Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 14: Little Enemy


When Pei Chengan's car drove into a secluded alley and stopped in front of a quaint martial arts gymnasium that was extremely disproportionate to the surrounding modern buildings, Xia Zhen was in a mess.

"Did I time travel?"

Pei Chengan smiled and said, "It's just decorated like this."

Well, there is a copycat version of the White House, and it is really not surprising that the martial arts school is a little more simple. Xia Zhen had lived in this city for so many years, but had never heard of this place, so she was surprised.

"How do you know this place?" Xia Zhen asked curiously.

Pei Chengan said calmly, "It was opened by a cousin of mine."

That's it, it seems that he also learned his skills here. Wait... so isn't this meeting relatives? Why is she suddenly a little nervous

"Let's go in."

Xia Zhen bit the bullet and followed him in. The layout inside was actually very simple, with a few tables and chairs for resting, and a spacious practice field in the middle. At this time, seven or eight children around ten years old were practicing, and they seemed a little excited to see Pei Chengan and Xia Zhen.

A little boy shouted to the back room: "Grandpa, Uncle Pei is here!" Then they gathered around Pei Chengan and chatted to him in chirping.

"Who is this sister?" The little boy looked at Xia Zhen and asked.

Xia Zhen's heart was full of joy when she called her sister, and before she could speak, another little girl pulled Pei Chengan's sleeve with an aggrieved expression and said, "Uncle, she must not be your girlfriend, right?"

Xia Zhen: "..."

When Pei Chengan faced the group of children, his expression became softer. He rubbed the little girl's hair and said, "She is my girlfriend."

"Uncle, didn't I tell you that I will be your bride when I grow up?" The little girl looked like she was about to cry, but Xia Zhen's mood was extremely complicated now. She had a rival in love who was ten years younger than herself. What kind of experience is it

Pei Chengan couldn't laugh or cry, and said with difficulty: "When you grow up, I will already be old."

"I don't despise you for being old!" The little girl still refused.

The little boy grabbed the little girl and said old-fashionedly: "Xinxin, when I grow up, I will be as good as Uncle Pei. You will be my bride in the future."

"Really?" the little girl asked.

The little boy nodded firmly: "Really, if you don't believe me, just wait and see."

Xinxin lowered her head, her small mouth pouted slightly, looking very tangled. Pei Chengan said helplessly to her: "Xiao Qi will be even better than Uncle in the future."

"But he's not as handsome as his uncle."

Xia Zhen: "..." She felt that her world view had been refreshed. It turned out that facial expression does not distinguish between age groups.

However, Xiao Qi was not convinced, "I am also very handsome. Many people say that I am a handsome guy."

Xinxin immediately retorted: "You are so fat, you are not handsome!"

Xia Zhen: Little sister, it's wrong to discriminate against fat people.

Facing the facts, Xiao Qi couldn't refute, her chubby face turned red with anger.

Seeing that the atmosphere became tense, Xia Zhen felt the need to say something. She squatted down and looked at the child with a kind smile on her face. She took the two children and said, "Xinxin, let me tell you, when you grow up and reach the age where you can marry, your Uncle Pei will already be a little old man in his 40s or 50s. His hair may be If he turns white, there will be many wrinkles on his face, he may lose a few teeth, and he may not be very handsome. But although Xiao Qi is a bit fat now, as long as he exercises well, he will be a tall and handsome man in the future."

After hearing Xia Zhen's words, the children raised their heads to look at Pei Chengan's face, as if they wanted to see some wrinkles.

Xia Zhen knew that talking about others like this was actually bad. Even a man who didn't care much about his appearance would feel somewhat uncomfortable when he heard others describe his old appearance. But Xia Zhen's situation is different, she is not afraid that Pei Chengan will be unhappy, nor that he will not like her.

To be honest, after she said these words, she felt a little pleasure.

She also looked at Pei Chengan.

Pei Chengan said: "Uncle will indeed not be as young as he is now in more than ten years, but a good living habit will delay aging. If you take good care of your teeth, you will not lose your teeth when you are forty or fifty years old. So you should eat well and eat well. Practice martial arts, but also protect your teeth."

Xia Zhen: How did it turn into educating children

The children felt that what Pei Chengan said made sense, and they echoed his words obediently. At this moment, an old man with gray hair but very energetic came out of the next room.

"Don't think that you can be lazy when Uncle Pei comes." The old man put on a serious expression, but the children were all smiling, not afraid of him at all, but they still ran over obediently and continued to kick and punch.

Pei Chengan went to meet him, and Xia Zhen followed behind.

The old man looked at Xia Zhen carefully, with a satisfied smile on his face. "Is this your little girlfriend?"

Xia Zhen felt ashamed about her little girlfriend. After meeting her little rival in love, she really couldn't bear the word "little".

Pei Chengan introduced the two of them, and Xia Zhen followed Pei Chengan in a ladylike way and called him cousin.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, the old man said: "Since you are here, please help me look after these children by the way, and I will go out for a while." After speaking, he left.

Pei Chengan asked the group of children to do the movements to be practiced today, and then corrected the irregular movements one by one. After several corrections, their movements were all standardized. Pei Chengan asked them to practice by themselves, then walked up to Xia Zhen and said to her, "It's your turn."

"Okay." Xia Zhen still has confidence in her skills. When she was in elementary school, she was the best among her classmates. She was too nervous and didn't perform well when facing the punks last night, and it won't be like that today.

The two walked to a spacious place, Pei Chengan put on a posture, and said to Xia Zhen, "Let me see how far you have learned."

"I'm learning wolf defense, you should pay more attention." Xia Zhen spoke first, after all, if something went wrong, she didn't want to be responsible. Although he seems to be very powerful, the anti-wolf technique uses ingenuity and focuses on people's weak spots. No matter how strong a man is, he will not be able to stand being hit to the vitals.

Pei Chengan coughed lightly, and said, "The technical term should be called women's self-defense."

Xia Zhen raised her eyebrows, "We all talk about wolf defense, I'm used to it." She just didn't want to change her words, she just wanted to treat him like a "wolf".

Pei Chengan was a little helpless, but he didn't continue to struggle, "Then let's start."

Xia Zhen turned her back to Pei Chengan, "Let's start simple, grab my shoulder."

Pei Chengan held her right shoulder with one hand, Xia Zhen immediately bent her left elbow, and slammed it back and up. The purpose was to bump into the opponent's face, Xia Zhen's movements were fairly swift, but Pei Chengan still dodged it. What's more, she found that her raised elbow couldn't hit his face at all, it only reached his neck, but Xia Zhen didn't stop, and then attacked his abdomen.

As a result, Xia Zhen's attack failed.

"Come again!" Xia Zhen's competitive spirit was aroused.

"En." Pei Chengan said, grabbing her wrist. Xia Zhen grabbed his wrist with the other hand, then quickly turned her body, twisting his arm. Her movements were already very fast. In the previous practice, none of the subjects could resolve it successfully, but Pei Chengan turned around calmly, following Xia Zhen's movements, and his hands were not twisted and hurt.

Xia Zhen failed again.

Next, Pei Chengan hugged her from behind, Xia Zhen lifted her foot and stepped on it hard, Pei Chengan dodged, but backed up a little, Xia Zhen nimbly bumped his abdomen back with her elbow, this time she finally didn't Failed all, crashed a little.

Xia Zhen's sense of frustration was finally relieved, and when she looked back at him, she had a smile on her face, her expression of pride undisguised.

Pei Chengan smiled inwardly, but didn't show it. He still knows that he should be a bit more lenient when dealing with his girlfriend.

"Go ahead, come to the one who grabs the clothes." Xia Zhen is full of fighting spirit now, she feels that she has not entered the state just now, and now that she has found the feeling, she will perform well in the future.

Pei Chengan reached out and grabbed Xia Zhen's neckline. As soon as she grabbed it, Xia Zhen pressed down on his wrist. The moment Pei Chengan's body bent down, she raised her leg and kicked him in the crotch.

In the end, Pei Chengan turned around, but Xia Zhen missed the kick.

Xia Zhen asked to continue, after a few rounds, Xia Zhen was out of breath, but she was still unconvinced, "Continue!" She didn't believe that she couldn't beat Pei Chengan! With such a mix, what face does she have to meet the coach of the year. What's more, a group of children next to her were all watching, saying that Pei Chengan was amazing and that she was so stupid.

How stupid is she! If they weren't too young, she would definitely have a show with them to show them how powerful she is.

"Take a break." After playing for more than ten minutes, Pei Chengan was fine and didn't catch a breath, which was in stark contrast to Xia Zhen's breathing disorder.

"I'm not tired!" There was a group of children watching the fun, and they wanted to keep fighting for the sake of face.

Pei Chengan saw Xia Zhen who was panting but had firm eyes, and heard that the children admired him more and more. On the contrary, he felt that Xia Zhen was not very good, and he felt that he had to give his daughter face. "Then go on."

Then, the children finally gave Xia Zhen a warm applause, and ran over to ask Xia Zhen to take them to practice.

Xia Zhen was so pestered by the children that she couldn't help it, so she agreed.

She walked up to Pei Chengan and whispered, "Although you let me do it, I will be able to hit you one day."

Pei Chengan nodded, curled the corners of his lips, and said, "I'm looking forward to it."