Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 78: Is it a flower for me?


If you do this, you will be kicked out of the Huo family!

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, a dumb laugh suddenly escaped from the greenhouse.

Huo Yunque dropped the scissors casually, and the frost in his eyes seemed to melt instantly.


He shook his head and strode past Jiang Tao.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at her.

"this… "

Jiang Tao's legs went limp, and he murmured as he barely supported the shelf next to him, "How is this possible?"

Why is the husband not only not angry, but also pampering and indulgent

What exactly went wrong...

Huo Ningxi didn't even bother to look at Song Yaoyao, turned around, and sent a message with his mobile phone.

nx: Song Yaoyao ran away from home

Wanwan: Huh? Nothing... How could it be possible, Yaoyao is having dinner at home now. [cute]

nx: The person sitting in front of me is a ghost

Huo Ningxi rolled his eyes, raised his hand and took a photo and sent it over.


Song Jingwan shook her hand, and the spoon fell on the table, spilling a piece of porridge.

"Jingwan, what's the matter?" Song Rui frowned. There was no news from Song Yaoyao all night, which made his heart sink continuously.

"I..." Song Jingwan took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly, "No, nothing..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone was suddenly taken away.

Song Wenchuan frowned, glanced at the ongoing conversation, and looked at Song Jingwan with a look of disappointment, "What is this? Do you know that Song Yaoyao is deliberately hiding information?"

"I..." Song Jingwan rushed to grab the phone anxiously, her eyes were red, "Brother, how can you mess around with other people's privacy? It's just too annoying!"

"What news? Jingwan knows Yaoyao's whereabouts?"

Song Rui squinted his eyes, looking at Song Jingwan.

"Father... I, I just don't know how to say it," Song Jingwan almost gritted her silver teeth, she whispered, "Yoyao seems to be with Ning Xi, I..."

"That would be great—"

Song Rui breathed a sigh of relief, overjoyed.

"Where is she? Chuan, go and bring her back."

Song Jingwan's face froze, she lowered her head, full of resentment.

"I know."

"Brother..." Song Jingwan called him abruptly, her eyes were a little crazy, "Believe it or not, even if you go to pick her up, she won't come back?"

"She likes Ning Xi so much! After finally getting the opportunity, how could she let it go easily?! It's a pity that she didn't hesitate to use Mr. Huo in order to get close to Ning Xi. Now that she is with Ning Xi, if Mr. Huo finds out..." She smiled and asked quietly, "What will happen?"

"What did you say!" Song Rui suddenly stood up, his eyes widened.

"Song Yaoyao, when will you leave my house?"

"This has something to do with you?" Song Yaoyao shook her little feet, "If you don't like me, then go tell your brother~"

"Shameless! My uncle is so many years older than you, yet you still..."

"elder brother!"

Song Yaoyao turned her head, just in time to see the person she wanted to see. Her voice suddenly changed, sweet and soft.

Huo Ningxi gritted his teeth, this damn difference!

"Sit down."

Holding her upturned chair with his big hands, Huo Yunque sat down beside her, "Eat."

"Okay~" Song Yaoyao was obedient, and suddenly caught a glimpse of bright red from the corner of her eye, and she was instantly excited, "Brother, are these flowers for me?"

Huo Yunque casually put it on the table, "No."

But when I saw it, a vivid and charming little face did appear in my mind.

"oh… "

Song Yaoyao pouted, and quietly crawled on the table with her little hands, and then, like a thief, quickly stole the flower.

"It's mine now~~"