Mr. Fashionable

Chapter 81: Very happy and midnight square


If it were someone else, Su Nuo would have yelled and refused to answer, and maybe he would have reprimanded him angrily! But the caller ID was his brother, so Su Nuo had no choice but to pick up the phone in fear, "Brother."

"What are you doing?" Han Wei asked.

"I'm taking a shower, ready to go to bed." Su Nuo answered honestly.

"Do you have time tomorrow morning?" Han Wei said, "Go home, I have something to discuss with you."

"Yeah." Su Nuo obediently agreed, "Then I'll be back around eleven o'clock and cook for you by the way."

"He's by your side?" Han Wei's tone suddenly sank.

Well! Su Xiaonuo was astonished, how could his brother know! Have you already mastered the high-end skill of thousands of miles tracking

It's really spooky!

"You... how, how did you know?" Frightened!

"If it was normal, you would definitely ask me what's the matter." Han Wei pointed out, his curiosity has been so strong since he was a child, how could he not ask the reason this time!

"Hmm." Su Nuo was in a complicated mood.

How could his brother be so cunning to guess correctly like this!

It's just an old fox!

"Why did he stand beside you when you took a shower!" My brother was very upset!

Because we are a couple in love. It's the most normal thing to take a mandarin duck bath, isn't it? Su Nuo roared in his heart, and then said obediently, "Brother, go to bed early."

Han Wei held his breath in his chest, how could he have a younger brother who was so eager to throw himself out!

"Good night, brother." Su Xiaonuo's tone was very soft, and Mr. Director was jealous.

"... good night." Han Wei let it go with a headache, and deeply reflected on whether he was not educated well when he was a child.

"Your brother's phone number?" Ouyang Long asked after hanging up the phone.

"Yes." Su Nuo hugged his handsome man, "He asked me to go home tomorrow morning."

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Long rubbed his head.

"There should be, but they haven't told me on the phone yet." Su Nuo replied.

"You and your brother have a very good relationship." Ouyang Long wiped off the foam on the tip of his nose.

"We have depended on each other since childhood and grew up together." The atmosphere seemed to be good, so why not tell him about your family background

Although deep down in my heart I really want to avoid it and never face it, but this is not the way to go, sooner or later I still have to expose it! Why not tell him in advance during the honeymoon period that even if he gets angry, he can still entangle him naked for shameless seduction! Then solve the problem fundamentally!

The right time, place and people must not be wasted!

Su Nuo mustered up his courage, "Well, I have something to tell you."

Really very nervous!

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Long guessed something, but still didn't make it clear.

"My brother... he doesn't sell mahjong." Su Nuo was cautious.

"I know." Ouyang Long smiled and helped him massage his shoulders.

"You know?" Su Nuo stared at him with wide eyes.

"I know, you said he made mahjong." Mr. Director is also very funny occasionally.

Su Nuo's face was full of black lines, he dug a hole for himself.

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Long asked.

"In fact, making see-through mahjong is just a side job of my brother." Su Nuo said seriously, "He, um, will do something else."

Ahh so nervous! This moment is about to be recorded in history!

"For example?" Ouyang Long's voice was very gentle.

"...he owns a... casino in the outskirts of the city." Su Nuo looked at Mr. Director's face as he spoke, making sure there was nothing unusual before continuing. Starting from his parents' car accident when he was a child, he told him everything in detail. listen.

Ouyang Long didn't interrupt, nor was he particularly surprised.

In fact, regarding these things, since the last time Hanwei took out his gun in Italy, he had already guessed almost all of them, and only this little idiot still kept all of this as a great secret.

"I lied to you, are you angry?" Su Nuo finally asked nervously.

"What do you think?" Ouyang Long hugged him into his arms, and was about to say, 'Why am I angry with you', when Su Nuo said in a guilty conscience, "Then I'll hit you." Don't be angry after beating !

"Where to hit?" Ouyang Long chuckled in his ear.

Su Nuo's face was red, and he stuck his head into his chest.

This kind of question is really embarrassing!

"How could I be willing to fight here." Mr. Director's hand went down his back, holding the soft buttocks, "It's too late to love."

After pinching and pinching, Su Xiaonuo's back began to turn red, it was so sensitive!

"I'm not angry." Ouyang Long hugged him tighter, "Thank you for being willing to confess to me."

Don't say such provocative words! Su Nuo blushed, and realized that Little Chrysanthemum had been teased a bit!

Shouldn't Xiao Nuo be taken care of first

The order is wrong, it's really worrying!

"Relax, baby." This pose was a bit difficult, Ouyang Long patted his back, "Otherwise you will hurt."

"... Take it easy!" Su Nuo urged.

Although beep—it’s beautiful, but sometimes it hurts when it hurts!

"En." Ouyang Long sucked his ear, this is Su Nuo's sensitive point, basically hits every shot! Sure enough, Su Xiaonuo immediately groaned in ecstasy, and then curled up in his arms with a weak waist.

The water is rippling, everything is sweet and beautiful, and the great harmony of life is really a wonderful thing!

"So enthusiastic." Ouyang Long chuckled in his ear.

Su Xiaonuo sat across him with her legs wide open, and even her breathing became short of breath.

The navel orange is really very, very tiring!

The so-called long-distance victory over newly-married means beeping here—beeping there—from the bathroom to the bedroom and then to the study... Bridge bean sacks, the study is also a place like this? !

Mr. Director is really special taste! Su Nuo lay on the table and groaned, feeling more comfortable than that! By the way, he threw an entertainment magazine on the ground and stepped on it—because there was Qiu Ziyan with abs on the cover!

Cool! ! ! ! ! ! !

As a little crystal person, one must be delicate about such things! So it was only natural that Su Nuo was dizzy afterwards, and he didn't even know when he would return to bed!

"No more." Su Nuo closed his eyes and curled his mouth.

"Yes." Ouyang Long helped him cover the quilt, "Sleep well."

"Wake me up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Su Nuo retracted into his arms.

"Get up so early?" Ouyang Long patted him on the back.

"I'm going to find my brother." Although I really want to sleep until I wake up naturally, my brother is also very important!

"Understood, good night." Ouyang Long turned off the bedside lamp.

Su Nuo fell into a drowsy sleep, reached out to hold his hand and put it on his buttocks.

The corner of Ouyang Long's mouth raised.

That's how comfortable it is! Warm and safe! Satisfied, Su Xiaonuo finally fell asleep with her butt naked!

On the dark street late at night, Qiu Ziyan was squatting wet and laughing by the side of the street.

"What's so funny." Tang Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stretched out his hand to pull him up, "Go home quickly, and be careful not to be photographed by reporters."

Since Qiu Ziyan was about to release a new single and had a lot of miscellaneous jobs, the two stayed at the company very late and didn't leave until early in the morning. They went to eat supper together and walked home slowly under the moon.

There was no one on the street, so at this time, he had to mess around to take advantage of it, so Tang Xiaoyu was touched by him until his ears were smoking, and he punched the scumbag and ran away.

It's really fun to chase the horses that play!

"I caught it." Qiu Ziyan hugged him from behind.

"You are crazy!" Tang Xiaoyu struggled anxiously, "If the paparazzi sees you, you will die."

"Don't let go." Qiu Ziyan rubbed his ear.

In desperation, Tang Xiaoyu bent his elbow and punched backwards, but Mr. Qiu was prepared and dodged easily.

"Little violent man, have you been taught not to do anything casually, huh?" Qiu Ziyan's voice was a little playful, and he pinched his stomach with his fingers through the shirt.

This kind of person is really... Tang Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and stepped back, very ruthless!

Then Mr. Qiu screamed and fell to the ground

of course not!

In fact, Tang Xiaoyu didn't step on the right place at all. He just stepped on the lawn watering switch, and the gardener just forgot to lock it again, so the water column rose from all directions, and successfully watered the two of them into drowned chickens!

The whole world is quiet!

Three seconds later, Tang Xiaoyu hurriedly pushed him away, squatted on the ground looking for the switch, and finally turned it off.

Qiu Ziyan sat on the lawn, laughing like a madman.

Tang Xiaoyu wants to cry but has no tears. Why does this kind of strange situation always happen as long as he is with him

"Okay, let's go home." Qiu Ziyan stretched out his hand, "Pull me up."

"... Get up on your own!" If you pull him up, maybe you will be pulled into your arms by the backhand like last time, and then kiss for a long time!

It's okay at home, but now it's on the main road!

"Give me a hand, my stomach hurts." Qiu Ziyan stretched out his hand stubbornly.

"Then you just sit here." Tang Xiaoyu turned and left.

"Hey!" Qiu Ziyan chased after him, "How can you be such a wife."

Tang Xiaoyu glanced at him speechlessly.

"What kind of reaction is this?" Qiu Ziyan frowned and complained, "Even if he wasn't blushing with embarrassment, at least he should be a little embarrassed."

"..." The person who said these words is you, why should I be shy! Tang Xiaoyu quickened her pace and decided to throw the pervert far away.

But that is obviously impossible.

"Baby, I'm cold." Qiu Ziyan clung to his side.

If it's cold, go home early, why call back and forth on the street! Tang Xiaoyu was extremely speechless. "It's all your fault, so you have to be responsible." Qiu Ziyan was very serious.

Tang Xiaoyu still ignored Dafa against him.

"To make up for it, let's take a bath together when we go back?" Qiu Ziyan suggested enthusiastically.

"Dream." Tang Xiaoyu's shielded aura was fully activated.

"Wife..." Qiu Ziyan took his hand.

Tang Xiaoyu looked at the big screen at the end of the square speechlessly—there was an advertisement picture of Mr. Qiu endorsed a certain outdoor brand, which looked decisive, brave, domineering, and capable in a mess.

He turned his head and looked at the brown sugar beside him.

It must be two people!