Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 29: Meet for fishing


When the car drove out of the urban area, the road became wide, and the trees on both sides were lush and green, creating a thriving scene.

Not long after, the car turned into a small road, and after a while, I saw a small wooden building standing in a bamboo forest. The plaque on the lintel of the small building read the four characters "Shuiche Farm".

"Why didn't I remember such a popular and appropriate name before."

"You have a poor memory." Xiao Li said to the point.

Xia Zhen refused to accept, "I have a good memory, but I don't care. If I have my heart, I won't be able to forget it even if I want to."

Xiao Li said teasingly: "Yes, yes, just like Mr. Pei from your family, even if you become demented in the future, you will never forget him if you forget anyone."

The speaker has no intention but the listener has the intention, Xia Zhen's heart seemed to be twisted by someone. That's right, she might never forget Pei Chengan for the rest of her life, he is so nice.

Otherwise, just continue like this, and that plan will be considered a failure. In fact, the failure of the plan is a good thing, which means that she has won a beautiful love.

Thinking of this made her feel better again. She looked at Pei Chengan and smiled sweetly.

"What's wrong?" Pei Chengan asked.

Xia Zhen shook her head, "It's nothing, I just think you're so handsome."

Pei Chengan: "..." Although he has heard such praise many times, and Xia Zhen has said it several times, he used to think that praising his appearance would weaken his efforts, but every time he heard Xia Zhen say this, his heart would always be become swollen.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Xia Zhen, although you are telling the truth, but in broad daylight, you... well, you are right. I'll go over there to see the scenery, and you continue." ! Can't she go? Hey, she also wants to find a boyfriend, even if she doesn't have Wu Yanzu's handsome face, his body is enough, the most important thing is to be as affectionate as Pei Chengan. The way he looked at Xia Zhen was completely "I only have eyes for you", she was envious.

"Your colleague..." Pei Chengan said looking at Xiao Li's back.

Xia Zhen interrupted, "She's envious, jealous, I'll restrain myself a bit." After she finished speaking, she lowered her head, and if she looked at him again, she would want to kiss him.

Maybe it was because she suddenly made up her mind that the big stone in her heart was let go, and Xia Zhen felt relaxed, as if she was lying on a soft cloud, floating gently with the breeze, comfortable and comfortable, and everything around her became unreal.

"I think… "

Pei Chengan stopped in the middle of speaking, Xia Zhen couldn't wait for the next sentence, looked up at him, and asked, "What?"

"Ba ba..." The horn of a car came from behind, their conversation was interrupted, and they all looked at a car that was driving past.

"It's my colleague's car." Pei Chengan said.

"Oh." Xia Zhen was a little expectant and a little nervous, but she didn't forget that Pei Chengan hadn't finished speaking. When walking over with him, she whispered, "You haven't finished your sentence yet."

Pei Chengan's expression was slightly shy, he didn't look at Xia Zhen, and said, "I'll tell you later."

Xia Zhen muttered and compromised.

Dou Shuai got out of the car first, looked at Pei Chengan and Xia Zhen, and greeted them heartily. "You're just Xia Zhen, right? Hello, hello, she really lives up to her reputation as a beautiful woman."

Of course I am happy to be praised like this, although it is exaggerated, for example, if the reputation is well-deserved, who would pass it on to her. She smiled and said, "Hi, thank you for the compliment."

Another two men and a woman got out of the car, Xia Zhen looked at the young, beautiful woman with a sweet smile calmly, and already guessed in her heart that she was Pei Chengan's junior sister.

Pei Chengan introduced: "This is my girlfriend Xia Zhen. Xia Zhen, this is my brother and colleague, Dou Shuai; this is Jiang Wen, Ren Jiadong, Lu Mengqi, all colleagues."

Both Jiang Wen and Ren Jiadong greeted Xia Zhen politely. Unlike Dou Shuai, they didn't talk much. Lu Mengqi smiled at Xia Zhen and said, "Hi, I'm not only Brother Pei's colleague, but also his Mi Fensi."

"Mi Fensi..." Xia Zhen smiled, looked at Pei Chengan and said, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, and you have Mi Fensi."

Pei Chengan was helpless, before he could speak, Xia Zhen continued, "Suddenly I felt like I found a treasure."

"Hahaha..." Dou Shuai laughed loudly and said, "Do you only feel this way now? It doesn't matter, you will still feel this way in the future."

Xia Zhen had an expression of approval.

At this moment, Xiao Li, who had not gone far, heard the movement and came back, so Pei Chengan introduced him again.

After getting to know each other, the owner of the farmhouse heard the noise and walked out from another small room. Seeing that there were indeed guests coming, he enthusiastically welcomed them into the wooden building.

This two-story small wooden restaurant has changed a lot from when Xia Zhen came here before, and the decoration is more exquisite, but because it is all retro wooden structure, it still has a simple and simple feeling.

The dishes in this farmhouse restaurant are all local dishes, the chicken, duck and fish are all raised by the owner himself, and the vegetables are also grown by himself. As for the fish, the customer catches it by himself. Of course, if someone doesn’t want to catch it, the boss also has it. A fishing net is used to circle an area in the pond, and there are fish in it. What's more, customers have caught more fish, so they can choose to buy it home, and the price is a little higher than the market price.

They ordered a lunch menu with the boss, and then they were going to go fishing by the pond.

Several men brought fishing gear, and the boss took some big umbrellas to shade them.

Xia Zhen can't sit still, so she is not interested in fishing as an entertainment at all. She went fishing with her father once before, and it almost bored her to death. But when Pei Chengan made this suggestion yesterday, she didn't feel disgusted at all. On the contrary, she thought it would be quite interesting if it was with Pei Chengan.

At the beginning, Xia Zhen sat next to Pei Chengan, staring at the water surface expectantly, and when she saw the buoy move, she tensed up, not daring to breathe, waiting for the fish to take the bait. It's a pity that the buoy shook for a while, bringing out small water waves, and then slowly calmed down, she was suddenly disappointed.

Fishing can not be noisy, or it will scare the fish.

Xia Zhen refrained from saying anything, so as not to leave a bad impression.

Seeing Xia Zhen's disappointed look, Pei Chengan couldn't help comforting him in a low voice, "Don't worry, the fish is just testing, and it will take the bait in a while."

Xia Zhen was suspicious, lowered her voice and asked, "Really? Fish still try?"

Pei Chengan nodded.

Seeing that the other people not far away had nothing to gain, Xia Zhen felt relieved.

Pei Chengan and Xia Zhen were together, and the others were far away from them. At first Xia Zhen thought that they were only deliberately avoiding the couple, but Dou Shuai said that it is best not to get too close to Pei Chengan when fishing.

Xia Zhen asked why, and Dou Shuai said, "Because fish are also color control."

Xia Zhen is very happy about face control, which means that Pei Chengan is very good at fishing. The reason why Xia Zhen is a little anxious now is to hope that some fish will catch the bait as soon as possible, because she doesn't want to become a confidant and cause him to lose his standard. Hmm, she just thought too much.

The first fish was caught, but it was Dou Shuai who caught it. Lu Mengqi and Xiao Li beside him cheered excitedly.

Originally, Xia Zhen asked Xiao Li to be next to Pei Chengan with her, and the snacks she brought would be boring to eat alone. But Xiao Li only wants snacks and doesn't want her. She said that her pleasure is not making light bulbs.

Dou Shuai, who was the first to catch a fish, was very happy, and praised that it was the credit of the two beauties helping out.

Some fish took the bait, and the water was turbulent. Everyone retracted their fishing rods to see if the bait was still on it. Everyone took advantage of this meeting to speak loudly.

Xiao Li was also very proud, and said loudly towards Xia Zhen: "Xia Zhen, although we are not as beautiful as you in one-on-one, I can compare you to beauty Meng Qi when I team up with you. The rain on the pond is still very discerning.”

"Don't be complacent, this is just the beginning." Xia Zhen knew that Xiao Li said this on purpose, and it seemed that she had seen that Lu Mengqi treated Pei Chengan differently. Xia Zhen called Xiao Li to come, firstly because she was tightly entangled with her, and secondly because she wanted to have a companion, she did not expect that Xiao Li, who always took pleasure in hurting her, would still protect her at critical moments.

No wonder she took the initiative to ask Lu Mengqi to go with Dou Shuai.

Throwing the bait into the water again, this time Pei Chengan's fishing rod was pressed down within a few minutes, obviously a fish was hooked. Xia Zhen was very excited, but still suppressed it, fearing that she would scare the fish away.

Pei Chengan did not close the shot immediately, he waited calmly for a while, and felt that the time had come, so he closed the shot calmly and neatly. A palm-sized carp was caught, Xia Zhen excitedly took the fish guard and put it beside her, asking Pei Chengan to put it in.

"What fish did you catch?" Dou Shuai asked.

Pei Chengan replied with a light smile, "Lotus carp."

Dou Shuai sighed, "You are still lucky."

Xia Zhen was puzzled, "Isn't this an ordinary carp? What is a lotus carp?" Xia Zhen didn't know fish, but only knew how to eat it. She can't say what kind of fish is delicious, she only knows that her mother's cooking is not delicious, and her father's cooking is delicious.

"The meat of this kind of carp is relatively fresh and tender, but it is generally not very big." Pei Chengan answered her.

Xia Zhen understood.

After that, Pei Chengan caught fish again and again, and Jiang Wen and Ren Jiadong, two people who didn't talk much, also caught a few, but Dou Shuai didn't make any movement.

After more than half an hour, Xiao Li couldn't catch any fish, and finally couldn't sit still. She invited Lu Mengqi to come and find Xia Zhen.

Xia Zhen stayed by Pei Chengan's side. Although she didn't talk much, she always had a sense of accomplishment every time she caught fish and didn't feel bored.

"I've heard that Senior Brother Pei is a good fisherman before, and I finally saw it today. Senior Brother, you are really good." Lu Mengqi enthusiastically expressed her admiration.

"This is not considered a master, as long as you can hold your breath." Pei Chengan replied politely.

"Let's have some snacks, Xia Zhen, that dried kiwi is delicious, is there any more?" Xiao Li said.

Xia Zhen took out the bag of dried kiwi fruit that she had opened from the bag, and handed it to Xiao Li. Xiao Li took out a piece, then stretched out the bag to Lu Mengqi, "Mengqi, try it, it's really delicious."

Lu Mengqi smiled and refused, "No thanks, I don't like to eat such sour food."

Xiao Li didn't force her, and handed the bag back to Xia Zhen.

Xia Zhen really liked the sweet and sour taste, so she took a piece out and put it in her mouth.

Xiao Li was dissatisfied with her inconsiderate boyfriend's behavior of only caring about his own food, "Why don't you give it to Mr. Pei?"

She had asked Pei Chengan if she wanted to eat before, but he said no, otherwise she would ask again now. "Do you want to eat?"


Xia Zhen handed him the bag, Pei Chengan looked at her helplessly, "My hands are dirty."

Xia Zhen: "..."

Xiao Li rolled his eyes at the dull Xia Zhen, Xia Zhen had no choice but to take out a piece and put it in Pei Chengan's mouth.