Mr. Fashionable

Chapter 36: Accident and he is your mother


Although Mr. Director really wanted to go to Su Nuo's event site, but because he was too busy with work, he couldn't find any free time at all, so he had no choice but to accept the "wife and imaginary rival attended the event and walked the red carpet while he was working overtime" Poor reality!

It is simply utterly miserable!

The afternoon activity was in a shopping mall, and the agreed time was 3:30, so Diane picked him up early in the afternoon to do styling, and set off for the destination on time at 3:00.

"No! Drive around in a circle!" Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, Su Nuo suddenly said seriously.

"Where do you go in circles?" Diane wondered.

"Go around the second ring road!" Su Nuo clenched his fists, "We must arrive later than Qiu Ziyan!"

So you still care about the "who arrives later and who is bigger"? ! Diane didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she had to drive around in a circle, and she was twenty minutes late.

Letting the man with the abs wait for him, Su Nuo is extremely satisfied, it's really, really cool!

The halls and stairs of the shopping mall were already full of Qiu Ziyan and Su Nuo's fan groups, and the girls in miniskirts were so awesome! Tang Xiaoyu ran out halfway to watch the excitement, and then was terrified! Although it was true that Qiu Ziyan was a celebrity all along, this kind of battle was too scary! Looking up, the thighs with white flowers are really scary! The shouts were deafening, shaking Tang Xiaoyu back to the lounge!

"What's wrong?" Qiu Ziyan asked.

"There are a lot of people outside." Tang Xiaoyu sat beside him!

Qiu Ziyan laughed, "There are activities, of course there are many people."

"Then where am I going?" It was Tang Xiaoyu's first time participating in an event with him, and she was extremely unskilled in the process.

"Of course you are going with me." Qiu Ziyan was surprised, "Didn't Di An tell you?"

"Me?" Tang Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, "I'm going to walk the red carpet too?"

"Of course, you are my driver, and you have to follow me with the bodyguards." Qiu Ziyan said, "And you are still in the lead."

"Can I not go?" Just thinking about that posture, Tang Xiaoyu felt his knees go weak, with so many reporters and fans!

"Of course not!" Qiu Ziyan flatly refused, "Su Nuo's driver and bodyguards will also follow him. If I don't have a driver, the media will speculate wildly, saying that the company values him and despises me!" This hat is really, really big!

"...Okay." Tang Xiaoyu looked at him who was as dazzling as a prince, and then at himself in t-shirt and jeans, and felt like crying! I knew I was going to walk the red carpet, so I came here in a suit and shirt! Now this will definitely be laughed to death!

And he is still in the lead! There is no way to hide if you want to hide!

Seeing his dejected look, Qiu Ziyan finally couldn't help... Laughing!

Tang Xiaoyu glanced at him in bewilderment, and then realized instantly, "You lied to me!" How could there be such a boring person!

"Why are you so dumb." Qiu Ziyan laughed and burst into tears, "I really believe it."

Tang Xiaoyu couldn't laugh or cry, her face was hot!

"You wait here for me, and we'll go home together after the event." Qiu Ziyan scratched his nose, "I've asked Maike to buy some snacks, and I'll eat by myself later."

"Cousin." Maike opened the door of the lounge, "Su Nuo is stuck in traffic, so the reporter asked to interview you first."

Qiu Ziyan nodded, stood up and went to the VIP meeting room, it was really aura!

So when Su Nuo arrived, he only saw Tang Xiaoyu in the lounge.

I'm finally late! Su Nuo is very happy! I feel that my big name is better than that!

"Hello." Tang Xiaoyu stood up holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Su Nuo wanted to eat some balls, but luckily he still held it! He was particularly aura and Tebi asked casually, "Where's Mr. Qiu?"

Must have been waiting so long! Hahahaha this is not funny at all!

Then he heard Tang Xiaoyu reply, "I'm going to do an exclusive interview."

Nani? ! Su Nuo's eyes widened, why hadn't he heard of this before? ! So he dragged Diane to the bathroom very coldly, and then suppressed and roared, "What's the matter with the interview?!" Shouldn't he wait for himself to come together!

"I said it before, and I thought you remembered it." The manager was very innocent, and comforted, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you participate or not. When the time comes, I will just fill in the questions and email them to the reporter. There will definitely be no less reports on the page. .”

"What about the photos?" Su Xiaonuo was very cautious!

"It must be much bigger than the man with abs!" Diane swung his arms and drew a circle, "It's so big!"

Su Nuo said preoccupiedly, "What do you think is the probability that the reporter will only post my photo and completely ignore Qiu Ziyan?"

There is no such possibility at all! Please Qiu Ziyan is as expensive as please you, how could it be ignored! Can your idea not be so weird! Mr. Di An had blood and tears in his heart, and his face was pleasant, "If you can make an outstanding performance today, then Qiu Ziyan's page will definitely be squeezed to only this size!" Will be smaller!"

Outstanding performance... Su Nuo looked at him embarrassingly, "Just walk a red carpet and have a small show, how can I be outstanding?"

"Just be good enough." Di An comforted him, "Qiu Ziyan is older than you, we have to respect the old and love the young, so let him be fine this time." Such words are really shameless!

Respecting the old and loving the young... It sounds so cool! The gloom in Su Nuo's heart was swept away immediately, the weather in the liberated area was so clear!

Di'an breathed a sigh of relief, the little ancestor is really hard to coax!

Ten minutes later, the show started. The two listened to the order of the show director and the watches to be displayed in the background. Diane and Maike flattered each other hypocritically, and then began to complain coldly in their hearts. It was very, very hypocritical!

The fan group came early in the morning to grab the seat, just to have the best angle to appreciate the idol! So have been waiting for hours! It is conceivable that when the opening music finally sounded, the girls felt so ashamed!

The screaming is really, really deafening! Su Xiaonuo felt that he was in a good mood, so he smiled very rarely - you must know that he is very, very indifferent at ordinary times!

The beautiful and clean smiles are simultaneously projected onto the big screen by the camera, and the girls are instantly suffocated! It's just too much love! So the screams became even more deafening, and the atmosphere on the scene was HIGH to the apex!

Although Su Xiaonuo has very complex feelings of envy and hatred towards Qiu Ziyan, but after all, he will not be so stupid as to interfere with the work. The two of them, one masculine and the other cold, cooperated just right on the show. The event organizer is very satisfied, and the fans are even more satisfied! Seeing that the show was about to end successfully, Su Nuo felt that the stage was a little shaking when he turned around and walked back.

Fuck, did an earthquake happen? ! Su Xiaonuo only had time to have an idea, when Di An screamed in the backcourt.

"Be careful!" Qiu Ziyan also saw it and rushed over to grab him, but it was too late.

The steel bars of the temporary stage were loose, and Su Nuo stepped on the air and fell down.

"Nonuo!" Diane turned pale with fright, and rushed over to hug him.

There was blood on Su Nuo's head, and his eyes were tightly closed.

The shopping mall quickly dispatched security guards to evacuate the excited fans, and arranged for an ambulance to take Su Nuo to the hospital.

The reporters were quick to hear the news, and the entertainment news on the Internet TV was all on the front page in an instant. Supermodel Su Nuo's stage collapsed while she was on a catwalk for a certain brand, accidentally injured her brain and became unconscious, and was rushed to the hospital. There is no latest news yet. Don't sound too worried!

Han Wei was rarely free, and was shopping with his wife and children in the supermarket when he received a call from Jason, the boss of the modeling agency, and his face instantly turned pale.

"What's wrong?" his wife asked him.

"Nuo Nuo was injured during the catwalk show, and I have to go to the hospital." Han Wei was so anxious that he handed the daughter in his arms to his wife, "Be good, baby, go home with Mom, and Dad will take you to see the nighttime cartoon at the amusement park some other day." !"

The little girl was very sensible and nodded obediently.

Outside the senior ward of the hospital, a security fence has been pulled up, and the security guard is tight. A lot of reporters have been staying for a long time, all wanting to get first-hand information.

Han Wei went upstairs through the private passage, Jason was waiting for him in the lounge.

"How do you take care of my brother!" Han Wei yelled as soon as he met him, holding his collar.

"Calm down." Jason was helpless, "Nuo Nuo is injured, I am more anxious than you."

"What did the doctor say?" Han Wei asked.

"The brain damage is not serious, but..." Jason prepared to flee.

"And but?!" Han Wei clenched his fists, how many! Almost! want! spray! fire!

"Broken leg." Jason hero confessed!

Han Wei was dizzy.

"How about I fight with you?" Jason asked cautiously.

Han Wei punched directly.

Jason flashed past in a hurry, protesting angrily, "Sneak attack?!"

"Go and send those reporters away." Han Wei looked annoyed from the window, "Otherwise I will do it myself."

JASON has a headache, violent elements are crazy.

In the snow-white ward, Su Nuo was dizzy and felt a particularly strong sense of time travel!

In a trance, it seems to be in a pear forest full of strange fragrance!

"It was hard for me to find you!" Suddenly, without any warning, a young man in white clothes burst into tears like rain, and knelt down on the ground!

"Who are you?" Su Nuo was taken aback.

"You, you really don't know me anymore?" The white-clothed man grabbed his sleeve, almost screaming at the top of his lungs.

It looks familiar but I really can't remember it! Could it be that I abandoned him from beginning to end and abandoned him? Su Nuo wondered why he was crying so sadly.

"It's fine if you don't remember me, but you even forget my father!" The white-clothed young man blushed, "He treats you so well!"

"Your father?" Su Nuo was confused, "Who is your father?"

"Don't pretend to be amnesia again!" The young man in white stood up and accused angrily, "Everyone says you love vanity and covet wealth. It's all true! If that's the case, why did you come back?!"

It's all so confusing, isn't it! And I don't know why I'm here! Su Nuo was very, very inexplicable. It's okay to travel through time and become amnesia, but no one has explained this world to me in detail. This kind of plot is unscientific!

"Forget it, let's go!" The young man in white flicked his sleeves vigorously, not taking away a single cloud.

"Stop being rude!" An angry shout came from the depths of the flower forest, and in the next second, a handsome man in black came out!

That must be Mr. Director!

Hey! Su Xiaonuo instantly became happy! Just about to jump over happily, unexpectedly, the young man in white would take the first step and plunge into Ouyang Long's arms with pear blossoms and rain!

Nani Nani what is the situation! Su Nuo was suddenly furious, he dared to poach the wall! Love must be defended! So Su Nuo rolled up his sleeves and planned to rush through the fight, when he heard the young man in white sternly say, "Father!"

As the crows flew past, Su Nuo petrified.

My name is... Dad? !

What made him even more thunderous was that in the next second, the young man in white turned around angrily, "Get out, I don't have a mother like you!"

Su Nuo took a breath, what extraordinary thing did he hear just now

"Don't talk nonsense anymore, be careful that your mother is pregnant." Ouyang Long sighed, looking at Su Nuo with pity in his eyes.

What? ! Su Nuo's head was buzzing, he looked down tremblingly, and suddenly found that he had a big round belly!

So he rolled his eyes and passed out!

It's really, really tragic!