Mr. President, Unbridled Love

Chapter 202: Regaining control of the Tang family is in trouble


After resting at home for two days, Tang Xinluo felt that her body had completely returned to normal, and her morning sickness was much better, so she decided to go to work at Tang Corporation.

It is said to go to work, but it is actually to clean up the mess.

After Mrs. Tang handed over the shares she held to her, together with the other shares she bought from the market, Tang Corporation was completely in her hands.

But this is only a temporary victory, and at the same time, there are still a lot of problems waiting for her to deal with.

Fortunately, after the return of Tang's shares, Huangting Group immediately announced the capital injection into Tang's.

Lu Yuchen not only helped her repay Tang's huge loan from the bank, but also left her a start-up fund.

This kind of help made Tang Xinluo feel ashamed.

She secretly decided that when the company got on the right track and made money in the future, she must return the investment to Lu Yuchen.

"Xinluo, the current situation is like this... Several of our company's famous celebrities have been poached away. There are also several private studios below that left the company when the company's stock price plummeted. Now the company Here, not only are there no big-name stars, but there is also no reliable team."

Tang Xinluo was sitting in the CEO's office, listening to the secretary Lin Qian reporting the company's situation to her.

When the Tang Corporation changed hands, Mrs. Tang and Tang Ruolan drove away all those who disagreed with them.

Only, Lin Qian, the special assistant to the president beside Tang's mother, was left behind.

It's not that they don't want to drive people away, it's because Lin Qian has outstanding ability and knows everything about the company like the back of his hand.

If Mrs. Tang drove her away, she might lose her eyes.

In desperation, Lin Qian had no choice but to stay.

Lin Qian was actually a child who grew up in an orphanage. Tang's mother has always liked to do charity, and Lin Qian was raised by her sponsorship.

She has outstanding abilities. With the support of Mother Tang, after graduating from a prestigious university, she joined Tang Corporation and became Mother Tang's right-hand man.

"Where's Wan Weiwei?" Tang Xinluo suddenly remembered her 'friend'.

Wan Weiwei is actually an artist under the Tang Corporation.

But she didn't expect anything from Wan Weiwei. She had just started to become popular a while ago, so she might have run away by now.

"Wan Weiwei is quite loyal, she didn't leave."

"Didn't leave?" This answer surprised Tang Xinluo.

"That's right, the movie she's filming now is the biggest project the company invested in before the accident happened. I personally took care of this movie. Don't worry, Xinluo. As long as this movie is shot and released, Tang Corporation will be able to do well." turnaround."

Lin Qian didn't know what Wan Weiwei was doing behind her back. At that time, the most popular artist under the Tang Corporation was Wan Weiwei, and she was Tang Xinluo's friend.

Lin Qian was afraid that other people would turn against the Tang Corporation at a critical moment, so she tried her best to sign the play to Wan Weiwei.

"Sister Lin, go ask the crew about the situation and see if there is any problem there. Wan Weiwei and I have already fallen out, so..."

With just one sentence, Lin Qian understood the key point.

"It actually happened like this... Okay, Xinluo, don't worry, I'll go and ask."

However, things are always unexpected.

Lin Qian hadn't even left the office when a big piece of news was first exposed on the Internet.

A report titled "Artist Wan Weiwei under the Tang Corporation, defying power and exposing the unspoken rules in the circle" quickly spread on the Internet.

Especially on Weibo.

#Wan Weiwei is not afraid of power#

#Wan Weiwei refuses unspoken rules#

#混品唐氏转出足球圈# and other topics.

Overnight, it occupied the top topic list on Weibo, causing a lot of speculation.