Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 991: Finale (3000+ words)


Xia Xinghe took the note and saw the words Eve left for them.

She left very little information, except that it was over for the time being and that she would go see the person and come back to them after everything was taken care of.

But she didn't say where she went, and she didn't leave her contact information.

However, Xia Xinghe is not very worried about her. Since her mother dares to go alone, it proves that she can escape unscathed.

And anything she is sure of will definitely succeed.

It's like this time the past has changed.

She has succeeded in everything that is so difficult to do, so there is nothing she cannot do.

Thinking that everything was over, Xia Xinghe felt very good and relaxed.

She looked at Xi Mubai and said with a smile: "I want to relax here for two days. How about we go back the day after tomorrow?"

There were only two of them here, and Xi Mubai was eager to have such an opportunity.

"Okay!" He agreed immediately and said dotingly, "Whatever you want to do these two days, I will be with you."

"I want to do all the boring things with you." Xia Xinghe said with a smile.

Xi Mubai was slightly stunned. He didn't expect her to say that.

"For the rest of my life, I want to do all the boring things with you." Xia Xinghe continued, this time her expression was more serious.

Xi Mubai's eyes flashed suddenly.

No one understands Xia Xinghe's character better than him. She is a very positive woman, and everything she does is full of meaning.

But now she actually said that she wanted to do all the boring things with him for the rest of her life...

Such a huge contrast made Xi Mubai suspect that he was hallucinating.

"What did you say?" he asked uncertainly.

Xia Xinghe repeated with a smile, "I said, from now on I just want to do all the boring things with you, are you willing?"

"What is a boring thing?" Xi Mubai lowered his voice and his eyes became very deep.

Xia Xinghe looked into his eyes and explained softly, "It's all about being happy, carefree, and wasting your time."

"..." Xi Mubai's eyes flashed again.

He suddenly raised his hand to hold her face, restraining his excitement and said, "Do you know that I have always wanted to live such a life with you?"

"Me too, I really want to..." Xia Xinghe spoke openly.

Xi Mubai looked at her deeply, the corners of his mouth curved sweetly, and then he couldn't help but kiss her lips.

The moment their lips touched each other, Xia Xinghe's eyelashes trembled slightly, he slowly closed his eyes, and responded to his kiss gently and affectionately.

Feeling her response, Xi Mubai's kiss became more passionate!

The same goes for Xia Xinghe's kiss...

The sea breeze blew on them, and the warm sunshine enveloped them. The two people who had already fallen on the beach were still hugging and kissing tirelessly, smiling sweetly, as if they would be content with this until the end of the world...

And these two days are also their own time.

No one disturbed them, without any worries or concerns. They let go of everything and just enjoyed their own intimate world without any distance.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the world, Eve had also finished meeting the man.

But what she saw was still that person's substitute.

She still doesn't know what his true form looks like.

"I will keep my promise and show up again in 25 years. Maybe this is your last 25 years, please cherish it."

The man opposite said with an evil smile, his tone still as relaxed as if he was talking about the weather.

Eve said confidently: "No, this world will continue to exist, and your plan will completely fail in 25 years."

"Really?" The man smiled nonchalantly, "Then we'll wait and see who is the final winner."

"Okay, we'll wait and see then." After saying that, Eve left directly.

Two days later, a hibernation operation is about to begin in a mysterious base that no one knows about.

"BOSS, everything is ready. Please enter the cabin. Your sleep time has been set to 25 years." A subordinate said respectfully to the tall man standing in front of him.

The man looked at the large hibernation cabin in front of him, curling his lips and revealing an evil smile: "In 25 years, I would like to see what the world will look like, but no matter what it looks like, it will no longer exist."

After saying that, he entered the hibernation cabin directly without any hesitation or concern.

A group of his subordinates immediately took action and closed the hibernation cabin in a well-trained manner.

The cabin door slowly closed, and the man lying on his back slowly closed his amber, deep, and breathtaking eyes.

The moment the cabin door was completely closed, he fell into an endless sleep.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.

25 years later, he will change everything and fulfill his biggest wish in this life.

No one can stop him then, no one!

For many people, the next 25 years may be just ordinary, very ordinary 25 years, but for Xia Xinghe and the others, they will be 25 years that change the destiny of the world.

Xia Xinghe continued to serve as president for 5 years. During the 5 years of her management, country Z's science and technology advanced very rapidly, and the world also underwent tremendous changes every year.

Because she had already found a way to rescue Shi Jian and the others, and they all went to work at Galaxy College.

Under their leadership, countless scientists have achieved great improvements and academic breakthroughs.

Soon Galaxy College became the largest academic cradle in the world, and many people came to sign up to study.

It is also through everyone's mutual learning and efforts that more truths and laws are discovered.

Once an academic law is discovered, many academic results will be derived, and human science and technology will advance by leaps and bounds.

In the past hundreds of years, thanks to the efforts of countless scientists, the world's science and technology has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Today, technology has once again taken off to the next level.

Let alone the future.

Many problems such as genetic modification, cancer, simulated robots, regenerative cells, etc. are no longer difficult problems. People have realized many dreams, and extending their life span by decades is not a problem.

What's more, even Xia Meng, who was hopeless and whose body was completely destroyed, recovered again with the help of high-tech medical methods.

But with science and technology advancing so rapidly, and people thinking that the world would only get better and better, or that they could immigrate to alien planets, Xia Xinghe and the others did not dare to be careless or relax at all.

Although colonizing other planets is no longer a distant dream, no one will completely give up on the earth.

Unless the earth is destroyed, this place will always be their home.

So in order to prevent the tragedy 25 years later, they must find a way to solve the crisis.

But no matter how they searched, they could not find where the man was, nor the hidden dangers he had buried on the earth.

What worries Xia Xinghe and the others the most is that he also has mastered a lot of high technology and can rely on memory cells to continuously regenerate, so he must be thinking of ways to deal with them.

But he was in the light and they were in the dark, so Xia Xinghe and the others were very passive.

Eve also prophesied, saying that the man was not good, and his IQ and ability were definitely not low.

If he dares to give in for 25 years, he is sure to make a comeback in 25 years.

Therefore, they cannot be careless and must try their best to stop him.

In order to stop them, Xia Xinghe and the others have thought of many ways. In addition to developing high technology, they are also studying the five-dimensional space.

Maybe the fifth dimension can take them back to the past and truly change history.

They still have a long time to develop it, and I believe it will be successful.

However, Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai were both old at that time, and Eve must have been very old as well. They could not continue to deal with that person.

But it doesn't matter, they have new successors, and many of them.

The biggest successor among them is the daughter of Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai.

Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai held their wedding quickly, and a few years after their marriage, she gave birth to a daughter.

Their daughter is a child with more brains than either of them.

Over the years, Eve has been nurturing her, and they have pinned their future hopes on her.

And they also believe that she will live up to expectations and be better than her predecessors.

The future also belongs to them, and it is their mission to change the world.

As for Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai, they slowly withdrew from the stage of history and began to enjoy their lives.

Xia Xinghe also fulfilled her original promise. Five years later, she ended her career as president and returned to T City to live a simple life with Xi Mubai.

In addition to doing academic research, her biggest focus in life is her family.

The same goes for Xi Mubai. He is no longer eager to pursue profits, but slows down to accompany Xia Xinghe and other family members. When Xi Lin grows up, he leaves everything to him to take care of, and only concentrates on accompanying him every day. Xia Xinghe.

Xia Xinghe also accompanies him every day.

They never spent a day apart again.

No matter where they go, they are together. They have endless topics to talk about every day. Even if they don't speak, they can communicate with each other with a high degree of tacit understanding.

In the eyes of outsiders, their love is not spectacular, but only they know how deep their love for each other is.

This kind of love cannot be expressed in words or truly expressed in any form.

Only by spending a lifetime loving each other deeply every day, relying on each other all the time, and letting each other be surrounded by happiness every minute can they finally interpret their love.

And this long-lasting, gentle and eternal love is something that few people can possess and understand.

But they did it because their greatest wish and lifelong efforts were to make each other happy.

Only by giving each other wholeheartedly can we achieve eternal happiness...

As for whether the world will really come to an end, they are no longer afraid.

And even if that day comes, I believe someone will solve these problems.

But that person was their little daughter.

In order to prevent the mysterious man from destroying the world 25 years later, their daughter has been working hard towards this goal.

Whether she can succeed or not is another story.


Haha, finished writing! The irresponsible author decided not to write the story of the supporting characters at the end (crying). Since this book has no emotional scenes, no one has read it since it was published, so you won’t like it if you continue to write it~ But that’s it It's over, and I still feel very sorry because it wasn't complete enough. But every book I write is very complete, and suddenly I feel that lack of perfection is actually a kind of perfection~

Next, the concubine plans to take a break and do all the things that she has not had time to do for so many years. At my age, the focus can no longer only be on work, but also on balancing life~ I have already listed a lot of things to do. First of all Well, I’m going on a vacation (hum), and then I’ll slowly implement other things, and then start a new book~ In the next book, I plan to write a pure love story about pets, and the content of the story is already clear. I hope you will continue to read by then. support.

Finally, I really want to thank the readers who have supported me all the way. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to hold on now. You will never know how much gratitude and motivation your small encouragement will bring to me. Thank you very much! My concubine is not good at talking, but I will always work hard to repay you.

Finally, you can add my QQ: 1767532219~ When I open a new book, I will notify everyone in the space, okay~ See you next time, I will keep writing, and will always be there~

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