Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life

Chapter 9: Works related (9)


It's shooting and whack-a-mole, he also bought scratch, you ignore that. Similarly, when he went to the human resources market, he was not only looking for a job, he also went to another place. You only find the trajectory of his movements, but you don't delve into the details. "

"Where else has he gone?" You Zhengping asked with concern.

Director Xiao took out a medical record from the file bag and sighed, "Go through the back door of the talent market, and there is a psychological counseling room in the opposite office building. Since six days ago, Yu Hua has always taken the opportunity to find a job to go there. Psychological consultation, this is his consultation file, do you want to see it?"

This was something that his lover didn't want him to know, and You Zhengping didn't want to peek. After hesitating for a while, the file was taken away by Lian Yufan.

Yu Hua dared to go directly to Zhen Li's studio to apply for a job. Naturally, he was fully prepared. How could he not have expected that the World Guardian Organization would investigate some of his abnormal records

No matter who it is, accidentally injuring the leader, changing furniture frequently, practicing shooting (and also on the hot search by Zhen Li), buying scratch music (it is very sad after checking the lottery exchange process, and if you need to register your identity, winning the lottery cannot be used as money laundering). reasons), changing phones, these are all too suspicious.

Yu Hua did not choose to cover up these traces, and he freely let the guardian organization investigate.

The furniture and tableware have long been thrown into the garbage dump for disposal, and it is impossible for the guardian organization to find the furniture he accidentally destroyed in the mountain of garbage. In addition, sanitation workers will not cherish these discarded items in the process of transporting garbage. The treatment method is very rough, and it has long been impossible to see which way the furniture was originally destroyed.

Only the mobile phone, Yu Hua, was reluctant to throw it away, so he could only reluctantly use a small hammer to smash the already broken mobile phone into more pieces. Yu Hua's heart was bleeding when he smashed the phone with You Zhengping on his back.

After preparing all of this, Yu Hua went to the counseling room in an extremely secretive way.

He just wanted the guardian organization to find some obvious evidence first, and when he was almost determined to be a passer-by, he would find the psychological counseling room and successfully turn the tables.

Yu Hua had a total of five psychological consultations, which were held for five consecutive days, once a day. The first two times he was very resistant, and the psychological test results were also in good shape.

For the third time, under the professional guidance of a psychological counselor, he began to gradually "let down his guard" and admitted that he deliberately chose the option with a good answer in the test. Yu Hua was an executive of the Human Resources Department, and he also had some knowledge of psychology. He could even memorize most of the test questions, so he was naturally able to answer the best option.

During the fourth psychological counseling, he confessed his destructive tendencies. When helping the leader, he suddenly wanted to beat the person who usually made him work overtime and squeezed him to embarrass him. After pushing the leader, he felt very guilty, and he never thought he would become like this.

Although his colleagues interceded for him, Yu Hua insisted on resigning, also afraid of another attack.

He was worried that he would hurt You Zhengping, so he didn't have contact with his lover for a long time. Excessive restraint can be counterproductive, he will smash furniture after his lover leaves the house, and enjoy the thrill of destruction.

He also confessed that he did not cook for his lover for a week. Seemingly delicious meals are processed semi-finished products he buys or takeaways bought directly from home-cooked restaurants.

This state of affairs continued for seven or eight days, until he unconsciously smashed the mobile phone given by his lover, Yu Hua realized that the situation was not right, and began to actively face the problem and solve it.

He first tried to reach more people in the mall, and then he played whack-a-mole in the game hall. He deliberately failed to hit any of them, trying to control the desire for destruction through hitting games. It's not that he can't shoot basketball, but he is considering his own strength.

He even bought a hundred scratch cards, just to enjoy the destructive action of "scratching".

He was afraid that his lover would know about it, so he kept hiding the situation.

During the fifth consultation, Yu Hua's condition had improved a lot. He said that he couldn't let his lover bear the heavy financial pressure, so he decided to take the initiative to interview for a job, and he was willing to try some less stressful and more creative studios. It doesn't matter if a leather bag company was involved. Most of these bosses have ghosts in their hearts. If he really can't control it. The desire to beat people, beat this boss, he dare not call the police.

People who have seen the psychological counseling records: "… "

Cen Xiao remembered Zhen Li's stupid appearance, nodded and said, "Yu Hua is still very smart, Zhen Li definitely wouldn't dare to call the police when he was beaten."

You Zhengping recalled that during the meal, Yu Hua said that Zhen Li was a perfect leader who lacked social common sense and was easy to manipulate. At that time, he didn't understand Yu Hua's subtext, and he didn't expect that there would be such a hidden secret.

"Captain You, pay more attention to your lover's situation in private," Director Xiao said with concern, "He can control your emotions and help you stabilize your abilities. He is indispensable."

"It's because the salary for my job at the beginning was too low! I should have known that the job was higher!" You Zhengping said.

He also enjoyed the feeling of being raised by Yu Hua, so he didn't change jobs. It was all his fault, which put too much pressure on Yu Hua.

Director Xiao: "Cough!"

The story Yu Hua prepared was reasonable and had already convinced most of the Guardians, but Lian Yufan was the only one who was not reconciled.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Director, this may also be prepared by him in advance. I can't fully believe this conclusion. I applied for a crisis test, and asked Captain You to cooperate."

The author has something to say:

Yu Hua: In terms of prediction, no one can compare to me.

This is the second update, and there is still one more update. It will be updated before 6 o'clock in the evening. I love everyone, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Chapter 21

Early in the morning, Yu Hua turned on the TV news channel, put on an apron with the background sound of the morning news, and absentmindedly chopped stuffing, rolled noodles, and made dumplings.

You Zhengping didn't send him a message overnight, and Yu Hua didn't send him a message for fear of disturbing his work.

I don't know the scope of work of the auxiliary police, but it is definitely illegal to peek at the information while on duty. Yu Hua wanted to be a virtuous family member and did not want to cause trouble to You Zhengping.

Even though he was worried about You Zhengping all night, Yu Hua was a little fortunate that his lover worked overtime last night. He didn't know whether there was surveillance at home, if only he could know what happened at home after he left, Yu Hua thought while rolling out the dumpling wrappers.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in front of him. The leader was the handsome uncle who played against Zhen Li in basketball that day. He was leading people to search the kitchen.

Yu Hua stretched out his hand, and what he encountered was a phantom, and he knew it.

This is "space-time playback", a certain ability of Yu Hua's seal, which can play back what happened in this place a few hours or even years ago, and only the user can see it.

Since he just wished so much to know what the Guardian did in his house last night, Yu Hua unintentionally unlocked another ability.

Yu Hua rubbed his eyes feebly, his seal was like some three-nothing product, with no quality to speak of.

Fortunately, due to the huge energy that supported the operation, it was still sealed, and Yu Hua could only see the playback within 24 hours. Just as he wanted to know what the guardians did yesterday, he followed the actions of several guardians to watch.

With a thought, Yu Hua adjusted the speed to 128 times, and several hours passed by in a flash.

Yu Hua saw that Lian Yufan, who used the handsome uncle's face, didn't say a word throughout the whole process. He always used his gestures and eyes to tell his subordinates to do things. This set of gestures should be a secret code for the guardians. Yu Hua could only understand the general meaning, but could not fully read.

They checked around and found the safe that Yu Hua had secretly hidden in the cabinet when he was decorating. The handsome uncle pried open the safe with a surprised look on his face, and took pictures of Yu Hua's desk calendar and diary in the safe one by one.

Afterwards, these people found the cell phone that Yu Hua had hidden, and Yu Hua frowned slightly when he saw that the cell phone was taken away.

He did buy mobile phones and some expensive furniture with the money in the hidden accounts of the system. The origin of this money is unknown, and it would be very troublesome to find the source. Fortunately, Yu Hua has a cautious personality. Whenever he uses the money in the system, he will settle it with cash.

In order to confuse the Guardian, Yu Hua even took out some of the cash and put it in the safe.

He used to work in the company, and the year-end red envelopes were all directly found in gold, and he often put part of the bonus in the safe in front of You Zhengping. Cash is circulating in the market, and it is very difficult to find out, and it is impossible for the guardians to find out the source of funds for the purchase of mobile phones.

The reason why Yu Hua was unhappy was not because he was worried that they would have questions about the funds, but because he was worried that they would not return the phone. Even if it was broken, it was still a gift from You Zhengping.

After taking these things away, Uncle Shuai and the others quickly cleaned up the room and left without installing any eavesdropping devices or monitoring equipment, which made Yu Hua feel a little more favorable towards the guardian organization.

Yu Hua turned off the "time playback" and thought while squeezing the dumplings. Except for the unexpected lack of monitoring equipment in the room, the direction of the incident was exactly the same as his plan.

If the Guardians have discovered the counseling room, their only remaining means is to design a life-threatening scenario to see if he will use his abilities when his life is at stake. If not, his suspicion should be cleared.

While Yu Hua was thinking, the door was opened and You Zhengping came back.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the aroma of minced meat. You Zhengping walked into the kitchen lightly, saw Yu Hua making dumplings, and remembered the contents of the desk calendar, You Zhengping couldn't help but hug Yu from behind. magnificent.

He knew about Yu Hua's mental state, but he couldn't show it, so he could only consult a professional psychiatrist in the team after the investigation was over. The current You Zhengping, apart from hugging Yu Hua tightly to warm him, couldn't do anything.

Lian Yufan forced You Zhengping to take Yu Hua for a crisis test, Director Xiao also approved it, and You Zhengping protested overnight and was eventually dismissed.

At that time, if Yu Hua is really in danger, even if he exposes his identity, he will still protect Yu Hua.

"You're back." Yu Hua had long heard the sound of the door opening, felt You Zhengping hug him, turned his head slightly, and showed a warm smile to his lover.

You Zhengping slightly tiptoed and kissed Yu Hua's profile, then buried his head on his sturdy back, rubbed his head and said, "I haven't slept all night again, I'm so tired."

"You've worked too hard." Yu Hua's voice was a little depressed, "Will you resign when my work improves a little? Go back to the street to do work, and work from 9 to 5 as before, with a healthy schedule."

"It's hard to transfer, at least it will take a while. I asked Cen Xiao's relatives to help me change positions. If I resign too early, the other party will lose face." You Zhengping said.

Hearing Cen Xiao's name, Yu Hua's back muscles tensed, and he continued to make dumplings silently.

You Zhengping touched Yu Hua's back, and was sensitive to the slight change.

It turned out to be true! Yu Hua felt nervous when he heard Cen Xiao's name, what he wrote in his diary was true, he was really jealous of Cen Xiao! When You Zhengping noticed this, he was very pleasantly surprised.

Yu Hua has always behaved very indifferently, Cen Xiao and other younger brothers came to the house as guests, he would cook a lot of delicious food, and he would never point fingers at the friendship between You Zhengping and Cen Xiao and others. You Zhengping has always believed that his lover is very generous, and he will not be jealous and lose his temper, and he would even be jealous of others without thinking.

Although the object of jealousy was that idiot Cen Xiao, You Zhengping was still extremely happy.

He deliberately said, "If Cen Xiao hadn't come to take over this morning, I wouldn't be able to come back during the day."

"Really?" Yu Hua was like a quiet black cat, his heart was turbulent, but his face was calm, "Then you have to thank people, next time you go to work, I will make more snacks. Also, if you have time Treat your friends to dinner."

You Zhengping poked Yu Hua's back and found that his muscles were firmer, this person was not as good as he was.

"Okay." You Zhengping decided not to expose this matter, and kept this happiness in his heart, keeping it for himself.

Breakfast was prepared in this warm environment. You Zhengping was extremely satisfied. After breakfast, Yu Hua was about to go to work.

He put on his clothes and straightened his collar in front of the mirror. Before leaving, Yu Hua asked, "Are you still working overtime at night?"

"No overtime, take a day off." You Zhengping said.

After hesitating, he said, "Are you resting this Sunday?"

Yu Hua can rest now if he wants, he said, "The contract promises to rest according to the national statutory holidays."

"Then let's go on a date on Sunday," You Zhengping said. "I always feel that we've been together less often, and our schedule is a bit messy. If we want to go out and relax, it's just the two of us."

The sentence "Just the two of us" moved Yu Hua. From blind date to engagement, from engagement to marriage, from marriage to honeymoon, Cen Xiao and the others followed the whole process (worrying that You Zhengping's supernatural ability would run away and kill Yu Hua), but Yu Hua never enjoyed it. Only two people on a date.

"Yeah." He responded implicitly and opened the door, "See you at night."

"See you tonight." You Zhengping smiled heartily.

After Yu Hua left, You Zhengping lay on the bed with the character "big" and closed his eyes unhappily. Not only "the two of them" at all, but also a group of guardians who set traps!

Yu Hua came to the company, the studio door was locked, and Zhen Li didn't come to work.

He opened the door and saw that Zhen Li had not closed the window last night, and the table was covered with dust under the sunlight.

"Should hire a cleaner." Yu Hua said to himself.

He likes to do housework and take care of You Zhengping, but he is not willing to clean the office.

The studio is about 300 square meters. Zhen Li has no decoration, only a table. After Yu Hua took office, he bought a desk on a second-hand app. The two poor ghosts are planning to make a living like this, and then renovate them when they find a project to earn (launder) money.

There was a bathroom in the room. Yu Hua found a rag and planned to go into the bathroom to soak and wipe the table.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhen Li tied to the toilet seat with tape on his mouth. Seeing Yu Hua, Zhen Li struggled violently. He blew hard, and the tape on his mouth loosened a little.

Seeing Zhen Li like this, Yu Hua's expression was very calm, he quickly exited the bathroom, took out his mobile phone and dialed "110".

This is the most correct choice for an ordinary person to face when his boss is kidnapped.

"Don't move." A dagger pressed against Yu Hua's neck, just sticking to the aorta, "Put down the phone and don't call the police."

Yu Hua was carrying a mobile phone he bought himself, of course he didn't feel bad at all.

"Hold your head in your hands, leave the room, don't ask anything, don't look back the whole way, and don't look at my face." The man deliberately changed his voice, "If you leave here, don't come back. You've been fired. Go out and look for a new job."

Yu Hua: "…"

It is impossible to find a job, and his 100 million has not yet been received.

He put his head in his hands, and his brain turned quickly, thinking about whether this person was a passer-by or a guardian. If it is a passer, it will be simple, so presumptuous, kill it directly. If it is a guardian, it may be the crisis he predicted, and he must behave like a normal person throughout the whole process.

Yu Hua walked slowly towards the door, and out of the corner of his eye saw a bird cage with a parrot in it.

When did this parrot appear? Was he there when he came in? Yu Hua's alertness has not fully recovered, he is not quite sure.

The parrot stared at Yu Hua firmly, as if to remember him.

Last night, he used the make-up mirror to send a message to Zhen Li at checkout, causing Zhen Li to disfigure. It was around 20:30, and through the make-up mirror, you could see Zhen Li's intact face.

Zhen Li, who had been tied up in the bathroom just now, showed no signs of being beaten. He was tied here unconsciously or voluntarily. Most importantly, he was not disfigured.

When Zhen Li saw him, he anxiously tried to blow off the tape, as if he wanted to tell Yu Hua something in words. His eyes were sincere and did not flinch, and there was no sign of betrayal.

Yu Hua had long anticipated that the guardian might ask Zhen Li about the situation. If it was the guardian, Zhen Li could just follow the original plan, there was no need to panic.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Hua confirmed that the other party was a passer-by, and that Zhen Li hadn't revealed the fact that "Yu Hua is the mission target of the system".

The only question is, what is this parrot

Yu Hua stared at the parrot, opened his mouth silently, and made a "cooperative" mouth.

"Cooperation, cooperation!" The parrot said unexpectedly.

"Wait a minute," the man behind stopped Yu Hua, aiming the dagger at his temple, "What are you talking about cooperation?"

The author has something to say:

Yu Hua: Should I kill or kill or kill

The problem with Yu Hua's strength was that the seal was loose, and the arm strength of several tens of kilograms had turned into several tons. Gently holding the leader's back turned into pushing the leader hard against the wall. The force was from him, and the direction of the force was correct, but the magnitude of the force changed, and in the end, in the eyes of others, it became that Yu Hua suddenly pushed the leader against the wall.

Before Yu Hua didn't touch the furniture and it would shatter. It was because he couldn't control his power. If he was a little distracted, he would be too powerful to break the furniture. It wasn't that kind of destructive power!

Also, I mentioned earlier that Yu Hua went to the talent market to find a job. The first time, in Chapter 11, Yu Hua pretended to go to the talent market to find a job; the second time, Chapter 17, when You Zhengping and Yu Hua had dinner, mentioned that Cen Xiao's brother had found out in the talent market that Yu Hua had been looking for a job. It's not that I suddenly looked for a job without mentioning it.

The third update, we will see you tomorrow at 12 noon, love everyone~

Chapter 22

Yu Hua sighed invisibly. From these words, he could fully determine whether this person was a passer or a fool. It's really hard to be a big boss by revealing your abilities, personality and weaknesses just because of one mouth shape.

Facing the dagger, Yu Hua did not turn his head, but said quietly, "I didn't say anything."

He glanced at the door of the office and knew that he would never go out of this door. The guardian organization did not install surveillance cameras indoors, but there were surveillance cameras in the corridors outside the door. Yu Hua would be photographed as soon as he walked out of the door. Although he could use all kinds of excuses later, it was better to avoid it.

The windows were open, but the shutters of the studio were drawn. There are people monitoring the office building opposite, they can't see the indoor situation, but they can detect that there are three people in the room through infrared thermal sensing, and they can't kill the new intruders here.

It's so troublesome, the work is not easy, Yu Hua sighed.

"Want to lie to me?" The person behind him pressed Yu Hua's neck down, "Don't pretend, nothing in this world can be hidden from my eyes!"

Yu Hua was held down on the back of his neck, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He said, "Do you have a grudge against my boss? Why do you want to catch him, he's just an ordinary entrepreneur."

"Ordinary? Oh, you natives treat him as an ordinary person." The person behind him sneered, "Don't change the subject, what does cooperation mean? I'm ready to let you go, it's you who exposed yourself!"

"You know he's not an ordinary person?" Yu Hua's voice contained a low trembling.

"Huh? You actually know that?" Humanity said behind him, "Who are you? Are the natives still like Zhen Li?"

Yu Hua said, "Of course I'm different from the boss. He has a lot of power. How did you catch the boss?"

"Strong fart! He's a fool, he won't say anything when asked." The man behind him said, "You've seen Zhen Li's power, and he even accepted you as a personnel manager. He seems to trust you very much. Tell me about you and him. In the experience of getting along, every detail must be explained clearly, and what does cooperation mean?"

Yu Hua lowered his eyes, avoiding the sight of the parrot, gradually getting a rough outline of what happened before.

The people behind him were the passers-by sent by the system to kill Yu Hua, and they were basically no different from Zhen Li. According to Zhen Li, not all the passers-by received this task. The passers-by who got the task formed a customs clearance alliance. They kidnapped Zhen Li and asked Zhen Li, the cannon fodder, to come to explore the way.

The troopers who came before the big army came to this world were all marching first, and they were all cannon fodder.

The people behind him thought that Gao Zhenli was the first. They grabbed Zhen Li before his disfigurement last night and asked him if he had any clues about the boss. Zhen Li won't say it, but he is a character who can't hide things, and there is a parrot watching behind him, so Zhen Li will definitely show his tricks. After the conversation between the two broke down, people behind them noticed that Zhen Li had opened a studio, and wanted to start looking for clues from here, and there was today's scene.

New entry, relatively stupid, easy to use, there is a strange parrot that can monitor other people silently, the guardian organization's suspicion and investigation of Yu Hua, the dangerous test that is hidden somewhere, the lack of a cleaner... Currently Countless things that needed to be resolved flashed through Yu Hua's mind, and he combined all these things to produce a perfect plan.

I just want to aggrieve myself and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger for the time being.

Yu Hua was not strong from the beginning, he was also weak before, and showing weakness was not unfamiliar to him, but it was a little far away, and he wondered if he could pick it up.

Yu Hua said: "My boss doesn't look like a human, he is very strong, he can eat a cow in one bite, and to describe it in relatively simple terms means he has superpowers. He forced me to work for him, saying that he was looking for a more terrifying person. People. I'm just an ordinary person who came to apply after seeing a job advertisement, but got on a pirate ship and can't escape. You can subdue my boss, isn't it amazing? Before I walked out of the office just now, I wanted to be able to cooperate with you. ', just kill my diabolical boss."

"Why is he so powerful? Ha! Didn't you see me tying him up?" The humane said behind him, and he seemed to let down his guard.

"I don't know what method you used to subdue him, but he will never catch him. He might be able to blow the tape down and eat the rope as food!" Yu Hua shouted in "fear".

The door of the bathroom was ajar, and Zhen Li, who could always hear the conversation between the two, said, "..."

Is the Great God teaching him how to use his poor ability to escape

Zhen Li looked down at the hemp rope tied to him. His extra-dimensional stomach can only eat food. From the material point of view, the hemp rope is indeed an edible item. If it is considered as food, it is not delicious. Very damaging to teeth. Zhen Li gritted his teeth, the Great God did not blame him for being caught, he was already kind enough. If this can't even get out of trouble, then he's really screwed.

Zhen Li thought that if he behaved well, he might be able to obtain treatment without disfigurement.

He desperately threw off the tape that had been blown open by him, opened his other-dimensional stomach at the same time, slammed his heart, raised his legs with difficulty, and bit the rope on the legs.

At this moment, Zhen Li's body was bent into an incredible shape. If it weren't for his flexibility, a normal person might have dislocated his joints by now.

Zhen Li took a deep breath, exerted the maximum suction of the different-dimensional stomach, and finally sucked the rope into the different-dimensional, little by little, and successfully escaped.

He rolled down the toilet, numb all over, crawled out of the bathroom staggeringly, and as soon as he opened the door, he heard Yu Hua say, "As long as you can kill the boss and let me go, I'll tell you everything I know. The boss said that he can only target the approximate range of the target person now, he…”

Before Yu Hua could finish speaking, Parrot found Zhen Li crawling out of the bathroom and shouted loudly, "Come out, come out!"

The man behind him pushed Yu Hua away, threw the dagger out of his hand, pierced through Yu Hua's suit jacket, pinned him to the wall, and turned around to deal with Zhen Li: "You dare to lie to me that there is no clue? Fortunately, I thought of a way to cheat. As soon as you cheat the people around you, you will know that you have made a lot of progress."

Yu Hua stared at the hole in his coat, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

Zhen Li noticed that Yu Hua's eyes were miserable, and the play had to go on, so he cried, "Yes, I've already found the clue, if you kill me, you won't get anything!"

"Where is the boss's scope? What method are you going to use to find him?" The person behind him is no longer the image of the white-haired old man, but a handsome young man with short hair and long legs, dressed in black slim-fitting clothes, with a stern face, and he took out another handle in his hand. The dagger pressed against Zhen Li's chin, an assassin who was good at using short weapons and camouflage.

"Yeah," Zhen Li frantically gave Yu Hua a wink, "What method? How could I tell you?"

How would he know? He's just a poor boss working for HR managers!

"I know!" Yu Hua took the opportunity to "sell out" the boss, "Although I don't know the scope of the boss, the boss opened the studio and the internet celebrity live broadcast to find that person! The boss also forced me to keep recruiting new people with a deceptive contract. , He said that this plan requires a lot of money, and the studio must make money. He wants to recruit new people, and after he has become famous, he will sell harsh contracts to other brokerage companies! I don't want to cooperate with him to deceive people, you must stop him! "

Zhen Li: "…"

He said to the parrot assassin with dull eyes: "Yes, I need money, and I have to sell a lot of people to achieve this goal."

"Could it be that the boss you found is a rich man or one of the dignitaries?" the assassin said, "I already know that there are guardian organizations in this world, these people are lurking in the crowd, they are very powerful, and they have the help of the country's heavy weapons, you are For this reason, are you worried that the dignitaries will be protected and don’t want to startle the snakes, so you use the tortuous method of the studio?”

Zhen Li glanced at Yu Hua, and seeing Manager Yu blinked his eyes, he said understandingly, "Of course it's impossible, how could you guess my trick with your IQ."

The more negative he was, the more flustered his expression, the more the assassin believed his guess.

"I see," the Assassin analyzed. "In this undeveloped world, there is a very powerful organization. They are the real murderers who prevent the system from developing this world and kill countless passers-by. Their leader is the mission target of the system. But The identity of the leader is very mysterious, he must be someone very important, but you don’t know which one it is, so you want to make money to improve your status, get a status close to them, and facilitate close observation.”

Zhen Li blinked, not understanding why things had changed so dramatically.

In fact, since he drank too much last night, the incident developed in a direction that he did not expect at all.

He fell asleep immediately after being drunk and woke up at seven in the morning. When I woke up, I lay on the floor in the studio all night, my whole body was sore, and there was a little brother in black sitting next to him, and there was a bird cage next to the little brother.

Zhen Li vaguely felt that the parrot in the bird cage looked familiar, but there were too many similar-looking birds in the world, and he was not a bird expert, so he couldn't tell them apart. He thought it was the brother in black who brought him drunk in the park. After politely thanking him, he was threatened by the brother in black with a knife to his neck.

The boy in black said that he was sent by the customs clearance alliance to respond to Zhen Li. The alliance leader said that Zhen Li was too weak, and it would be better to have an assassin hiding in the dark to help. The black-clothed brother is a cautious person. He secretly observed Zhen Li for a few days before he acted, forcing Zhen Li to ask if he had any clues about the boss.

Zhen Li's words flickered, deceiving the little brother, but not deceiving the parrot's eyes.

The younger brother concluded that there was a problem in the studio, so he tied Zhen Li to the bathroom and waited for the rabbit, and Yu Hua came to him.

Yu Hua heard the conversation between the two and said in horror, "What are you, what are you going to do? What is a guardian organization? Who are you going to kill?"

"It's not your turn to speak!" The assassin swung the knife, leaving a bloodstain on Yu Hua's face.

Zhen Li didn't dare to look at Yu Hua when he saw this scene. The barrier-breaker in front of him may be finished.

"What you found is very valuable, why don't you tell me earlier?" The assassin's little brother pinched Zhen Li's chin with his thumb and forefinger and said, "I'm here to help you, not to harm you, don't think about swallowing it alone. Clearance reward, eh?"

The nasal sound of the last "um" was sexy and deep, and Zhen Li turned her face away in pain.

"I'm going to join your studio and get me a manager too," the Assassin brother got up and said, "Why did you hire a local native to be the personnel manager, aren't you afraid of leaking secrets?"

Zhen Li swallowed his saliva and said, "Because... he is short of money, so he is easy to cheat, and... the studio needs an ordinary person as a cover."

This excuse was taught to Zhen Li by Yu Hua in advance. It was originally used to prevaricate the words of the guardian organization, but now it just happened to be used to deceive the assassin.

"How can you guarantee that he won't talk nonsense? I saw that he was going to call the police just now." The assassin said.

"Just... intimidate, frighten, threaten him with his family." Zhen Li said.

"Heh, the method is too low-level." The assassin walked to Yu Hua's side and touched the wound on Yu Hua's face with his fingertips, "I poisoned your blood, once you want to betray us, tell us who we are. , you will die immediately, do you feel the taste of the venom running in your blood?"

Feeling it, Yu Hua stared at the assassin indifferently.

The so-called venom is actually a kind of system energy. The power user whose main skill chooses the direction of the assassin will convert the energy into the destruction energy of the body's immune system, commonly known as poison/drug.

They can also add some restrictions to the effectiveness of the energy. This is the poison in Yu Hua. If he reveals the identity of the assassin and Zhen Li, the energy will immediately destroy his vocal cords, making him unable to speak; He can't write; in the end, he will die in agony with his mouth unable to speak and his hands unable to write.

Of course, this is the fate of ordinary people.

With Yu Hua, the moment the energy entered his body, he absorbed this power and successfully unblocked another 1% of his power.

Influenced Zhen Li's disfigurement, pierced his clothes, made the already-strapped family even worse, ripped his face, and unlocked his seal... If this person hadn't been useful, Yu Hua would have directly absorbed his system's energy and put the The poison/liquid energy was returned to him intact.

"Very good, you are already ours." The assassin said proudly, admitting that he had taken control of the overall situation.

The assassin picked up Zhen Li again and said to Yu Hua, "This is the powerful boss you said? Hahahahaha!"

He laughed and took a syringe, pierced Zhen Li's artery, and pushed the liquid inside.

Yu Hua's eyes lit up slightly when he saw the assassin's movements. Can this kind of venom be disfiguring? There is a new cleaner who can sell in the studio, so it is not necessary for Boss Zhen to sell his looks to make money.

"Don't think that you are not afraid of being a level breaker," the assassin put away the needle, put his palm on Zhen Li's shoulder, his eyes were sinister, "I am a special item exchanged from the system, a system that can contaminate the level breaker. Your system will be unavailable for a short period of time if you use the virus props."

Zhen Li: "… "

That's it? My system is long gone, didn't you find it

Yu Hua: "…"

That's it? Can't be disfigured for a while? Xiaoyou is still jealous, what should I do

The assassin who thought he had absolute control of the studio said to Yu Hua, "I always need a name to join the studio. As the personnel manager, draw up a contract and be obedient~"

He smiled evilly at the "poor and helpless" Yu Hua.

Yu Huaqiang resisted the urge to kill him, turned on the computer, and printed out a contract for "sanitation department manager". The contract stipulates that the sanitation manager should be responsible for the hygiene management and safety management of the studio, and at the same time, together with Boss Zhen, will make money for the studio.

The Assassin was in power, and without reading the contract, he just signed a name—the original sunset.

As the boss, Zhen Li wanted to sign the employment contract. He glanced at the terms of the contract, gave Yuan Sunset a grateful look, and made a "thank you" mouth.

"Thank you, thank you!" the parrot suddenly said.

"Thank you?" Assassin Yuan Sunset laughed, "Thank you so much? You're not a fool, are you?"

Zhen Li lowered his head and put on the official seal of the studio, thinking to himself, "Thank you for letting me jump from the bottom of the studio to the management. Thank you for letting me escape the disfigurement crisis."

After signing and stamping, he seemed to Yuan Sunset and actually said to Yu Hua: "The studio now has two employees, the best way to attract traffic and make money is to fire CPs. As long as CPs are fired, the two of us will be fine. Being bound, other managers are all cults."

"What to fry?" Yuan Sunset asked with a frown.

Yu Hua was relieved,