Mother of Insects

Chapter 84


Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, his nose and chest were filled with the stench of corpses and the smell of blood. These smells reminded him that he was about to face a fierce battle.

Lin Xi subconsciously touched the ion generator on his chest.

He was tired, even desperate.

He clearly felt that he was weakening bit by bit, the wound in his abdomen was bleeding, he felt pain, cold, and weak, which made the animal part of his body more active.

This is terrible.

Lin Xi thought.

If it weren't for the ion generator on his chest reminding Lin Xi that Alyssa and Bryce were still waiting for him to come back, still waiting for him to go home together, Lin Xi would even want to give up.

"do not be afraid… "

Xavier came to Lin Xi's side silently, and he shook Lin Xi's hand vigorously...

Its pair of damaged wings were tucked behind its back and swaying gently, and its hands were icy and cold, covered with sticky stuff, which was its own blood and some of the machine warrior's engine oil.

Lin Xi turned his head and glanced at it quickly. He tried to smile, but the corners of his mouth seemed to be frozen.

"I will protect you."

Xavier didn't care about Lin Xi's silence at all. He just kept talking to himself with a serious tone.

Almost at the moment when it finished speaking, the mechanical warriors that were already ready to go suddenly moved together.

Their movements were so swift and rapid that the tips of the metal tentacles drew sparks on the ground.

As soon as Lin Xi lowered his head, he and Xavier separated in perfect harmony. Xavier flew high into the air and pierced the heads of the robot warriors with his claws. Lin Xi lowered his body, and at the moment when the robot warriors were stuck on Xavier's insect limbs and could not move, he used force to tear off the waving metal tentacles from their heads.

He and Xavier quickly dismembered the metal monsters. The mechanical warriors waved their tentacles frantically, making whistling sounds in the air. In the process, Lin Xi and Xavier inevitably suffered some injuries, especially Lin Xi. The intense exercise made the wound on his abdomen more and more serious. Every time he moved, he could feel large amounts of liquid gushing out of his body. The blood also took away his body temperature and vitality. Lin Xi clenched his teeth tightly. He could feel that his speed was slowing down as time went by.

He raised his head and looked in front of him. Damn it, even though he and Xavier had fought with all their might, the mechanical warriors in front of them still kept pouring towards them.

If this continued, it seemed inevitable that he and Xavier would be torn to pieces by these mechanical monsters. Lin Xi pressed his chest tightly.

In that instant, he felt that even his heartbeat had become very difficult, and the vision in front of him was blackening due to blood loss.

Even the corpses of the monsters that fell on the edge of the corridor distracted him. He felt a very primitive desire surging from deep within his body. He longed to rest, to escape, and to live...

Lin Xi realized that his thoughts were becoming confused and dull, and "His" will was stirring deep in his body.

This made Lin Xi more anxious. Once he turned into "Him", it would mean that Alyssa and Bryce would be in a dangerous state of isolation and helplessness, and even Xavier would be in danger of his life.

We must find a way, no matter what, to escape from these things.

Where is the way out

The way out is...

At this moment, an inconspicuous little box caught Lin Xi's eyes.

It was a small box with black and yellow diagonal stripes and a piece of transparent glass in the middle. Through the glass, you could vaguely see the red emergency button inside.

Lin Xi suddenly turned his head and looked to the end of the corridor - connecting the bridge and the corridor was an inconspicuous but extremely thick door frame, the edge of the door frame was inlaid with black and yellow stripes representing an emergency isolation door.

Why didn't I think of this before? Lin Xi controlled his excitement.

Those thick emergency isolation doors can even withstand the impact caused by emotional explosion. These doors are designed to buy time for members to board lifeboats and escape from the spacecraft in extreme situations.

And now happens to be that damn "emergency".

However, the situation that Lin Xi and Xavier are facing now is much more serious than an engine fire or an invasion by interstellar pirates.

There are two ways to open the isolation door. The first is that the captain directly issues an order from the main control room to lower the isolation door, while the second is to directly press the emergency button, which can directly open a single isolation door.

Lin Xi kept dodging and thinking in his heart. At the same time, he opened his eyes wide and looked carefully at the situation on the other side of the isolation door.

It seemed that God finally decided to give them some favor at this moment: in order to hunt down Lin Xi and Xavier, almost all the mechanical warriors gathered in the corridor.

On the other side of the corridor bridge, there were no extra mechanical warriors except for the piles of monster corpses. In other words, if Lin Xi could find the right opportunity, before these mechanical warriors had time to return to the corridor bridge, he could hide directly at the other side of the isolation door and lower the heavy isolation door, and he could block all these mechanical warriors outside the isolation door.

Of course, Lin Xi didn't expect to rely on this isolation door to block all the mechanical warriors. These monsters are indeed the most terrifying killing machines created by humans...

However, Lin Xi didn't need much. He just needed a short time to return to the warehouse, hand over the ion generator to Alyssa and Bryce, and finally start the lifeboat to escape from the planet.

That's all.

However, the speed of these robot warriors is too fast...

Lin Xi secretly calculated the speed of these mechanical warriors in his heart, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Considering the speed of the mechanical warriors, Lin Xi had to wait until the isolation door had fallen to two-thirds or even three-quarters of the way down before he could act. He had to seize that short one or two seconds, while the metal monsters hadn't reacted, and find a way to get directly through the gap between the isolation door and the ground to the other side of the corridor...

There are very few opportunities left for Lin Xi, but the cruel reality leaves Lin Xi no room for hesitation.

Just as he was distractedly observing the isolation door and the climbing speed of those mechanical warriors, a metal tentacle suddenly and silently stabbed over from the side. Lin Xi did not realize that such a monster was hiding quietly in such a corner.

Lin Xi suddenly used his arms to protect the ion generator on his chest, then turned around and used his back to guide the unavoidable metal tentacle.

He felt a sharp pain, and then the tentacle left a deep scar on his back.

Xavier watched this scene with his own eyes, and he let out a sharp and high-pitched roar. Then he suddenly pounced on the robot warrior, grabbed the ugly round head of the robot warrior with both arms, and tore it into pieces with a crackling sound.

Lin Xi fell into its arms.

“See that…?”

He leaned close to Xavier's ear and whispered.

Without having time to think too much, Lin Xi hurriedly told Xavier about his plan, which could only be described as hasty.

"When the isolation gate drops to one-half, we will start to act."

"I listen to Lin Xi."

Xavier nodded seriously.

The next second, Lin Xi reached out and grabbed a metal tentacle that was flying towards him.

Following the previous routine operation, he tore the metal tentacle into many pieces, the only difference was that he secretly left the tip of the tentacle.

The thing was heavy and had a strong smell of blood. Lin Xi weighed it in his hand. He chose a distance not too far from the isolation door, then suddenly stretched out his hand and threw the tip of the metal tentacle straight at the glass cover of the emergency device like a dart.


It was the sound of glass crisping, and in this corridor now filled with the smell of blood and the sounds of fighting, the sound was very slight.

But Lin Xi's heart still couldn't help but beat faster because of the sound.

The next second, the metal isolation door, which had not been used for many years, began to slowly descend with a harsh friction sound.

For a brief moment, the mechanical warrior in the corridor suddenly paused.

Lin Xi's heart suddenly became nervous.

He was worried that these inorganic metal monsters would realize what he wanted to do, but thank God, at least at this moment, they acted like real command robots. They did not notice any clues. After a brief pause, these ugly metal monsters still focused their attacks on Lin Xi and Xavier.

one two three four…

Lin Xi counted silently in his heart.

Seeing that the isolation door had slowly descended to a suitable height, Lin Xi suddenly tensed his body, then he turned his head to look at Xavier.


He shouted.

The moment he finished speaking, Lin Xi kicked the metal wall and rushed straight forward.

And Xavier immediately followed behind him.

Neither Lin Xi nor Xavier had time to pay attention to the attacks on them at that moment.

It was natural that Lin Xi was injured, but he hardly felt any pain at this time.

The only thing he could see was the slowly descending isolation door.

To go 10 meters.

The glass door has been lowered to two-thirds of its original position.

The mechanical warriors clustered around them seemed to have sensed something, and the red spots in their eyes flashed faster.

Two mechanical warriors suddenly rushed towards Lin Xi. Lin Xi vaguely felt a heat flow rushing from his heart to his arms, and his nails suddenly grew. The sharp nails were like some kind of ion cutting weapon. The moment he opened his arms, he easily cut the two mechanical warriors in half.

There are still 5 meters to go.

Xavier's wings were suddenly entangled by the metal tentacles of a mechanical warrior.

It let out a roar of pain.

At this moment, its instinct was to turn around and fight with the mechanical warrior who dared to touch its wings as it did in the past. However, at this moment, Lin Xi's blood-covered back came into its eyes, instantly crushing its instinct.

To keep up with Lin Xi...

It wants to.

There was also the big door that was creaking down. Lin Xi said that the two of them should hide behind the door together.

Xavier seemed to still hear Lin Xi's hoarse whisper.

So, it stepped hard on the ground with its feet and then pounced forward.

With this action, its wings were instantly pulled out by the mechanical warrior.

Xavier let out a scream of extreme pain.

Lin Xi paused, he turned sideways and was about to check Xavier's condition, but at this moment, the latter's screams of pain changed into human voice.

"I'm fine—"

But Lin Xi couldn't help but turn around and look at Xavier.

The robot warrior was even still standing there, with bloody wings wrapped around its tentacles - but the once gorgeous wings were now just a light gray film.

Lin Xi was filled with rage. His mind went blank at that moment. He wanted to pounce on the mechanical warrior and tear it apart.

However, the friction sound of the isolation door as it descended instantly brought him back to his senses.

During this brief moment of pause, the isolation door had already been lowered to a very low position.

"Come on."

Lin Xi pulled Xavier hard and shouted.

Xavier's body paused slightly, and after its wings were pulled out, it broke free from the entanglement of the mechanical warriors and stuck close to Lin Xi's back.

At this extremely painful moment, only Lin Xi could make it feel better.

One more meter.

A trace of relief flashed in Lin Xi's eyes. Without saying much, Lin Xi pressed the ion generator on his chest, then suddenly fell to the ground, turned over, and slid in through the gap between the isolation door and the ground.

At this time, the isolation door was less than 40 centimeters away from the ground.

Xavier immediately crouched down, ready to follow Lin Xi in...

But at this moment, it felt a sharp pain on the back of its body. It struggled hard, but the pain, as if its soul was being torn apart, rushed directly to its brain along its lower body.

It turned around in disbelief, but what it saw were two robots that were very different in appearance from the other mechanical warriors.

They even look a bit like insects of some kind—except that all the parts are made of metal.

Now, the dark metal tentacles growing out of their bodies were like nails, nailing Xavier's body firmly to the ground.

This scene directly caught Lin Xi's eyes.


He shouted subconsciously.

The black robots leaned forward slightly, and stretched out a tentacle to get stuck between the isolation door and the ground, as if they wanted to lift up the isolation door that was about to fall.

But this attempt soon failed.

Due to the obstruction of the tentacles, the isolation door's descent slowed down a little bit - but it was indeed descending.

More mechanical warriors followed closely behind, rushing madly towards the gap that had become extremely narrow and trying to squeeze through, but their huge and ugly heads made them stuck there.

And Xavier...

Xavier is struggling.

But at this moment, the struggle was meaningless.

"Lin Xi—"

Its red compound eyes focused intently on the figure on the other side of the slowly closing door.

Then it murmured the name.

"Lin Xi..."

Just like every time it is happy or sad, it will subconsciously repeat that word.

Because that name will make it happy.

The author has something to say: I've been waiting for a long time~