Mr. President, Unbridled Love

Chapter 3039: The secret of Lu Che's life experience (2)


Seeing that Lu Che was puzzled, Lu Jiu frowned slightly with a serious look on his face: "The Qing Clan has an ancient scroll that records a method of refining Gu. It is said that this method can be used to refine a lost Gu. The long-standing, extremely domineering and ferocious Gu worm is called the Holy King Gu, the king of Gu.

But if you want to refine this kind of extremely overbearing Gu king, only the cauldron made of the bones of the saintesses of the Qing clan can be effective.

When your father took you in back then, your royal family of the Qing Clan had already suffered annihilation. You were brought into the hands of your father by your aunt, and she weakened and died after sending you to his hand. Afterwards, we buried her generously, but it didn't take long to find that her grave had been dug up and her bones were missing. "

"My aunt..." Lu Che had never heard that he had an aunt.

All she knew was that her father and elder brother didn't allow her to show herself as a girl since she was a child, and they didn't hide it from her. They only told her that she was not a real child of the Lu family, but they didn't explain where she came from.

Lu Che also asked old Lu Jiu when he was a child, but old Lu Jiu kept silent every time.

Lu Che was smart and sensible, and when he saw his father showing embarrassment, he stopped asking.

After all, his father and elder brother loved her sincerely. Lu Che knew that old Lu Jiu had done good deeds all year round and would always go to the orphanage to support some orphans, so he always thought that he was adopted by his father from the orphanage when he was a child.

Lu Jiu: "Your aunt is actually my father's... savior. She is not of the royal blood of the Qing clan, but an adopted daughter of your grandmother. But those people don't seem to understand this, and instead mistake her for a saint and dig up her bones." Go. Before she died, she specifically asked her father to keep your background secret, because of this, my father and I have been carefully guarding you over the years, just because we are afraid that someone will covet your identity and harm you again. "

Although Lu Jiu's branch is prominent, they can't guard against the mysterious witchcraft.

Just like when Lu Che was poisoned by Gu insects when he was young, even if they guarded against him again before, they still couldn't guard against the opponent's methods.

If Lu Che were a boy, the other party might let her live.

If she knew that Lu Che was a girl, she might have already started to be unfavorable to Lu Che.

Lu Jiu: "Those people were all traitors within the youth clan. After several trials, they determined that you were just a useless boy, so they didn't care about you anymore."

As an ancient and mysterious nation, the Qing nationality has a class system completely different from the outside world.

Within the Qing clan, women are respected, and the heir to the royal family can only be the queen, not a man.

Just because Lu Che was just a 'useless' boy, he escaped unharmed in the end.

It turned out to be like this...

It was only then that Lu Che finally understood.

It's just that she doesn't understand—"Brother, since they haven't doubted my gender for so many years, why did you suddenly bring it up? Also, what does this have to do with Lu Qilin and Ziyun Mountain?"

Lu Che keenly felt that the matter might not be simple.

Lu Jiu sighed, knowing that he always wanted to tell his sister: "Xiao Che, no... Now that the truth is revealed, Big Brother should call you Huanhuan from now on."

Compared with the name Shi Huan, the word Lu Che really looks like a boy.

Now that the matter has been brought to light, it is better to let Huanhuan restore her identity as a woman, and what else to hide.