Mu Ye is A Devilish Spoiled Wife

Chapter 104: We will not be happy


watch movie…

This is really an activity for lovers.

She and Mu Beicheng have not been able to see a movie yet. what a pity…

"Miss Mo?"

Hearing the other party's voice, Mo Xiaoguo was at a loss. Instinctively raised her head to meet the expectant gaze of the other party, she nodded gently, and agreed, "Okay."

Mr. Zhang paid the bill, and the two planned to go out side by side. At this moment, the cafe suddenly broke into a figure.

This person is so eye-catching...

The majestic appearance of the handsome, instantly attracted everyone's attention. However, the solemn and stern expression made people stop watching.

It's like Satan in hell.

Mo Xiaoguo stayed.

As soon as he came in, her gaze would only be fixed on him, unable to move away. As if he was the only one left in the whole world.

Mu Beicheng also saw her.

Of course, it was inevitable to see the man beside her.

The expression became more and more gloomy. One step over, grabbed Mo Xiaoguo's hand and left.

"This gentleman!" Mr. Zhang stopped him, "What are you doing?"

Mu Beicheng was very angry.

Strong strength.

Clasping her hand, as if to crush her whole person.

It also seemed to be pinched on her heart.

"Let's go!" gritted his teeth and stared at the man word by word, with sparks of anger jumping in his eyes, as if to swallow her and the man together.

Mo Xiaoguo's heart was shaking.

"Mu Beicheng, you let me go..."

Still don't forget to struggle.

Can't fall anymore... Really not!

She reminded herself over and over again that her hand should be free from his palm. However, he buckled so tightly, as if worried that she would escape from his hands as soon as she slackened.


He didn't know that there were some things that he couldn't hold tight.

"Miss Mo, this is...?" The other party finally realized something was wrong and asked.

"He... I..." she replied, biting her lip lightly.

Mu Beicheng did not answer for her, but just stared at her coldly, as if he was also waiting for her answer, or, to be more precise, waiting for her sentence.

He also wanted to know who he was in her eyes just like that man.

Why can she go on a blind date like this after only a few days away

Is it true that between them, they can end if they say it is over? Actually, it's just that you care about this relationship

"We are just... friends..." The words finally came out, a few simple words, as if she had taken her strength away.

He obviously felt his hands tighten and tighten, and his eyes became more and more pressing and colder.

She dropped her head unbearably, her heart trembling fiercely. I heard Mr. Zhang say: "Since you are just friends, then this gentleman, please let her go. We are dating."

"A date?" Mu Beicheng sneered, his expression getting colder. He only stared at Mo Xiaoguo, questioning each word: "Are you dating?"

Mo Xiaoguo was speechless. The eye circles were red, and the lips were bitten white.

Mu Beicheng finally had no patience, so he pulled her and walked out. God knows, he really has the urge to kill now!

In the coffee shop, all the people cast strange eyes at them, but no one cared about it. Mu Beicheng's face was cold, he pulled her out, and pushed her into the passenger seat without any explanation.

She shrank in position.

In the large space, she was thinner and looked even more slender.

Mu Beicheng sullenly sat in the driver's seat, turned sideways to pull the seat belt for her, and started the car.

He drove extremely fast.

The facial lines are tight, and the thin lips are pressed into a straight line. The whole person looks gloomy and terrifying.

Mo Xiaoguo was sour when she saw it, after all she couldn't help but whispered: "Mu Beicheng..."

Mu Beicheng ignored her directly.

As if hearing nothing, continue to step on the accelerator.

On his arm, the bulging veins completely exposed his emotions at the moment.

"Mu Beicheng..." Mo Xiaoguo called again, tears already falling. This kind of him made her feel strange and alienated, and she was so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

Mu Beicheng couldn't bear it, and he slapped the steering wheel violently, and stopped the car suddenly on the side of the road with a loud noise.

He turned his face and glared at her.

Being scared by him like this. She was startled and stepped back an inch.


How could he allow her to shrink back like this, and with a long arm, he took her whole body over.

damn it!

She is thin!

He hugged her on his lap, her whole body seemed to be weightless.

Mu Beicheng pressed her on the steering wheel, and his eyes closed at her, as if he was going to take her to the stomach, "Give me a reason! Mo Xiaoguo, you'd better convince me!"

His actions are rude, even rude.

He pressed her hard, his back stuck on the steering wheel, as if it was about to shatter. However, she didn't know the pain, let alone struggling, she just looked at him with tears, "I'm sorry... Mu Beicheng..."

After a pause, she took a deep breath and finally found her voice.

"let's break up… "

The voice has been broken.

Like, the heart in the chest...

One inch, one inch, torn apart.

As if he hadn't heard her clearly, Mu Beicheng's eyes shrank, and he rushed into it coldly, "You say it again."

She suddenly couldn't help crying and broke down emotionally. As if trying to convince herself, she raised her voice and summoned the courage to say quickly: "I said, we broke up... We don't want to be together anymore, we won't be happy..."

A huge pain hit the bottom of my eyes.

He never expected that the word'break up' would come out so easily from her mouth.

Fury and pain swept over him. He was a little irrational, and grabbed her tear-soaked jaw, no matter what, he bowed his head to cover her lips, and kissed heavily.

It's not so much a kiss as it is a retaliatory bite.

He annoyed her and hated her.

I really want to crush her like this! Unfortunately, he couldn't bear it, he didn't even dare to use too much force.

He tasted her tears and felt her pain, and he relaxed a little uncontrollably.

The bite turned into a fragmented and predatory kiss in the end.

Mo Xiaoguo fell softly into his arms. From the initial struggle, finally, finally could not bear to surrender. She even wrapped his neck, sucking the breath that belonged to him greedily.

Mu Beicheng is going crazy.

Pulling your lips away from her lips by an inch, her misty eyes looked at her, her breathing was still messy, "Why on earth? What made you suddenly make such a decision?"

He wants to figure it out.

Such an inexplicable feeling made him feel terrible!

Mo Xiaoguo's tears flowed down again.

The fingers climbing on his neck were almost pinched into the flesh. She choked and said again, "I... have already decided..."

Thinking of her dying mother, she desperately swallowed more tears back, but continued to tremble and said: "Break up... Mu Beicheng, we... won't be happy..."

If it is really because of me and Mu Beicheng that my mother leaves early, then...

In this life, she will never feel at ease.

The departure of her father was already the deepest and most unable to forgive her pain in her heart. She dare not take this risk selfishly...

Her words shocked him severely.

The big palm of her arm was stiff as a stone.


On the face, there is no extra expression.

Dark eyes locked her, without waves. After a long while, he just spit out a few words from his lips, "again, say, again, again."

He was shaking when he heard his own voice.

Every word was bitten extremely hard, as if to crush the teeth.

Mo Xiaoguo knew that if he said these words, they really had no room for recovery. Feelings are often like this. It is difficult to start but so easy to end...

Even her lips began to tremble, but reason forced her to say that sentence completely.

"Break up, Mu Beicheng..."

The five most cruel words.

Obviously speaking from my own mouth, but...

But instantly her heart and soul were torn apart, and the whole person was in pain as if they were about to die.

Mo Xiaoguo didn't know how he got out of his car.

Seeing that car gradually disappeared from her vision, it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

But the tears could not be held back,'Pata' and'Pata' kept falling.

All of her body's strength was emptied for an instant, and she suddenly couldn't go any further, she just fell to the ground in embarrassment. Through the fog, looking at the passing cars and crowds, she was like a discarded child, suddenly wondering where to go.

"Miss, are you okay? Would you like to help?" The kind passerby stopped and asked.

She cried more and more arrogantly, like a child who lost a treasure.

She has something!

She hurts!

There was a hole in the chest.


No one can help her...

The only thing that can help her has been pushed away by herself. From then on... there will be no more entanglements...

Mu Beicheng has never been so angry. The car drove so fast, I didn't know it had passed several red lights. He even forced himself not to look at the rearview mirror, not to look at the irritating woman.

In her eyes, she is someone who can easily abandon her. Say break up and break up, say end and end, so simply and resolutely, don't worry about his feelings at all.

Thinking of the words'we broke up', at this moment, I feel like a needle. An angry palm slapped hard on the steering wheel, and he slammed on the brakes. The next moment, the whole person leaned in the large seat in the dark.

The huge haze enveloped him all over him. In the air, the depression cannot be dispelled for a long time.

Mo Xiaoguo buried her whole body in the bathtub, as if trying to fill the void in her heart. However, no matter how she abused herself, even the water was cold, but the feeling still entangled her for a long time to retreat.

Mo Xiaona was helping the aunt she invited to cook when she suddenly heard her mother's panicked cry, "Little fruit! Fruit!"

Shocked, he hurriedly lost what was in his hands and came out of the kitchen.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Quickly, knock the door open! Your sister has stayed inside for more than an hour and hasn't come out!" Lu Tianhui's eyes reddened anxiously.

Mo Xiaona immediately twisted her heart when she heard it.

He glanced at the wall clock hanging on the wall and was shocked.

"Mo Xiaoguo! Mo Xiaoguo!"

She slapped the door desperately, hitting the door with her shoulders, "Speak out when you hear it, don't worry mom! Mo Xiaoguo, did you hear that?!"


Where is there any sound in the door

Lu Tianhui was so scared that her face turned pale. It took a long time to think of something, then turned around and walked into the room.

She was already very weak, and even had difficulty walking, but her footsteps were fast now, and there was wind on the soles of her feet.