Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 8: Works related (8)


My lover thinks your flat face is quite attractive. Although I don't see any advantages, but in order to reassure my lover, I would like you to bump into a pillar tonight and disfigure your face, and don't force me to do it myself.

Zhen Li: "…"

The author has something to say:

Yu Hua: You will be disfigured tomorrow

Zhen Li, who is trying to practice dancing and intends to make money with her looks:…

See you at 12 noon tomorrow, I love you, alright~

Chapter 18

After the melancholy husband left the studio, Zhen Li thought seriously about how to make money in the future.

Yu Hua only gave him three years, and instead of earning 100 million in three years, he gave Yu Hua 100 million in three years. This was a fundamental difference.

According to the contract, Yu Hua's salary is not high, and it is unreasonable for new recruits to give too high salary. Even if he gave Yu Hua an annual salary of one million, he would not be able to pay out one hundred million within three years.

What is really worth operating is Yu Hua's 40% shares, which is the studio's income, not Yu Hua's salary.

Therefore, we must make the studio prosperous in order to provide space for 100 million.

To do a good job in the studio, Zhen Li's only way is to sell her face.

However, at this moment, a small mirror appeared in front of him with ruthless words written on it.

He and Yu Hua had already discussed how to make money, but now they want him to be disfigured. How can he make money if he is disfigured

Zhen Li was in a lot of pain, he said to the phantom in the mirror, "Can't you think of a different way? I... Fry CP with others, or I go to a nightclub to get drunk and show that I like women... No, I didn't originally. I like men, I don't like anyone, why should I disfigure?"

Before he could finish his words, the ruthless Yu Hua put away his makeup mirror. Because You Zhengping had already settled the bill, Yu Hua couldn't let his lover see that he was okay and looked at the vanity mirror, he didn't hear Zhen Li's words.

Seeing that the mirror disappeared, the great god ignored his intentions. Zhen Li turned on the camera of his mobile phone, took a selfie, and posted a message on the live broadcast website: high-definition makeup, no beauty, no filters, no filters, leave it as a souvenir, and there will be no chance in the future. [with attached image].

[When I saw the high-definition makeup, I thought I would see a face full of fans, blackheads, and stains. Who knew that it was still so beautiful. Is Boss Zhen showing off his appearance on purpose?]

[I stared at the table, chairs, and curtains in the background for a long time. I did not use the beauty filter, and there is no P picture. It is the original.]

[I don’t believe that such a good skin says no makeup, unless you let me pull the eyelashes, how can humans grow such long eyelashes? Eyelash serum?]

[Is it the devil who pulls the eyelashes? What if you really get caught? I'm different, let my fingertips run through your thick black hair, I don't believe your hair is real, how can a modern young man not be bald!]

[Am I the only one who cares about this sentence and I won't have a chance in the future? Does Boss Zhen plan to quit the internet celebrity circle in the future or take the makeup route and stop appearing without makeup?]

"Neither..." Zhen Li said to himself while looking at the comments.

He liked the comments that praised his good looks one by one, and sent hot comments to those who praised him well.

After leaving a memorial for his face, Zhen Li ordered a takeout, all wine.

He carried three cases of liquor, red wine, and beer to the small park near the office building, opened a can of beer, and drank it sadly.

He couldn't let Zhen Li hit his face when he was awake. He also didn't want Yu Hua to do it himself tomorrow. If it was a great god, it would probably destroy more than just his face.

Zhen Li planned to ram his head into an old tree in the park while he was drunk. He smashed his head into blood and fractured his nasal bone, which was worthy of God's saving grace. Yu Hua deleted his system and left him a wardrobe and an extra-dimensional stomach. Although he has no face value, at least he still has clothes and food.

Zhen Li's alcohol intake was not good, and after drinking four cans of beer, he was a little drunk.

He staggered tossing the beer can into the recycling bin and opened another bottle of red wine.

The sense of taste was gradually paralyzed by the stimulation of alcohol, and he began to feel the pungency of alcohol. He only felt that the red wine just opened was very sweet, and he drank it like a drink.

After eating a 750ml bottle of red wine, Zhen Li was already drunk enough. He stood up, stared at the red wine bottle, and dazedly thought that smashing the wine bottle on his head would cause multiple injuries.

After watching for a while, Zhen Li shook his head and said, "No, it is inconvenient for the glass shard cleaner to clean up, and it may cut the feet of cats and dogs in the park, which is uncivilized, impolite and not environmentally friendly."

He obediently threw the wine bottle into the trash can and quietly looked up at a big tree.

"If only I could eat a skewer, I forgot to order it just now." Before hitting the tree, Zhen Li decided to have a good meal.

He took out his mobile phone and was dazedly planning to order takeout, when he saw an uncle walking towards him with a birdcage in his left hand and a bag of fragrant cooked food in his right.

Zhen Li smelled the aroma of cooked food and looked at the uncle quietly. Seeing the uncle stopped in front of him, he couldn't help asking: "Did you buy this? Can I finish all this tonight? Can I buy half of it?"

The uncle sat on the bench in the park with a smile, and said to Zhen Li, "Young man, I bought some cooked food and want to pair it with some wine. You have a lot of wine here, how about we change it?"

Zhen Li nodded again and again, blushing and handed the uncle a bottle of white wine.

"Here, these are for you." The uncle gave Zhen Li a bag of cooked food.

Seeing that the uncle opened the bag, Zhen Li was about to grab the cooked food with his bare hands, and hurriedly said, "Don't, it's unsanitary. Baijiu is not for drinking, it's for washing hands and disinfecting."

"Disinfection, disinfection!" the parrot in the bird cage shouted.

"You're quite busy." The uncle glanced coldly at Zhen Li's dazed eyes, and the two luxuriously washed their hands and disinfected with 50-degree liquor before drinking beer with cooked food.

Zhen Li ate a chicken leg and drank two cans of beer, and was completely drunk.

The night wind blew his face, he looked at the old man in front of him, and cried with a "wow": "I can't bear it, I really can't bear it, what should I do?"

The old man didn't expect him to be drunk and crazy, and he cried when he cried, and said in surprise, "What are you reluctant to bear?"

Zhen Li pointed to his face and said, "Do you know how many years I have loved it? Since the beginning of aesthetics, I have always loved it and cared for it. I tried my best to protect it, even in a car accident, I just wanted to Protect it. I love it so much, why did it leave me?"

Passers-by at night heard the heartbreaking cry of a young man. They faintly heard words such as "love her", "reluctant", "leave", etc., and could not help but sigh secretly, this is another sad person who has lost love.

"Wait a minute, I'll take it slow," the old man picked his ears and said in surprise, "What do you say you love?"

"Of course it's my face," Zhen Li sobbed, "I neither love men nor women, I only love the tens of thousands of clothes in the closet and this face worthy of the clothes. I have no intention of hurting others, However, Lanyan has a bad life."

He hiccupped, estimated his starting speed, took a few steps away from the tree trunk, and made a run-up gesture toward the tree trunk.

"What the hell are you doing?" The old man was stunned until a fake white beard fell off. He picked up the beard and stuck it on his face indiscriminately, but because he was too anxious, not only did he not stick the beard properly, but even the wrinkled skin on his face fell off.

"I want to say goodbye to my favorite, and use it to commemorate my new life." The drunk Zhen Li said lyrically, "Since ancient times, kindness has been in a dilemma. If you can take care of one, you can't take care of the other, hiccup! I can't say it anymore! Besides, my drinking strength is over, and without the courage brought by alcohol, how can I complete the arduous task?"

After all, he kicked his hind legs and hit the tree with the fastest speed.

"Are you sick!" "Old Master" rushed to the tree with a single stride, blocking Zhen Li in time.

Zhen Li slammed his head into the arms of "Old Master", raised his head drunkenly, and asked, "What are you doing? I finally ran over."

The tone was quite unhappy.

"Zhen Li, aren't you stupid? You have a lot of strength to hit me. It hurts me to death." "Old Master" clenched his teeth while clutching his chest. Zhen Li had never introduced himself to him, but "Old Master" was in a hurry. Say his name below.

But Zhen Li was too drunk to be alert, he couldn't tell the meaning of "old man", he just muttered "why stop me".

"The old man" hugged Zhen Li, who was unstable, and seemed to support him, but in fact whispered in his ear: "Zhen Li, I am the person from the customs clearance alliance to meet you, I noticed that you seem to have difficulties, Do you know the identity of the ultimate boss?"

It's fine that he didn't mention the ultimate big boss. When he mentioned this, Zhen Li became drunk. He didn't mention who the big boss was.

"Old Master" had no choice but to stun Zhen Li with a slap to clean up the mess in the next park to avoid leaving his fingerprints and DNA behind.

After cleaning up, he helped the unconscious Zhen Li onto an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road.

An off-road vehicle was parked in the melancholy husband's garage, Yu Hua got out of the car and opened the door for You Zhengping, the co-pilot.

Ever since You Zhengping became an auxiliary police officer and had a small electric vehicle as a means of transportation, Yu Hua drove the family car. He originally bought this new car for You Zhengping. After picking up the car, You Zhengping drove his brothers out for a ride. Cutting the ribbon for the new car was secondary, mainly to show off.

As Yu Hua lost his job, You Zhengping chose a harder job, and the off-road vehicle belonged to Yu Hua.

Every time he drove this car, Yu Hua secretly made up his mind that he would definitely return to that comfortable and peaceful life.

The two of them returned home, and as soon as they opened the door, Yu Hua felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little subtle.

Lian Yufan's team was very careful when they searched the house, leaving no traces. They didn't even change the position of the hair on the ground.

But Yu Hua still sensed that outsiders had come to the house. This was not confirmed by evidence, but his insight as a customs clearancer. As soon as he entered the door, he felt that the air was mixed with aura that did not belong to him and You Zhengping, like a home being destroyed by He was startled like a beast when a small animal broke in.

Even if Yu Hua absorbed Zhen Li's system energy, his various abilities were still recovering gradually.

Yu Hua, who had noticed this, couldn't help pinching his arm. He needed new passers-by and new system energy to restrain the growing power.

Yu Hua had long expected that his home was being searched secretly. He knew that the guardian organization's investigation must have taken this step. Yu Hua suspected that cameras might have been installed in his home, and until his suspicions were cleared, he had to pretend that he didn't notice these surveillance cameras.

Yu Hua took off his jacket naturally, and then helped You Zhengping bring home clothes. Seeing his lover changing clothes obediently, Yu Hua felt displeased. He wanted to get closer to You Zhengping, but he didn't plan to practice waist strength under the supervision of the guardian organization.

But You Zhengping didn't know about this, he was paid today, the two had just had dinner, and You Zhengping ate Zhen Li's vinegar again. Under this circumstance, if he didn't do anything at night, it seemed like he had really entered a cooling-off period. Same.

Yu Hua was very embarrassed.

You Zhengping secretly observed the environment at home while changing his clothes, and was slightly relieved to see that Lian Yufan's team did not leave any clues.

He promised Director Xiao to cooperate with the investigation of Yu Hua, but on the condition that surveillance cameras could not be installed at home. You Zhengping could observe Yu Hua up close, but others couldn't.

You Zhengping knew that the house was safe and no outsiders were watching, but damn Lian Yufan didn't know where the bug was hidden on him!

It must have been secretly pasted on the skin while working at Junction during the day. Lian Yufan did not know how to prevent You Zhengping from discovering it, or even finding where the bug was.

You Zhengping didn't want anyone to listen to their husband's corner, but Yu Hua found a job today and has a new goal in the future, the atmosphere was really good, something would definitely happen.

You Zhengping was very embarrassed.

After the worried two people changed into loose clothes at home, they each had their own thoughts and hugged each other with a warm smile in their hearts, their lips getting closer and closer...

"I'm going to brush my teeth, I'm going to eat leeks tonight." You Zhengping said.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'm sweating profusely." Yu Hua said.

The husband came up with the reason in unison, seeing that the other party just happened to be in trouble, and secretly said at the same time: "That's great!"

The house that Yu Hua bought was huge, 200 square meters, with a large kitchen and three bathrooms. The two sunny master bedrooms each have a bathroom, and there is a common one in the corner of the living room.

The two quickly ran to different bathrooms to shower. When taking a shower, You Zhengping received a message from Lian Yufan, saying that important evidence had been found and that You Zhengping should return to the base as soon as possible.

Cen Xiao cooperated with Lian Yufan to send You Zhengping a text message that he was going to work overtime at night.

You Zhengping read the text message to Yu Hua who had just taken a shower, quickly put on his clothes and left, leaving an apologetic kiss on Yu Hua's face before leaving.

When Yu Hua saw that You Zhengping was going to work overtime, he felt relieved while feeling sorry for his lover's hard work.

After You Zhengping left, Yu Hua walked around the room as if bored, actually checking the room secretly.

Before he went to bed, he deliberately "accidentally" pushed his mobile phone to the ground, and while Yu Hua was bending over to pick up the mobile phone, he secretly glanced at the bottom of the bed.

This sight made Yu Hua's heart palpitate—the phone case was gone.

The phone that You Zhengping had saved for four months and gave to him, that was crushed half a month ago because of Yu Hua's soaring strength, and that he planned to restore after awakening his resilience later, was gone.

The author has something to say:

The barrier-breaker in the eyes of the guardian: Destroyer, insidious, vicious, and a tumor that must be eliminated.

The passers-by in the eyes of the system: the tools and toys that maintain the normal operation of the system, the chess pieces used to get rid of Yu Hua.

The passer-by in Yu Hua's eyes: Shiquan Dabuwan, if he doesn't get another one, he will be demolished again!

La la la, I will enter V tomorrow, and 9000+ words will be updated. Let's meet at 12 noon tomorrow, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 19

You Zhengping rushed to the police station where he ostensibly took up his post. After receiving the equipment and a small police electric motor, he returned to the base in a single ride.

He has received strict secrecy training, and all actions must be in accordance with the reasons that come to his mind. If you say that you work overtime, you must go to the police station to go through a procedure. This is not only to conceal your identity, but also to protect your family from being targeted by vandals.

With the full cooperation of all departments, Lian Yufan's speed was very fast, and he found a lot of information in just a few hours. There were three stacks of documents on Director Xiao's desk. One stack was Yu Hua's school transcripts and academic files, which were classified by Lian Yufan into an unimportant column; the other was Yu Hua's work after marriage. Records of important time points; the last pile is the investigation report of Yu Hua after he lost his job. The data in just 15 days is more than the previous 15 years.

There is a small box next to the three stacks of documents.

You Zhengping had just shaken hands with Lian Yufan in front of Director Xiao during the day, so naturally he couldn't go forward and punch Lian Yufan, he could only hold his breath and say, "Where did you put the nano-eavesdropper?"

Lian Yufan pressed the tiger's mouth and said, "I put it on when I shook hands before."

You Zhengping vigorously rubbed the base of his right thumb, rubbing off the new type of bug that was firmly adhered to the tiger's mouth.

He threw the bug to Lian Yufan, walked to the desk, picked up the top stack of documents, and quickly scanned Yu Hua's transcript.

Before the age of 12, Yu Hua had not come to this world, and his identity was forged by the system based on his wishes. Yu Hua wanted to live an ordinary life, and the system gave him a stable and last-place grade in his class. After Yu Hua arrived, he felt that the countdown grades were too conspicuous and did not fit his future position in life, so he gradually improved his grades and controlled it to be in the top ten in the class and the top 100 in the grade.

This grade can keep him from getting too much attention, and he won't fail the university entrance exam because of his low grades.

It's just that Yu Hua went to a key elementary school in Xuyang District at the time. This result made him go to a key junior high school. After he came to the junior high school, he was in the bottom of the class, so he had to make fewer mistakes and become the top ten in the class. . But there were a lot of people who were promoted from key junior high schools to key high schools. He was once again admitted to key high schools, and he was in the bottom of the class. When he raised his grades to the top 100 in his grade again, Yu Hua discovered that some of the students who were admitted to Qingbei in their high school every year were in the bottom of the class. More than a hundred people.

This time, Yu Hua didn't want to be admitted to a very good school. He forced his grades to be out of the top 100 and managed to get into the top 3 universities.

You Zhengping quietly stuffed the transcript into his arms.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to steal my investigation results?" Lian Yufan said vigilantly, noticing his actions.

"Bah!" You Zhengping said, "I've never seen my wife's transcript before. Can you make a copy and frame it?"

"After reading my report, decide whether to make a copy." Lian Yufan snorted coldly, and threw a photocopy of the investigation report to You Zhengping.

A report from the people present, Lian Yufan said: "I went to the hospital to visit Yu Hua's former company leader. His trauma has healed, and he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. The medical expenses will be settled by Yu Hua."

You Zhengping, Cen Xiao, and the others had always suspected that the leader was deliberately blackmailing. After reading the medical records that had been strictly reviewed by Lian Yufan, they could not help frowning. They didn't expect that Yu Hua had actually beaten the leader, and beat him very hard. This was unbelievable!

Lian Yufan was playing the surveillance camera in the company lobby at the same time, and he saw Yu Hua and the leader walking to the elevator side by side chatting and laughing. The leader accidentally stepped on a pool of water that the cleaners didn't have time to handle. Seeing that the leader was about to fall, Yu Hua extended his arms to support the leader's back, so that he would not fall backwards. Unexpectedly, the action of his virtual help turned into pressing the leader's back and pressing his head against the wall next to the elevator.

You Zhengping: "..."

This level, really can't be explained by hand swiping.

Lian Yufan said: "At that time, many people saw this scene, and the employees in the company thought it was an accident, and the security guard in charge of monitoring also claimed that maybe Yu Hua also stepped on the water, and he was unable to stand still. Excessive force. But we are all professionally trained people, and we have a different perspective from ordinary people. I don’t think it was an accident, but the result of Yu Hua’s loss of control.

"And after the incident, it was not as Yu Hua said, he was fired from the company. He has a good relationship with the company, and the leaders believed that this was an accident. It was Yu Hua who insisted on resigning and took the last money from the company. Pay the medical bills."

Lian Yufan's conclusion on the "Yu Hua Injury Incident" was that after the saboteur replaced Yu Hua, he quickly resigned and stayed away from his former colleagues, lest acquaintances discover his strangeness.

"The reason for his sudden injury hasn't been investigated yet, so we can't jump to conclusions. It doesn't matter if he voluntarily resigns. Yu Hua explained to me that he wants to re-plan his work goals. Everyone must have heard this when listening." You Zhengping retorted, "Tonight when I was working with the company captain, Yu Hua accurately stated every day we worked overtime during the three years of marriage. Will the substitute understand so clearly?"

"Of course, it's very simple." Lian Yufan took out a stack of photocopied calendars from the archives, which he took when he searched Yu Hua's house.

These are three desk calendars. Yu Hua doesn't keep a diary, but he has the habit of writing important things that happen every day on the desk calendar. The calendar records started from the day he had a blind date with You Zhengping, fell in love, got married, and continued until the day before he hit the leader. Every day brought a little new joy.

—On a certain day of a certain year, I participated in a blind date that was originally going to be rejected. I met a very cute boy (colorful) Xiao You. I intend to have further contact with him. I don’t know if he will like me.

- On a certain day in a certain year, on the first date, I checked countless strategies in advance and made the most perfect dating plan. Xiaoyou is wearing a... I don't know how to describe the ragged clothes. It is said that she was bitten by a dog before the date. Only later did I find out that it was because I was dressed too handsomely for the date, and I was jealous of my friends. After the fight, the appointment time was about to come. Xiao You was not late, and came in rags in tattered clothes (a little bit want to laugh).

The plan made was completely useless. The movie became buying clothes with Xiaoyou, and the restaurant became roasting Cen Xiao and mixing green onions with Xiaoyou in the backyard of Cen Xiao's house. For the first time, I knew that I would be so happy without a plan. Life is full of surprises, surprises, and unexpected fireworks.

PS: A little jealous of Cen Xiao.

- On a certain day of a certain year, when I exercise, my waist strength seems to be lacking.

- On a certain day of a certain year, planning to propose marriage, and without any accident, all the plans have been in vain. I bought a pair of rings and asked the wedding company to make a plan. In the morning, Xiaoyou came to pick me up. I got on his motorcycle and he took me all the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

I panicked, not because I suddenly forced the marriage, but because I didn't bring my documents. Xiaoyou took out my ID card and household registration book, and I don't know when he took it.

This time, I can't let Xiaoyou make a fool of myself. I grabbed the ID card and the household registration book with a straight face, turned around and walked to the larger space in the lobby.

Xiaoyou was a little flustered, and he quickly explained that it was better to keep the status quo if he didn't want to get married, he was the one who rushed in.

When I saw how scared he was, I suddenly felt overjoyed. Maintaining a displeased expression, he turned around gorgeously, knelt down on one knee, and put the diamond ring on his ring finger.

Putting on the most ruthless expression, saying the most romantic words, and seeing Xiao You's surprised and happy look, I was secretly delighted that the proposal plan finally came to an end.

PS: I deliberately shook hands with Xiaoyou and let the reflection of the shiny diamond ring shine on Cen Xiao's eyes. This is a little meanness in my heart.

- a certain day, a certain month, a certain year...

You Zhengping just grinned and looked at a few of them, when he heard Lian Yufan say: "Yu Hua has a habit of keeping records, and the substitute will definitely know the situation of this body, and he naturally remembers the important days between you very clearly. Since the day he accidentally injured the leader half a month ago, Yu Hua has never written a desk calendar diary again, which is also an important proof."

You Zhengping and Cen Xiao didn't listen carefully to what he said. Cen Xiao thought in shock that Yu Hua was jealous of my relationship with You Zhengping, which was too scary. Sure enough, you can't just peek at other people's diaries, otherwise how will you face Yu Hua in the future!

You Zhengping said with a stern face: "Make a copy of these materials for me as well, I will go back and study it slowly."

Take it back and bind it into a book, and read it as a serial love novel with yourself as the protagonist.

Lian Yufan: "...Did you listen to me?"

You Zhengping and Cen Xiao nodded again and again: "Listen, listen."

You Zhengping suddenly felt that it would be good for Yufan to investigate a little more about Yu Hua, who he didn't know.

No wonder lovers always wanted to peek at their cell phones or diaries. You Zhengping used to be very disdainful of this kind of voyeuristic behavior, and he gave Yu Hua enough trust. However, seeing these calendars, You Zhengping felt that in the future, he could often turn over the desk calendar.

Lian Yufan lightly buckled the table, and after attracting everyone's attention, he explained the third piece of evidence—Yu Hua's recent consumption record.

"You keep saying that you know the person next to your pillow, but do you know how much furniture Yu Hua has broken during this time?" Lian Yufan said, "107 dishes, 2 tables, 3 chairs, 1 mirror, 12 A tile. After he quit his job, did he tell you to go out and look for a job? In fact, he didn’t go out, but kept smashing furniture and secretly filling up the same furniture while you were at work.”

You Zhengping was dissipated by the pink love bubble drawn in the diary. He said distressedly, "Why did Yu Hua do this? If he is in a bad mood, you can tell me, I will take him to the unit's warehouse to smash the table, why should I use the good furniture at home? , how expensive it is to replenish these furniture! We don't have much savings!"

Lian Yufan: "..."

Is this the point

He took a deep breath and told himself not to care about the abnormal love brain, and continued: "The point is not to waste money, but why his temperament has changed so much and smashed furniture? He is a good gentleman in front of everyone, and the results of several professional psychological evaluations All are excellent."

"And he smashed more than just furniture and kitchenware," Lian Yufan opened the box, "and his mobile phone, didn't you notice that he replaced it with a new one?"

You Zhengping took the box, and the phone inside the box was smashed as if it had been smashed with a hammer.

"How could such an important mobile phone be smashed!" Cen Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, said angrily, "You Zhengping bought a mobile phone, is it easy for us?"

Lian Yufan: "???"

What does this have to do with you, why are you so angry

You Zhengping's surface salary was only 2,500. He wanted to give his lover a mobile phone on Yu Hua's birthday, but he didn't dare to buy it with private money. In order not to be found out, he insisted on eating and drinking from his younger brother, saving four months' wages from the teeth of Cen Xiao and other younger brothers, and buying mobile phones with great effort.

Cen Xiao and others are also temporary workers in the street office, and like You Zhengping, they only have a salary of 2,500. In the past four months, You Zhengping said that the real salary must not be revealed. Everyone gritted their teeth and struggled together, tightening their belts and helping You Zhengping save the money.

You Zhengping can also eat very well!

During those four months, if Yu Hua hadn't asked You Zhengping to bring snacks for everyone from time to time, Cen Xiao and the others would not have known how they would have made it through.

Those were the darkest four months, and it was even more difficult than the intensive training at the base when I was young. At least the base was full of food, and the clothes were broken.

In order to save money for the four months without Coke, Cen Xiao did not want to recall.

"If this is really done by the substitute, I don't need anyone else to do it, I will kill him myself," Cen Xiao said with a sullen face, "If Yu Hua did it... just let him make some more snacks."

The author has something to say:

Fake investigation: Find evidence that Yu Hua is a saboteur.

The real investigation: a large-scale dog abuse scene.

This is the first update~

Chapter 20

Lian Yufan would like to ask, did your Xuyang District team have any problems during the training camp? Is it a question of money and snacks

He thought that Cen Xiao was the only normal person in the team, how could he be irrational

"Cough!" Director Xiao, who was in charge of the overall situation, coughed loudly, "Everyone should put aside personal relationships and listen to the report of the company captain."

Only then did the Xuyang District team calm down, not only You Zhengping and Cen Xiao, but the moment the other five members of the team saw the phone, their eye circles also turned red.

What a tough phone to buy!

Lian Yufan said: "The point of this matter is why Yu Hua wants to smash the phone. A normal person can't destroy the phone to this extent with his grip strength. I suspect that he smashed the phone with a hammer or other heavy objects. If it is Destroyed with tools means that this is not an unintentional act, but a subjective act.”

"I think that the fact that this phone can be smashed means that Yu Hua is indeed not a saboteur." You Zhengping explained calmly, "According to our research on Zhen Li's mobile phone, the saboteur's mobile phone is bound to a phone that we cannot see. Once there is an app, there is no way for human power to destroy the phone. When we interrogated Zhen Li, we used more than ten tons of pressure to crush the phone, and an invisible energy shield appeared on the phone, which could resist at least one. Sea water pressure above 10,000 meters.”

Lian Yufan: "I didn't say that this phone is bound with an app. In view of the various functions of modern smartphones, I think that Yu Hua accidentally leaked some information on the phone. In order to ensure absolute safety, he put the phone on it. It's like this. It's a pity that he doesn't know that there are people with abilities like me in the guardian."

Lian Yufan smiled smugly. The reason why he didn't restore the phone immediately was to let everyone see how completely the phone was destroyed.

His palm touched the fragments of the phone, and the phone was completely restored, restoring its previous power-on state and power.

Lian Yufan didn't know the password, so he handed the phone to You Zhengping. You Zhengping never peeked at his lover's phone, so naturally he didn't know.

Yu Hua set a fingerprint and password to unlock, You Zhengping entered Yu Hua's birthday, the day he gave the phone, the password was wrong. He also entered his birthday and wedding date, which was also wrong.

You Zhengping frowned and thought for a while, then entered the colorful date on the calendar that the two met, and successfully unlocked the phone.

You Zhengping lowered his head and smiled, feeling a little sweet in his heart.

He did not expect that that day would be so important to Yu Hua. In fact, for You Zhengping, it was a catastrophic day, and he lost all his face on that day.

From then on, he broke the jar and did not hide his true character at all. Anyway, the worst was seen by Yu Hua, and there was nothing else to hide.

Before getting to know Yu Hua, aside from the occasional fights with the younger brothers, You Zhengping was quite serious in front of Director Xiao and the elders, or he was emotional.

However, under Yu Hua's care, You Zhengping's mood gradually stabilized, showing his true nature, and being spoiled by Yu Hua became more and more lawless.

Lian Yufan took the mobile phone and found the purchase link for Yu Hua to change furniture, as well as some photos and call records. Everything was normal.

There was only one hidden folder, which was encrypted, and even You Zhengping couldn't unlock it. Lian Yufan thought that he had caught the fox's tail. After he asked the technician to unlock it, he saw a training table for waist strength training.

You Zhengping: "..."

"Maybe this is some kind of code word, I will immediately ask my colleagues in the code team to help decrypt it." Lian Yufan said.

"No, no, no!" You Zhengping grabbed the phone, "You don't need to worry about that."

"Comrade You Zhengping!" Lian Yufan said displeasedly, "You have repeatedly influenced my work, are you protecting my family?"

Of course not, he is protecting his own face, can't let Lian Yufan find out the frequency of his husband's life? You Zhengping wiped his face and said, "This is not important, you can provide other evidence."

Afterwards, Lian Yufan listed Yu Hua's high school basketball results compared with the video of his shooting eight days ago, proving that Yu Hua's shooting skills changed too much before and after.

After all, it's a replacement.

You Zhengping did not agree with Lian Yufan's evidence, and felt that although these things were suspicious, they could not be used as conclusive evidence. For some reasons, he could directly ask Yu Hua, and Yu Hua would not refuse to answer.

Lian Yufan felt that You Zhengping was simply naive, and he thought of a way to ask directly. Aren't you afraid of spooking the snake

The atmosphere in the room was tense. Director Xiao glanced at the two parties who were still in the dispute, buckled the table and said, "I also have a piece of evidence here that even the captain missed."

"I missed the investigation?" Lian Yufan was a little surprised, "Director, did you also investigate?"

Director Xiao sighed and said, "How can I be completely at ease when I see how you guys are not calm in the office during the day? When you called everyone to the base tonight, I felt that it was too hasty. It's less than 24 hours before I leave. Conclusion, aren't you afraid that there is something you haven't noticed?"

"I'm sure I've checked Yu Hua's movements, online chat records, purchase records, the frequency of common words used in the input method, etc." Lian Yufan said, "I can't think of anything else to investigate for the time being."

Director Xiao took out a file bag from the drawer: "The day Yu Hua shot, he bought a hundred scratch cards at the lottery station next to the game hall, have you checked it?"

You Zhengping felt heartache when he mentioned Scratch, and he kept holding back and didn't ask Yu Hua why he went to the lottery station. At this moment, You Zhengping was having trouble breathing, and asked sternly, "Has he won the lottery?"

"No," Director Xiao said ruthlessly, "he doesn't look like a lucky person. After he drew the lottery, he asked the lottery station how to redeem the prize, and he left disappointed when he learned the method."

Lian Yufan frowned and said, "I really didn't find out about it, but buying scratch music isn't something that needs attention, right?"

Director Xiao nodded: "Scratch music only proves that he is unlucky, and he didn't even get two dollars for a hundred copies. But it can also prove that he who is unlucky may enter Zhen Li's office when he is looking for a job. "

Lian Yufan: "... Director, did you come to the conclusion that he was not a saboteur?"

Director Xiao said, "I just want to tell you that Yu Hua's going to the game hall not only