Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 28: I heard she is a super beauty! [030]


"What's my sister-in-law's name? I didn't remember it just now, but I heard it was the host of Haicheng Radio and Television Station..."

"My name is Lin Nuan. It's the broadcast from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. I've heard it... the voice is really nice! I heard she's a super beauty!"

Tang Zheng kicked Lu Jinnan under the table: "Did you hear what I said?!"

Lu Jinnan pressed out his cigarette and responded, "I'm not deaf, but I just think that if we get married, Chu Xun is more suitable than that Lin Nuan and old Fu..."

At the mahjong table, someone heard Chu Xun's name and asked with a smile, "Old Fu and Lin Nuan are married and living together, Lu Jinnan, why are you so awkward?!"

"He has a crush on Old Fu..." Tang Zheng joked, picked up his cigarette case and cell phone and said to Fu Huai'an, "I'll call my girlfriend and ask her to spare time tomorrow. See sister-in-law."

Early the next morning, Bai Xiaonian came out of Lin Nuan's bedroom. She went to the kitchen refrigerator to get a bottle of water in a daze. She had just taken a sip when she turned her head and saw Tuantuan and Lin Nuan sleeping in the living room.

Bai Xiaonian was taken aback.

Lin Nuan was sitting on the carpet, with her head resting on her arms, holding her little hands, lying on the sofa, still awake.

The morning sun shone in through the French windows with no curtains drawn, and the golden light outlined Lin Nuan's figures, as if a layer of golden light had cast over them.

Bai Xiaonian was leaning on the dining table, holding a water bottle in one hand... and propped on the dining table with the other.

Regarding Tuantuan's identity, Bai Xiaonian already knew...

However, Lin Nuan didn't get together with Fu Huai'an because he liked Fu Huai'an, so he shouldn't bother to build a good relationship with his future stepson, right? !

The light moved slowly on Lin Nuan's fair and flawless cheeks, and when it reached her eyelashes, Lin Nuan's eyelashes trembled... Slowly opened her eyes.

"You just slept there all night?!"

When Bai Xiaonian's voice came, Lin Nuan squinted his eyes to avoid the light... He opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound, but he could only see a green shadow...

It wasn't until Bai Xiaonian walked up to Lin Nuan with hot milk that Lin Nuan came over slowly and saw Bai Xiaonian's pretty face clearly.

Tuantuan was still holding Lin Nuan's hand, showing no intention of waking up.

Lin Nuan pulled the blanket that was kicked away by Tuantuan last night, and carefully pulled out his hand to cover Tuantuan's small arms...

Tuantuan was a little unaccustomed to having empty palms, frowned, turned over, smacked his mouth a few times, and then fell asleep again.

Bai Xiaonian handed the milk to Lin Nuan. Seeing that Lin Nuan's right cheek was covered with marks from the sweater sleeves, she turned her mouth in the direction of Tuantuan angrily and asked, "Why are you here?!"

"What time is it?!" Lin Nuan asked.

After lying here all night, Lin Nuan's neck and shoulders were sore, she stretched... rubbing her own neck.

"Six thirty..." Bai Xiaonian sat down at Tuantuan's feet, crossed his legs and looked at Lin Nuan who was still sitting on the ground, "You won't bring this child here since yesterday, right?!"

"No, his father sent it over last night!"

"I really treat you like a child..." Bai Xiaonian said with a smile in his voice.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake up the child..." Lin Nuan said in a low voice.

It's still an hour and a half to eight o'clock, and I can still get the child to sleep for an hour...

Last night, Lin Nuan was grabbed by Tuantuan's hand while drying her hair in the future, and the night passed... with a dull headache.

(end of this chapter)