Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 194: Is it so exciting?


good, so sexy...


Song Yaoyao swallowed, her eyes straightened.

Her eyes were so hot that it was hard not to be noticed.

Huo Yunque looked sideways slowly, and when he saw a small figure standing outside through the half-open glass door, his face darkened instantly.

"Song Yaoyao, what are you doing?"

The little girl, every family, actually peeked at the man taking a bath


Song Yaoyao felt guilty and almost jumped up in fright, "That... I, I went to the wrong room!"

She twisted her fingers and rolled her eyes.

"Turn around."

Huo Yunque frowned slightly, his voice was hoarse and indifferent.

"oh oh."

Song Yaoyao frantically nodded her head and hurriedly turned around.

There was the sound of splashing water behind him, followed by footsteps.

It should be the muffled sound of bare feet stepping on the floor.

Song Yaoyao's small head was full of thoughts, and the messy picture made her face red and almost bleeding.

She licked her lips, stood there and waited for a while, but when she heard nothing, she turned her head restlessly.


Her eyes went dark, and a bath towel covered her face.

But before that, a glimpse.

Song Yaoyao still got a glimpse of the man's strong chest with clear lines. Drops of water slide down the chest, below—

It's sexy abs and mermaid lines.

Song Yaoyao was dumbfounded.

It wasn't until the man put on his bathrobe and came over to take off the towel on her head that Song Yaoyao regained consciousness in a daze.

She raised her head and called weakly, "Brother—"

Two lines of bright red flowed from the nose.

Huo Yunque supported his forehead, lifted her and walked out, "Song Yaoyao, you'd better explain it to me clearly."

Why did you break into his room without a word.

Song Yaoyao kicked her little feet twice in a helpless manner, her body was suspended in the air, half lifted and half held by Huo Yunque, blood stained him all over.

"My God, what's going on here?"

Uncle Zhang walked towards him and was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits, "Where is the injury? Come quickly! Call Dr. Liu over!"

"Sir, Ms. Song, who was injured? Why is there so much blood!"

Song Yaoyao's chin was supported by a big palm, and when she heard Uncle Zhang's question, she was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground and get in.

Looking at her brother's body, she had a nosebleed, and she didn't even have to live if she said it!

Sensing her embarrassment, Huo Yunque snorted coldly without a smile, and carried her back to the room.

Liu Yu soon arrived with the suitcase, and when he saw this familiar room, he complained incessantly.

It's this little aunt again.

"What's the matter today?"

The injection almost killed him last time, Liu Yu really didn't dare to give her another injection.

At a glance, the little girl was nestled on the sofa, and the man next to her was rarely dressed properly, and the bathrobe was covered with blood. Guan Jian's short hair is still trendy, and his collar is half open, which really makes people have to think about it.

"Sir..." Liu Yu's shocked mouth could be stuffed with eggs, "Are you playing such an exciting game?"

There was blood.

The man had a sullen face, his jaw line was tough and cold, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. Even if the clothes are disheveled at the moment, it still gives people a feeling of Zhou Zheng's abstinence.

I can't see it—

Liu Yu thought to himself.


Something exploded in his head, causing Song Yaoyao's mind to go blank.

Although she knew little, she could vaguely understand what Liu Yu said.

This stimulation made the nosebleeds even worse.

"Woo woo woo..."

Huo Yunque frowned, and looked at Liu Yu coldly.

"Still come over?"