Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 38: Works related (38)


In the middle of the dance, he jumped on the spot a few times, bit into a plastic bench, spread the bench in fragments all over the floor of the dance studio, lay himself in the middle of the fragments, blinked his big eyes, and slowly closed.

I don't know when it started to be afraid of loneliness.

Is the original sunset into the group and no one accompanies it at night? Or did Huan Zi rent a house and live outside, and the studio began to become empty at night? Or is there no way to sneak out to play with Junjun at night, unable to vent the strong energy in the body

Manager Ha doesn't know the reason, it only knows that when the studio is empty, it always messes up the neat dance studio floor, making the room less empty. It curled up in front of the door, quietly waiting for someone to come to the studio the next day.

If Yu Hua came first and saw a mess in the ground, he would be locked in a cage, and the cage would catch a piece of fragrant dog treats, so that he could not see and eat, and would suffer for a whole day.

If Zhen Li came first, he would pat his head and quickly tidy up the house, lest Yu Hua come to teach him a lesson.

If Lian Yufan came first, he would complain if no one walked the dog yesterday, which caused the dog to not exhaust his energy and toss with the items in the studio.

If Huan Zixu came first, he would tap Manager Ha's forehead and say to himself: "This husky is so pure, I don't know if I can make it back if I sell it for breeding when I am an adult."

When someone enters the door and sees the evil done by Manager Ha, Manager Ha will hide in the corner with his tail tucked in, accepting education humbly, and committing the crime again next time.

It doesn't want to do this either, and it doesn't actually have that much energy to vent. Junjun has been on summer vacation and will take it to play for a long time every day.

It's just... lonely, and it wants to use these things to prove its existence, to attract other people's attention, to have them touch its hair, even if it's a pat.

Zhen Li often broadcasts live with Manager Ha, and also shows fans objects destroyed by Manager Ha. After several live broadcasts, Manager Ha actually has a lot of fans. People often send him dog food, nutritional paste, molar sticks, and rabbit ears. , Beef jerky... and so many delicious and fun things.

At first, Manager Ha would resist, but now that he has given up his resistance, he is more and more like a dog.

Sometimes Manager Ha will forget that he used to be a level breaker bomb/bomb/crazy/human, and just want to run happily.

"Ouuuuu~" Manager Ha let out a low howl in frustration, Yu Hua left without slipping it, how did it go to find Junjun

When he was unhappy, a building outside exploded.

Manager Ha jumped to the window and stood up, and saw a building under construction collapsed about three kilometers away. Yesterday, he vaguely heard Huan Zixu mention this building. At that time, Huan Zixu was standing by the window, squinting at The building, nodding in satisfaction.

The building exploded, thunder and lightning flashed outside, and Manager Ha was very afraid of rain and thunder. It still remembers the night when it became a husky, it was pouring rain, thunder and lightning roared, Yu Hua was drenched in the rain, carrying it for a long time in the rain, and then leaving it in the corner of the studio, it was cold, dark and frightening .

Hearing the thunder, Manager Ha fell down and covered his ears with his claws, his body shivering.

Suddenly, a very subtle feeling rose from the bottom of my heart, so uncomfortable, so painful, so scared, as if I was about to lose someone important.

I don't know if this is the sixth sense of a passer-by, or the wild intuition of a dog, but the figure of Junjun appeared in Manager Ha's mind.

Yes, it's almost time for it to play with Junjun. Even if it rains, as long as it's not too big, Junjun will also play with it outside with an umbrella or raincoat and boots.

Will the army wait for it in the rain? Manager Ha was in a hurry to circle around the studio, and his anxiety made it uneasy.

It came to the door, bit the door handle with its teeth, and pulled it down, the door opened, and the door was not locked!

Manager Ha ran downstairs quickly. The studio is on the 20th floor, but it doesn't matter, it has good physical strength and can run.

Husky scrambling to the first floor, ignoring the security guard downstairs, rushed out of the office building, and ran to the community on all fours.

The heart beat violently, and the rain fell on Manager Ha, "tick", "tick", "tick".

He ran into the community and saw Junjun, who was riding a balance bike with an umbrella in his hand, looking around and waiting for something.

is waiting for it! Manager Ha rushed towards Junjun. It ran and ran, as if it had been running for a century, but it still didn't run to Junjun. The surrounding raindrops are falling slower and slower. It used to be pouring rain, but now it takes a few seconds for a drop to fall.

Why did it become like this? Manager Ha didn't know, but he wanted to run to Junjun to play with his sled dogs and pull the balance car, and he wanted to rush over.

A man dressed in black stood in front of the gate of the community, quietly watching the dog running towards the little boy.

Those who can't run, the man in black thought quietly, time has been slowed down countless times, and it takes a whole year to run the distance of this second.

When the raindrops fell at the speed of microns/hour, the man in black moved, he stepped forward and walked towards Manager Ha. The whole world is still, only he is moving.

Manager Ha was so anxious that he wanted to tell Junjun to go home quickly... No, he couldn't go home, and his home was not safe, so go to Yu Hua, and take Junjun to Yu Hua!

But it can't run, and every step is very difficult, why is its speed so slow, why can't it get to the army

"Ooooooooo!" Under the pressure of time energy, Manager Ha suddenly let out a husky howl, speeding up countless times in an instant, and in a world of infinite stillness, he rushed to the feet of the army.

And Liu Junjun still maintained the surprised expression he had seen from Manager Ha just now, and didn't even move his eyelashes.

Time still stood still, only Manager Ha moved in the infinitely slowing world.

"Huh?" The man in black raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on Manager Ha, who was the only moving one. He walked slowly to the Husky and asked in confusion, "In my domain, everyone's time has been slowed down by thousands of dollars. Bei, why can you move?"

"Ugh!!" Harman stood guard in front of Junjun, his back hair stood up, his four claws were on the ground, his teeth were exposed, and he looked at the black-clothed man vigilantly.

The man in black looked very young, but his eyes seemed to be filled with the vicissitudes of the years. He chuckled lightly: "I just felt the breath of an old friend around here, so I came to see it. I didn't expect that there would be someone... No, there is. Dogs can move in my realm of time, who is your master? The 'tyrant'?"

"Ooooooooo!!" Husky cried out loudly when he saw the man in black kept approaching.

However, it also takes time for sound to propagate, and the flow of the world at this moment is so slow that even sound cannot be sent.

Only the black-clothed man's voice can be transmitted normally, he thought for a while and said, "You didn't respond when you heard the word 'tyrant', which means you don't know this title, how could it be? Could it be that he has changed his temper in recent years? If you don't know his title, then... let me think, what's his name?"

Manager Ha couldn't understand what the man in black was saying. He only knew that Junjun would die if he continued to stay in this time domain!

Time has been slowed down, which proves that the heartbeat and blood flow are extremely slow, but Manager Ha can see that the building in the distance is still collapsing at a normal speed, which means that not all areas are slowed down, only their field The time inside slowed down.

The time outside is flowing, but the physical signs of the army are slowed down to a certain extent. The breathing cannot keep up, the blood flow rate cannot keep up, the heartbeat cannot keep up, and the energy transport cannot keep up. It doesn’t take a minute, and the army will be unable to keep up. die.

The man in black has no intention of killing people. His eyes are indifferent, and he looks at humans like he is looking at ants. He will not step on the ant Junjun, but he will not release this time domain because Junjun is about to die.

"I remembered, I haven't called this name for so long, I almost thought he was called 'Tyrant'." The man in black said slowly, "His name is Yu Hua, do you know where he is?"

Yu Hua! Hearing this name, Manager Ha's whole body blood coagulated, this person is Yu Hua's old friend, a person as powerful as him, someone who has mastered the power of the law!

run! It can't do anything but run it.

Manager Ha, as before, tied the dog leash to Junjun's balance bike, and dragged the balance bike to run, but he couldn't run, and its flow rate was just as slow. He only accelerated when he ran to Junjun.

Manager Ha raised his head slightly and saw a flash of lightning in the sky. The lightning was like a silver snake rushing away in the dark clouds, spreading at a speed that was unattainable to the naked eye.

Then came the sound of thunder.

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, so you see lightning before you hear thunder.

At this time, Manager Ha heard the cry it made when threatening the man in black just now, and it took so long for the sound to reach its ears.

It is the speed. The flow rate in this area has been slowed down, but it has only slowed down to the limit, and it has not stopped completely, so the sound will be transmitted after a long time, so it can move just now.

It came to Junjun at a speed that surpassed time. At that moment, why could it be so fast? Manager Ha doesn't understand.

But as long as you think clearly, you will definitely be able to lead the army out of this area and find Yu Hua.

Think, think fast, and its dog's brain moves fast. Manager Ha was so anxious that he was going crazy.

"Judging from your physical reaction, you know where Yu Hua is, take me to him." The man in black held out his hand to Manager Ha.

Because of the rain, Yu Hua didn't buy groceries, so he planned to go home and go to the supermarket on the basement floor that was directly connected by the elevator in the community. It was a bit more expensive than the market, but it didn't need to be exposed to the rain, and he could go directly from the underground garage.

It was approaching the end of primary school, and more people chose to drive on rainy days. The road was a bit congested, and the traffic flow moved forward little by little. Every time I crossed an intersection, I had to wait for three to four traffic lights before I could slowly climb over. Hua Hao didn't walk 100 meters for a long time, and was still circling around the studio.

Suddenly, the building not far away collapsed, and the drivers in the traffic jam stuck their heads out when they heard the sound, looked in the direction of the building, and some even took out their mobile phones to record videos. Others thought it was an earthquake and rushed out of the car to hide in an open space.

Screams came and went for a while, Yu Hua sat in the car, watching the constantly swinging wipers, releasing energy.

An energy detection wave comparable to the speed of light took only 0.0000001 seconds to scan the entire Xuyang District. In just an instant, Yu Hua was confident about the current situation.

He told Zhen Li that Xuyang District might be attacked by saboteurs on a large scale right away, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly, and it was also mixed with a long-standing and familiar energy.

Yu Hua closed his eyes, and pictures of battles appeared in his mind through the energy detection just now.

Yuan Sunset drove all the way to the amusement park that had turned into a small hill. When he saw Luo Huai and six members of Lian Yufan's team, they were fighting a destroyer who could control gravity and the land. Luo Huai used mental attack to assist. , while the other six members took advantage of the saboteur caught in the memory of Luo Huai's release, they attacked and ran away, never reluctant to fight, and vowed to consume the saboteur to death. , staring firmly in the vandal's direction.

At the new building, Lian Yufan was protecting Huan Feng and the two of them, desperately fighting against the wind-type destroyers, hiding as much as he could. The new building was completely destroyed and all the buildings collapsed. But the more such an environment is, the more suitable it is for Lian Yufan to attack.

On the outskirts, Director Xiao fought a brutal water system destroyer, and the entire road was cut off. Zhen Li dragged the injured to the bunker, trying to reduce the loss.

In the Central Park, You Zhengping was transformed into an ice sculpture, and the first space where the weapons were installed was also shattered, but the second space where he accommodated energy quietly appeared beside the ice coffin that trapped Cen Xiao.

Also, the neighborhood next door... can't see it! The law of time trapped that area, and Yu Hua was unable to investigate what happened in the area.

"Nice job." Yu Hua said softly.

He currently only unlocks 15% of his energy, and he cannot save so many people at once. The system is using the lives of the entire Xuyang District to force him to unlock the seal. Even if he didn't care about the lives of these strangers, the system also sent his old friends to force him to unblock.

Yu Hua sat in the car and did not go out. He put his hand on his chest, as if he was about to crush something, and clenched it hard.

A majestic energy was released from Yu Hua's body, flew into the air, and was absorbed by some mysterious power. The system recovered its own power, and Yu Hua was also released to 50%.

"50%, enough to deal with you." Yu Hua looked in the direction of the neighborhood not far away.

Half of the power was unlocked, and the power of the law that Yu Hua had been suppressing awakened at this moment. He spread out his hand, and a brush appeared in his hand.

Yu Hua slashed the palm of his hand, and quickly wrote a few lines in the air with a brush dipped in blood—

Rule 1, all "people" who have no ill feelings towards "tyrants" will not be harmed in this battle.

Rule 2, all "fighters" loyal to the "tyrant" will take up arms under the monarch's control.

Rule 3: Regal prestige cannot be looked directly at. All the "people" will bow their heads when they see the "tyrant", unable to see the true face of the monarch.

The man in black said softly, "He is my friend who passed hundreds of levels together. His name is Yu Hua, his source ability is 'tyrant', and the initial item is 'rule writer'. In front of him, all the power of law must bow his head. Everyone must act according to his rules. He is the 'absolute ruler', who will give 'life' to those who obey him, and 'death' to those who disobey him.

"He's a freewheeling, uncompromising lunatic."

The author has something to say:

I always feel that writing a small theater in this chapter will spoil the atmosphere, so be it.

See you tomorrow at 12:00 noon, okay?(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 81

Yu Hua opened the car window, and the three rules written in blood drifted away in the wind and merged into the heavy rain.

The faster the transmission of thought, the faster the power of the rules spreads.

Everyone in the entire Xuyang District felt a force of courage pressing on their chests almost instantly, unable to speak.

The residents near Central Park who were almost fainting from the cold gradually warmed up, and the sudden drop in temperature had no effect on them. At the same time as their body temperature recovered, they couldn't help but go out to see the wonders of this summer's snow.

The workers who were evacuating quickly next to the new building stopped, and the workers who were injured by the falling cement jumped off the stretcher or the backs of their co-workers. The blood coagulated on the limbs fell, and the wound disappeared.

A passerby who was seriously injured in a car accident on a suburban road and two powerful water attribute abilities not only healed, but was even hit by a high-pressure water jet unscathed. Some young people who are not afraid of death raised their mobile phones and rushed forward to take a video. They were affected by the high-pressure water jet. Everyone was fine, and their mobile phones and clothes were scrapped.

Different people have different reactions to this spectacle, but one thing is for sure, everyone feels protected.

Why do you dare to go out to watch the snowy scenery, why do you dare to stop in front of the collapsed high-rise buildings, why do you dare to chase the high-pressure water column that is comparable to fire/arrow/cannon, because everyone knows that a silent rule tells everyone that you are safe.

Among these people, the original sunset is not included.

When Yu Hua unlocked his ability, the original sunset was pitch black. Before, it was only cloudy and various energy attributes were flying over the Xuyang District. The block where Yu Hua's off-road vehicle was located was completely dark. Well now, as far as the original sunset is concerned, the entire Xuyang District is invisible.

He originally wanted to touch the Guardians secretly and borrow a sniper/shot/gun. Although Yuan Sunset's eyes are not good, he can see the energy position of the opponent, which is more accurate than the naked eye.

Can't see it now, Yuan Sunset sighed.

At this time, the parrot that had landed in front of the taxi, forcing the driver to brake suddenly, and dropped the original sunset glasses, landed on his shoulders silently.

"Weapons, weapons, weapons! Pick up weapons!" The parrot shouted, flapping its wings.

"You shouldn't be the one, the parrot I stole in the park, right?" Yuan Sunset said incredulously.

This parrot is also a legend in the bird world. It was originally just a parrot of an ordinary old man. After the old man passed away, no one cared about it. It is ten years old and has a high IQ. It opened the cage with its mouth and flew into the park. It was caught by the original sunset who had just come to this world and needed a creature that could fly and have a wide field of vision. connect.

At that time, Yuanluo Japan wanted to catch sparrows, but I had seen people raising parrots, but I had never seen sparrows. He happened to meet this parrot with only personality, and one person and one bird have become partners since then. Yuan Sunset pretended to be an old man in the park, but his real identity was actually a homeless man, but he lived with the parrot and stole food everywhere. The parrot was also taught by Yuan Sunset to be a lot smarter.

Later, Yuan Sunset was forcibly drained from the system energy by Yu Hua, cut off the visual connection, and directly became half blind. This parrot was taken away by the guardian organization. After the selection was made, the parrot was sent to the zoo.

However, the parrot, which has been visually connected to the original sunset, has a much higher IQ than other birds. It has been thinking about escaping prison in the zoo and pretends to be a caged bird that will not fly out even when the cage is opened. After that, the parrot, which was almost a sperm, escaped.

It is looking for the original sunset, but it is not because it likes this person who can only steal bird food for it. What it likes is the feeling of visual connection. Anyone who walks by will leave footprints. In the process of visual connection, the energy of the original setting sun inevitably pours into the parrot, and it has become a super parrot, how can it be willing to give up this feeling.

When the original sunset entered the group, it could not find each other, and could only endure hunger and wander on the road to the airport, looking for him everywhere.

To this day, when the original sunset returned to Xuyang District, the parrot couldn't wait to catch up, and followed the original sunset to the amusement park that was separated.

Everything goes back to where it started.

"Weapons!" The parrot fanned the face of the original sunset with its wings, and said loudly and anxiously, "Weapons!"

All "fighters" loyal to the "tyrant" will take up arms under the monarch's control. It was a "warrior" and not a human being. The parrot had long been in contact with Yu Hua in the studio, and together with the owner Yuan Sunset, it was the property of the studio. During the battle at the amusement park, the parrot also worshipped the strong black-robed man.

The parrot at this time is also a "warrior".

"What do you mean by weapon? I can't see anything right now!" Yuan Sunset put his hand on the parrot, and a burst of energy emanated from the parrot's body, connecting with Yuan Sunset's vision.

The so-called initial items are just the soul energy of the passers-by, which is projected on the items by the system, which is convenient for the system to snatch. The real soul energy will not disappear, even without props, it can be awakened.

When the "tyrant" puts the "weapon" in his hand, the power that belongs to him is restored naturally.

Yuan Sunset's eyes widened, one eye could see all the shapes of energy, and one eye followed the parrot's perspective, clearly seeing the guardians in battle.

The amusement park has become a series of caves under the destruction of the earth warriors. People run around like hide-and-seek, and the guardians are scattered.

The parrot spread its wings and flew into the sky, and the broad field of vision allowed the original sunset to have a panoramic view of this rugged mountain road. The color of energy helped him quickly find the first guardian, Luo Huai.

Luo Huai was very embarrassed. He had just returned to Xuyang District. He had absorbed too much negative energy recently. The organization was really uncomfortable seeing him and ordered him to come back to recuperate. Luo Huai chose Xuyang District, where there have been no saboteurs recently.

The members of Lian Yufan's team were ordered to pick up Luo Huai back. They came to the amusement park happily all the way. They saw that the first battle was in Xuyang District, and the amusement park was built. The park can be opened after passing the safety inspection.

First, the team members missed it a little, and second, they felt that Luo Huai's condition was too bad, so they decided to bring him to play. Too many guardians gathered together, and the energy reaction was very strong, and a saboteur who had passed level 183 chased after him.

Guan 183 knew that his strength was the worst in this operation, and he did not dare to pick a powerful person to take action. He simply changed the landscape and played hide-and-seek with the guardians.

He didn't want to fight with others, he just wanted to drag this more troublesome spiritual guardian in the amusement park.

When the amusement park turned into a hill, the people in the inspection unit were injured, the guardians organized the evacuation of ordinary people, and Luo Huai and seven people also fought a guerrilla war with the opponent.

However, Luo Huai's purpose was to capture the opponent. When Luo Huai asked for support, Director Xiao ordered him to lead the team to capture the saboteurs alive, and asked the reason for the large-scale operation of the system. In several battlefields, only Luo Huai had the most manpower and the fewest civilians, making it the easiest to capture each other.

But the other party seemed to have a perspective eye. No matter how the guardians lurked and set up traps, he could escape smoothly. Instead, the guardians were scattered in the pursuit and could not find his teammates.

Seeing the original sunset, Luo Huai briefly explained the current situation.

"My parrot sees that he has an energy detector and can see your position. And he can control this hill at will and change its shape, so you can be easily separated." Yuan Sunset's eyes seemed to be looking at Luo Huai , but the line of sight is not focused, but looking into the distance.

Luo Huai said: "I always have a feeling that he was very cautious in dealing with us at first, and when he found out that we couldn't help him, his attack methods gradually became more severe and lethal, and he began to kill."

Yuan Sunset, who is familiar with the customs of passers-by, nodded and said, "That's right. We have just arrived in a world. Because we can't figure out the strength of the other party, we will always keep a low profile for a while before we become arrogant."

The earth-type barrier in front of him is also an old player.

Yuan Sunset's cognition of himself was too magnanimous, making Luo Huai speechless. Most of the people he treats are deep-minded, unwilling to speak their minds, hiding all the negative emotions in their hearts and refusing to release them, and they become ill over time. On the contrary, it is very rare to see a person as crazy and cowardly as Yuan Sunset.

"Since you can see him, please help me to point out his location, and I will use mental attack." Luo Huai put away his evaluation of the original sunset and focused on the battlefield, "Mental attack requires a very close distance, but it is not blocked by stone walls. Just getting close can damage his spirit."

"Have you attacked him in this way before?" Yuan Sunset asked.

Luo Huai: "It was successful once, and he quickly used the prop to wake up and escape."

"That won't work, he will definitely stare in your direction, try to keep a distance from you, it won't take effect for the second time, but it can be used in reverse." Yuan Luosui said, "You lure him away, I will assassinate, there are Sniper/shot/gun?"

"Yes!" Luo Huai immediately understood what Yuan Sunset wanted to do. He took off a gun behind him and gave Yuan Sunset all the bullets. "Will his energy detector find you?"

"No." Yuan Sunset stood against the wall, restraining his breath, and the entire portrait disappeared. Luo Huai, who had been staring at him, even suspected that what he saw was a holographic projection.

It is the instinct of the assassin to restrain his breath, and this labyrinth-like environment is simply the best battlefield for the original sunset to restore his strength.

"I'll lend you the parrot, it will help you find your companion and show you where to go, so that I can hit the opponent better." Yuan Sunset said.

People who have experienced hundreds of battles do not need too much running-in to cooperate with the battle. Their fighting instinct will tell themselves how to cooperate with each other.

Luo Huai took the landing parrot and separated from the original sunset. The parrot seemed to be a fine person. Knowing that his voice was too loud, he would be heard by the other party when he spoke in the mountains, so he used his wings to guide Luo Huai.

Luo Huai touched the parrot's feathers gratefully and quickly shuttled through the cave. When the parrot's toes grabbed his shoulders hard, Luo Huai would stop.

At this moment, the original sunset lurking in the dark can "see", the energy belonging to the earth attribute destroyer is within his shooting range, and there is no obstruction in front of him!

"Bah!" Yuan Sunset pulled the trigger/machine, and the huge impact of the sniper/shot/gun shot directly through the destroyer's abdomen!

With just one shot, Yuan Sunset quickly moved his position. His movements were silent and without any flaws. When Destroyer 183 exchanged medicine to treat the wound, Yuan Sunset was no longer there.

Luo Huai made fishing bait, and the original sunset attacked secretly.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

Assassins don't make a shot, it's a case of nothing, and the number of gunshots means how many serious injuries.

While Luo Huai lured the saboteur, under the guidance of the parrot, he found his lost teammates. Everyone was injured more or less, but the guardian's strong physical strength was enough to withstand the pain.

After gathering, Luo Huai continued to lure the enemy, and at the same time told his teammates the plan of the original sunset.

After everyone gathers, it's time for the second phase of planning!

Destroyer 183 is not a fool. All the energy points in the energy detector are concentrated together. Someone still sneaks up on him. Naturally, he guesses that there is a strong man who can hide his breath. At this moment, maintaining the cave maze is definitely the last resort. He must change his attack. Way.

At such a time, a collapsing overturning attack on the gathered Guardians is the best way to catch them all in one go.

But he failed, because the seven guardians were enough to set up an energy field to defend against the opponent's attack.

The energy field that started from the "source plan" is that the guardians adjust their power to the same wave frequency or the mutually exclusive wave frequency to interfere with each other's attacks. The mutually exclusive wave frequency requires the guardians to stand in different positions and release energy at the same time, which must be advanced in advance. Communication is good, and the positioning can only be displayed, and the effect will vary widely.

The energy field of the same wave frequency is different. As long as everyone gathers together and adjusts the amplitude to the same frequency, the power formed by the multiplication of waves and waves can burst out energy far exceeding seven people.

When troops walk across the bridge, if they walk in unison, the bridge is likely to collapse due to resonance. Therefore, in the past, there were regulations for the army to cross bridges, and they had to pass loosely.

The same wave frequency energy field is the principle.

The power of the seven guardians exploded, bouncing off all the boulders that fell from the sky, but at this moment, the furious Destroyer 183 did not notice that the killer in the dark night had quietly come behind him.

Energy... The essence of all system items, tricks, and points is energy. The pupil of the original sunset turned into a vertical line like a cat. In the vertical pupil, he "sees" the source of the destroyer's energy.

No wonder the people in black robes can drain their energy, because the energy of the system and the original ability of the level-breaker are connected by countless white silk threads. As long as the silk threads are cut, they can escape the control of the system.

But energy can only be broken with energy, not the gun in his hand.

The parrot standing on Luo Huai's shoulder at this moment raised its wings and swiped in a certain direction. The parrot whispered: "Here, focus on the attack!"

Luo Huai understood the meaning of the parrot, and gestured to his teammates with his eyes. It was just the energy field of the seven people, and he could control it.

The small-scale energy field is controlled by one person, which is a variant of the source plan. The power is not as terrible as the source plan, and the damage to the guardian is not so great.

The teammates put their hands on Luo Huai's back, and the energy field is concentrated on Luo Huai. To control this majestic energy, an extremely powerful mental force is required.

Luo Huai's brows were wrinkled, it was difficult to control this power, and the parrot hurriedly jumped on his shoulders, urging him to do it as soon as possible, the eyes of the original sunset could not last for so long.

Sweat dripped from Luo Huai's forehead drop by drop and landed on the stars on his arm. Countless stars belonging to the deceased guardians lit up, Luo Huai suddenly felt a little lighter, and he could control this power.

The energy condensed by the seven guardians, supported by the spiritual power of countless senior comrades-in-arms who still guard the world even if they passed away, led by Luo Huai, turned into an energy blade capable of splitting mountains and rivers, ignoring the obstacles of rocks, a The white light that seemed to tear the world apart flashed, and the hill created by the destroyer cracked.

Yuan Sunset jumped three times to avoid the falling rocks and stepped on the ground smoothly. Destroyer 183, who had been cut off from the energy source of the system, fell to the feet of Yuan Sunset.

Luo Huai and the others were completely disengaged, and when they came to the ground supporting each other, they saw Yuan Sunset stepping on Vandal 183, and said arrogantly, "Dare to destroy the amusement park? Do you know how much damage you have caused to the public property of the people? You said, at least ten years in prison!"

The author has something to say:

Yuan Sunset: Imitation of my idol, do I have the same style as when my idol beat me up

Luo Huai: …

There will be an update before 8 pm, I love you all, huh (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 82

Yuan Sunset stepped on the vandals arrogantly, and then forced to ask: "How many levels have you passed?"

Destroyer 183, who was cut off from energy and lost his strength, said with a blue nose and a swollen face: "Level 183, stop fighting, stop fighting."

"183? I actually easily defeated an advanced player in level 183? Hahahahaha!" Yuan Sunset laughed arrogantly, he really followed the right person, let's see what the result of following the system, there have been only 37 levels over the years. And firmly follow in the footsteps of the great god of customs clearance, but in a few months, the master of level 183 has been eliminated!

"Who said you killed it alone?" The members of Lian Yufan's team were not convinced. They supported each other and came to Yuan Sunset. "It's the collective strength, and it was our energy field that cut off his energy source in the end!"

Luo Huai said fairly: "If there is no original sunset, we will only die at the hands of the destroyers. It is he who integrates the scattered us, and he is also the one who sees through the weaknesses of the other party. He has contributed to this victory. And this parrot. , thanks to your reminder, I was able to lure the saboteur into the trap unscathed."

Hearing Luo Huai boasting about himself, Yuan Sunset lightly tapped his feet, used the Destroyer 183 as a pedal, and jumped lightly in front of Luo Huai, imitating Yu Hua's appearance and said with a smile, "You have a good eye."

The parrot flew from Luo Huai's shoulder back to the shoulder of the original sunset, with its tail feathers raised, its head raised, and its proud appearance was exactly the same as that of the original sunset.

Luo Huai sighed slightly: "It would be better if you could maintain the ruthlessness of sniping/assassination for a while."

The image has changed a bit, making it difficult for Luo Huai, who is not familiar with the original sunset, to adapt for a while.

On the contrary, the members of Lian Yufan's team who often watch live broadcasts have an unusual understanding of the original sunset, and said: "Luo team, you can get used to it, the destroyers in Zhen Li's studio are all like this, you haven't seen him in the live broadcast room. With a glamorous and dignified expression on Li's face, he said 'kneel when you kneel', it made me laugh to death, hahahahaha!"

"Don't think I can't beat you because you are a wounded." Yuan Sunset clenched his fists and shook it in front of the team members who laughed at him.

Luo Huai's character was relatively calm. He said without emotion: "Check if there are any items with a high risk factor on Sabotage 183, remove his equipment, and tie him to the base to wait for Director Xiao's interrogation. In addition, the people with minor injuries will clean up. On the battlefield, ask the police to block the scene, and ask the construction team inside the base to build a high wall, otherwise the mountain cannot be explained. Also, look around to see if there are any passers-by and roadside vehicles affected."

Luo Huai mentioned the vehicle, Yuan Sunset screamed in agony, and ran to the taxi parked outside the amusement park under the guidance of the parrot's sight. Sure enough, the car was smashed into a discus by the boulders that fell during the battle.

Remembering the promise he made to the driver when he robbed the car, Yuan Sunset turned around and rushed to the guardians. He punched Destroyer 183 and said with a sad face, "It's all your fault, it's all your fault! I can't afford this car at all!"

Yu Hua said that he could share 10% of the money given to him for recording the show this time.