Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1187: right direction


"Country y... This is country y... Song Yaoyao!"

"Girl, are you okay?" Someone put a hand on Song Jingwan's shoulder and asked worriedly.

"Don't touch me! Go away!"

Song Jingwan yelled and pushed her away, staggered and ran away clutching her scarf tightly.

The person who was pushed away almost fell over, "Oh! Damn! She looks terrible."

Indeed, as the kind person said, Song Jingwan's situation is very bad.

She didn't have any documents, no money, and she couldn't even get a taxi. She didn't even know where she should go.

Just wandering around like this, there are very few people on the streets of country y during the day, until night, pedestrians seem to be drilled out of the ground, wandering on the streets in groups.

Song Jingwan nestled in the corner, staring blankly at the luxurious hotel not far away.

Until, a tall figure suddenly broke into her sight.

She was shocked at first, followed by ecstasy, and rushed out quickly.


"Miss Song, Song Jingwan has been taken away."


Song Yaoyao looked at the man in the photo who was hugging Song Jingwan tightly. He has a handsome profile and a tall figure. The bright light of the hotel falls behind him, making him look like a god.

"Didn't you get a full face?"

Something flashed through Song Yaoyao's mind quickly, but before she had time to think about it, it disappeared.

I just feel that this man's face is very familiar...

"No, there are many bodyguards around that man, we can't get too close. Song Jingwan is currently settled in a villa by him."

Song Yaoyao lowered her eyes and tapped on the table with her fingers.

Suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Where's brother? Has he gone to Country Y?"


Song Yaoyao nodded, "I see, you go down first, and pay attention to Song Jingwan's movement. Next time, try to take a picture of the man's face for me."

When the study quieted down again, Song Yaoyao rubbed her wrist and fell into deep thought.

Where on earth had she seen that man

really weird…


The phone rang.

Song Yaoyao casually grabbed the phone, opened it, and a friend request jumped into view.

NX. Apply to be your friend

Remarks: [Don't rush to reject me, I have something to tell you, agree quickly.]

Song Yaoyao refused without blinking.

Just put down the phone here, and a call came in from an unfamiliar number.

Song Yaoyao wanted to refuse, but she paused on the reject button, and finally clicked to answer.

"It's me." The voice from the phone was slightly hoarse, sounding tired, "Don't hang up the phone, I really have something to tell you."

"Let me make a long story short, this calling card is temporary and will only be used this time. So please be quiet and listen to me. You checked the wrong direction, and the mastermind behind the scenes is not Zhongli—"

"I know." Song Yaoyao said lightly.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then a low laugh sounded, "Well, you are so smart, you really should have thought of it a long time ago. He just wanted to target my uncle and steal business from him, and he didn't want anyone's life. I mainly What I want to say is Zhong Lixue..."

Next, Song Yaoyao went from being careless at the beginning to sitting up slowly.

The entire call only lasted a few minutes, and the amount of information contained in it made Song Yaoyao unable to digest it for a while.

"Zhong Lixue... country y..."


A flash of light flashed in my mind, and Song Yaoyao quickly caught it.

She stood up abruptly, "It's him!!"

The man she met by chance at Alice's 'funeral'.

Song Yaoyao grabbed her phone, quickly contacted Huo Jiu, and gave a series of instructions.

Then, after thinking about it, she sent the photo to Huo Yunque.

Huo Yunque didn't keep her waiting for a long time, and quickly replied.

[He is still alive.]

The original Gorton family has disappeared into history, the head of the Gorton family was assassinated, and the only heir is missing.

It turned out that it had something to do with the Lancaster family.

It was inconvenient to type, so Song Yaoyao directly dialed the overseas number.

As soon as the connection was made, Song Yaoyao said with joy, "Brother, we are getting closer and closer to the truth!"

Huo Yunque smiled lightly, "Well, Mrs. Huo is really smart."

"Ah, why are you—" Song Yaoyao was embarrassed, "It's not serious!"

"Huh? Isn't it Mrs. Huo?"

This... really cannot be refuted.

Song Yaoyao curled her lips, "Yes, yes, brother, tell me specifically, what happened in the first place?"

"It's just a normal territorial competition." Huo Yunque said concisely, and was about to continue when he heard a gunshot.

Song Yaoyao was taken aback, "Brother!"

"It's all right, don't be afraid." Huo Yunque comforted her calmly, "I'll be fine, you have to be good."

"Sir, hurry up, it's dangerous here!"

Song Yaoyao tightened her fingers, and she pursed her lips, "Brother, you promised me to come back safely."

The voice on the other side of the phone became more and more noisy, mixed with the sound of messy footsteps. After a long time, Huo Yunque's deep voice was like a sharp knife, cutting through layers of noise, and it was clearly transmitted to Song Yaoyao's ears.

"I promise."

After hanging up the phone, Song Yaoyao sat withered almost all night.

Song Yaoyao went out immediately after dawn, "Arrange the plane, I'm going to country y!"

"Miss Song, you can't! It's too dangerous there, sir said..."

"Uncle Zhang, I've already made my decision." Song Yaoyao was very calm, "If something happens to my brother, I won't live alone."

In this world, she was already alone.


"Miss Song, I heard something happened to Mr. Huo?"

Song Yaoyao raised her eyes, and the first thing she saw was a bunch of white flowers. The handsome man was wearing a black suit and had an evil smile on his face. He handed over the flowers, "Congratulations."

Even if Song Yaoyao knew it in her heart, she would be very angry when she heard this sentence.

She dodged the flower and slammed it hard on Zhongli, "I'm sorry for your mother!"


Zhong Li was stunned, and it took him a while to react. First he laughed lowly, then laughed uncontrollably, "You know how to curse?"

Song Yaoyao didn't even look at him, and was about to get in the car.

"Hey, I came here early in the morning. Now the big families in country y are seizing power, are you sure you want to get involved at this time?" Zhong Li raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that you will die and come back?"

"Song Yaoyao!"

Huo Ningxi got out of the car, and he quickly stood in front of Song Yaoyao, "Be obedient, don't go to Country Y at this time."

"Oh," Song Yaoyao sneered, and gave him a hard gouged look, "What is your position to stop me? I think you just wish your uncle had an accident, right?"

"You—" Huo Ningxi's face faded immediately, "Is this how you see me?"

"Ning Xi, are you okay?"

Zhong Lixue took a step forward, held Huo Ningxi's hand, and said to Song Yaoyao displeased: "Miss Song, please don't be so mean to Ning Xi."