Mother of Insects

Chapter 98: Chapter 115


"Lin Xi, is this something dangerous?"

Perhaps sensing Lin Xi's hidden uneasiness, Xavier had been carefully observing Lin Xi's every move. After seeing his actions, he asked vigilantly.

"I can destroy it..."

Then he suggested enthusiastically, and deliberately used an advanced word he had learned not long ago.

Hearing Xavier's suggestion, Lin Xi couldn't help but be stunned. It was obviously the wisest decision to let Xavier destroy the electronic brain directly. The person who controlled the electronic brain through some unknown special method could certainly reactivate the severely damaged electronic brain, but that would It's impossible for a guy to rely on that strange ability to put something that has been completely shattered back together again.

No matter from every aspect, Xavier's proposal is the best choice.

But for some reason, Lin Xi found that a strong resistance burst out from the bottom of his heart the moment he heard this proposal.

He bit his lip and realized clearly that he might not be as rational as he appeared on the surface - he did care about the man's cry for help, and really wanted to know what was going on here. During this time, he had a strong premonition that he had some mysterious and strong connection with that man that could not be described in words.

To use more unscientific words to describe it, it seems to be a kind of fate.

And fate is guiding Lin Xi to find that man and find out all the truth.

"Lin Xi?"

However, Xavier, who was beside Lin Xi, was already eager to solve Lin Xi's trouble.

"No," Lin Xi said subconsciously, "I mean... don't worry about it for now."

Lin Xi said to Xavier absently.

Xavier soon noticed Lin Xi's trance, and he immediately fell silent.

Xavier's mood was a little depressed, and he knew what the expression on Lin Xi's face meant—Xavier had seen the same expression on Lin Xi's face many times before Lin Xi lost his memory.

If it weren't for that accident, Lin Xi might have returned to his beloved Earth long ago, right

When he thought of this, Xavier felt as if something was stuck in his throat.

"What's wrong? Does the wound hurt?"

Just when Xavier was thinking wildly, Lin Xi frowned and then turned to look at Xavier.

Upon hearing that question, Xavier's tentacles hung down behind his head and he couldn't help but shake them hard.

It originally thought that its depression was well hidden, but it didn't expect to be discovered by Lin Xi all of a sudden.

"Nothing, I just..."

I'm just worried that you will abandon me.

This sentence stuck on the tip of Xavier's tongue.

It also remembered those TV series it had watched—all the heroines in the stories who said similar words seemed to be abandoned in the end.

Xavier swallowed back his worries alertly.

Before he could continue to organize his words and come up with other excuses to continue the conversation, Lin Xi had already approached him.

The man who fascinated Xavier reached out his hand and carefully touched its scarred body.

"Thank you for protecting me like this, I'm so glad... If I had known we would at least keep the healing tools with us."

Lin Xi sighed and said.

In order to avoid the storm, they had already discarded their extra luggage in the woods. In such wildness, those things had probably turned into pieces that were unrecognizable to the naked eye.

"Don't do this to me next time. I'm not completely human now... I'm not that fragile."

While speaking, Lin Xi couldn't help but glance at his lower body.

The insect-like body made Lin Xi's eyes dim.

“It will be fine soon”

Xavier leaned into Lin Xi's ear and whispered softly.

"I can shed my skin - I will be even more powerful after I shed my skin." It followed Lin Xi's gaze and looked at the opponent's bulging body, and then shook its wings shyly.

"Lin Xi will look very good in the future."

Although in Xavier's opinion, Lin Xi is already the most beautiful insect mother in the world.

"...You are already very powerful now."

Hearing Xavier's comfort, Lin Xi couldn't help but pursed her lips and revealed a faint smile.

After a pause, Lin Xi couldn't hold it back and said to Xavier again: "Thank you for always being by my side."

If it weren't for Xavier and being abandoned on such a planet and facing such a world, Lin Xi suspected that it wouldn't take long for him to go completely crazy.

The tips of Xavier's wings trembled even more.

He felt strange and didn't understand why it felt like crying when Lin Xi was gentle to it.

At this moment, Xavier's emotions hit Lin Xi again.

Lin Xi was also unprepared and enveloped in Xavier's surging emotions.

His body trembled slightly, and a slight blush appeared on his face, but in the next second, he returned to normal - at least on the surface.

He looked at Xavier for a moment, then turned his head and changed the topic as if nothing had happened.

Anyway... Anyway, the most important thing now is to have a good rest. After the storm subsides, we still have an uphill battle to fight. "

As Lin Xi spoke, her voice gradually became lower: "I really hope the cave will not be affected by the storm."

Everything that Xavier searched from the ruins of the Helios is now piled there.

If the storm on planet AS192 really destroyed the cave, it also means that the last connection between Lin Xi and the earth has also disappeared.

When she thought of this, Lin Xi felt as if her heart was filled with lead and was extremely heavy.

Considering the mutual emotional influence between him and Xavier, Lin Xi forced himself to cheer up after a brief depression.

Lin Xi checked Arthur's condition again.

As a deformed alien species, Arthur is indeed not good at fighting, but his special physical condition gives him a unique talent for repairing limbs.

In other words, all of its special abilities seem to be focused on "surviving."

The wounds on Xavier's body were still deep enough to show the bones, but at the same moment Arthur's body was covered with thick mucus, and a new carapace was being formed underneath the mucus.

Lin Xi had no doubt that after one night, Arthur could quickly return to his original state.

This somewhat relieved him

The whining wind outside the metal door showed no signs of stopping, which was exactly what Lin Xi had expected.

The storm they encountered this time was indeed much more violent than the last time.

No matter how he cheered himself up, Lin Xi's mood still became heavier, but in front of Xavier and Arthur, he did not show his low mood.

He just silently returned to the wall of the secret room, and then sat down next to Xavier.

He put all his weight on Xavier's body, because he knew that this would make the overly sensitive alien beside him feel happier.


Although the original intention was to make Xavier feel better, Lin Xi immediately felt the weakness of his body after sitting down.

This is not surprising.

His body had undergone an extremely energy-consuming transformation, and the meat juice transformed from the monster's corpse could not actually provide enough nutrients.

Lin Xi will never know that he is probably the weakest insect mother in history.

His transformation was neither successful nor complete. He had no nest of his own, no territory, and he did not produce enough insect eggs.

He didn't even have any children of his own.

This means that his race is almost on the verge of extinction.

All right…

I'm afraid even if Lin Xi knew this, he wouldn't care too much about it.

The previous trek in the storm left many scars on his body. For this secret room, Lin Xi expended more mental energy than he could bear.

Because of this, Lin Xi unknowingly snuggled into Xavier's arms and closed her eyes.

He fell asleep.

Then, he dreamed again. .

But this time, the man who appeared in his dream was no longer the man with a terrifying appearance and a strange background.

This time, the protagonist in his dream is Xavier.

In the dream, it seems to have another form.

It was huge, monstrous, and full of power. Its wings and r0u'se tentacles were constantly flying and squirming in the dark deep space.

Lin Xi smelled the smell of blood and strong hormones at the same time.

The stimulation of colors and tastes made his mind dizzy, and the emptiness in his belly became extremely strong. He longed to be enriched and filled.

When he was awake, Lin Xi could always easily suppress the strong animalistic instinct in his body. But in the dream, the situation was just the opposite. He felt that he had become extremely weak, and his primitive instincts were so strong that he could not control them.

The desire and hunger to reproduce washed away his weak sanity like a waterfall.

Not to mention that the individual who can satisfy him is right next to him.

Xavier, his monster…

His king insect.

Lin Xi felt very clearly that as long as he wanted, he could be satisfied.

What else can ensure a safe environment and sufficient supplies for a fragile mother of alien species

There is only reproduction... and the families that are reproduced.

Those lovely beings, those numerous descendants, will begin to evolve on their own after being given the chance to live.

As long as you give them enough time, even the storm that is raging now will no longer be a big problem.

Lin Xi knew this.

He's known this all along.

Lin Xi... Lin Xi... No... Wake up... Lin Xi!

Lin Xi heard several extremely hoarse calls.

At first, the sound was still human language, but it soon turned into a hoarse and high-pitched neighing of the Zerg.

Lin Xi opened his eyes wide and looked at Xavier beside him. .

Oh my god, just seeing this bug makes Lin Xi feel extremely empty.

The insect instinct screams, and then...

"Lin Xi!"

Lin Xi suddenly opened his eyes.

Then he found with great embarrassment that he was just doing what he wanted to do in his dream, suppressing Xavier with his weird and swollen body.

There was a thick and bloody smell in the air, and Lin Xi couldn't help but start to feel hot just by smelling that smell.

The extra bloody smell was caused by Xavier being hurt by Lin Xi's instinct in order to wake him up.

"What on earth did I do..."

Lin Xi let out an extremely painful whisper, covered his face, and quickly jumped off Xavier's body.

It took him at least ten minutes to calm down his body.

After calming down, Lin Xi quickly figured out the problem - it was still the damn alien instinct at work.

The storm that exceeded the limit of his imagination, as well as the dangerous situations he experienced during this period, made his instinct as a mutant become stronger and stronger.

Just like humans will get goosebumps when it's cold and sweat when it's hot. Even though sometimes these physiological reactions can put people in an extremely dangerous state, the design of the human body is like this, and you can't Ways to control this.

As for the mother of all species, God knows how this creature was designed. When it faces difficulties in life, the solution it gives is very simple - to reproduce, keep reproducing.

As long as there are enough offspring, those descendants and dependents who will continue to evolve will always find ways to let him survive and live well.

In addition, the situation of Xavier and Lin Xi is very delicate now. They are in a small and closed space.

The breath, or hormone, that attracts each other becomes stronger in the stagnant air.

Lin Xi rubbed his temples. He really hoped that the person trapped in such a body was not himself.

This is so embarrassing.

Lin Xi thought.

Even now, his reason has regained control of this body, but his instincts still remain in his body. He can feel that he is still exuding a strong aura, which is a strong aura. A suggestive invitation.

The ground was wet, the air was extremely humid, and Xavier was close at hand.

Xavier's state is no different from Lin Xi's.

Lin Xi could clearly see several tentacle-like things stretching out from under its elytra. Even now, it was still twisting its tail unconsciously, which looked like some kind of dance.

In the alien world, this is the courtship dance of the king insect to the insect mother.

At this moment, the only thing worth celebrating is probably that there was no substantial excessive contact between them.

Well, from the perspective of alien species, this is simply unbelievable. After all, they are born to reproduce and expand their own group.

At the moment when Lin Xi was possessed by instinct due to physical fatigue, he had actually given clear instructions to Xavier and allowed him to approach.

No matter from which point of view, Xavier should readily agree.

But it did not do this, and even risked being killed by Lin Xi in an effort to awaken Lin Xi's sanity.

"...That wasn't Lin Xi just now."

As if he could hear the voice in Lin Xi's body, Xavier suddenly whispered hoarsely.

It looked directly at Lin Xi at this moment, with bright red eyes on its insect-like face.

Lin Xi could feel it trying to suppress something.

Xavier slowly took several steps back and stood further away from Lin Xi. Just doing this made him feel extremely difficult.

After all, its body still wanted to wrap around Lin Xi—when Lin Xi tried to leave, its grasping legs suddenly appeared.

Before, that thing looked like a special organ of some kind of large insect. But now, perhaps to cater to Lin Xi's subconscious preferences, the two are now covered with carapace and complex joint parts. It turned into a simpler and more evil fleshy tentacle—just like the tentacles sticking out from the back of the star butterfly Lin Xi saw when she was a child.

"sorry… "

Xavier made a small and weak apology, and then he retracted his grasping foot forcefully.

Lin Xi bit his lower lip. For a moment, he almost wanted to surrender to his instinct. He wanted to rush into Xavier's arms, and then do something with him that real aliens and king insects should do. Things... such as expanding one's own ethnic group and breeding more offspring.

God, what on earth am I thinking...

Lin Xi shuddered and found that his thoughts were drifting in an indescribable direction without his control.

He couldn't continue to look at Xavier like this, Lin Xi thought in his heart.

Any direct communication with Xavier would only make things more and more out of control.

Lin Xi forced herself to turn around, and then avoided Xavier's eyes.

Thank God, after losing sight of Xavier, he finally sobered up a bit.

Then he saw... a white shadow huddled in another corner of the secret room. That's Arthur.

Compared with Lin Xi and Xavier, who were filled with pink aura, this poor little guy looked extremely scared.

Lin Xi blinked, and it took him a moment to realize why Arthur was so scared.

After all, when he was extremely dizzy and chaotic due to his instincts, what filled his body was not only the strong reproductive instinct, but also hunger...

And in such a small space, what could be more suitable to serve as food than a mutilated, stunted alien species?

Thinking of this, Lin Xi secretly wiped away a cold sweat. He was very glad that Xavier finally woke up his sanity.

Otherwise... After completing something, in order to breed new seeds, the most instinctive action of the mother of alien species is to replenish energy.

If things had developed to that extent, no matter what, Arthur would not be able to escape the fate of being used as food.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to..."

Lin Xi whispered to Arthur very dryly.

After hearing Lin Xi's normal voice, Arthur raised his head in fear.

"Lin Xi?!

It cautiously called Lin Xi

Lin Xi was stunned and realized that Arthur, like Xavier, was distinguishing between him... and "him".

A warm current suddenly surged into Lin Xi's heart.

Suddenly, Lin Xi felt that her life was not so bad.

Whether it is Arthur or Xavier, they care about and love him as Lin Xi.

And Lin Xi knew how rare this was.

"it's me."

Lin Xi nodded.

He knelt down, then reached out and touched Arthur's head.

Xavier's gaze behind him suddenly became extremely hot.

Of course Arthur also noticed it. At that moment, the strong killing intent bursting out of Xavier made him tremble. But even so, Arthur still stiffened his neck stubbornly and allowed Lin Xi's palm to rub the top of his head several times.

"Bang bang..."

Its wings flapped behind it regularly.

This move caused its wings to collide with the metal wall, making a particularly obvious hollow sound.

Hearing that voice, Lin Xi was suddenly stunned.

"Wait..." He stood up and approached the metal wall.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xi clasped his fingers and tapped the metal wall where Arthur's wings had flapped with his nails, and then he tapped several other metal walls.

"Bang bang—"

"Bang... bang..."

Although the difference was very small, to Lin Xi, who had become a different species, they sounded like two completely different voices.

There is nothing behind the wall where Arthur is.

"Look what we found."

Lin Xi's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and her mind immediately turned to the wall.

He stretched out his hand and carefully stroked the metal wall. It didn't take long before he discovered a very secret gap. That is the interface between the metal wall and other parts.

If he hadn't noticed the difference in the sound, I'm afraid that even if Lin Xi discovered this gap, he would only think that it was some kind of fixing process used in the construction of this metal secret room.

"Xavier, can you see anything else?"

Lin Xi turned her head and said to Xavier.

Xavier's degree of alienation is very high, which makes his perception ability far exceed that of Lin Xi.

After hearing the order, Xavier immediately took action.

With the help of the alien's extremely powerful detection ability, it didn't take long for Lin Xi and Xavier to discover that there was a very imperceptible button on the inside of the metal door that had caused them great trouble.

If you don't look carefully, you might think that this button is used to control the opening and closing of the metal door. But after careful study, Lin Xi resolutely pressed the small button.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a particularly harsh friction sound - no matter how well maintained it was before, the sound made by a metal door that has not been lubricated for three hundred years will always be very unpleasant when it is opened again.

A burst of heavy and cold air instantly rushed out from the metal door that slowly moved to both sides.

The green emergency lights flickered on slowly for several beats.

Lin Xi turned around warily and walked towards the metal door.

Then he discovered that after the metal door opened, a long corridor appeared in front of them.

Standing at Lin Xi's current position, he could not see the end of the corridor at all, nor did he know where it led. The only thing that can be determined is that the connection between this corridor and the metal chamber also has a clear line of words - Project Providence.

Lin Xi stared at the other end of the corridor with a gloomy expression.

The place where they were before was obviously the entrance and exit to the outside world and underground facilities. No wonder they found nothing there.

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment. He didn't know whether he should explore this corridor.

His uneasiness obviously also affected Xavier. The next second he heard the big insect next to him say to him in a deep voice:

"It's okay. I will protect Lin Xi."

This was probably a line he heard from some soap opera, but Lin Xi had to admit that such lines did sound particularly reassuring.

At least, it worked for Lin Xi.

After hearing Xavier's assurance, Lin Xi closed his eyes and channeled his spiritual power. Vaguely, he felt like something was tugging at his nerves at the other end of the corridor.

It felt strange, but Lin Xi didn't feel any danger.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, then he slowly took a step forward, and then another step.

This corridor is quite spacious and can even allow Xavier, Lin Xi and Arthur to move forward side by side.

And when Arthur also walked into this passage, the metal door behind them made a harsh sound again, and then slowly closed.

At that moment, Lin Xi felt that his scalp was about to explode. He almost ignored it and turned around and rushed back to the secret room.

But in the end he didn't do that.

Lin Xi's nerves were very tense. He originally thought that a place like this would have some mechanisms, just like the adventure stories he had seen on Earth.

But he didn't wait for any mechanism.

After all, this is three hundred years... Even if there is any mechanism here, I am afraid it will have lost its effectiveness long ago.

Think about those lighting facilities. If you want to maintain a special mechanism with lethality, the amount of energy required is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. But now, here, we can barely maintain the lighting of emergency lights.

Lin Xi muttered in his heart, knowing that he was actually very nervous now. .

It's very quiet here, so quiet that it makes you breathless.

Their footsteps echoed continuously in the long passage. Sometimes it sounded like someone was following them forward, which made Lin Xi want to look back from time to time to explore the situation behind him. .