Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 3: Meeting people is not nice


Now that they have become boyfriend and girlfriend, today is still a long time, so of course they have to continue dating.

Pei Chengan, who is very serious about everything, has made sufficient preparations before the blind date. He has already planned the blind date process. He did not complete this process by himself. He is not good at getting along with girls, he doesn't know what girls like, and he doesn't know what to do after eating, so yesterday he found a senior brother who had a happy marriage and two children.

Next is watching a movie.

When he made this suggestion, Xia Zhen asked him back: "Do you like watching movies?"

Pei Chengan said: "I don't really like it. If it is an orthodox historical movie or celebrity movie, I will watch it. I can learn a lot from it."

Seeing that Xia Zhen was a little taken aback, he added, "Well, I've seen some of those remakes based on famous works, such as "War and Peace" and "The Count of Monte Cristo"..." He stopped talking.

Xia Zhen laughed and said, "You must like watching documentaries, right?"

Pei Chengan gave an affirmative answer.

He wasn't sure what Xia Zhen's attitude towards his preferences was. Many people rated him as "boring". He thought documentaries were interesting, but he knew that most people didn't think so. Unexpectedly, Xia Zhen smiled and said, "Then let's go to the movies."

"Okay, it's up to you to decide what to see later."

The two came to the parking lot together, Pei Chengan drove the car, he opened the door for Xia Zhen in a gentlemanly manner, and when she bent over to sit in, he raised his hand to block the car door.

She was really careful, but for Xia Zhen, it was too careful. Among her friends, there is no one like him.

In fact, this was a good thing. Pei Chengan was very different from her, so there would be a lot of disharmony between them, and it became a simple matter for him not to be able to stand her.

Hmph, doesn't he want to watch a movie? Doesn't he like realistic and rigorous documentaries? Isn't there a bad movie released recently that has no logic, no depth, and no jokes that made countless people complain? Just go and see that one.

When Pei Chengan sat in the driver's seat, Xia Zhen turned her head and said to him, "I heard that there is a very popular movie recently called "Meeting People Is Not Nice"..."

Xia Zhen's words were interrupted by a ringing phone call from Pei Chengan. She stopped and signaled Pei Chengan to answer the phone first. Pei Chengan apologized and took out his phone and pressed the answer button. That's right, it's a press. His mobile phone is an outdated button mobile phone. Although this mobile phone was hot back then, it is not a smart phone. There are still a few people using this kind of mobile phone, Xia Zhen only knows that her grandfather is using it, well, now she knows another one.

Xia Zhen wondered what kind of man Pei Chengan was, but before he could come up with a result, Pei Chengan had already finished making the phone call.

With a dignified expression, he said to Xia Zhen apologetically, "My tutor suffered a stroke and was admitted to the hospital. He has no relatives by his side. I'm going to the hospital. Today..."

"Then you go, you can watch the movie later." Xia Zhen looked indifferent. In fact, she didn't want to go to the movies with him, and she needed to make a new plan.

Pei Chengan pursed his thin lips slightly, "Well, I'll take you home first, or if you have any place you want to go, I'll take you there." He agreed to go to the movies, but now he doesn't, he has a feeling of abandoning Xia Zhen guilt.

Xia Zhen didn't know his psychology, if she knew, she would say: "You think too much."

"I'll just go back by myself. If you're in a hurry, go there quickly and take good care of the elderly." She only hoped to be separated from him sooner, and he would influence her to think rationally by the side.

"My mentor is fifty-five years old."

Is this telling her that his mentor is not an old man but a middle-aged man? Well, Xia Zhen said with a sneer: "Take good care of your mentor, myself..." She opened the car door to get out as she spoke.

But at this moment, her wrist was grabbed, and she turned her head in surprise, looking at the good-looking hand that was holding her. Xia Zhen felt very weird, even through the fabric of the coat, she still felt uncomfortable. Normally, it is very natural for her and Xue Chen to climb shoulders and hold hands. Hey! Being so reserved now must have been pretending for too long today, and I'm almost used to it.

The influence of a single person is really terrifying. She likes jumping people so much, she has to stay away from people like Pei Chengan.

However, when Pei Chengan firmly insisted on seeing her off and said that there was another old classmate here, she nodded against her will.

Anyway, before you break up with him, you can't stay away from him. For the sake of never seeing each other in the future, endure it now. Xia Zhen comforted herself in this way.

After Xia Zhen fastened her seat belt, Pei Chengan started the car, and then Xia Zhen took the initiative to say the name of her community, and got used to taking a taxi.

"I know."

Xia Zhen understood, and vaguely remembered that Ms. Tian said that she met when she was dancing with Pei Chengan's mother. The two had similar tastes and had a good chat. When they knew there was a silly child who didn't take love seriously, they hit it off immediately. Decided to bring them together.

Dancing or something, isn't it just square dancing? Those who can dance square dancing together are all here.

Pei Chengan drove very steadily, did not show any signs of anxiety, and did not speed up on purpose.

Xia Zhen asked Pei Chengan to stop the car at a large supermarket outside the community, saying that she was going to the supermarket to buy something. She didn't want Pei Chengan to know the exact location of her home.

After Pei Chengan left, Xia Zhen bought a big bag of snacks and went home.

"Why did you come back so soon? You bought so many snacks?" As soon as Xia Zhen entered the door, he said that the queen of the house started interrogating her. She frowned, and concluded with a worried face: "Did the blind date fail?" In fact, she didn't have any hope at all. She still understood her daughter, but she was just dealing with her. Even so, she still let her go by chance, what if the two saw each other? Fate is something that can't be said for sure.

However, the reality is always cruel, Ms. Tian sighed melancholy.

"Yo yo! Ms. Tian, your brain skills are improving day by day. Have you even imagined your daughter's miserable old age?" Xia Zhen put the snacks on the coffee table, threw her bag to the corner of the sofa, and then sat down on her buttocks. on the sofa.

Tian Xuefang glared at Xia Zhen, "It's fine if you're not upright, but if you're not upright, it's not surprising that people look down on you."

Many people always feel pressured by their parents who care too much and love too much, but Xia Zhen has never felt this way.

"Oh, but a strange thing happened today." Xia Zhen sighed with her eyebrows raised. She took out a bag of potato chips and skillfully tore them open, then leaned back and leaned against the back of the sofa, her posture was completely different from before.

Two seconds later, Ms. Tian went from being unbelievable to sure that she understood correctly, and asked excitedly, "You mean you've done it?"

"What does becoming mean?" Xia Zhen originally wanted to continue, but she opened her mouth to compare, and she wanted to pretend to be infatuated by Pei Chengan.

"What do you mean?" Ms. Tian was impatient.

Xia Zhen stopped arguing with her, and smiled sweetly, as if lost in memory. "I have confirmed my relationship with Pei... Pei Chengan."


"Is it a brother-sister relationship?"

"Crack!" Ms. Tian patted her hand holding the potato chips very rudely. "You still eat snacks and don't lose weight, so be careful to be rejected by others."

Xia Zhen looked down at her figure, "Mom, do you think I still need to lose weight?" Her father told her to eat more meat last night, saying that she was skinny. The difference between parents is really big.

"Didn't you gain five catties during the Chinese New Year? You can't tell by wearing too much clothes now. The weather will warm up soon, and your swimming ring will be invisible."

"How can I have a swimming ring!"

"If it weren't for your fat waist, I wouldn't let you wear a coat to cover your flesh today."

Isn't the coat for her to keep out the cold? Is it my real mother

"Pei Chengan said that it's not good for girls to lose weight. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't agree... I wouldn't like him that much either."

"You like him?" Ms. Tian was like discovering a new world, but after thinking about it calmly, she doubted it.

Xia Zhen, who had lied, didn't look at Ms. Tian, she grabbed a pillow and hugged her, resting her chin on it. "He is very handsome. He is more than 1.8 meters tall. The most important thing is that he has good-looking hands and a good temper." Xia Zhen couldn't keep counting. At the same time, she had a doubt in her heart. Come on a blind date? Why is there almost zero previous love experience? Why almost

Does he have some ulterior...hidden disease? !

Xia Zhen was stunned by her own thoughts, but she felt that there was still a possibility. It is said that some people look normal, but in fact... so some people think that trial marriage is necessary.

Thinking of such things, she couldn't help blushing.

But she quickly figured out that it doesn't matter what problems he has, she doesn't need to think about that kind of problem between him and her.

Ms. Tian didn't know what kind of ups and downs Xia Zhen's psychology had gone through. She only felt that her daughter looked so shy and full of youthfulness, which she had never seen before.

But a new question came again, "If this is the case, why did you come back so soon?"

"Originally we were going to watch a movie after dinner, but as soon as we came out of the restaurant, he answered a call, saying that his mentor had a stroke and was hospitalized, and he wanted to go over."

"That's it..." Ms. Tian was not very satisfied with this situation, but she also knew that it was a sudden situation. "It can be seen that he is a person who values affection and righteousness."

"Don't you think he conspired with his friend beforehand?" This kind of trick is all too common. "It doesn't matter if he is not very satisfied with me now, I will try my best to take him down!" Xia Zhen looked determined to win.

The success of her plan depends on how she behaves in front of her mother. She wanted to establish an image that she had been deeply fascinated by Pei Chengan, and he was the only one, and when they finally broke up, she was heartbroken and had no heart to love again. In this way, no matter how cruel her mother is, she won't be forced to go on a blind date for the time being.

"Daughter, mother supports you!" After Ms. Tian finished speaking, she went back to her room without further questioning, and didn't care about Xia Zhen's snacks.

Xia Zhen, who was nestled on the sofa watching TV and eating snacks, heard Ms. Tian's voice coming from the room after a while. She couldn't hear it very clearly, but she was sure that she was telling someone that she had a successful blind date. Her tone was very excited, so Xia Zhen was satisfied.

Afterwards, Xia Zhen went back to the room, took out a pen and paper, and made a new plan.

On the way, she answered a phone call from Xue Chen, saying that his sister Xue Nan was leaving the country tomorrow and invited them to dinner today.

Xia Zhen originally refused, she was good friends with Xue Chen, but she was not familiar with his sister at all. Unable to resist Xue Chen's persuasion, he finally agreed. Anyway, the members of the cabbage band are all there, and there are quite a lot of acquaintances, and it's good to practice your voice with them after dinner.

The most important thing is that she has something important to announce to them, imagining their surprise after hearing the news, she is overjoyed.

Xue Chen's older sister Xue Nan is a remarkable figure. She was admitted to several prestigious universities abroad and later went to Yale University. Xia Zhen had only met her twice, so how should I put it, she felt a sense of distance. This distance was finally classified by Xia Zhen as the gap between a top student and a bad student.

Thinking back now, Xue Nan is quite similar to Pei Chengan, a person with obvious academic temperament.

Xia Zhen originally thought that besides them, there would be many friends of Xue Chen and Xue Nan at this meal, but she didn't expect that there would only be the cabbage band and her, and then Xue Nan.

And this time Xue Nan looked at her very strangely, there was always a hidden smile on her face, and the way she looked at her was...well, it was also a smile.

Did something happen that she didn't know about