Mother of Insects

Chapter 73: To be modified


"No. 1? Sorry..."

Lin Xi apologized in a daze - for a moment, he almost returned to the time when he and Savile fell in love.

At that time, Savile already had serious mental problems, and Lin Xi was still very naive. He always stayed by Savile's side as much as possible, but he didn't know that it would only make Savile's mental pressure more and more serious.

And there would often be days when he would fall asleep without even realizing it, and when he woke up, he would be faced with Savile clinging to his side with a straight look in his eyes.

Lin Xi's heart suddenly tightened.

Fortunately, he immediately saw an expression that the real Savile would never show.

Wrongful, confused, and at a loss.

"… sorry."

As soon as Lin Xi saw "No. 1" like this, he couldn't help but apologize again.

While talking, Lin Xi calmly pressed his lower abdomen.

The details about that nightmare had disappeared long before he woke up, but the feeling of being heavy and sewn together with another foreign object still remained vividly in his body.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Lin Xi..."

After "No. 1" discovered that Lin Xi did not show any impatience because of his approach, his mood suddenly became high again.

Its instinct prompted it to subconsciously test Lin Xi's bottom line.

It cautiously moved towards Lin Xi, then stretched out its hand and pressed it on the back of Lin Xi's hand.

"Lin Xi? It feels uncomfortable... right?"

it asked, thinking hard about the words.

Lin Xi was slightly startled.

"Ah, no, I'm fine-" However, the moment it said this, he suddenly realized that the terrifying-looking monster next to him was not anyone in the past, and he actually didn't need to do anything in front of it. Any pretense.

"I... I feel a little uncomfortable." Lin Xi said to "No. 1" by some strange coincidence, "I had a nightmare." He said.

Then he couldn't help but glance at "No. 1" one more time.

This is a superb killing machine, a perfect monster.

And, at the same time... this monster is also his mate...

When she thought of this, Lin Xi felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Coupled with his thin memory of that nightmare, this strange feeling became even more intense.

Why on earth would he dream of something like that? Strip the gonads of an overlord insect from its body and sew them back onto your own body

If he hadn't been bathed in the shy but candid concern of "No. 1" as soon as he woke up, Lin Xi would really want to find a place to discuss his mental state by himself.

"I, I... I help you..."

"No. 1" racked its brains to piece together words in an attempt to comfort Lin Xi, although in its concept, it didn't even know what a "nightmare" was.

This clumsy appearance even weakens some of its horror.

And... And now it also has a face that belongs to Savile, which makes Lin Xi's heart become softer.

"Hiss... hiss..."

Lin Xi opened her mouth unconsciously, and a strange neigh came from her throat.

don’t worry…

He comforted Number One.

"No. 1" also quickly changed to a neighing sound...

I want you to feel secure and happy.

At the same time, the originally broken emotional links were reconnected at this moment. "No. 1"'s surging love and attachment for Lin Xi surged towards Lin Xi like a tide, making his body involuntarily Started to feel slightly warm.

By the time Lin Xi reacted, a strange fragrance had begun to emit from his body.

The eyes of "No. 1" could not even maintain mimicry due to excitement. Those eyes that belonged to Savile had now been replaced by compound eyes.

Its wings were constantly waving and flapping behind it in a strange way, so that Lin Xi could clearly see the ambiguous patterns emerging on the wings.

After realizing what "No. 1"'s actions actually meant, Lin Xi's love and gratitude for it instantly faded away.

Lin Xi: "...I'm sorry."

he stammered.

Almost at the same time, the spiritual link between the two of them was instantly broken.

"Number One" paused.

Its wings drooped instantly—the gorgeous color on them turned gray in an instant.

Lin Xi closed his lips and tried to explain to "No. 1" that he had turned into some kind of insect-like monster before he was mentally prepared, and it was even more impossible for him to be like a pure insect. Like a mother, she becomes the partner of another insect...

But facing "No. 1"'s heart and eyes, which were as innocent as a small animal, Lin Xi had no idea where to start with her words.

The moment Lin Xi and "No. 1" looked at each other stiffly, some subtle sounds suddenly came from not far away from them.

Lin Xi felt as if her nerves were being gently touched by an invisible hand—


His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, the fleshy bags that were originally hanging in mid-air began to tremble violently.


It's a wet, sticky sound.

A slender and sharp insect limb suddenly pierced the surface of the soft bag, and transparent gelatin poured out from the gap, and then the hole began to expand.

Several other insect limbs dexterously opened the bag, and then, a pale-colored alien half-curled up and fell to the ground along with the gelatinous matter.


Lin Xi gasped.

Goosebumps appeared on his body, and the inside of his body was twitching erratically.

Some strong, unfamiliar emotion enveloped him and attempted to establish a close connection with him.

Without any words or anyone's need to tell him, he already knew the other party's existence almost the moment the little white thing appeared in front of his eyes.

Those are His of His closest relatives...


A long series of crisp chirps emerged from the throat of the new alien species.

It struggled to raise its head and then looked straight at Lin Xi, with only attachment and dependence in its black eyes.

The new mutant is small, at least, compared to its older brother.

And perhaps because Lin Xi himself was changing during the pregnancy, the appearance of the new mutant was much more beautiful than "No. 1".

Its body is white, with a sense of warmth that is close to human skin. The torso of the body is almost the same as that of a young human child. The long tentacles are transformed into loose hair, except for the hair from the elbows down. The parts still look like insects.

And its face…

Lin Xi couldn't help but stare at the alien's face.

That was Savile's face when he was young. The difference was probably that the new mutant had not yet had time to add eyebrows and eyelashes to this childish and innocent cheek, and its entire eye socket was pitch black.

The author has something to say: Today's chapter... is a bit sparse and it is not well written and will definitely need to be revised later.

I will add a thousand words directly to this chapter, so you can read it again when the time comes.

As for why my condition is so bad today, I probably have a feeling after reading jms in the comment area.

Starting a few days ago, a group of people started to accuse me of plagiarism in the free chapters.

First, let’s talk about the failure of the transition and the love crash.

Then he said that the settings of Zerg and No. 1 were copied from another article.

Then he said that some of my chapters were copied from Linglong...

Although I also know that some small groups are actually provoking trouble and trying to disgust me, and basically, many of ljj’s current articles with relatively good data have encountered similar things...

I have always wanted to endure it and not care about it, knowing that once I care about it, I will be fooled.

But it’s really just…

Still lost.

I was so disgusted that I was shaking all over and it seriously affected my writing.

Because I don’t know if what I write next will be taken out of context and these people will say, ah, this element and xx seem to be plagiarized by you.

I don't know how to write it at all.

Anyone who has experience writing articles knows that once you fall into such a restrained mood, you will basically be unable to write anything...

I’ll try my best to adjust my mood, because no matter what, I don’t want to let down my friends who have been following the article.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [Deep Water Torpedoes]: A Zhuang 1;

Thank you to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 33 A-zhuang; 11 neet; 10 small fires, 3 small shrimps; the stars in Minyang, Mian'er's eyes, furniture and shrimp whiskers, a Mirror, Weiyi, nevermore, Shanhaiwuyue, 32207711 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of One Poor and Two White; _(:3ゝ∠)_, I can’t think of getting out of bed every day, 20 bottles of Lestat; 10 bottles of Tangyan Temple, Han Wenqing’s Small Wallet on the Head, Kunlun, Meow Sauce’s Meow, and Gong Lantern Ye Tan bottles; 9 bottles of Xinyu; the heart is like mint. 6 bottles; 5 bottles of Maoyu, Longlong Dabaoer; 4 bottles of Muming; 2 bottles of Lilu; fbxdxd, July, a day trip, Kebin, Xiaoni, Wanzi is very happy, liquid water, 26595037, Xiong Pa 1 bottle of Pa and Ye Luoli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!