Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 35: Works related (35)


Luo Huai was inconvenient to say You Zhengping's real name, after all, Team You's lover was still working in Zhen Li's studio.

Everyone looked at You Zhengping, and Cen Xiao said, "On the rooftop, the man in black robe treated the injured captain with his own hands."

Before the men in black robes appeared on the rooftop of the shopping mall, everyone was able to monitor the battle through cameras. They knew how badly You Zhengping was injured. Almost all of his internal organs were blown up by Destroyer 192, and half of his right arm was missing. That was no ordinary treatment. wounds that can be healed.

Apart from Yuan Sunset, no one knew about the healing process of the Heipao Ren, and everyone only saw the result of You Zhengping's recovery.

"It is also possible that the energy left in the captain's body at that time protected his mental power." Luo Huai nodded.

"It seems that the man in black robe is preventing us from discovering his identity." Director Xiao said, "Such a strong man is hidden in the dark, there is no way to make people feel at ease..."

Lian Yufan thought for a while and said, "Director, I have counted the data of the black-robed people."

Seeing Director Xiao nodding slightly, Lian Yufan came to his conclusion: "The first time the man in black robe appeared to deal with Yuan Sunset, he taught Yuan Sunset a lesson, used his powerful force to shock the customs clearance alliance, and also Yu Hua, who was seriously injured, was treated.

"The second time he appeared on the rooftop, he got rid of Destroyer 192 who didn't listen to his warning, and destroyed 192's collar. According to our research, Destroyer 192 can transfer his body with this collar, black robe Man destroyed the collar to prevent Vandal 192 from escaping, and saved countless lives that might have been killed by 192. And in that battle, he also saved me and the captain.

"The third time, Feng Kui and Huan Zixu, to be honest, if he hadn't come at that time, at least half of the four people who participated in the operation would have died, and it would be very difficult for Feng Kui and Huan Zixu to survive. He prevented the situation from happening.

"Three times he didn't show up, but he helped. The first time, he took away Zhen Li's system energy, ordered Zhen Li to set up a studio, and attracted the attention of all the saboteurs, which coincided with our thoughts. The second time, let the original sunset lead the destroyer 192 to the Xincheng mall, which is consistent with our plan again. And this time, we are informed of possible future enemies in advance.

"There are also incomplete statistics. Since the establishment of Zhenli Studio, colleagues in other areas of the guardian organization have found 17 saboteurs just by staring at the news of Zhen Li's studio, but these saboteurs are not from Xuyang District. Fortunately, they were controlled by the system and either died in battle or blew themselves up after being captured. The guardians in other areas were also 26 killed and 35 wounded. 12 of the wounded were unable to fight since then, and dozens of ordinary people were killed. The battle spread to the wounded.

"Xuyang District is at the center of the battle, but so far there has been no loss. The people in black robes have contributed greatly."

You Zhengping looked at Lian Yufan, the data listed by the guardian who did not agree with him was actually speaking for the man in black robe.

After reporting the data, Lian Yufan concluded: "According to the current situation, I personally believe that the man in black robe can be trusted. He is not only hostile to the system, but more willing to lend a helping hand to the guardian organizations and ordinary people. The conclusion drawn from the gratitude that the man in the robe saved me twice, but based on his behavioral style, I tend to cooperate with the man in the black robe in a conservative and non-aggressive way."

"What do you mean by conservative?" Director Xiao asked.

Lian Yufan said: "Don't explore the identity of the other party, don't interfere with the other party's actions, and show our sincerity."

Director Xiao looked at Lian Yufan's young face and shook his head: "It's impossible to stand from the guardian's point of view. If you don't investigate or interfere, you will hand over the initiative to the other party. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. Willing to take into account the safety of ordinary people, if he changes one day, what should we do

"And through Huan Zixu's information, the purpose of the system is to absorb the laws of different parallel worlds, and the people in black robes also have this ability.

"The current situation is a three-legged confrontation. We are dealing with the system with the Heipaoren. The two relatively weak are forced to join forces with a relatively strong opponent. If the system disappears one day, will the guardian organization and the Heipaoren still have a war? , which are all unknown.

"Of course we don't want this day to come, but we must prepare for the worst in everything. Knowing the identity of the black robe before this will increase our ability to resist risks."

Director Xiao's words silenced everyone, but You Zhengping raised his hand.

Even Yufan could speak for the man in black robe, so he shouldn't keep silent.

After being signaled by Director Xiao, You Zhengping said, "Captain Company speaks with data from a rational point of view, then I'll talk about intuition. Huan Zixu mentioned before that if a too powerful being comes to our world, the laws of the world will be counted as a fight. A dead fish and a broken net will also prevent the other party from invading the world, the man in black came fifteen years ago, and the law has not stopped it."

You Zhengping put forward an unprecedented point of view, which surprised everyone.

Lian Yufan was surprised that You Zhengping would support his point of view, and the two of them reached a consensus for the first time.

"Well, your idea also makes sense." Director Xiao, who was not persuaded by rational data, was shaken by You Zhengping's words.

"Also, he has been protecting us." You Zhengping said, "It has been quiet for 15 years. If he hadn't been able to keep it, he would have been exhausted, and he would not have let saboteurs enter this world. It's our luck to have him."

Director Xiao was also moved. He remembered the battle in the first half of his life and the peace in the second half of his life. It was indeed the existence of the man in black robes that gave the world fifteen years of respite.

"I will try to convince my superiors," Director Xiao finally let go. "In fact, the leadership is divided into two viewpoints, and there is no convincing evidence. You have provided me with good ideas."

You Zhengping and Lian Yufan looked at each other and smiled. They had been fighting each other since training, and neither could change the other's mind.

But in fact, there are times when there is no need to change each other, and it may become consistent.

Because their goals are the same.

"Also, I propose to allow Zhen Li to join the guardian organization," Lian Yufan said. "He hasn't hurt anyone, and he has been helping us all the time. The law of the world also recognizes his contribution."

"Folk power users to join the guardian organization need to be recommended by more than three guardians. One of the recommenders must be captain. After a three-month investigation, power users with a history of faults must make great contributions." Director Xiao stated the rules of the guardian organization.

"I recommend Zhen Li." Cen Xiao raised his hand.

"Me too." You Zhengping also said, he was always a little jealous of Zhen Li's face and the little secrets he had with the black-robed man, but when it was time to make a recommendation, You Zhengping would not question Zhen Li's contribution.

"With me, the proposer, three are enough." Lian Yufan said, "Zhen Li performed a show at the Xincheng mall, attracting countless audiences, and even ate the bombs/bombs that Sabotage 192 put in the lottery box to save him. It's a great achievement to have hundreds of customers in the mall that day, right?"

"Forget it," Director Xiao said, "I wonder if Comrade Zhen Li is willing to join the guardian organization?"

"Can I?" Zhen Li was so happy when he heard the two captains talking for him, Heping Pingwuqi No. 1, and he excitedly said, "I will! I am also a part of this world, and in the future My life must go on here safely, and I am willing to contribute my strength!"

"Fill out the form after the meeting. If you don't perform badly during the three-month inspection period, you can become a guardian and enjoy the various treatments given to the guardian by the country and the organization." Director Xiao said, "You still live in the basement now. Right? I can apply for a set of temporary housing near the studio for you in advance. Ordinary guardians have 80 square meters of unlimited housing rights. After ten years of work, the ownership of the house will belong to you. "

"Is it an 80-square-meter house in Xuyang District?" Zhen Li recalled the housing prices in Xuyang District, and was so happy that he was about to faint.

He is really a lucky man, since he came into this world, his luck has been very good!

Director Xiao couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhen Li's happy look.

In their day, how could it happen that the destroyer became the guardian? There is no communication between the two sides at all. When the guardian finds out that the saboteur will try his best to kill it, the saboteur just wants to complete the task, thinks that he is superior to the world, and has no empathy for ordinary people.

It will evolve into today's situation. It is the people in black robes who have given the new generation of guardians fifteen years to grow up healthily without hatred. He also extracted the system energy of Zhen Li and others, so that some saboteurs can also calm down and feel ordinary.

There are very few destroyers who can become guardians, which means that times have really changed. Director Xiao sighed slightly.

After Zhen Li was happy for a while, he asked worriedly, "Director Xiao, what should we do if the person who is capable of the law that the Great God said really came?"

"Your thinking has changed quite quickly, and you have begun to put yourself in the guardian's shoes so quickly," Director Xiao said, "don't worry, the guardian organization has persisted for so many years, and it is still a bit of a trump card."

"But that's all in exchange for the life of the guardian!" Zhen Li felt terrified when he remembered the injury of the uncle captain who heard the original sunset before, "If such a strong person comes over, how many people will be sacrificed!"

"If it's really strong to a certain extent, it won't kill too many people." Director Xiao said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you about this, even the captain can explain it."

After obtaining permission, Lian Yufan explained to Zhen Li the 'source plan' of the World Guardian Organization. About fifty years ago, when a powerful destroyer appeared at the time, several guardians who thought they were sure of death had a whim before they died. With a power far beyond imagination, he defeated the destroyer, and several guardians were unscathed except for their strength.

This has attracted the attention of the World Guardian Organization. After many studies, the organization has made an amazing discovery. After the guardian power is combined, 1+1 is far greater than 2. Especially the power fusion of the same attribute, the power is unimaginable. A Guardian who is good at calculation believes that if the power of the Guardians of the world is concentrated in one person, this person can even destroy the earth in one blow.

The guardian organization kept experimenting, first merging the same attributes, then similar attributes, and then different attributes. Everyone found that as long as they followed a certain mysterious order, even abilities with opposite attributes could be perfectly integrated.

For example, the power of the fire attribute, after merging with the fire attribute, touches the similar wind. With the wind attribute, wood, earth, and metal can be fused. In the end, even the water attribute can be combined with the energy of the fire attribute.

So an aging Guardian, physicist and philosopher came up with a concept—the Source Project.

He believes that the source of all the powers of the Guardians is the same. Maybe everyone's power has the same mysterious source at first, but it gradually shows different attributes after it is differentiated into each person. And when the guardians of the whole world are brought together through some medium, in the end, all the forces may be gathered in one person, and this person can defeat all the destroyers.

Following this philosophy, nations began to work on ways to combine forces. Countries with advanced science and technology develop fusion weapons, and countries with a long history of research gas field.

The energy field is a by-product of this plan.

"It's so powerful!" Zhen Li said excitedly after hearing this, "Then we don't have to worry at all! But why... even when dealing with a destroyer like Destroyer 192, the source plan was not activated, but the energy field was used?"

Lian Yufan said sternly: "Two reasons made this plan terminated. First, who will be the strong man? Who is willing to be a nail-like guardian after mastering all the powers far beyond ordinary people? I Ask yourself if you don’t have this awareness, you won’t force others. Even if someone can do it, no country or organization will allow such a strong person to appear in the world, right

"Second, the source plan has a critical point. Forty years ago, there was finally a country that concentrated all the power of the guardians of the whole country on the strongest guardian, but when the energy reached a threshold, the guardian's power Runaway, unable to control the skyrocketing energy and spirit, eventually exhausted and died on the seabed, he also triggered a small tsunami.

"This incident has made people discover that people have limits, and people are not gods. Guardian organizations of various countries are thinking, what is this limit? It was not until some time ago that the words of the man in black robe woke us up, it is the power of the law. We do not master the law. Even if you put so much energy on a person, he doesn't have enough containers to hold it."

"After the guardian ran away and died, the World Guardian Organization stopped the source plan." Director Xiao said, "Only when encountering a very destructive saboteur, the heads of several countries jointly signed an agreement and selected one The guardians with the most potential can only be used once. Up to now, the source plan has been opened three times, and after each end, the guardians who bear the energy will die or will no longer be able to fight, and human beings cannot afford the power of gods.”

"That is to say, if there are really powerful destroyers, our choice is..." Zhen Li had already guessed the result.

Lian Yufan said blankly: "It's essentially a story of sacrificing one person and protecting everyone."

"But if the power is controlled within the range that a person can bear, no one will sacrifice." You Zhengping retorted.

The author has something to say:

Lian Yufan: Yu Hua is a bastard, and I'm really ashamed to be with him as a human being!

Lian Yufan: The man in black robe has helped us many times. I am willing to trust him and establish an equal partnership with him. I will vouch for him with my life.

Yu Hua: Oh, human.

There will still be updates before 8pm, I love you all~ What? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

(Continue to squeeze a wave of nutrient solution, I know that everyone has done it, it doesn’t matter, I will produce grain after I enter the V number of 300,000 in two days! But now if someone has not dried up, and there is still white liquid, cough Cough, can you give me some, right finger)

Chapter 74

Lian Yufan, who considers himself a lot mature, didn't quarrel with You Zhengping. He just said indifferently: "Of course I hope no one will sacrifice, but the probability is the same. At present, the mortality rate of the people who undertake the Yuan Project is 100%."

When Zhen Li heard the consequences of Yuan's plan, he whispered, "Well, it's better to ask the black-robed person to take action."

Lian Yufan shook his head: "We won't do this. Cooperation is based on equality between both parties, not absolute suppression by one party. That is domination rather than cooperation. We can't turn to the black-robed people for everything. "

You Zhengping also said: "If the man in black robe can really get rid of the system completely, I think he would have taken action long ago. He stayed in this world and left many things to us to deal with, there must be his reasons. Maybe, He may need our help too, we have to be strong and not depend on one person."

"Oh." Zhen Li said in frustration.

"At the moment, I can only be more vigilant. I will report this matter to my superiors, try my best to promote the restart of the source plan, and will also submit an application for Zhen Li. Captain, please take Zhen Li to fill out the form, and then send him to rest. ." Director Xiao said.

The crowd dispersed, and after Lian Yufan helped Zhen Li fill out the application form, he sent Zhen Li to the lounge.

After Zhen Li entered the door, he found that it was Feng Kui's temporary residence.

There must be a reason for the guardian organization to arrange this, it should be hope that he can tell Feng Kui what happened recently, and then relay Feng Kui's current situation to Huan Zixu.

This may also be mixed with the idea of wanting to influence Feng Kui through Zhen Li, and then let Feng Kui influence Huan Zixu, and completely subdue these two people, but it is not particularly obvious, and Zhen Li chooses what to do.

Zhen Li walked into the door and saw Feng Kui was drawing something on the paper.

Zhen Li said friendly: "Hello, I'm Zhen Li, we've met three times."

Once in the customs clearance alliance, Zhen Li saw Feng Kui from a distance; once in the studio, but this memory has been rewritten, Zhen Li only knew about such a thing, but did not remember; the last time was successfully captured two After the people, Zhen Li accompanied the interrogation.

Feng Kui did not speak. He was always very quiet. Most of the time, Huan Zixu spoke on behalf of him. He only occasionally expressed his views.

Zhen Li didn't get a response and didn't feel embarrassed. He sat opposite Feng Kui and saw that the big man was drawing a person seriously with a pencil. Zhen Li took a closer look and saw that it was Huan Zixu.

Zhen Li no longer disturbed Feng Kui, and kept watching him draw quietly. Feng Kui held a pencil with his thick fingers and traced Huan Zixu's eyes meticulously, stroke by stroke. Zixu's eyes dotted a tear mole.

The original sly and bright person in the painting added a touch of sadness because of this tear mole. Feng Kui shook his head and hurriedly wiped off the tear mole with an eraser, and then refilled the accidentally erased part. Only then did he face it with satisfaction. Draw a nod.

"Have you seen today's live broadcast?" Seeing the tear mole, Zhen Li suddenly remembered that there was a barrage mentioning that during the live broadcast, Lian Yufan's tear mole was more suitable for Huan Zixu,

Feng Kui nodded and said simply: "I know, he is fine."

After being extracted from the system energy by Yu Hua, Feng Kui's body completely returned to the state it was in the first world, but he had already been transformed by then, and his voice was still a metallic mechanical sound, but this time he was much more fluent.

"I noticed that barrage too. At the time, I thought the netizen was right. I saw your painting and realized it was wrong." Zhen Li recalled how Huan Zixu tried to resist Yu Hua several times in the studio, and he endured it. He couldn't help laughing, "He is a man who refuses to admit defeat, and tears are not suitable for him."

Hearing Zhen Li complimenting Huan Zixu, Feng Kuicai raised his head and looked at Zhen Li with a simple and honest smile: "Yes."

"Let me tell you what happened on the first day he came to the studio," Zhen Li said, "Huan Zixu is really amazing. He has adapted to this world without any transition period."

"Tell me." Feng Kui seemed very interested, he put down the pencil and listened to Zhen Li's words seriously.

Zhen Li recalled the events of this day. He tried to beautify Yu Hua as much as possible, describing Yu Hua as a shareholder who worked hard for the development of the studio, focusing on how Huan Zixu negotiated with Yu Hua, and decided to rent a room near the studio. A two-bedroom, one-bedroom house thing.

"Lian Yufan went with him to negotiate the contract. When filling out the form just now, even the captain was still saying that Huan Zixu's haggling today made the advertiser's face green, but he turned his head and used profit figures, future promotion, brand building and The strategy of how to stand out in the competition with the rival brand made the advertiser's father laugh again, and he has to hire Huan Zixu to be their marketing manager." Zhen Li said that he was also happy, "I heard that even The captain was stunned when he mentioned the amount in the contract, Huan Zixu can make too much money!"

Feng Kui listened quietly, a shallow smile on his face, until Zhen Li finished speaking, he said proudly: "Axu has always been very smart."

Seeing his appearance, Zhen Li suddenly felt a deep and deep loneliness from Feng Kui, not because of the separation this day, but over the years.

"I didn't expect you to be able to paint, and you still paint so well." Zhen Li was afraid of being infected by Feng Kui's loneliness, so he didn't dare to mention Huan Zixu again, and changed the subject to praise Feng Kui's paintings.

Unexpectedly, Feng Kui mentioned Huan Zixu instead: "Axu said that we are very weak. Every time we go to a world, we should learn more, that's right. It's possible, it will save our lives."

When he said these words, the feeling of loneliness was even better. Zhen Li said, "Yes, you have traveled through many worlds together. Over the years, you have learned a lot of skills."

"There are not many years, many worlds, I don't remember." Feng Kui brushed Huan Zixu's eyes with his finger, "The written record has no sense of reality. I can remember him when I draw him."

Feng Kui said briefly, but Zhen Li immediately understood what he meant.

Feng Kui learned painting not only to master a skill, but also to remember Huan Zixu. The disappearance of memory is a very terrifying thing. Feng Kui deleted the feeling of "fear", but it did not mean that he would not be afraid. He just didn't know that this feeling was called "fear".

When Huan Zixu mentioned everything, he had to search for written records before he could talk to him, and there was no picture in his memory. I don’t remember what I have experienced, what I have felt, will I wake up one day and not even remember who my long-haired companions are

Feng Kui was terrified and backed up the written records one after another, but he still couldn't feel at ease. All things can be forgotten, only the fact that Huan Zixu is his companion for many years cannot be forgotten.

So he learned to paint, and the first person who wanted to paint was Huan Zixu. He draws many, many, and hides them in his storage space and in corners of the world. Even if one day he forgets Huan Zixu's appearance, he can still recognize it from the painting, it is this person.

Where did Zhen Limingbai's chilling loneliness come from? It was Feng Kui's loneliness for hundreds of years, and he didn't know anything, as if he had been left behind for thousands of years of loneliness.

Tears rolled down involuntarily, Zhen Li took a tissue and wiped his face, crying fiercely, as if Feng Kui had bullied him.

"Yes, it will be fine, at least you can remember this world." Zhen Li said while crying.

Huan Zixu once said that eternal life is nothing but the flow of time that will never stop. Decades are enough to really live. Zhen Li, who lived a full life every day, didn't understand Huan Zixu's definition of time at that time, but now he understands.

For Feng Kui and Huan Zixu, what about the previous hundreds of years, such a painful day is too much for one day.

"Well, remember." Two shallow dimples appeared on Feng Kui's simple and honest face, "Remember every day."

"Can you draw another one for me, just draw yourself," Zhen Li said, "I'll take it back and give it to Huan Zixu, and then I'll ask Huan Zixu to write something for you, and wait until I have a chance next time. Come to the base and bring it to you. Oh, no, you can meet once a week too, I'm doing it too much."

"I painted it, you take it back, thank you." Feng Kui said.

After he finished speaking, he took out another piece of paper and slowly drew two people.

One was Feng Kui, who was tall and big, and the other was Huan Zixu, who had long hair. They looked at each other and smiled.

Zhen Li cherished the painting and clenched his fists solemnly: "I promise to bring it."

Feng Kui also clenched his fists and collided with Zhen Li lightly.

Early the next morning, Zhen Li, who became the Guardian's reservist, returned to the studio. At this time, the original sunset had already left with the show crew, and he would come back after recording for a while. Lian Yufan said that the brothers at the recording location have been notified, and they will keep an eye on the program team.

Today, the person who took the manager's walk became Huan Zixu. It takes time to rent an apartment. He still slept in a folding bed in the studio last night. The penniless Huan Zixu refused to eat instant noodles that were about to expire. He woke up a little hungry in the morning. Blood sugar, when I fed the dog food to Manager Ha, I smelled the fragrance of the dog food, and I was drooling. Manager Ha, who was originally very resistant to eating dog food, devoured the dog food at an unprecedented speed.

Huan Zixu stared at Manager Ha's dog food bag for a while, then looked at the box of instant noodles that expired in a week, and gritted his teeth: "Forget it, it's not like I haven't been hungry before, can't I bear the pain?"

According to Yuan Sunset's instructions, he took Manager Ha to the next neighborhood to walk the dog, and threw Manager Ha in the grass with a cold face. He really didn't want to shovel shit for such a thing.

Manager Ha is also reluctant to get along with Huan Zixu. Yuan Sunset's rubbing his hair is sometimes rough, but most of the time he is very gentle, especially before going to bed, which greatly comforts the underage dog.

And after Yuan Luosui entered the group, Huan Zixu disdain to play the dog, Manager Ha wanted to ask him for help, but Huan Zixu put it in the cage indifferently, seeing Manager Huan's eyes, Manager Ha gave up asking for help.

"Hurry up, don't make me wait too long." Huan Zixu folded his arms and waited for Manager Ha to solve it.

At this time, a child's voice came: "It's Brother Sunset and Xiaoha, hey, it's not Brother Sunset today."

Huan Zixu turned his head and saw a little boy he had never seen running towards him riding a balance bike, and said politely to him, "Hello, my name is Liu Junjun. I used to take Xiaoha with brother Yuan Luori."

"Oh? You slipped past this dog?" Huan Zixu asked.

"Yes, Brother Yuan Sunset promised me that I can play with Xiao Ha every day," Jun Jun looked at Huan Zixu expectantly, "Can I?"

"No," Huan Zixu handed over the shit-shoveling tool to Junjun, "Thank God if you can help, my name is Huan Zixu."

"Thank you, brother Zixu, I will take good care of Xiaoha." Junjun gave a Young Pioneer salute happily, but he immediately saw the breakfast he just bought and looked embarrassed, "Then brother, will you help me get breakfast? ?"

"Go ahead." Huan Zixu took the breakfast, smelled the smell of Xiao Long Bao, and felt even more dizzy and angry.

Not far away, Junjun and Manager Ha hugged and kissed each other, and Huan Zi had a plan in his heart: "Child, why don't you walk the dog these few days, take it away for me on time and return it."

"Okay!" said Junjun, who likes dogs very much, "It just so happens that I have summer vacation, and my father asked me to exercise sooner or later. It would be great to have Xiaoha to accompany you!"

Manager Ha also had a happy expression on his face and shook his tail involuntarily. After shaking it twice, it stopped, bah, what's the joy of falling into the hands of the enemy!

Huan Zixu was so happy that he successfully solved the problem of shoveling shit, and at the same time swallowed the breakfast bought by Junjun again.

It's not that he has never been hungry. In the worst time, he only drank water and did not eat for four or five days. But in that kind of hard world, food is a scarce resource, and everyone can't eat, and they don't feel how pitiful they are. And this world is peaceful and peaceful. In the community, people go out to buy breakfast, order takeout, Huan Zixu walks the dog for less than ten minutes, and sees five people who bring breakfast to the door. The happiness of others makes him feel more and more hungry.

No, you can't steal your child's breakfast. Huan Zixu shook his head.

At this time, Zhen Li didn't see Xiao Ha and Manager Huan when he returned to the studio. Knowing that they were going to the next neighborhood, he hurriedly went out to find Huan Zixu. He wanted to bring Feng Kui's painting to him as soon as possible.

From a distance, he saw Huan Zixu dressed in casual clothes, his long hair was gently blown by the breeze, his head was slightly lowered, and he looked at the bag in his hand. His long eyelashes made him as beautiful as a painting.

Zhen Li panted to Huan Zixu's side, patted him on the back, and ran speechless.

"You're here?" Huan Zixu opened his mouth to spoil the picture, "You have money, don't you think, buy me a breakfast, I smell the xiaolongbao from the shop across the street, it seems very fragrant."

"Yes, I'll go buy it now." Zhen Li obediently ran out for two steps, remembering the painting in his arms and hurriedly put it back into Huan Zixu's hands, "This is what Feng Kui asked me to give it to you."

Huan Zixu handed Junjun's breakfast to Zhen Li, opened the neatly folded paper, and smiled knowingly when he saw the painting on it.

"It's very nice to draw." Huan Zixu carefully folded the drawing paper and cherished it in his pocket.

Zhen Li whispered to him what happened last night, and also told him that he had joined the guardian organization and would soon have an 80-square-meter house.

Zhen Li didn't eat in the morning, and he was hungry after a few words.

Huan Zixu took a sip of soy milk and a sip of xiaolongbao. Hearing Zhen Li mentioning the house, he couldn't help but feel a little moved, and murmured: "There are 160 square meters for two people, two people..."

"Hey, that must be someone like me who has never done any harm to the society, and who also assists the organization to protect the residents, and is recognized by the law." Zhen Li saw that Huan Zixu, a powerful breaker, was also envious of himself, so he couldn't help but grow proud and bite happily. A small pickle.

Junjun who came back with Manager Ha: "..."

The breakfast he bought for his parents and himself is gone, wow wow wow!

While the two all-powerful saboteurs were busy comforting the children and paying for their breakfast, You Zhengping dragged his exhausted body back home.

In fact, he still didn't know how to face Yu Hua, especially after the incident of destroying the black robe yesterday, You Zhengping was even more embarrassed.

But he hadn't been home for three whole nights, not to mention Yu Hua's dissatisfaction, You Zhengping himself couldn't bear the pain of missing him.

He stood in front of the door for a while, patted his chest to cheer himself up, and then he mustered up the courage to open the door with his fingerprints and walked in quietly.

At this time, Yu Hua should be making breakfast, right? In order to eat breakfast at home, You Zhengping left the base early with Zhen Li, who was anxious to see Huan Zixu, and neither of them had breakfast.

As soon as I entered, the room was pitch black, and all the blackout curtains were closed. The morning at 6 o'clock in the summer was already sunny, but their house was blocked from the light as if it were late at night. The air-conditioning was turned on very much, and the room was as cold as an ice cellar.

Just as he was about to open the door, he was hugged from behind, and his strong hands firmly wrapped around his body. A low voice sounded in his ears: "You are finally back."

The author has something to say:

Yu Hua: I’m a person/wife who stays alone for three nights. I’m going to be in a small dark room today, and it won’t be easy for anyone to come! ! !

You Zhengping: A man-made black house with closed curtains.

I will update it as soon as I finish writing today~

The lottery draw at noon has been completed, and many relatives said that they did not win the lottery, it doesn't matter, I will draw in the future.

Comment today and send red envelopes, send 1000 small red envelopes, first come first served~

Let's see you tomorrow at 12 noon, okay?(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 75

You Zhengping held an arm, and when he touched it, his skin felt cold, like a corpse with no temperature.

I don't know how long the air conditioner has been on.

You Zhengping had just come in from the outside, and his body temperature was very high. He had always been a hot-blooded character, the one who could radiate heat the most at any time.

He held Yu Hua's left and right arms with both hands, transferring the temperature, and asked at the same time, "Are you cold? How many degrees is the air conditioner on?"

"16 degrees." Yu Hua replied, "It's okay, it's not very cold."

That is, it was still a bit cold. You Zhengping grabbed Yu Hua's two hands and put them together. He took advantage of the situation to leave Yu Hua's embrace, turned around and held Yu Hua's cold hands in his palms, and let out a warm breath. , and rubbed his hands back and forth in the palm of his hand.

"A normal person at this temperature wouldn't necessarily be too cold, let alone me." Yu Hua said tentatively.

You Zhengping stopped moving his hands, and in the darkness, he could not see Yu Hua's expression, and could only hear the sound of even breathing.

He was a guardian. If he wanted to see, he could release his energy to a part of his body and replace his vision with his energy perception. He could also "see" Yu Hua's expression clearly, but You Zhengping didn't do that.

You Zhengping remembered Yu Hua's diary. His lover was a person who seemed to be calm on the surface, seemed to care nothing, was gentle and generous, and had a high tolerance, but Yu Hua in the diary was very shrewd, overthinking, and prone to jealousy. An angry, controlling person.

When they first got married, You Zhengping loved to stay up late, playing games with dark circles under his eyes every day, and the broken hair on a pillow in the morning seriously affected Yu Hua's sleep.

At that time, Yu Hua persuaded You Zhengping from the point of view that going to bed late would hurt his body and work hard, expressing his intention to hope that You Zhengping would go to bed earlier, but at that time You Zhengping thought that he was affecting Yu Hua's sleep, and his choice was to go to the guest room and continue to stay up late to play games.

You Zhengping's thinking was very simple. His thinking had not changed from love to marriage. He felt that since playing games would affect his lover's sleep, he would play in another room so that Yu Hua could sleep well.

What You Zhengping didn't know at that time was that Yu Hua, who didn't share the bed with him, couldn't sleep either. Every day, Yu Hua couldn't really fall asleep until he returned to the master bedroom to go to sleep.

Generally, newly married couples may quarrel over work and rest issues until one party compromises with the other.

Yu Hua was different. He stayed up for a few days in a calm manner, falling asleep at three or four o'clock every day, and getting up at 5:59 to cook.

What Yu Hua did in the beginning