Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 77: Who placed it for you? ! [071]


Lin Nuan guessed that Fu Huai'an must be thinking right now... Didn't Lin Nuan also enjoy it, her ears couldn't help but turn red, she looked at Fu Huai'an wronged and annoyed.

This man, who said to get the certificate with her, then asked himself to take back the household registration book, kissed himself, and now said such obscene words to himself at the hospital gate, what did he mean? !

The words were not clear, there seemed to be countless ambiguities between the two of them, and Lin Nuan couldn't stand on the moral high ground and blame Fu Huai'an for treating him like this.

In Fu Huai'an's heart, did he regard her as a woman who had already made love once, and could accompany him to have sex anytime, anywhere regardless of whether he got a certificate or not? !

"Mr. Fu..." Lin Nuan clenched his fists tightly on his side, adjusted his emotions before speaking, his clear voice was almost drowned out by the sound of heavy rain hitting the umbrella.

Fu Huai'an stared at Lin Nuan, her three-dimensional and resolute features were reflected in her eyes, the man's calm and overpowering mature aura came towards her, Lin Nuan's words that were about to come out were stuck in her throat, and she didn't have the guts to say them righteously. exit.

She lowered her eyes and frowned tightly: "I think we have to make things clear."

"How so clear?!" Fu Huai'an had a vague smile on his lips, with one hand in his pocket, as if he had easily escaped from the state of being aroused just now, with a well-dressed appearance.

Lin Nuan, on the other hand, hadn't adjusted her breathing, and her heartbeat didn't seem to slow down in the slightest.

"It was I who approached you at first, hoping that you would not marry Gu Hanyan, and I also agreed to obtain a certificate with you to replace Gu Hanyan and become your woman, Tuantuan's mother..."

The smile on the corners of Fu Huai'an's lips remained undiminished, and his magnetic voice was very woody and penetrating: "So now that Wen Moshen is back, you plan to let me marry Gu Hanyan just to fulfill you and Wen Moshen?!"

What Fu Huai'an said was a temptation.

Lin Nuan: "..."

"I never planned to be with Mo...Wen Moshen." Lin Nuan looked directly at Fu Huai'an confidently, "Although I am not a gentleman, I am not a villain who can play tricks. I still have the spirit of the contract. You need to get a certificate." , I will get the certificate with you. If you feel that my personality is boring or that I am not the kind you think, after receiving the certificate, you can still accept your so-called entertainment between men and women outside and don’t want to get the certificate with me. I am also very grateful, but I don’t I am willing to kiss you indistinctly or even indistinctly."

The definition of boring personality was given by Wen Moshen, and Lin Nuan just said it smoothly.

Lin Nuan's personality is very boring. Wen Moshen once said jokingly that Lin Nuan is the most boring and boring gourd with thorns.

Lin Nuan slurred the words **.

Kissing has throbbing, Lin Nuan will feel guilty, but think about making excuses for herself from a physiological point of view, she will feel that it is not normal for an adult woman's body to respond to men? !

"Who gave you the conclusion that your personality is boring?!" Fu Huai'an's tone seemed to be questioning.

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone vibrated in his suit pocket. He took out the phone and looked down at the caller ID. The blue light of the phone screen reflected his facial features, making his brows look deeper.

Hanging up, putting the phone back into his trouser pocket, he stood in front of Lin Nuan still looking upright.

In Fu Huai'an's eyes, why is Lin Nuan boring? ! The corners of her eyes and brows were tinged with shyness, clearly provocative and thrilling.

The second update, I changed it a little bit, so it was posted late... Please recommend tickets!

(end of this chapter)