Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 150: Can this disease be cured?


"no… "

The nurse didn't expect Mr. Huo to be so defensive, she just showed a little disdain, and he was quickly caught by him.

She looked at Song Yaoyao pleadingly, hoping that she could help her to say a few words, only to see Song Yaoyao's dark eyes looked at her for a few seconds, and said lightly, "Grandpa, I don't want to take the medicine."

"What's wrong? Are you angry?" Mr. Huo patted her on the head, "If you don't look at it, don't look at it. What's so good about those pills? After so long of treatment, it's still—"

He paused, glanced at Mr. Shen, and shook his head.

The old man's physical condition is deteriorating, and these old friends see it, it is impossible not to feel sad.

But life is full of things, this is reality.

They are getting old, and sooner or later they will go, it's just a matter of time.

"Hasn't Grandpa Shen thought about trying Chinese medicine?"

Song Yaoyao tilted her head curiously, blinking her eyes.

Mr. Shen was not angry, "Do you know what disease I have?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be kidney failure?" Song Yaoyao nodded her lips as if thinking, "I've seen this kind of case recorded in books, and it's not incurable. Grandpa Shen, have you ever had a kidney replacement operation?"

What she said was taken for granted, but she didn't know at all that what she said shocked several old men who had seen the world.

Mr. Huo stared, "Yoyao, Lao Shen's illness, did you really see it yourself?"

"Yes," Song Yaoyao nodded her head, "When I first came in, I saw that Grandpa Shen's hands were swollen and abnormal. Later, I found that he often reacted slowly when playing mahjong, breathing deeply, and his complexion was pale. In addition to this Age, more or less have some kidney diseases, so I took the liberty to guess that Grandpa Shen is suffering from uremia. But I didn't take the pulse, I just guessed from the superficial symptoms, and I don't know if it's accurate... "

She stuck out her tongue, "If I made a mistake, I hope Grandpa Shen won't be angry, Yaoyao apologizes to you~"

The little girl talked about her illness so clearly that even the nurse standing at the door was stunned. How capable is this little girl? !

It is said that traditional Chinese medicine listens, smells and inquires. She only observes the symptoms of the patient, and guesses the patient's disease with a good guess.

Is Chinese Medicine Really So Miraculous

This is the best hospital in all of China. If their hospitals can't cure her, how can this little girl be cured

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

Mr. Huo couldn't hide his excitement, he pulled Song Yaoyao and asked carefully, "Girl, tell me, is your grandpa Shen's illness still recoverable?"

In fact, why do they have to stay in the hospital if they are not seriously ill? I just want to be a company with Lao Shen, and I don't want him to go alone. The current Mr. Shen is already in a state of half-giving up, taking the medicine as usual, but not doing other dialysis and the like. I don't even stay in the intensive care unit anymore. When I have time, I hang out with these old men, playing mahjong and chatting like when I was young.

Mr. Shen digested it for a while. He looked at his swollen hand and patted the position of the kidney in a very good mood. "It's already the second one. The hospital said it can't be replaced. This is life!"

"the second?"

Song Yaoyao frowned, stood up and walked over, "Grandpa Shen, can I feel your pulse?"

Mr. Shen said simply, "Okay."

All eyes were on Song Yaoyao, two minutes later...

"Can be cured, but—"