Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 146: You can't call grandpa



"Mr. Huo, this little girl suffered some skin trauma, you don't need to be so nervous."

It was the old man's attending doctor who helped Song Yaoyao apply the medicine.

He looked at Huo Yunque's frowning, his complexion was gloomy, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Because of the old man, he has a good sense of Huo Yunque.

This person looks very unapproachable, but in fact he is still very filial to the old man, but his temper is a bit colder and his influence is a bit stronger.

However, no matter what, they are still human—

Song Yaoyao raised her eyes, glanced quietly at Huo Yunque, and stuck out her tongue.

After waiting for the good medicine, she stood up pitifully and tugged at Huo Yunque's sleeve, "Brother, since we're in the hospital, let's go see Grandpa."

"You can't call him Grandpa."

Huo Yunque went out, and suddenly said something.

"Ah? Why?"

This is something Song Yaoyao didn't expect. She has few contacts and has a straightforward personality.

She likes Huo Yunque, and she calls him brother because he is young. Seeing the old man's age, so I call him grandpa.

So when she called people, she actually separated the blood relationship.

He caught her ignorant eyes.

Huo Yunque whispered, "Forget it."

Song Yaoyao scratched her head.

What, that's only half the story, what's wrong with these people

Walking up to the VIP inpatient area on the top floor, Song Yaoyao saw the familiar nurse, and immediately trotted to meet her.

"Sister, is the grandfather in that room there?"

"Huh? You mean Room 8, right? He's not here, I went to play mahjong with my friends." The nurse smiled and pointed to the left, "Go straight along the corridor, and then go to the room on the right at the end. The entertainment room, the person you are looking for is inside."

Song Yaoyao: "..."

She sniffed, dragged Huo Yunque and asked silently: "So brother, grandpa, is he hospitalized because of illness?"

Huo Yunque smiled lowly, "No."

is to play.

After getting the answer she wanted, Song Yaoyao felt that what Mr. Huo had done had refreshed her understanding of the hospital.

She is a person who particularly hates hospitals, and now she has met someone who regards hospitals as her home.

Simply unheard, unseen.

"Then I've passed?"

Song Yaoyao tentatively asked, "Will Grandpa be upset that I disturbed him?"


Only like you.

After getting Huo Yunque's answer, Song Yaoyao beamed, "I'm going!! Brother, do you want to be together? Or wait for me here? I want to surprise grandpa! Hehe!"

She walked briskly and ran all the way.

Seeing her cute appearance, the nurse couldn't help but smile.

This little girl is very funny.

Arriving outside the entertainment room, Song Yaoyao quietly opened a crack, and watched quietly through the crack of the door.

It was very lively inside, full of the old man's loud voice.

"Two! Eighty thousand!"


"Hi, sorry, I'm confused—"

She bent over and groped in furtively.

When the other old men saw her, Song Yaoyao quickly raised her index finger, "Hush!"

They nodded secretly and looked at the little girl amusedly.

But who is she looking for

Mr. Huo won the card, his face flushed with joy.

"Come on, come on, eh? Where is the mahjong left?"

"At this."

The little girl had a crisp voice, and in her hand was the mahjong she had just picked up from the ground.

"Oh, thank you," Mr. Huo was unresponsive, and he turned his head suddenly when he took it. When he saw Song Yaoyao, he was pleasantly surprised, "Yaoyao? Why are you here?!"