Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 8: To eat or not to eat


It is said that going up the mountain is easy and going down is difficult, Xia Zhen really realized it today.

In the second half of the journey up the mountain, Xia Zhen let Pei Chengan lead her while looking at the scenery. Sometimes when she encountered steep places, she borrowed a lot of strength from Pei Chengan, so other than feeling quite tired, everything was fine. But now looking at the almost vertical stairs, her legs are weak.

She took a step back and squatted down. She needed to be calm and calm. She just happened to kick a stone. The stone rolled down the stone steps and disappeared after a while.

Seeing her fear, Pei Chengan panicked, "Are you afraid of heights?"

Standing at a place that is too high, most people would be afraid, but Xia Zhen is not yet afraid of heights, she is really scared because of her tiredness. She didn't feel it when she first came up, but after resting for a while, she felt her legs were sore. Now with psychological factors, she has no energy.

She shook her head and didn't try to be brave anymore, she raised her head and said with a bitter face, "I'm afraid I'll just roll down by accident."

There is a handrail on the side, but what if it becomes unstable, and there are no places.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, I won't let you go down." Pei Chengan comforted.

Xia Zhen examined him for a while, trying to figure out whether he could be trusted.

"Otherwise, I'll carry you on my back." Pei Chengan said again.

These words were effective, Xia Zhen stood up abruptly, swept away her previous timidity, and said, "I lied to you, you can go up the mountain, what's the problem with going down the mountain, let's go!"

What a joke, how could she let Pei Chengan carry it on her back! Today, he held hands and was hugged by him. If he were to carry it, wouldn't the tofu be eaten up

Well, someone has already forgotten that he rushed over by himself before, only remembering that Pei Chengan held hands when he said to hold hands, and he didn't let go from behind.

Well, it turned out that she was led down the mountain by Pei Chengan again, and after going down the mountain, she herself refused to let go, because she was almost out of strength.

"It seems that you don't usually exercise much." Pei Chengan concluded.

Xia Zhen didn't deny it either, "Winter is suitable for recharging energy and hibernating."

"Life is movement."

Xia Zhen: "Life needs food to sustain, I'm hungry."

Pei Chengan laughed, Xia Zhen thought to herself: What's so funny, hum.

Pei Chengan took Xia Zhen to eat beef bone soup, Xia Zhen said in embarrassment, "Are you nourishing my body?"

Pei Chengan nodded, "It's also to replenish the energy you need to maintain your life."

Xia Zhen lowered her head to drink the soup.

I don't know if it's because of holding hands, the atmosphere between the two is not as awkward as before, and Xia Zhen treats him a lot more casually. The truth is, Xia Zhen is not a person who can pretend, and after a long time, her real side will be revealed.

After lunch, Pei Chengan asked Xia Zhen if she wanted to go to the movies again. Xia Zhen got up early today and was physically exhausted, so she didn't want to go, but thinking that watching movies was also in her plan, she agreed.

Let him know the gap between the two, the difference in taste, and then part ways as soon as possible and find a new love.

This matter is urgent.

Xia Zhen searched the Internet, and it happened that there was a show of "Meeting Someone Unkind" half an hour later in a nearby theater, so she decisively booked tickets.

After driving for a few minutes, we arrived at the movie theater. After getting the tickets, Pei Chengan bought a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of mineral water for Xia Zhen, and he also took a bottle of water for himself.

Popcorn mineral water, what combination is this? This is a very interesting combination!

"I want a Coke."

"The main ingredients of cola are syrup and carbon dioxide, as well as some additives that are harmful to the body. Drinking cola often will cause obesity, dental caries, osteoporosis and heart disease, etc..."

Xia Zhen pursed her lips and stared straight at him. Her face was slightly puffed up, and her unhappiness was obvious.

"I don't drink often."

"Let's drink mineral water." He didn't believe that Xia Zhen didn't drink it often during the Chinese New Year. After a little contact today, he found that although Xia Zhen didn't look fat or thin, her muscles were too soft. To be exact, she didn't have much muscle, but she had a lot of fat. From this aspect, it can be seen that she usually does not exercise much and often eats junk food.

Xia Zhen silently resisted.

"Actually, popcorn is also a food that is not good for your health." Pei Chengan also knew that everyone would eat some junk food to some extent, but as long as it was not frequent, Pei Chengan would not have any objections. But Coke is really bad. He glanced at the other drinks, all of which had additives. "Forget it, let's have a Coke, let's not take it as an example."

Xia Zhen raised her eyebrows and nodded. In fact, she is not so obsessed. She often eats hot pot in winter. She always likes to drink it with cola, and she can drink it when she eats spicy food, which can be a good relief. Especially during the Chinese New Year, she drank a lot, and her teeth occasionally feel sore recently.

But she just didn't want to follow Pei Chengan, and wanted to see if he would persist or compromise with him.

Now that he has compromised, Xia Zhen couldn't help but feel a little sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Just after lunch, Xia Zhen actually didn't want to eat popcorn at all, but it seemed that she would hold a tube of popcorn when watching movies with her boyfriend, so when Pei Chengan asked her if she wanted it, she decisively said "yes".

And Pei Chengan still bought it for Xia Zhen even though he knew that there was too much lead in the popcorn. It was because his senior brother said that a man who doesn't even give popcorn to his girlfriend is doomed to never marry a wife. What's more, I intentionally watch a movie after lunch, for the same reason. If I'm not hungry, I won't be able to eat much even if I eat.

Xia Zhen was hooked by the fragrance and all the gluttons in her body woke up one after another. She sighed, "It smells so good!"

Pei Chengan popularized science from the side: "This aroma is not the smell of corn itself, but the smell of diacetyl ketone."

"Double what?"

"Diacetylketone. A chemical food additive."

"Oh." It's just a food additive, something you eat every day, not unusual.

At this moment, Pei Chengan took the popcorn in her hand, opened the bag completely, and then threw the bag.

Xia Zhen was confused by his series of actions, and immediately realized that she reached out to snatch back her delicious food. "What are you doing? It will get cold soon, and it won't be fragrant or delicious when it's cold."

Pei Chengan dodged lightly, and said: "The smell of diacetyl ketone is harmful to the lungs of the human body. I have to dissipate the smell before eating. I didn't think of it just now."

Xia Zhen is a little depressed, she can't eat anything, car exhaust is also harmful to the human body, there are many harmful things in the air, so there is no need to go out, no need to breathe air? "I'm not afraid! Give it to me!"

She stretched out her hand to snatch it again, but Pei Chengan met her. Relying on his superior hands, Xia Zhen couldn't reach him when he stretched out his hand lightly. Xia Zhen is a person who refuses to admit defeat and takes soft things rather than hard things. The more he refuses to give, the more she wants to grab it. Later, when Pei Chengan lifted the popcorn high, Xia Zhen was jumping up and grabbing it, even climbing up to get it like a tree, but Pei Chengan really stood upright like a tree, without even shaking his body.

She was very upset.

At this moment, she felt a child staring at her not far away, and when she was depressed, she heard the child say to his mother again: "Mom, that sister just now is like a monkey in a movie, bouncing around." .”


Obviously, Pei Chengan heard it too, because the corner of his mouth curled into a suspicious arc at this moment, but he endured it, and he couldn't mess with his girlfriend anymore.

He returned the popcorn to Xia Zhen, Xia Zhen snorted, and my sister stopped eating. "No more."

"Then I threw it away..."

Hearing this, Xia Zhen quickly snatched it back. How can she throw it away? She hasn't had enough of it yet, and what's more, he won't coax her a few words? What is this kind of boyfriend going to do!

Boy friend…

Xia Zhen was taken aback by herself, when did she regard him as a real boyfriend? Thinking of the performance just now, it really looks like a girlfriend is acting like a baby to her boyfriend.

can not be like this! Her ambition is to be single for a few more years, and her goal is to make Pei Chengan feel unbearable towards her and break up cruelly.

She must remember her goal!

Therefore, do things he doesn't like, make him unhappy, and let him choose another mate.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhen had an idea, smiled slyly, reached out and grabbed a piece of popcorn and handed it to Pei Chengan's mouth. "You eat too."

"I won't eat." Pei Chengan frowned, showing resistance. He refused to eat this kind of thing that he had researched and experimented with and knew how many times the harmful substances in it exceeded.

The more he resisted, the more excited Xia Zhen became. She stretched her hand forward again, and continued to say in a bewitching voice: "Eat, it's delicious, it's fine to eat a little."

Pei Chengan turned his head to one side, but still refused. "I don't like this kind of thing, you can eat it yourself, but you should eat less."

"Eat." Xia Zhen also insisted, "The movie is about to start, if you don't eat, I won't go in."

In fact, she rarely said such willful words. Although her family has always doted on her, she is not the kind of rebellious and willful person, otherwise, she would not accept blind dates according to her mother's wishes. The reason why she did this was to upset Pei Chengan.

Don't all men dislike capricious and unreasonable women? Then don't like it.

But, she herself hates this, she did something she didn't like. Ugh...not happy.

Just when she was about to withdraw her hand, Pei Chengan picked up the popcorn in her hand, and put it in her mouth without changing expression. He failed to stick to his principles, and seeing Xia Zhen lost, he felt that it was wrong for him to upset her because of such a trivial matter.

Xia Zhen's budding sense of shame was pinched away, and she asked complacently, "Is it delicious?"

Pei Chengan nodded slowly.

"That's right! There's a reason why people risk their lives to eat junk food when they know it's not good to eat, and that reason is - it's delicious!" Xia Zhen argued plausibly.

Well, Pei Chengan had nothing to refute, so he still nodded, and immediately said: "Then can we go in now?"

Enter! Of course you have to enter, but it's a bad movie with a very bad reputation, so you can't do it if you don't watch it.

Even if it is a bad film, there are a lot of complaints on the Internet, and it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a good comment, but it is still full, and most of them are couples. Xia Zhen thought, probably everyone came here to see how bad it really is.

Xia Zhen chose a seat near the front online, and she was very satisfied with it. Most of the people behind were couples. She knew what couples like to do when they watch movies, and she didn't want to make eye contact.

Well, the fact is, the movie tickets are so booked that even if she wanted to, she wouldn't have a seat at the back.

Before the movie started, Xia Zhen and Pei Chengan sat on the seats, and most of them were single. She was eating popcorn boredly. In fact, she didn't really want to eat it, but in order to make Pei Chengan dissatisfied, she wanted to eat it and handed it to Pei Chengan from time to time. Seeing Pei Chengan's tangled expression of unwillingness to eat and unwillingness to give her face, she felt inexplicably happy.

She didn't really force him to eat it, she coaxed her a few times before throwing it into her mouth. But a few times she didn't control her strength well, and she stretched her hand too far and touched his mouth, so he had to eat it. Xia Zhen found the trick, so "feed" him to eat a few.

The movie started within a few minutes, and Xia Zhen stopped playing and stared at the big screen, wondering how bad it really was.

After watching it for ten minutes, Xia Zhen came to the conclusion: It really sucks, it doesn't make sense, and there is no point in laughing.

As for how bad it is? It was so bad that Xia Zhen couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep.