Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 104: Love so much that I can't extricate myself[100]


These words are not to coax the child, Song Yao's swollen and painful bruises seem to be warm now, and the pain is not so painful.

After lunch, Tuantuan knew that he would live in a small house with Lin Nuan at night, so he volunteered to clean up with Lin Nuan, Bai Xiaonian and the others.

The small room wasn't as dirty as Lin Nuan imagined, it was just a thin layer of dust, so it didn't take much effort to clean it out.

Lin Nuan put the stripped sheets and quilts at the door, and she was going to clean them up. She was already nestled on the sofa, her eyelids were fighting with her upper and lower eyelids, she jumped down, ran to the door of the small room, pouted her buttocks and opened her arms to pick up the dusty sheets , The nasal cavity was irritated and sneezed.

The sheets and quilts were piled up in a pile, which was too big for Tuantuan. Lin Nuan turned around and saw that Tuantuan was half hugging and half dragging the ball towards the direction of the washing machine, wobbling and unsteady.

Lin Nuan ran over to pick up the ball from the back of the ball, he raised his head and looked around, and saw Lin Nuan standing behind him...

She cleared her throat and smiled at the corners of her eyes: "When Auntie Xiaonian has made the cot, you can sleep in the cot for a while!"

"It's my sister!" Bai Xiaonian felt that it was not enough after emphasizing it once, and he tried to persuade Tuantuan, "Tuantuan... come and follow me, sister Xiaonian!"

"Then are you going to call Nuannuan Auntie?!" Song Yao slapped Bai Xiaonian.

Lin Nuan laughed amusedly, and asked Tuantuan, "Would you like to sleep for a while?!"

Tuantuan immediately opened his eyes wide and shook his head to express that he was not sleepy: "Not sleepy!"

After stuffing the dirty sheets and quilt cover into the washing machine, Lin Nuan asked Tuan Tuan to step on the small bench, washed his little hands and face, said to accompany him to sleep on the small bed for a while, and Tuantuan nodded happily.

While Lin Nuan was washing his face, Tuantuan dragged out his own blanket from the suitcase Lu Jinbei sent him, and obediently hugged him at the door of the bathroom, waiting for Lin Nuan.

Tuantuan lay on the small bed next to Lin Nuan, and fell asleep quickly.

The door of the small house was ajar, and Lin Nuan could vaguely hear the voices of Bai Xiaonian and Song Yao talking...

Bai Xiaonian was in the kitchen tidying up the bowls and chopsticks that he didn't have time to clean up at noon today. Song Yao couldn't get in his hands, so he stood at the door of the kitchen and talked to Bai Xiaonian: "Are you and Nuan very disappointed with me, that you failed to keep our previous agreement?!"

Bai Xiaonian didn't say a word for a while, and after the sound of running water stopped, she said, "Last night after you fell asleep drunk, I talked with Nuan, thinking about what capital we have?! There is no background, no background, only barely can be counted as A youthful body, and a face that can be counted as beautiful, but these two things will pass quickly with time."

"Not long ago, an incident happened in the radio station. The well-known beauty Wu Qianying and the person in charge of the broadcasting department were playing role-playing in the office. Li Zhiguo's wife caught him in the face and was beaten very badly. The incident was exposed. By the end of the night, Wu Qianying's career has been ruined..."

Hearing that Wu Qianying accepted the unspoken rules and was beaten by other people's wives, Song Yao thought of herself again.

He knew that Bai Xiaonian hated his mistresses, Lin Nuan and Song Yao, but Bai Xiaonian was even more hurt by the scumbag. This kind of thing could never be slapped.

"I think it's shameful for Wu Qianying to pounce on someone when she knows she has a wife, but if she has something to do with the backstage, or the director is her father, it's just a matter of saying that she wants to be on any show, she can use it Compromise with Li Zhiguo, a middle-aged greasy and bald old man?! I don't believe that she has such a splendid life, and she doesn't like handsome guys who are seductive, but she likes middle-aged uncles who are bald and fat and like to mess with men and women. Love so much that I can't extricate myself."

The second update, and one more update... Starting today, Qianqian will try to keep the third update for everyone!

(end of this chapter)