Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 35: But I like you and you don't know [037]


Wen Moshi and Wen Moshen have almost the same eyebrows, and they smile very warmly, but their facial features are more handsome and delicate than Wen Moshen.

Lin Nuan had also liked someone before, and she was familiar with such scorching eyes.

In the roadside video store, "You Don't Love" was played on strings, and the drumbeat disturbed Wen Moshi's heart. He was a little nervous, and put one hand in his pocket to show his embarrassment.

Lin Nuan frowned incredulously, and pretended to check her watch: "My colleague is still waiting for the donuts and milk tea, let's talk about it another day..."

Wen Moshi clenched his hand in his trousers pocket slightly, grabbed Lin Nuan who was rubbing shoulders with him, and squeezed Lin Nuan tightly: "I won't delay you for a few minutes."

Lin Nuan wanted to pull back her wrist, but when Wen Mo was holding it tighter.

He stared at Lin Nuan's long hair, took a deep breath, and made up his mind: "Lin Nuan... I'm 26 years old, I haven't been in a relationship yet, and I don't want to go on a blind date. In my brother's footsteps, I have become an excellent man like my brother, I have a person I like, I have never dared to say it, for fear of embarrassing meeting, I don't even have to be friends."

"It's been eight years, Lin Nuan, I know you like my brother, but you don't know that I like you..."

Lin Nuan tightly clutched the plastic bag in her hand. It turned out that her heart for Wen Moshen was well known.

Crossroads, red lights.

Lu Jinnan stopped the car, glanced at the rear seat through the rearview mirror, and lay quietly on Fu Huai'an's lap, sleeping on the lap. The child was covered with Fu Huai'an's deep suit, and his white and tender little pouty face was full of warmth. A hearty red, like a big apple.

There was a smile in Lu Jinnan's eyes, and when he looked away, he accidentally glanced, and saw Lin Nuan and Wen Moshi at the door of the roadside donut shop.

After lowering the window of the passenger seat, Lu Jinnan could see more clearly that it was indeed Lin Nuan.

Naturally, he also saw clearly that Wen Moshi was holding Lin Nuan's hand. He curled his lips and said with a smile, "I said that I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau but regretted not getting the certificate from you. So I like the one with the little boy!"

Fu Huai'an raised his eyes and looked towards the side of the road through the car window...

"You just want to sleep with a woman, why bother to get married so much? Although this kind of woman thinks highly of herself and looks arrogant, she puts on you a stubborn look that would rather be broken than broken, but I really want it." She has many ways to subdue, you don't need to put so much thought into it, the simplest and rudest way is the most effective, if you want, I will guarantee it for you in a week."

"Don't worry about it." Fu Huai'an's voice was indifferent.

He withdrew his gaze and bit a cigarette at the corner of his lips. With his left hand, he was protecting the ball sleeping on his lap. With his right hand, he held a lighter. With his slender fingers, he lowered the car window and lit the cigarette. His hand was resting on the car window, the cigarette butt was outward.

Through the smoke, Fu Huai'an looked at Lin Nuan with unpredictable eyes in his sunken eye sockets.

School ended early on Friday, and a few middle school students on bicycles on the sidewalk chased each other jokingly, causing pedestrians to pull over one after another, frowning and looking sideways. The boy who took the lead looked back and chased his companion. back…

"Be careful!" Wen Moshi supported Lin Nuan, and when he raised his head to pursue responsibility, the group of laughing students had already rode away on their bicycles.

Lin Nuan frowned, without warning, she met the deep black pupils behind the white mist not far away, her whole heart suddenly suspended, as if she was caught and raped.

It's Fu Huai'an.

(end of this chapter)