Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 13: Works related (13)


The weapon should be an illusion. "

"Illusion, it must be an illusion." Under Yu Hua's scrutiny eyes, cold sweat began to form on Cen Xiao's forehead.

You Zhengping laughed dryly, hugged Yu Hua's arm and said, "It must be an illusion, how could I hurt you."

"Of course, you won't." Yu Hua said firmly.

Hearing his firm tone, You Zhengping suddenly felt heartache, and hurriedly picked up the porridge bowl and said, "You have been feeding me porridge, you haven't eaten it yourself."

Yu Hua took the porridge bowl and said while eating, "You and Cen Xiao are both auxiliary police officers, do you have any clues about this matter?"

"Hahaha, how is that possible," Cen Xiao said before You Zhengping opened his mouth, "I only found out when the police station notified me after you were injured."

The two were injured at the same time. The police station or the hospital must notify their family members or friends. As You Zhengping's best friend and a non-staff member of the police station, Cen Xiao was the most appropriate to inform him.

"Really? You've always been in the same unit and changed jobs together. I thought you would know what Xiaoyou knew. You two always keep some secrets from me." Yu Hua said casually.

Cen Xiao sucked in his breath and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, you said that, I thought you were eating my vinegar."

"I've always been a little jealous," Yu Hua pointed out, "I thought you knew."

Cen Xiao really couldn't bear the pressure in the room, just helping his brother hide some things, he felt guilty and ashamed of Yu Hua.

"I won't disturb your rest. If you have something to call the doctor, I will pick you up from the hospital tomorrow morning, and take you to the police station to sign a non-disclosure agreement."

After Cen Xiao finished speaking, he clasped his fists and slipped away, leaving You Zhengping with a look of "please ask yourself for more happiness".

After Cen Xiao left, only the melancholy husband was left in the room. You Zhengping swallowed and said to Yu Hua, "I didn't expect you to eat Cen Xiao's vinegar, haha."

Yu Hua patted his head and said softly, "How could it be, I'm joking."

Liar! You Zhengping complained in his heart, but on the surface he had to act like he didn't know anything: "I knew you wouldn't. I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep, so you can go back to the ward too."

"You know that you and I are not in the same ward?" Yu Hua tilted his head and asked in confusion.

You Zhengping: "!!!"

"Isn't there only one hospital bed in this room?" You Zhengping explained dryly.

"It's pretty meticulous." Yu Hua got up and said, "I also went back to rest. I'll press the pager if I have something to do. See you tomorrow."

He leaned over and kissed You Zhengping's face, left the observation room quietly, and closed the door intimately.

As soon as Yu Hua left, You Zhengping quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Cen Xiao: I am so sad.

Cen Xiao: What's wrong? I see that Yu Hua cares about you very much.

You Zhengping: He believed me so much, but I kept lying to him. I was so uncomfortable. If it goes on like this, I may not be able to bear to tell the truth.

Cen Xiao: Many staff members of the national security department and intelligence department never reveal their identities to their families in their entire lives. Some people even get their names corrected decades after their death.

You Zhengping: …

Cen Xiao: You are not only a person from the security department, but also a person with supernatural abilities. Can ordinary people accept it? He doesn't even know what powers are.

You Zhengping: I don't know what's the best way to do it.

Cen Xiao: Keeping the secret is a kind of protection for him.

You Zhengping: How long do you want to hide it

Cen Xiao: ... I don't know either. My parents don't even know what I'm doing, and they think I'm idle all day. They changed their jobs as auxiliary police some time ago. They were overjoyed and said that even if they were not formally established, at least it was a serious job.

The two sighed at the same time, skillfully deleted the chat history, and did not continue chatting.

The next day, Yu Fufu was discharged from the hospital and was taken to the police station by Cen Xiao, where he received some confidentiality education and signed the agreement.

Police told the pair that the government would pay for hospital costs and other losses, and a bonus of $100,000 would be paid to their accounts.

This bonus was You Zhengping's private house money, and he finally found a reasonable way to subsidize his family. At first, he planned to give out a bonus of one million directly, but Director Xiao disagreed. There was no precedent for this, so You Zhengping could only get one hundred thousand.

"With this money, we don't have to worry about the loan this year, and your studio can also grow slowly. If it doesn't suit our heart, we won't do it." You Zhengping said happily.

"Yeah, it's really a lot of money." Yu Hua looked at the extra amount in his bank card, and inexplicably remembered the 100 million he lay in Zhen Li's hidden account.

The police told Yu Hua and You Zhengping that it was best to rest for a few days, not to be overly active, and not to stay up late.

Yu Hua simply called and asked for leave, since Boss Zhen and the former manager were locked in the guard organization base anyway, the company would definitely not be open for business.

Zhen Li answered the phone under the watchful eye of the guardian, gave it a fake very happily, and said that he would not deduct his salary, but he could not give a full attendance bonus.

The two of them went back home after a day of tossing around. Yu Hua didn't cook dinner at night, so they ordered takeout.

After a night's rest, You Zhengping was still sleeping the next morning, while Yu Hua got up and did the housework slowly.

When he was cleaning up the garbage, he saw the shopping receipts and labels, his eyes lit up slightly, and his depressed heart finally relaxed a little.

He rummaged in the cabinet, but he didn't see the dyed trousers, and his heart sank again.

You Zhengping yawned and walked out of the bedroom. He stretched his waist towards the sun. Seeing Yu Hua squatting in front of the wardrobe, he said lazily, "Didn't the doctor ask you to rest more? Don't do housework for now, we just got a bonus. , please take a part-time job these days."

"Doing housework doesn't count as physical work, so I'm not very concerned about inviting people." Yu Hua held the shopping receipt and the label in his palm, "Breakfast is ready, red dates and qi porridge, I know I don't like to eat this kind of light flavored porridge. The porridge and chicken soup have been boiled, and the oil has been removed, so you can drink a bowl, but you can't drink too much."

He was wearing an apron, holding a rag in his hand, and standing in the living room with the smell of fireworks. This is home.

Looking at him, You Zhengping felt that the fight the day before yesterday seemed like a dream, and here and now is his reality.

You Zhengping leaned over, wrapped his arms around Yu Hua's waist, and rubbed his head on Yu Hua's shoulder, "Let's eat together."

"Okay, I'm full of ashes, I'm going to wash my hands. You also need to wash your face and brush your teeth first. Don't be lazy and fool around." Yu Hua said with a light smile.

You Zhengping sneaked a kiss on his face, scratched his head, and obediently went to wash up.

When Yu Hua saw his lover walk into the bathroom of the master bedroom, he hurriedly ran to the bathroom of the second bedroom, closed the door and locked it, tore the shopping receipts and tags to shreds, and threw them into the toilet and flushed them down.

Seeing the debris disappearing along the water, Yu Hua squatted down with his forehead covered, what was he doing

You Zhengping took a shower and went to the kitchen. He didn't see his family. After shouting twice in the room, Yu Hua slowly got up to wash his hands and went out to have breakfast with You Zhengping.

The porridge boiled for a long time and was fragrant, but the taste was not very good and the taste was very bland. You Zhengping is a person who doesn't like meat. Even for breakfast, he has to eat steamed buns filled with pure meat. Today, in order to pretend to be injured, he has a hard time swallowing. Fortunately, Yu Hua boiled chicken soup. Drain the porridge with chicken broth.

Even if it was chicken soup, Yu Hua would only allow him to drink one bowl. After one meal, You Zhengping felt lonely after eating, as if he had eaten a lot, and seemed to have eaten nothing at all.

This is probably the price of lies, You Zhengping sighed.

After dinner, Yu Hua continued to clean the room, while You Zhengping slumped on the sofa and played games. He noticed that the trash cans had been cleaned, and wanted to know if Yu Hua had found any shopping receipts and labels, but he couldn't take the initiative to ask. , was scolded by the teammates who played with him.

Seeing that he was staring at the phone, Yu Hua pretended to clean the bedroom, walked in with the vacuum cleaner, opened the bed, and found that the phone case had reappeared.

Yu Hua opened the box in surprise and saw the intact mobile phone, with mixed feelings in his heart. The joy is that the mobile phone is not only returned to the original owner, but also restored. The worry is that besides Xiao You, who else will restore the mobile phone for him so intimately.

He restrained the box and put it back in place to hide it, pretending not to find it. He stuck his head out of the bedroom and said to You Zhengping, "I need to buy some things at home. I can't get my hands free when I clean up the room. Can you help me go down and buy some?"

"No problem!" You Zhengping was hungry less than an hour after eating. He was thinking about how to sneak downstairs for a snack. Yu Hua's words hit his heart.

Yu Hua made a list, and after watching You Zhengping go downstairs, he used the "time and space playback" ability.

It had been more than 24 hours since they were hospitalized, beyond the effect of "time and space playback". Yu Hua could only see the scene from yesterday morning, when the receipt was already on the table. The guardian organization must have sneaked in while he was pretending to be unconscious. his home.

Yu Hua was silent for a moment, then dug out the household medicine box from the locker and took out a bottle of vitamins.

He poured the vitamin into the palm of his hand, squeezed it with his fist, and the vitamin turned into a poison/drug.

This is the ability of the original sunset. After Yu Hua drew out his system energy, he left behind this ability.

Yu Hua was not trying to hurt others, but the poison/drug of the original sunset could stimulate the awakening of the ability in his body. As long as he used it in a targeted manner, he could awaken the ability he wanted.

He ate the "vitamin", stimulated the power hidden in the body with a small amount of poison/sex, and used this power in the "time and space playback", and the playback time was extended to 48 hours.

This time, Yu Hua saw the guardian of the handsome uncle's face come to his house, put away the phone, and left the tag and shopping receipt before leaving.

During the playback, the guardian was still wearing the stained light gray pants, and Yu Hua stared at his pants and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

You Zhengping secretly went to the fast food restaurant to eat barbecue rice while shopping was empty, and he also carefully contained a piece of mint-flavored chewing gum, for fear that Yu Hua would find out that he was stealing greasy food.

The guilty You Zhengping smelled the smell of fireworks as soon as he entered the house. He was startled, could it be on fire

"Yu Hua, Yu Hua?" You Zhengping anxiously looked for Yu Hua and the point of fire.

He followed the smell to the largest bathroom in the house, and saw Yu Hua squatting in the bathroom, turning on the ventilation fan, with a stainless steel basin beside his feet, and a pair of burning trousers in the basin.

"What... what are you doing?" You Zhengping noticed that the pair of trousers was actually the light gray trousers that Lian Yufan had bought and put back on by him, and his heart skipped a beat. Did Yu Hua discover something

"Oh, it's nothing." Yu Hua looked at the fire in the basin, very calm.

He watched his trousers burn out, poured water on the fire extinguisher, and flushed the ashes down the toilet.

"Why, why are you burning these pants?" You Zhengping stammered.

Yu Hua sighed: "It's our rare first date, and we have encountered such an unfortunate incident. I don't think the clothes we wear that day are very auspicious, so I thought of burning it, and I will have a good luck. I didn't expect to burn a cigarette. It's so big, it's too dangerous, don't burn the rest, wash it and donate it."

"Oh, okay, you, you are quite superstitious." You Zhengping looked at the blackened stainless steel basin, and his heart was actually relaxed.

This trousers is ruined, and it's fine.

The author has something to say:

Yu Hua: The little goblin's pants outside are all on fire!

Ahem, it's not good to set fire, everyone should not learn. Dangerous behavior, do not imitate!

See you tomorrow at 12:00 noon, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 29

When You Zhengping woke up, it was already dark, and he blinked, not quite understanding how it happened.

He followed Yu Hua's instructions to buy the items on the list, and when he got home, he saw Yu Hua burning his pants, saying that he felt unlucky and that he didn't want any more clothes he wore when he went to the amusement park.

You Zhengping can understand this. Many of his elders have this habit. After some of them are burned, they have to let people cross the brazier, saying that it is to eliminate bad luck.

Although Yu Hua was a college graduate who grew up with a scientific socialist education, he always had some attachments in some places, which You Zhengping accepted well.

And after burning a pair of trousers, Yu Hua also realized that doing this was too dangerous and could easily cause a fire, so he put out the fire and cleaned up the ashes in time. He also checked the house for sparks, and was careful and safe in every aspect.

After Yu Hua cleaned up the cigarette smell in the room, he put the clothes of the two of them in the washing machine together. He planned to wash them and disinfect them, put them in a vacuum bag, pack them, and donate them. You Zhengping also agreed.

Everything is reasonable and normal, the accident happened after the washing machine started working.

At that time, You Zhengping handed over the list and items to Yu Hua, but Yu Hua rarely checked whether the items on the list were fully purchased, and instead stared at You Zhengping firmly.

"What, what are you doing?" Facing Yu Hua's gaze, You Zhengping shrank towards the back of the sofa, feeling a little fuzzy in his heart.

Yu Hua, who has always been neat enough to have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, threw the things You Zhengping bought on the ground, propped up the sofa with one hand, leaned down, and gently sniffed You Zhengping's lips.

"You stole something." Yu Hua said firmly.

"You... your nose is so good, I even ate chewing gum." You Zhengping said guiltily.

He rubbed back hard, the sofa that Yu Hua bought when he was renovating it was large and sturdy, enough for You Zhengping to toss and wriggle on the sofa for a long time.

Seeing You Zhengping dodging back, Yu Hua bent his knees and took a step forward, grabbed You Zhengping's wrist, put his lips against it, and sighed softly, "Those who say they want to keep healthy and eat lightly, say plain as water, but you go out to steal eat."

"Just, just one barbecue rice, I'm not full." You Zhengping felt his hair stand upside down, goosebumps shuddered on the arm that Yu Hua had kissed.

"Apart from barbecue rice, is there anything else?" Yu Hua asked.

"I also drank a bottle of Coke." Under Yu Hua's sight, You Zhengping threw away his armor and tried everything, "I often drank Coke when I was on duty, and Cen Xiao forced me to drink it, saying that everyone was happy together. Staying up late and going bald, I was secretly keeping my health in advance, they forced me to develop the habit of drinking fat house happy water, it was their fault, I was forced!"

Yu Hua let out a faint sigh, propped up the sofa with one hand, released You Zhengping's wrist with the other hand, and pulled his forehead hair away.

Inserting his fingers into the thick black hair, Yu Hua sighed, "Such thick hair."

"That's right, Cen Xiao pits me, little brother doesn't have a good thing!" You Zhengping nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Leaving his palms from his hair, he pinched You Zhengping's chin. Yu Hua looked at You Zhengping's face carefully, and after staring for a while, he suddenly said, "You are really handsome."

It was no wonder that when You Zhengping was struggling in the car and shouting for help, Yu Hua could not help but walk over to stop the behavior in the car. At that time, he hesitantly walked to the restaurant where the blind date had been arranged, and was attracted by a heart-rending cry for help. Yu Hua planned to take a look and leave indifferently, but saw a vigorous young man stick his head out of the car window.

At that time, Yu Hua felt that if he didn't pull this young man, he might regret it.

When the young man said it was just a joke with his friends, and he dug out countless pictures of the intimate jokes from his mobile phone, Yu Hua felt a little disappointed, and felt that he must have been a righteous man in the hearts of young people. Fool, who actually regards frolic as a crime, and even calls the police.

Young people are really handsome, handsome for thousands of years.

"Thank you, thank you?" You Zhengping heard Yu Hua praise himself for being handsome, so he politely thanked him and said, "You are more handsome than me."

The only person in the world who could make You Zhengping admit to being handsomer than him was Yu Hua.

"Thank you for what?" Yu Hua sneered, the coldness in his eyes was gradually covered by warmth, and the arm resting on the sofa also became wrapped around You Zhengping's waist.

Without the support of his arms, Yu Hua's body was also pressed against the sofa.

You Zhengping is right, Yu Hua is more handsome than him, since everyone is using their faces to commit murder, what right do they have to blame the other party for blinding other people's eyes by relying on their faces

The hand holding You Zhengping's chin changed positions, and then, then... um... exercise.

The time changed from morning to night. You Zhengping squeezed his arm, thinking that not only did Yu Hua have good waist strength, but he also had good arm strength. When he hugged him easily, You Zhengping was shocked. Worry about falling.

"Hehe, hehe..." You Zheng usually laughed from time to time, and simply lay on the bed and didn't want to get up, lazily waiting for Yu Hua to make his supper to wake him up.

The two of them took a short nap after making a fool of themselves. Probably when it was just dark, Yu Hua murmured angrily, "The clothes are still confiscated in the washing machine!"

He got up in a hurry and put on his clothes in a hurry, rinsed and dried the wrinkled clothes again, then ironed the wrinkles with a hanging iron, and hung them on the balcony to iron the clothes. After drying, he sorted them out.

After arranging the clothes to donate, Yu Hua told You Zhengping that he was going to have a late-night snack. Although he still had a light diet, he could stew some tomato and beef brisket soup for You Zhengping, and he was also allowed to eat the beef in the soup.

You Zhengping folded his hands under his head, feeling very happy.

In fact, desire is something that is satisfied in one way, and not particularly craving for another.

For example, when they are stressed, some people choose to use gluttony to relieve themselves, while others use the way of shopping spree and swiping cards.

You Zhengping still felt hungry in the morning, and now he has been exercising. Although he is a little hungry after the exercise, his mental state is full, and he does not have to eat meat.

He thought about it and fell asleep unconsciously. After all, it is overdrafting some physical strength, and it is necessary to sleep and rest.

Yu Hua finished the meal, opened the door gently, and saw that You Zhengping was still asleep, with a light and comfortable sleeping face, he couldn't bear to wake up his lover, he sat beside the bed and looked at You Zhengping's sleeping face.

The bits and pieces of the married life came to mind, Yu Hua felt a little bit in his heart, slowly left the bedroom and went to the study, turning the desk calendar to today's date.

Since the awakening ability, he has never recorded a desk calendar diary. At first, he was afraid of crushing the fragile pen. Later, he felt that no matter what he wrote, he could not avoid events such as the system, passers-by, tasks, and unsealing. The medium that Hua used to record his true feelings, he planned to use it to recall his youth with You Zhengping when he got old, Yu Hua was reluctant to write down some events that went against his heart.

It was only today that Yu Hua regained some of his mood and felt that he could write a diary again.

He opened the back of the desk calendar and wrote in small words—

On a certain day in a certain year, Xiao You and I took a break from injury for some confidential reasons and were idle at home. Recently, I have been busy with various things, and the pace of life has accelerated. It is rare to slow down today, so I decided to clean up.

After a long time, even if the room is cleaned every day, there will be some imperceptible dust in the corners, which will breed bacteria.

There is no perfect person in this world, and there is no one who lives in the sun all the time. There are always times when some moods have to be hidden in the dark. But as long as you clean regularly and keep your life and mind clean and tidy, you can still be a man with your head up high.

Xiaoyou was secretly eating barbecue rice outside, I was a little angry, and even more angry that he was carrying Cen Xiao and others behind me and drinking Coke when I couldn't see it.

Although the harm of cola is small, it will become a scourge that cannot be ignored one day if it accumulates over time, and it must be solved as soon as possible.

To punish Xiaoyou for stealing Coke, I decided to let him exercise with me. I'm keen on fitness, but this time I went a little too far, and made Xiao You's beef stew to make up for it.

PS: For some confidentiality reasons, I burned Xiao You's pants, and I remembered to pay him to buy a few more pairs.

After writing the diary, Yu Hua felt much better. He walked back to the bedroom, kissed You Zhengping, and whispered in his lover's ear, "Get up and eat."

You Zhengping opened his eyes, put his arms around Yu Hua's neck, and said confusedly, "I'm too lazy to move."

Yu Hua simply picked up You Zhengping and carried him to the dining table.

With strong arms and steady steps, he walked from the bedroom to the dining room with ease. You Zhengping also regained consciousness along the way. He squeezed Yu Hua's arm, and exclaimed while scooping out the beef in the soup, "Your arms are so strong."

Yu Hua took a sip of the soup and said with a light smile, "Regular work and rest, healthy diet, and increased exercise. As long as you do these points, your physical fitness will be very good."

"I promise to stay in bed, drink Coke, and eat junk food in the future." You Zhengping raised his hand obediently.

"There's no need to be so absolute," Yu Hua said, "As long as it's not too much, it's okay to do it occasionally. I'll accompany you to eat."

You Zhengping was instantly elated, and he drank the tomato and beef brisket soup with satisfaction, how could Yu Hua be so good, he was so happy!

The superiors only gave You Zhengping three days off. After three days, he will return to his post and complete the handover with Lian Yufan.

Yu Hua was able to rest for seven days, and as long as the protection organization didn't let Zhen Li go, he could take a longer vacation.

On the fourth day, You Zhengping went to the police station with the lunch box on his face and reported to the police station. After completing the work records, he secretly transferred to the base of the guardian organization. Before going to work, he opened the fragrant lunch box to show off to everyone: "This is today Yu Hua woke up early. My homemade snacks are healthy and delicious!"

The lunch box contained Yuhua's secret beef jerky, crispy fried chicken breast strips, boneless chicken feet with pickled peppers, and small pieces of fried fresh milk. Unlike the roast chicken legs last time, this time all of them were molars that could be eaten in one bite. Small snacks, which can be eaten in the middle of the meal, do not occupy the stomach and digest quickly. Sugar and fat can bring a strong sense of satisfaction, which is a magic weapon for weight gain.

You Zhengping is young and can eat. Yu Hua is very worried that he will eat three highs. Usually, he cooks mainly for health preservation.

Now Yu Hua knows that You Zhengping consumes more energy, and the daily consumption of supernatural powers is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Ordinary people consume 1200-2000 kcal of energy a day, and there are more physical laborers. Even if they consume more, they cannot eat too much carbohydrates and oils, which will burden the body's metabolic system and lead to irreversible diseases such as diabetes.

But the power users are different. In order to maintain their power, they consume more than tens of thousands of calories every day. After a fierce battle, the energy consumption is even more unimaginable for humans. For such a terrible energy consumption, food alone is definitely not enough. You Zhengping and other people are more absorbing all kinds of energy in the atmosphere, such as light energy, heat energy, dark matter energy, etc.

Although it can use external energy, its operation is still based on its own power. They can directly absorb the calories in the food without going through the metabolic system, and the more energy-rich food, the better for them.

The food intake alone is not enough, and the guardian will secretly inject energy mixture, otherwise it will be too hungry.

Yu Hua had a little understanding of this. He gradually changed his diet strategy. The main meal still had to be nutritious. Even if he wasn't afraid of high energy, he still needed to supplement nutrients such as high-quality protein, vitamins, and fiber. He couldn't just eat junk food just because he wasn't afraid of getting fat.

It is possible to adjust the strategy when adding meals. Most of the fried snacks for takeout are oil that has been used repeatedly. The oil made by yourself is definitely new, which is healthy and hygienic and can be eaten with confidence.

As soon as the lunch box was opened, the aroma was overflowing, and those who smelled it couldn't help swallowing.

At this time, in addition to You Zhengping's team, there were also members of Lian Yufan's team at the base in Xuyang District. They sniffled enviously and said sourly, "It smells so good."

Lian Yufan's team is still reserved, but You Zhengping's team is no longer polite. The spiritual leader of the team, Cen Xiao, gave an order: "Grab it!"

The team members rushed up immediately, suppressing You Zhengping and grabbing snacks.

"Don't rob it, it's all mine!" You Zhengping was desperate to protect his food.

However, Cen Xiao smiled evilly and said, "I saw it and it's mine. If you call it, will it agree?"

"Promise!" You Zhengping said, "My name is written on the lunch box!"

"It won't be out of the lunch box!" Cen Xiao was rude, and the team grabbed the snacks like locusts.

The members of Lian Yufan's team swallowed their saliva and smelled the aroma to relieve their cravings.

"What are you sniffing, you look like you're useless!" Lian Yufan came to the office with a file box, first educated his subordinates, and then said to You Zhengping with a stern face, "Captain You, this is the handover of documents and investigation materials. I have put all the personal information about Yu Hua here, make sure there is no backup or copy. I and the team members have vowed not to mention all the information about Yu Hua, please accept it!"

You Zhengping got up, put the empty lunch box on the table, took the box from Lian Yufan's hand, tapped it carefully, and signed the handover slip.

At this point, Yu Hua's suspicion was completely eliminated, and the leadership of Xuyang District returned to You Zhengping, and the handsome uncle mask also belonged to You Zhengping again.

Even the members of Yufan's team turned serious and returned the passerby armor 123456 mask that they had obtained from You Zhengping's team. Everyone happily took it, only Cen Xiao hesitated and said: "I still use the later piece of Ping Ping Wu. Qi's face."

You Zhengping glanced at Cen Xiao unexpectedly.

Cen Xiao said: "I used the plain face No. 1 to have some friendship with Zhen Li. This face is more suitable for connecting with Zhen Li. He has already agreed to be an informant of the organization, so it is better to keep a familiar mask."

It makes sense, You Zhengping nodded in agreement, and Cen Xiao will always use the No. 1 mask in the future.

After the handover, everyone cleared the taste of snacks in the conference room and waited for Director Xiao to announce the next personnel adjustment and plan.

While waiting, You Zhengping asked, "Did Yuan Sunset explain anything?"

He has been on vacation for the past three days, and it is inconvenient to receive long messages, so he can only wait patiently until he returns to the base to ask.

Cen Xiao said, "He gave us a list of several familiar saboteurs, as well as the system behind them. Yuan Sunset knows the system better than Zhen Li, and helped us answer the question about the saboteur's technological retreat."

When interrogating Zhen Li before, the Guardians wondered why Destroyer's operating system had changed from a virtual panel to a phone control. Zhen Li had just become a barrier-breaker fifteen years ago. At the beginning, he used a mobile phone. He had never experienced the era of virtual panels, so he didn't know anything.

The original sunset told the guardians that it was because fifteen years ago, the first clearer appeared, and the difficulty of the system was reduced, and the control panel was reduced to manual operation.

"According to the information provided by the original sunset, we have enough evidence to suspect that the man in black robe that appeared in the amusement park that day was the first to clear the customs. He is most likely the direct cause of our world without spoilers for fifteen years." Cen Xiao handed over the copy of the original sunset interrogation record to You Zhengping, "We tend to oppose the customs clearer and the system, and oppose the current destroyer who has come to our world. As long as the operation is done properly, he may not be an enemy, but can even become a helper. But Leaders believe that short-term cooperation is OK, but can not fully believe that we must be wary of saboteurs after all, and their attitude towards black robes is more controlling than cooperative."

You Zhengping quickly browsed the interrogation records while listening to the explanation. He pointed to one of the lines and said, "What happened to the original sunset eyes?"

This line reads: The original sunset said that he could not see the objects clearly, and his eyes were blurred.

"After optometry, he has high myopia and astigmatism, and he has been equipped with glasses." Cen Xiao said, "On that day, he was cut off the visual connection of three perspectives at the same time by the man in black robe, and the basic ability was abolished, and his eyes could not bear the backlash of the ability for a while. It’s good not to be blind. We have consulted an ophthalmologist, and in his case, laser surgery correction is impossible to fully recover, and his vision can recover to a maximum of 0.6, which is better than wearing glasses.”

You Zhengping wanted to say "It's so miserable", but when he recalled the arrogant look of the original sunset at the amusement park, and the way Yu Hua was lying on the ground injured, he changed his words to: "Deserving it!"

"He was beaten like this by people in black robes, why is the interrogation record still full of praise for the passers-by?" You Zhengping asked.

Cen Xiao sneered and said, "Probably because of worship. Just my brother abused me thousands of times, and I treat my brother like my first love."

"My brain is broken." After You Zhengping understood the general situation, he put down the interrogation record.

After a while, Director Xiao walked into the conference room, looked at the young team and said, "Just received the notice from the World Guardian Organization Joint Conference, the European Guardian Organization has just captured two saboteurs, and blew up without asking anything. According to the destroyer ability and combat mode they provide, one of them highly overlaps with the destroyer ability explained by the original sunset, and it is suspected that these two also cleared the alliance."

The guardians looked serious, not only in Xuyang District, but also the destroyers have appeared all over the world.

Director Xiao said: "At present, only Zhen Li and Yuan Sunset have survived the customs clearance alliance. They were fortunately taken away from the system by the black-robed men, and they were able to save their lives. We must use them as bait to attract the attention of other saboteurs. Someone must be sent to protect them.

"Captain Lian Yufan, the organization has decided that you should enter Zhen Li's studio as an employee to closely monitor and protect two important informants."

The author has something to say:

The four members of Zhen Li's studio: the trash boss, the short-sighted cleaner, the strongest destroyer, the personnel manager, the customs clearer, the guardian's family, Yu Hua, and the guardian elite Lian Yufan.

Small but complete.

See you at 12 noon tomorrow, okay?(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 30

The choice of Lian Yufan to enter the studio was the result of careful consideration by leaders such as Director Xiao.

Playing against Yuan Sunset in the amusement park is both a military training and an investigation. When the poisonous bubbles are flying all over the sky, only You Zhengping, Cen Xiao and Lian Yufan are able to stay awake. Among the three, You Zhengping's fighting ability and fighting consciousness are the best among the younger generation, and he is far different from the other two; Cen Xiao is lucky, and was rescued by Zhen Li, and luck is also a part of his strength; Yufan's fighting ideas are very good, and his abilities and fighting patterns are more suitable for battlefields that have been prepared in advance.

Comprehensively analyzing the personalities of the three, the leaders of the organization agreed that Lian Yufan is more suitable to be the bridge connecting Zhen Li's studio and the Guardian.

In fact, even when Yu Hua's investigation was over, Director Xiao still left himself in Xuyang District, and Lian Yufan had guessed the result.

Xuyang District was under You Zhengping's jurisdiction, and there were many veteran guardians in charge. Unless there was a catastrophic event, the same area could not hold two captains, especially he and You Zhengping.

It was impossible for the leader to demote Lian Yufan to the vice-captain, so he could only be left on a special mission.

Hearing this decision, You Zhengping frowned. He really hoped that the person who carried out this task would be himself, but You Zhengping knew clearly that he was the captain of Xuyang District, his family was here, and he had a formal job and identity in Xuyang District, so he was not suitable for a latent mission. Moreover, Yu Hua was in the studio, so he shouldn't have joined it, lest his emotions affect his mission.

Lian Yufan took over the task and asked, "How should Yu Hua handle it?"

"Wait for the opportunity and find a reasonable reason for him to resign." Director Xiao said, "I will ask the psychiatrist to follow up on Yu Hua's mental state, and when his mentality can withstand the pressure, you can find Zhen Li. Fire him."

Lian Yufan nodded and had no objection to the mission.

This time it was a latent job, and it was necessary to have close contact with Zhen and Yuan, and it was not suitable to use the nano-mask. The plastic surgeon of the guardian organization fine-tuned Lian Yufan's face, making his face look slightly different from before.

Lian Yufan is 26 years old this year, unmarried and never in a relationship. His father died young, and his mother sent him to a boarding military school after he remarried. In the military academy, Lian Yufan awakened and was taken to the training camp. The guardian organization revised the household registration file for him, and Lian Yufan no longer has any relationship with his parents in the household registration file. He hasn't returned home in the 12 years since he entered the training camp. He just sends letters to his mother every month. Even his mother doesn't know what he looks like now.

The doctor fine-tuned the photo of him when he first entered the training camp, changing the obvious characteristics of his childhood. At this moment, Lian Yufan can't see much similarity with the photo of his childhood.

He looked at the mirror and touched the tear mole on the corner of his right eye, and said dissatisfiedly, "Is this thing a bit mother-in-law? Why do you have to add a mole?"

The doctor explained: "The tear mole at the corner of the eye can easily change the facial temperament, giving people a completely different feeling, which is changed in many TV dramas."

"Have you watched too many bloody TV shows?"