classmate with no story, Cangmin, Shadow, joyhe262008, Uncle Man, a fat white-haired chirp, Yu Linling, the meatball that shakes its head, 20 bottles of Tangtang, Green, Pangjiu, Mi, Yunhe Moge; 19 bottles of 200 Jun; 17 bottles of Yuyou; 16 bottles of Needle Girl; 15 bottles of Hourglass, Autumn Crane Dance in the Moon; 14 bottles of Yeluoculuo; Maoyou, 13 bottles of leaf drop; skull erosion, chirping is getting angry, bad white feather fungus, little Taotie loves to sleep, Helan Piao, 22976395, hello! Come out, Luoluo Rabbit, Bag Rabbit, Su Fuxing, Hehehehehe, Demolish Your House, Nebuchadnezzar, Illness, Hit No One, Ibaraki is chasing Jio Tun, Fu Yao, Hanasaki Ranれ, Tears and Laughter, Summer is Long, Passerby Gui, Invisible Collapsing Kang, Ci Mu, Hai·Hong·Bei, Golden Strawberry, Knox, Famous Not Found, You Xiaoyou, How to Quickly Solve Questions, Zhan Zhao 10 Bottles; Electricity, The Cat in the Arms, Yun Ye 9 bottles; 8 bottles of Zhenqiang and Nicholas; 7 bottles of 37575957, Wangtang; 6 bottles of Yuanming, Tiantiantiancheng, Yueer; Lotus seeds, Yi Hu, Silent Years, Ai Da Da Men, Long Long Da Bao Er, 29522224, I'm just a weirdo, lifeup, ten thousand years of cultivation, Jie Yuchen, juju, my generation, snacks, xde 5 bottles; July 4 bottles; What to watch, Dream Shepherd, Xixian 3 bottles; wandering soul, 21455235, 24793467, Zhan Xuyang, People are not grass and trees, little fish, there is candy in the pocket, 2 bottles of 26595037; Chao Xia, Chen Chen, Mr. Kazuya, Xiao Ni, Meow who doesn’t eat fish, green cloud, Yan, a day trip, hishi, Zhuofu , Triticale, Gutang, Linglingshuan, ^_^, Erxi, Xingjiang, 20701662, 22255857 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!