Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 45: Works related (45)


What is loneliness.

The author has something to say:

The author warns in advance: there are no two Yu Huas, no parallel worlds, only the Möbius ring, the Klein bottle, and Schrödinger's time and space.

See you tomorrow at 12:00 noon~ What? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 97

If there was one word to describe You Zhengping's life during this period, it would be darkness.

In the dark environment, he didn't even know how long it had passed or where Manager Ha and Junjun went.

Whenever he asked how Manager Ha and Junjun were doing, Yu Hua would also say "I won't die", and when he pressed further, Yu Hua would impatiently say "Give me homework and dog food for elementary school", and when he asked again, Yu Hua would Hua will say "Want to run away from me?"

You Zhengping would say, "I don't want to leave you, but I still have a job..."

Before he finished speaking, he was disrupted by the rhythm of Yu Hua's exercise, unable to utter a complete sentence.

After being married for so many years, You Zhengping only realized that Yu Hua had been keeping his hands before, and now he truly understood how powerful Yu Hua was, who had unreservedly and 100% unblocked.

You Zhengping could feel that the lover in front of him was his lover, and his intuition told You Zhengping that there was no such thing as a parallel world, Yu Hua was Yu Hua, and his "core" had not changed since ancient times.

It wasn't that he was dissatisfied with the intensity and frequency of his exercise, but he was vaguely worried about Yu Hua's current situation, feeling that his "nucleus" was suppressed by some kind of force and could not be truly released.

From level 398 to level 499, what happened to make Yu Hua what he is now

Becomes seemingly cruel and indifferent, indifferent to everything, but is actually afraid of losing.

You Zhengping was worried that resistance would make Yu Hua fall deeper and deeper, so he could only let go of his worries about the real world, obediently obey Yu Hua's orders, and occasionally asked questions about the law of time.

Yu Hua's answer was that if it was Guan Shaoguang's small world of time, then the passage of time in the small world would have no effect on the outside world. If it was the transformation of space brought about by You Zhengping's ability, then which time dimension to return to was determined by You Zhengping's power, and had nothing to do with the current passage of time.

In other words, even if You Zhengping stayed in this world for a thousand years, it was still possible to return to the time after the Great War.

After receiving such an explanation, You Zhengping stayed at ease. Anyway, Yu Hua had been in love and married with him for so long, and they didn't even have a honeymoon in the two-person world. Every time they went on a date, someone would make trouble, and the Maldives promise was never fulfilled because of his work relationship. Yu Hua didn't seem to care, but You Zhengping could vaguely feel that his heart was sour. During this time, let's just go on a honeymoon!

The only thing You Zhengping worried about was whether the honeymoon time would be too long. His body might not survive for a hundred years, and in a few decades he would be old and senile.

On the other hand, Yu Hua sneered in the dark when You Zhengping quietly asked about the law of time.

I don't know how long it has been since I didn't feel the time and space. Suddenly, one day, Yu Hua said to You Zhengping, "I have something to deal with, so be nice."

Then the environment of the small world changed again, and the dark room became a sunny flat. The next room was Jun Jun, who was biting the pen and doing the question, and Manager Ha, who was helping to point out the answer.

You Zhengping came to Junjun. Junjun saw him and said politely, "Good morning, little brother."

"Good morning, how many days have you passed?" You Zhengping asked.

Junjun picked up the workbook, glanced at the date on it and said, "I wrote the homework for three days."

Is it only three days? Why does he feel like three months have passed

You Zhengping checked his body and determined that time should not have passed. If a long time has passed, his muscles will atrophy and his eyesight will deteriorate, but this phenomenon does not appear on his body. At most, he feels a little dazzling when he changes from a dark environment to a bright environment, and he will get used to it for a while.

Psychologically, there is no discomfort in the dark environment for too long, and it seems that time has not passed for too long.

You Zhengping thought for a while, this is Yu Hua's small world, he is the master of the world, and all the feelings about the passage of time in the small world can be completely controlled by Yu Hua. He wanted to keep time, and You Zhengping's sense of time naturally increased.

Thinking of this, You Zhengping's heart felt a little duller.

This is Yu Hua, that's right, a person with terrifying power who always wants to act recklessly, but will always restrain his impulses rationally at critical moments, never really hurting him.

Yu Hua also prepared homework for the elementary school students who ventured into another world alone. He must know that in an unfamiliar environment, a little familiarity will make people feel at ease.

You Zhengping touched Junjun's head and said with relief, "You are really strong."

At a very young age, I experienced complex experiences that ordinary people cannot have in their entire lives.

Jun Jun said with a bitter face: "Brother Xiao You, I can't do this question."

"Which one?" You Zhengping picked up his workbook with a stiff expression.

"This three-dimensional geometry problem, find the area of this small piece." Jun Jun said.

You Zhengping didn't grow up in the normal nine-year compulsory education environment, so he didn't know much about what the current students were learning, but no matter what, he shouldn't be doing solid geometry in the second grade of elementary school, right

"This... shouldn't it be high school knowledge?" You Zhengping hesitated.

"Uncle Yu Hua said he was in elementary school," Jun Jun said innocently, "My math grades have never been good, maybe I haven't learned it yet, hey."

His tiny shoulders shrank, extremely frustrated.

"Ouch!" Manager Ha yelled angrily.

You Zhengping actually picked up a hint of "Bastard, is this the primary school run by Yu Hua himself?" from the dog's barking. It shouldn't be that he understands dog language, but that in Yu Hua's small world, he can directly read each other's words. Spiritual idea.

"Ooooooooooooo!" Manager Ha called out to the army in a curved tone, and You Zhengping listened to words like "a square", "dihedral angle", etc., speaking in the army.

"You can still do high school solid geometry problems?" You Zhengping said in surprise, this was a good explanation.

"Ouch~" Manager Ha glanced at You Zhengping arrogantly.

- You don't know what my previous abilities were, can you control it if you are not good at math, physics and chemistry

It made sense. You Zhengping wanted to laugh when he saw Manager Ha, who was arrogant and despised him from the height of mathematics.

Jun Jun bit the pen for a while and nodded again and again: "I know how to do it, thank you Xiaoha!"

He wrote down the correct problem-solving format, steps and answers on the "Elementary School Mathematics (Yu Hua Version)" exercise book, and after solving it, he still did not forget to show off to You Zhengping: "This problem is so difficult, these few days It's Xiao Ha who is teaching me."

"Tell you a secret," Jun Jun said mysteriously, "I may have superpowers and can understand Xiao Ha!"

"Ouch!" Manager Ha shouted sternly.

-What kind of ability is super, study hard, you are someone who is going to go to college, don't be a superpower, you have to fight against destroyers, dangerous!

You Zhengping said to Manager Ha, "Yes, you know that guardians work hard and destroyers are very dangerous?"

Manager Ha froze all over, wagging his tail at You Zhengping and begging for mercy: "Aowuwuwu, wuwuwu~"

- I have been "started in ten years, and finally executed", what do you still want to do to me!

You Zhengping and Destroyer 192 had a grudge. If it wasn't for Yu Hua's attack, one of his arms would have been blown up by Destroyer 192, and even Yufan suffered a comminuted fracture of his spine. This kind of injury could not be cured at all. Even with the Guardian's amazing resilience, it can't be cured.

And now he listened to Manager Ha say the most terrible words with the most cowardly cry, and he doesn't hate it or hate it anymore.

Thinking of the lamentation of the abyss giant beast in the previous world and Yu Hua's pain, You Zhengping suddenly felt that the Guardian and the Destroyer were just the same person at first, but they were placed in opposite environments, running in opposite directions from each other and drifting further away. .

Jun Jun, who had finished the super-syllabus, suddenly said: "Xiao Ha, you are wrong, it's not 'start in ten years, the final death penalty', but "start in ten years, the highest death penalty", this is a different sentencing, my father taught mine."


- That is your punishment, to me it is the "final death penalty"!

You Zhengping pinched the back of Manager Ha's neck and said, "Don't say this in front of children, you have been in this small world for three days, have you noticed anything strange? Also, where has Yu Hua gone? I always have An ominous feeling."

"Ooooooooooo~~" Manager Ha called to You Zhengping and Junjun.

—There is something wrong, I will take you there. Junjun, you are not allowed to go out until you have finished the question, I will let this person slip away for a while.

"Oh, okay." Jun Jun gritted his teeth and wrote hard, he couldn't let Xiao Ha despise his mathematics, right? Be sure to study hard!

Manager Ha trotted and led You Zhengping out of the upper floors, towards the depths of the community.

There are more than 30 high-rise buildings in the community. After passing around a rockery in the corner, a garbage spot appeared in front of them. There was no garbage in the garbage can, and there was no odor, but they could feel a faint sense of danger.


—It’s here, I don’t think it’s very dangerous, so I don’t dare to approach it. I don't know where Yu Hua went, and he didn't tell me anything.

"Thank you, you can go back to accompany the army." You Zhengping said to Manager Ha, "Don't leave that room again, it must be the safest and most sturdy place in Yu Hua's small world."

"Ow ooh!"

- Also use you to say.

Manager Ha gave You Zhengping a blank look and ran back with his tail between his legs.

You Zhengping stood in front of the garbage spot and tried to take a step forward. Feeling very obvious resistance, he refused to admit defeat and continued to move forward.

The garbage spot was shrouded in black mist, like a giant beast with a big mouth waiting for someone to enter the trap, giving people the feeling that if they forcibly entered, they would definitely die.

However, You Zhengping ignored this feeling and insisted on breaking in, but when he encountered a block, he daringly rushed forward and rushed in with brute force.

Here, like Yu Hua, the resistance to You Zhengping was very small, and he was a little tougher and reluctantly opened up to him.

You Zhengping walked into the black fog and saw countless black dust like smog. He reached out to a smaller one, and a picture flooded into his mind—

Yu Hua, who was still young, roared at his companion, "Why do you want to touch it when you say don't move? Do you know that just because you touched the trap, the other team was wiped out! Can't you just listen to me? ?"

The companions also argued with reason: "I am also very saddened by their deaths, but who can guarantee that you are completely correct. And there is a voice that tempts me when I touch the organ, and I didn't mean it!"

Yu Hua looked at his companion in disappointment: "I also reminded you that there might be temptations, so you have to resist. I also told you that if you move your whole body, any mistake will be irreversible."

"But are you omnipotent and omnipotent? What if what you said is wrong? I also need my own judgment, don't I?" said the companion.

The surrounding team members came to fight, some were going towards Yu Hua, but some were also going towards the wrong partner.

Yu Hua didn't speak anymore, You Zhengping heard his inner voice through the black dust: "Am I wrong? Is it because I'm not strong enough? No, it's because the trust is not enough to ensure the team's execution, and it's not enough to suppress others. Human selfishness. Trust can’t do it, fear can.”

The memory of this black dust was over, You Zhengping hurriedly looked at another larger particle, and the picture emerged—

Yu Hua stood in the crowd with a chilling air, and said to the companion who protested to him in the previous screen: "I said long ago, whoever kills his companion for disobeying the order will pay his life for his life, you do the math, because Stupid how many people have you killed?"

"I, I, I am unintentional, please let me go, please!" The person who had dared to protest to Yu Hua before knelt down and begged for mercy, and the people around him stopped begging for him.

"An order is an order." Yu Hua held his head down, and with a slight effort, the man disappeared.

Someone showed an unbearable look, Yu Hua glanced at everyone, and said slowly, "Those who don't want to follow me can leave. However, my ability can increase the strength of the team members and improve the survival rate. Those who leave will have their strength reduced to the original level. one-half or one-third."

Those who were originally dissatisfied put their expressions away and expressed their willingness to obey Yu Hua.

"Using strength to seduce, restraining with orders, and deterring more people with severe punishment can save more lives." Yu Hua thought to himself.

The black particles disappeared, and You Zhengping walked to a deeper area. It was no longer a black haze, but a black stone that was getting bigger and bigger. He put his hand on a half-human-high stone, and even more gloomy emotions poured in. heart-

"Are you crazy? You want to build a kingdom of passers-by in the central world, share points, and don't let newbies pass the pass. What kind of autocratic rule is this? Do you want to make another system?" A companion You Zhengping has never seen before Said to Yu Hua.

Yu Hua said to him, "You are controlled by the system, you can't know too much, I can't explain it, but I'm doing it for everyone's good."

The other party smiled, shook his head and said: "You said that the world is real, what we are doing is helping the system to erode the world. The system has been lying to us, our home has long been gone, we have been Are you killing ordinary people in other worlds?"

"You know?" Yu Hua's eyes lit up slightly.

"Of course I guessed it. Anyone with a long brain can guess that there is no such thing as cheap." The man pointed to his head.

"I'm here to protect other worlds and stop the passers-by from making mistakes," Yu Hua said.

"Fart!" The man said, "It's natural for the weak to eat the strong, and it's not that the passers-by are not without benefits. Beyond the ability of ordinary people, life expectancy, and endless enjoyment of the central world, even if there is an apocalypse, the system will swallow me too. Well, at least I have lived for so many years, unlike those idiots who shattered the world, they don't know how they died until they die!"

Yu Hua smiled miserably: "So that's the case, you're right."

"Just figure it out, don't live with your idealism, you can't save everyone, take care of yourself." The man said indifferently.

Yu Hua held his shoulders, his face calmed down, and he whispered, "You are right, I have the ability to become another system. The power that 'submits' to my 'domination' belongs to me."

With a slight pressure on his palm, Yu Hua's abilities were absorbed by that person, and the number of passing levels on his virtual interface kept decreasing until it finally became 1 level.

Yu Hua smiled cruelly: "The weak eat the strong? Now you are the weak."

He turned away from the man's screams and begged for mercy, showing no mercy.

At this moment, Yu Hua no longer had a voice in his heart. He closed his heart and stopped thinking.

You Zhengping's heartbeat became faster and faster, he kept going deeper, and finally came to a black mountain, and put his hand on the mountain—

Yu Hua was in the small world, quietly watching the scene where his once most trusted companion was plotting to kill him at level 500.

This time, he was not sad or sad, but picked up a glass of wine, took a sip, and whispered, "Since you don't want to accompany me against the system, give me your power."

Yu Hua finally understood that on the road of fighting against the system, he would always be alone.

The author has something to say:

You Zhengping: And I will accompany you.

There will be an update before 8 pm, love everyone (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 98

Here is Yu Hua's deep-seated negative humanity, which repells everyone, but is willing to let You Zhengping in.

Perhaps Yu Hua's reason did not want You Zhengping to enter, but people couldn't deceive their hearts, and he was willing to open his heart to You Zhengping.

You Zhengping walked out of the garbage dump, looked at the false sun in the community, and understood where Yu Hua had gone.

He went to pass five hundred levels.

Knowing that his friends along the way will take advantage of the difficulty of the five hundred levels to deal with him, he still has to go to this grand banquet to break off his past feelings with his own hands, and he has become a real loner from now on.

Yu Hua's journey seemed to always correspond to the word "tyrant".

It is impossible to be a person without negative emotions, but Yu Hua completely hid these emotions that represented his vulnerability, disappointment, and hesitation.

is divinity.

You Zhengping quickly came to an answer.

He mastered the laws of space not long ago, and understands that the unprecedentedly powerful power brought by the laws can easily make people lose themselves, and they must have enough faith to resist the temptation brought by the power.

You Zhengping received ideological and political education since he was a child, and has firm beliefs and a correct program. These things engraved in his bones made him quickly wake up from the inflated thoughts brought by power. The swollen arrogance was only for a moment, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. It was as short as never in the future. Only You Zhengping captured the arrogance of "I am so strong, why should I protect these ants and obey the commands of the ants".

Guan Shaoguang, who controlled the law of time, was more serious. He despised Manager Ha and Junjun, believing that he and his former companions were of the same class and could use those people to deal with You Zhengping without hesitation at level 398. In Guan Shaoguang's eyes, You Zhengping, who controlled the laws of space, was an enemy, and Yu Hua was a former friend and an unattainable existence. Only these two people deserved his attention, the rest were just ants.

He and Guan Shaoguang are still like this, what about Yu Hua? He had already mastered the power of God in level 398. After thousands of years, he must be the most affected by the divine nature. From the memory picture just now, it can be seen that Yu Hua in the later period has gradually acquired the habit of "tyrant", the typical thought of "those who go against me will perish".

In Yu Hua's eyes, there are two types of passers-by. One is obedient, and Yu Hua can give them some sweetness to keep them obeying him; They were one of a kind, these people Yu Hua didn't give them a chance, and chose to abandon or obliterate them.

Divinity constantly eroded his heart, and turned his small world into this false blue sky and white clouds, creating an illusion that the years were quiet.

However, the appearance of You Zhengping changed this situation.

You Zhengping touched the silver supernatural power suppressor on his feet, there was no doubt that Yu Hua, who wore this thing for him, was undoubtedly human. You Zhengping thought about their past and suddenly realized that Yu Hua must really want to build a golden house to hide him in.

Does Yu Hua really want to be a god or a human in his heart

The answer is very obvious.

Yu Hua wanted to be an ordinary person, sealed all his powers, kept his humanity conscientiously, resisted his divinity with the utmost willpower, and kept himself safe for fifteen years until the system was unblocked.

It was still the man-made lake. You Zhengping heard people's voices by the lake. He ran over quickly, imagining to see what was happening outside as before, but remembered that his abilities were sealed and he couldn't see it.

He turned around at the source of the sound, very anxious, and tried to unlock the power controller with his hands, only to find that this kind of thing was so tight and sturdy that it couldn't be opened at all.

You Zhengping was in a hurry. He didn't care about the lives of those who wanted to kill Yu Hua. These people were not only strangers to him, but also former saboteurs and conspirators who wanted to betray Yu Hua. He only cared about whether Yu Hua would be swallowed up by his divine nature.

These companions and Yu Hua went from a very low level to level 499 together. It took thousands of years to kill the betrayers with their own hands. Isn't that a farewell to their past humanity

What should I do? You Zhengping stared at the power controller on his ankle, and a thought suddenly arose. He quickly rushed to the garbage spot in the community, ignoring the resistance and the black fog, and walked all the way to the tallest and largest black hill, patted the hill, Pointing to the power controller, he begged, "Can you help me get rid of this thing?"

He is also jumping over the wall in a hurry, there is no other way. Since this is Yu Hua's small world, these negative human natures should also have control.

The black hill and the surrounding stones, particles, and smog didn't respond. You Zhengping thought for a while and said, "I'm worried about you at level 500, and I want to see how you are doing now. This thing seals my powers, let me There is no way to use the spatial ability, can't see you."

As soon as these words came out, the hill around him trembled slightly, the stones under his feet suddenly bounced, and the speed of the black smog also became lively, circling around You Zhengping.

They seem to be very happy... You Zhengping found it effective, and quickly said: "Open it, I can see you, and I can even go to your side and accompany you."

A person's rational choices often go against their emotions. Yu Hua chose to keep You Zhengping in custody, not only because he wanted to keep You Zhengping by his side, but also because he wanted to protect him. If it was pure emotion, then he definitely wanted You Zhengping to accompany him at all times, not to mention the negative emotions that wanted to imprison/ imprison You Zhengping in these dark moments.

The black particles wrapped around the supernatural power suppressor under You Zhengping's feet, and the silver metal anklets quickly disintegrated and disappeared. The power of these particles was not as harmless as it looked. No wonder Manager Ha thought it was scary.

You Zhengping thanked him and ran to the man-made lake, only to find that the black smog actually ran out of the garbage spot.

Where the black haze passes, all items will be decomposed, high-rise buildings, rockeries, blue sky, white clouds, sun, artificial lakes…

You Zhengping glanced at the tall building where Junjun and Xiaoha were located, the distance was still far away, and they would not be hurt, so he felt a little relieved.

He inadvertently released the negative humanity that Yu Hua had sealed, and he didn't know if it was right or not, and he didn't know how they would change this small world.

You Zhengping found the location of the sound source, turned on the energy, and a huge light screen appeared, showing an uninhabited area. Yu Hua stood in the center with a long knife stuck in the middle of his neck. There were three corpses lying down under his feet. Holding a person's head, the person obviously has no life.

Only Guan Shaoguang was still holding on, Yu Hua dropped the body of the betrayer in his hands, and pulled out the long knife in his neck. The wound did not bleed and healed in an instant.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, You Zhengping intuitively realized how strong Yu Hua was. Any of these people was a strong person who was close to mastering the power of the law, but Yu Hua was able to get rid of them so easily.

Yu Hua slowly came to Guan Shaoguang with a disappointed expression on his face: "I thought you guys really wanted to resist my dictatorship/dictatorship and were forced to take action, but guess what I discovered when I absorbed their system energy just now?"

Yu Hua waved his hand, and a virtual screen like a control panel appeared. It should be the system interface that has not yet degraded. On the screen was written a line of words: Yan He, the level-breaker, task of level 500, in the empty world prepared by the system, Defeat Yu Hua with your companions, absorb Yu Hua's small world, and gain the power of the law.

"If you really resist me, you can still praise you." Yu Hua sneered, "But what is this? Are you so willing to be used by the system?"

"I don't care what mission they are?" Guan Shaoguang looked at Yu Hua quietly, he smiled proudly, "You killed so many former companions, how much power did you unlock? Has it reached 100%?"

"What are you talking about?" Yu Hua's face was sinking, he realized that he, who had always been scheming, didn't understand what Guan Shaoguang meant at all, this was information beyond his control.

Guan Shaoguang took out a smartphone, opened the system app, and saw that the task progress was 80%, he couldn't help laughing: "You are really amazing, you just unlocked 80% of your power, and you killed us to the core, I seem to be It can only be done this way.”

He resignedly threw away the phone, sat directly on the ground, his arms were casually on his knees, and looked up at Yu Hua.

Yu Hua suppressed the killing intent, picked up the phone that Guan Shaoguang had thrown away, and saw the app information on it—

Name: Guan Shaoguang

Number of levels: failed to challenge 500 levels

Cause of death: Betrayed Yu Hua, killed by Yu Hua himself

Ability: Time System

Copy time: 2410 years after death (Earth Time Standard)

Mission: Force Yu Hua to completely unlock the seal and release the energy of the system, there is no limit to the method

Winning Reward: Gain New Life

Current mission progress: 80%

There was too much information, and Yu Hua and You Zhengping outside the screen noticed the word "copy" at the same time. The systematic wording was completely different from the "resurrection" that Guan Shaoguang himself dictated.

Yu Hua forced himself to stop thinking about "2410 years after death" and "80% progress" for the time being, set priorities, and asked, "Copy means your body hasn't really been resurrected, you're just a replica of the system?"

"You can also understand it as reconstruction," Guan Shaoguang said. "Every passer-by has a data record in the system. The system only needs to use the same energy and all Guan Shaoguang's data to copy him."

"Even a system cannot create life out of thin air." Yu Hua said solemnly.

Even if the people who master the power of the law claim to be gods, it is impossible to create a life with a real soul, including a system that constantly devours the laws of the world. Only in a normal and healthy world, after billions of years of nurturing and evolution, can a life with soul and consciousness be born.

"When copying materials, don't you take a piece of A4 paper and copy it on that paper?" "Guan Shaoguang" pointed to himself, "I am that piece of paper."

Since the system told him his name was "Guan Shaoguang", he lived as "Guan Shaoguang". He only had the memory of Guan Shaoguang, and all the past belonged to Guan Shaoguang, including hatred, jealousy, and worship of Yu Hua. Feelings are all about Guan Shaoguang. He was originally a level breaker, and after a few levels, any memories have all disappeared.

He knew that Guan Shaoguang was worried that Yu Hua would become another more brutal system, and under the encouragement of his companions, the temptation of the 500th level mission, and Yu Hua's concealment from him, he decided to assassinate Yu Hua and be counter-killed.

Having received Guan Shaoguan's memory before his death, he desperately wanted Yu Hua to die, and was urged by the system to constantly arrange traps so that Yu Hua could unwittingly unlock his power.

As for his own thoughts, who cares? He is already Guan Shaoguang, and he can only be Guan Shaoguang and say what "Guan Shaoguang" wants to say.

"Guan Shaoguang" said, "Seeing you in the community, willing to enter the small world to save the children and dogs, I know that Yu Hua has always been Yu Hua and has not changed. How much pressure are you under."

Yu Hua said to him: "The more Guan Shaoguang is able to control time, the more he thinks that time is irreversible, everything is moving forward, and every moment is the present, if one day you find yourself at the starting point, it is not a reverse of time. But the road ahead is originally a circle, and the starting point is the end point.

"So he doesn't say anything that reveals remorse, what he thinks has happened, repentance doesn't make any sense.

"What you just said is what you thought after seeing Guan Shaoguang's memory compared with reality.

"The system can only destroy life and absorb life energy, but cannot create or change the essence of life. You are not Guan Shaoguang, but an individual with independent thoughts."

The author has something to say:

In the last chapter, I forgot that Xiao You had just been put on a power suppressor, and there was a small bug, which has been corrected.

See you tomorrow at 12 noon, okay?(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 99

Hearing Yu Hua's words, "Guan Shaoguang" murmured, "My own thoughts? I don't even know what I am thinking."

All his memories are so clear, and scenes are constantly replayed in his mind. The app in his hand will remind him of the progress of the task from time to time. If he fails to complete the task, he will be obliterated. All his information is written on the app, as if it was his whole life.

In my memory, Guan Shaoguang was Yu Hua's friend, and the two of them supported him all the way. In the beginning, Guan Shaoguang and Yu Hua's abilities were both weak, but Yu Hua's abilities would initially be a help to his teammates, making them stronger, plus they continued to absorb teammates, the weak period passed relatively smoothly.

After that, Yu Hua changed a little bit, and Guan Shaoguang's thoughts kept changing. He has always trusted and worshipped Yu Hua faintly. He believed that Yu Hua possessed such a powerful force that after accepting their "submission", he should stand up to protect everyone and clear customs together.

But Yu Hua not only failed to help everyone pass the test, but also became a resistance for everyone. Guan Shaoguang's admiration turned into disappointment, and he suffered from having "submissive" to Yu Hua, and his power could be taken away by Yu Hua at any time, so he didn't dare to do it.

The system's 500-level mission release ripped through the last layer of consideration. The system promised to help them suppress Yu Hua's "dominant" power in this level, so that they could fight without any scruples.

The world admires the strong, but when he has the opportunity to become a strong man, he will not hesitate to choose to betray.

The reason is very simple, since Yu Hua does not meet the ideal, then kill him, replace him, and realize the ideal by himself.

The relationship seemed so fragile in the face of strength and interests, they finally fought and fought with Yu Hua. In the end, the five-man group was destroyed, and Yu Hua was also seriously injured.

Guan Shaoguang believed that after their death, Yu Hua would definitely be invincible and eventually replace the system and become a more terrifying existence. But 2410 years later, the Yu Hua that "Guan Shaoguang" saw was a married mediocre man who would enter a small world to save an unimportant child and a dog, and the dog was a ridiculous saboteur who once attacked Yu Hua.

Using his time ability to look at Manager Ha's past, he saw Yu Hua who was equally authoritarian but not brutal.

Yu Hua would absorb the system abilities of the saboteurs, shatter their delusions, and at the same time tell them with actions to atone for their sins and live a good life. Will use high-handed policies to force the saboteurs to bow their heads, but can quickly adapt to the difference between the new world and the original world.

Yu Hua has never expressed it in words, but he is using practical actions to tell the saboteurs that the past is over, and the future you can still live your life down-to-earth.

The conflict between different memories made "Guan Shaoguang" feel extremely contradictory. He began to think whether Guan Shaoguang didn't really understand Yu Hua in the past, or whether Yu Hua hadn't changed. He himself, a copy, was Isn't there still hope

The memory implanted in his mind told him to hate Yu Hua and kill Yu Hua; the system mission told him to let Yu Hua break the seal at all costs.

In addition to the two orders, a third thought slowly emerged. If the seals were all unlocked, would such a powerful Yu Hua be able to destroy the system

At some point, his mission changed from systematic persecution to his wish.

"Why do you seal yourself?" "Guan Shaoguang" looked at Yu Hua, "You are so powerful, if there is one person in the world who can defeat the system, it must be you. In that case, why do you seal yourself and do it willingly An ordinary person? Why didn't you kill him, why didn't you… save us?"

He finally couldn't help it, and extended a hand to Yu Hua for help.

Witnessing that terrifying power with his own eyes, Yu Hua killed all four law-level experts with the support of the system, and he only unlocked 80% of the seals, "Guan Shaoguang" couldn't help but want to "submit".

The real Guan Shaoguang was already a master at the law level, and his powerful strength made him want to replace Yu Hua; the copied Guan Shaoguang might have been just an ordinary passer-by whose original ability was related to time. He would not give birth to the delusion of substitution. What I want more is help.

Yu Hua stepped over the corpses of the four companions, hanging his hands above "Guan Shaoguang"'s head, and was silent for a long time.

You Zhengping, who was far away in the small world, suddenly discovered that the black particles that were originally surrounding him had overflowed the small world little by little through the space channel he created, and submerged into Yu Hua's body.

You Zhengping awakened these human natures and opened up a passage for them to return to their original positions.

And Yu Hua didn't seem to notice this change.

Yu Hua just remembered a lot of things in a trance. After the black particles completely submerged in his body, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I can't save you all."

"You do not want