Mr. Fashionable

Chapter 8: Muscle Tips and Lightbulb Accidents


Su Nuo searched for a long time on the previous page of the serialization, but couldn't find out how Su Nuonuo got into Prince Ouyang's bed, so he was very puzzled and turned back, only to find that the sex scene was deleted in seconds!

How can it be like this? I haven't watched it yet! The one who passed by H... Su Norton felt very disadvantaged, so he put on his vest and wanted to strongly condemn, but found that the author had issued a new statement.

—Due to the large number of authors in this book, it is inevitable that there will be confusion in publishing sometimes, please forgive me! The H just now was temporarily deleted, and it will be updated here today, continue tomorrow!

Why can't the 40000 be updated every day! Su Nuo reluctantly turned off the page. A novel like this kind of bloody, vulgar and powerful novel should only be read once to make it enjoyable! Su Nuonuo is amazing... Although it is a bit similar to her own name, she is really too girly! After being sold, instead of finding a way to escape, she was brought to the prince's bed and offered a beauty chrysanthemum. The author really has no morals!

"Nonuo." The agent called him, "I have a meeting at the company tomorrow morning, I will pick you up at nine, remember to go to bed early."

"Okay." Su Nuo asked casually while nibbling on an apple, "Will Qiu Ziyan go?"

"Should go, he is also the model that the company focuses on training." After the manager finished speaking, he emphasized, "Of course you are more important than him."

Humph that must be! Su Nuo hung up the phone, and opened Qiu Ziyan's personal page like a madman.

Since he changed to a new company, Qiu Ziyan has been taking promotional photos recently, and in between, he posted a photo to share with his fans. On the beach with blue sea and blue sky, the muscular man wearing only swimming trunks was dripping with sweat, his masculinity leaked out in a mess!

Really... not envious at all! Su Nuo struggled and bit the back of his hand, pulled the collar of his T-shirt and took a look in. His thin chest was extremely flat, it was like an airport!

As a supermodel, I have no breasts! Su Nuo felt very sad and unacceptable, so he rushed to the fitness room to lift the dumbbells for a dozen times, and then went back to the computer to re-apply for a new vest called 'Brother Ziyan'! It sounds really stupid and disgusting, Su Nuo is very satisfied! He clicked on the photo and left a sincere message—Wo also really wants to gain muscle, but he can't eat it all the time, what should I do? Brother Ziyan, please answer me, begging for being naked and exposing JJ in the ice and snow!

That's right, sometimes it's important to properly penetrate the enemy's interior! This is called Infernal Affairs!

Five minutes later, a reply notification page popped up with a ding dong, and Su Nuo was surprised that he actually replied? God helped me too, hahaha, that muscular man with big breasts and no brains would never have imagined what a powerful competitor was hidden behind this mentally handicapped vest! Human beings are so simple!

After clicking on the page, I found that Qiu Ziyan replied with a smile——OVO muscles are not obtained from eating, but from training.

… wipe!

Su Yaoxie felt that her self-esteem was slightly frustrated, and she unconsciously showed her foodie qualities, she was so stupid and not temperamental at all! So he thought about it and replied——that, how can I train my muscles? I really want pecs and abs QAQ.

Anyway, this is on the Internet, and no one knows who he is! So it doesn't matter if the sentence is a little bit disgusting! Achieving the goal is king!

Qiu Ziyan's reply was still very fast. He sent a fitness page, and then said that it would be very useful to follow this step by step.

Hahaha I can't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh wildly at the feeling of getting the secret book! Supermodel Su is full of emotions, I am so dark-bellied! After clicking on the link, a webpage titled 'How to Build Muscle Effectively, Healthily and Quickly' pops up. Su Nuo suddenly had the excitement of 'the door to the new world has been opened', and the future is really bright!

Following the advice of the professional coach on the website, Supermodel Su went to the kitchen to cook two eggs and a bowl of red bean and lily soup—yes, as a foodie, the first part he read was the food and beverage chapter! Next, turn to the sports chapter. If you want to practice biceps, it is recommended to stand upside down every day? Fuck it, it’s too difficult, maybe you’ll fall down and turn into a crooked neck, it’s too miserable! Absolutely not! And I don't really need biceps either! I need pecs and abs!

Su Xiaonuo dragged the page to the abdominal muscle section, and felt that the kneeling push-up method was particularly good, and it was easy to see at a glance! He enthusiastically dragged out the sheets from the cabinet to replace the exercise mat, spread them out in front of the mirror, and while warming up with chest expansion, he stripped off his clothes, leaving only a pair of sexy panties, because he wanted to witness the birth of muscles with his own eyes!

Putting the computer on the small bench in front of him, Su Nuo knelt down on the ground and posed accordingly, looked sideways at the glasses, and then was conquered by his domineering

No, he was so surprised! Fuck why does this pose feel so hilarious! The models on the computer are obviously very masculine and manly, what a shock!

In fact, it's not his fault, because the company wants to make him a monster and beauty, so there is no fitness class at all. Su Xiaonuo's foundation and common sense are negative in this regard!

After half a day of comparison, Su Nuo felt that it was probably because his buttocks were too high, so he pressed down, but after the center of gravity dropped, his arms began to shake again, and he couldn't hold it up a little bit!

Why is it so difficult! Su Nuo is not happy, the website is full of lies, it is not easy at all! At first, he wanted to give up on this, but seeing netizens leaving comments below and praising the effectiveness of the method, saying that he had gradually developed his chest muscles, he still gritted his teeth and persisted! He did twenty unsightly push-ups in one go!

Damn, I'm so tired... Su Nuo lay on the ground panting, comforting himself to be a little bit tired, because a little bit of tiredness means it's effective! He couldn't help touching his small chest, feeling that the muscles in his feet were about to move. It was obvious that defeating Qiu Ziyan was just around the corner. It was so worth celebrating. Su Nuo ran to the kitchen to peel the eggs, continued to browse the webpage while gnawing, and then lifted the dumbbells twenty times in one go!

So satisfying!

After exercising, sweating all over, then taking a shower and sleeping, it is really very comfortable! That night, Su Nuo lay on the bed with his limbs spread out, and fell asleep with his stomach in the air.

Have a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, the manager drove to pick him up, Su Nuo opened the door tremblingly, eyes full of grievances!

"What's wrong?" Diane was surprised, what kind of expression is this!

"Arms hurt, back hurts, legs hurt, chest hurts!" Su Nuo's whole body was stiff and he would rather die than live. He deeply felt that Qiu Ziyan was very annoying. He must have guessed that "Brother Ziyan, me?" Use the means to frame him! It's really two-faced and three-sword evil!

"Why does the whole body hurt when he's so good?" The manager was shocked, and quickly helped him sit on the sofa.

Su Nuo was embarrassed to say that he wanted to train his muscles, so he said in a roundabout way, "I changed a light bulb myself last night."

"Why do you have to change the light bulb yourself!" The manager complained distressedly, "Shouldn't this kind of thing be done by housekeeping?"

"Click it for me." Su Nuo didn't want to discuss this issue anymore, he felt that he would be paralyzed in the next second!

The manager took out safflower oil and massaged him for a while, finally relieved the soreness, so he went to the kitchen to heat up breakfast, opened the pot and saw the red bean soup, and asked casually, "Did you cook your own supper last night?"

"I'm hungry after changing the light bulb." Su Nuo made an excuse.

Is it a lot of exercise to change a light bulb? The broker was very puzzled.

Although she had already had a massage, Supermodel Su's hands were still shaking. She ate breakfast extremely slowly and struggled so much that she was almost late for the meeting!

After finally arriving at the company, the manager parked the car underground and helped Su Nuo slowly move it out.

"Mr. Su." A person also walked out of Cherokee, who was surprised and concerned when he saw this, "What's wrong with you?"

Fuck, it's this muscular man! Su Nuo suddenly became angry from the heart, and he dared to ask me what's wrong. It's all thanks to you, okay? So he flew up in his mind and kicked Qiu Ziyan three inches below his navel, and while he was screaming with his crotch covered, he jumped over and rode on him with fists and kicks, yelling wildly at you, you soulless, hurry up and get rid of the real one Hand over your secrets!

"Mr. Su?" Qiu Ziyan waved his hand in front of him, "Are you okay?" This expression is too strange!

"Thank you, Mr. Qiu, Nuonuo, he's fine, it's just that he pulled his muscle when changing the light bulb last night." The manager smoothed things over.

Qiu Ziyan was very surprised when he heard the words, how could changing the light bulb still hurt his muscles? This is too unbelievable!

Because it was summer, Qiu Ziyan was only wearing a black tight-fitting T-shirt, with obvious muscular outlines, Su Nuo looked envious, and roared in his heart that life is really unfair!

"Mr. Qiu, why did you drive here alone?" Di An knew that his evildoer had grudged Qiu Ziyan for a long time, so he took the initiative to find a topic.

"My driver retired today, so the manager sent him back to the countryside." Qiu Ziyan pressed the elevator.

"Oh, did Mr. Qiu find a new driver?" Diane asked again.

"Yes, Uncle Tang introduced Ben, a young man from his family, when he retired." Qiu Ziyan smiled, "I have sent his resume to the company, and he will be able to sign the contract the day after tomorrow."

Su Nuo pouted silently, who would be interested in your driver! The topic of muscular men is so boring, it sounds very uneducated!

More than half of the people were already sitting in the conference room, and when they saw Su Nuo and Qiu Ziyan coming in, they all stood up to say hello. As the two most popular male models at the moment, although they are not very old, their status is still very high!

This kind of regular meeting once a month is the most difficult, Su Nuo yawned in his heart. I can't play with my mobile phone for two or three hours after I turn it on, I'm drowsy and life is worse than death! As compensation, wait and have a good meal!