Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 39: The reason is unspoken between you and me[041]


"I'm Lin Nuan from the Broadcasting Department..." Lin Nuan introduced herself.

"It's you!" The handsome man who spoke to Lin Nuan just now walked down the steps of the conference room and came towards Lin Nuan with a friendly smile, "I am Miss Xia's assistant, and Miss Xia is already waiting for you in the office. Take you there!"

Seeing Lin Nuan staring at the empty desk, Miss Xia's assistant explained with a smile: "Our morning news is usually the busiest when the live broadcast ends from 4:00 am to 8:30 am, and the meeting ends at 9:30 and 10:00 am. It looks like... Everyone should go home to catch up on sleep, and the reporters who should go out to collect news are running outside... "

As he said that, he had already arrived at the door of Miss Xia's office.

Before entering, Lin Nuan saw a short-haired Miss Xia standing in front of the desk, wearing a white shirt and black wide-leg pants.

Spread folders were piled up in a mess on the desktop. She rolled up her shirt to the elbow to reveal her white and slender arms. With a lady's cigarette that was almost finished in her mouth, she squinted her eyes and flipped through the files nimbly.

Inside the office, there was smog, and the TV screens on the entire wall silently played news programs from various TV stations.

Miss Xia's assistant knocked on the glass door, pushed it open, and said, "Miss Xia, Lin Nuan is here."

"Let her in!" Miss Xia didn't take her eyes off the document, her voice was hoarse from smoking.

Miss Xia's assistant smiled at Lin Nuan and made a gesture of invitation.

"Thanks… "

After Lin Nuan entered, she stood opposite Miss Xia. Before she could speak, she heard Miss Xia say, "You should know about our internal recruitment of morning news anchors. I'm actually not interested in cultivating newcomers, but Sister Lin is 38 years old and finally conceived." Having a baby, I am going to retire and wait for the birth in peace, I can only choose another anchor!"

Miss Xia put down the document in her hand, picked up the other one, and looked up at Lin Nuan, who was not surprised by humiliation. Seeing that her eyes were clear and clean, she continued...

"The normal process should be that after the selection is over, the new anchor will start again. Ke Lin fell down 20 minutes ago and is now in the hospital to save her baby. Tomorrow's live broadcast will definitely not be available. I can only find someone temporarily!"

Miss Xia put out the cigarette in her hand, and said in a crisp voice, "The person recommended by your broadcasting department is called Wu Qianying. I heard that there is a lot of trouble in your broadcasting department right now. I definitely don't know how to use this person! Lin My sister recommended you to me, and I also read your information. When I graduated, I got the first place in my professional grades, and I also got the first place in the assessment results of entering a TV station. You are also beautiful. I have been suppressed in the broadcasting department for so many years. The reason is you I don't know it."

Lin Nuan expressed admiration for miss Xia's work efficiency. An accident happened 20 minutes ago, but so many things have been done within 20 minutes.

However, Lin Nuan and Weng Lin, the anchor of the morning news, had never met before. How could Weng Lin recommend herself to Miss Xia? !

"I use you this time to bear the pressure from above and below. I hope your stubbornness will not disappoint me!" Miss Xia looked up at Lin Nuan after saying this, "The meeting will be held at four o'clock tomorrow morning. Sister Lin's dressing room will be used for your press releases, and will be redecorated according to your preferences when you are firmly seated in the morning news anchor position!"

"I see." Lin Nuan nodded.

"Also..." Miss Xia pulled out another slender women's cigarette and held it between her fingertips, "Remind you, live TV broadcasts are different from live radio broadcasts. If you want to go longer and farther... you must have your own unique hosting style , You go back and think about it yourself."

The strong woman miss Xia is online...

One request per day, recommended tickets... Hahaha!

(end of this chapter)